The night is getting darker, and the stars in the distance become more and more dazzling. They are dotted with the black sky and become the most beautiful existence in the night.

Ji Yao clamped the slender women's cigarette in his hand and looked up at Shao Ge. In the night, his eyes almost blended with the night, but his face was strangely white, as if he had applied a thick layer of powder on it.

"You are so clean now. Forget it, I don't bother to fight with you, but I won the bet because Shen Jue came to me."

Shao Ge has learned today why Shen Jue came to Ji Yao, so the knot in his heart has long been untied. He used to know that his "ex-girlfriend" was a particularly persistent person when he fell in love with Ji Yao in high school, so he didn't refute it.

Seeing that Shao Ge did not speak, Ji Yao lost interest.

It's boring. It's not as interesting as that big-bellied man. It's better to see the other person's face changing than to see Shao Ge's expressionless face.

Thinking of this, Ji Yao extinguished the cigarette and threw it into the trash can, then turned and walked into the house, but after two steps, he heard Shao Ge's voice behind him.

"I have promised to accompany you in acting, but don't bully him too much."

what is this?

Tell your ex, don't bully the incumbent?

Ji Yao turned his head, his red lips lifted slightly, "Okay, then I'll treat him better."


Shen Jue just slept, and found that Ji Yao's attitude seemed to have changed.

He seems to have forgotten to take Shen Jue to do this thing with the child, instead he asked people to bring up a lot of supplements.

"Here, this is for you, lest anyone say I'm harsh on you, a big-bellied man." Ji Yao kicked the box in front of him.

Shen Jue was taken aback for a moment, and naturally looked at Shao Ge. Shao Ge's expression was the same as usual, except that he took the apron from Shen Jue's hand, "Sit and rest. I'll cook."

Before Shen Jue could speak, Ji Yao had already spoken, "No, you can cook, but Shen Jue must cook for me, otherwise, why should I support you?"

Shao Ge frowned, "Whoever cooks is the same?"

"It's not the same, I'm going to eat Shen Jue's." Ji Yao glanced at Shen Jue obliquely. "Can you do it?"

Shen Jue was silent for a moment, and then said, "Then Shao Ge can help me out, is it all right?"

"All right." Ji Yao reluctantly said.

Although Shao Ge helped Shen Jue, in fact, Shen Jue didn't have much to do, just put things in the pot and fry, and the rest of Shao Ge would do it.

The three of them started a strange cohabitation life, each sleeping in their own room. Even when Ji Yao saw that Shao Ge made some intimate actions with Shen Jue, he didn’t react much, but sometimes Shen Jue turned around and found out Ji Yao looked at his stomach with a strange look.

That kind of look is chilling, but I can't tell what it is.

In these days, Shen Jue found that Shao Ge did not seem to be fooled by the supernatural powers. The relationship with him seemed to be warming up, and everything seemed to be going in a good direction.

This kind of smoothness did not make Shen Jue feel at ease, on the contrary, it was more like walking on thin ice. Every state he experienced had to taste hardships, but this one went smoothly from the beginning.

In a flash, Shen Jue was five months pregnant. In the first three months, there was no problem with his stomach, but after five months, his stomach became as big as a blow .

Because he couldn't always stay in the room, Shen Jue had to go out for a walk, but fortunately, the weather was getting colder. Wearing a loose coat, he could only see that the lower abdomen protrudes a little, but it is not obvious.

Shao Ge walked with him every day, and occasionally Ji Yao would go with him, but he did not walk with Shen Jue and the others, he walked behind, followed Shen Jue and Shao Ge, without talking.

In the past few months, Ji Yao has been too silent, as if as long as Shen Jue cooks for him every day, he will become obedient.

However, Shen Jue's physique seems to be different from when a woman was pregnant. A woman's pregnancy usually has morning sickness in the first trimester. Shen Jue didn't start morning sickness until the fifth month. When she got severe, her vomiting turned black.

This kind of morning sickness is often during cooking.

The more times, Shao Ge didn't want Shen Jue to cook, so he went to talk with Ji Yao, and he would do it later and let Shen Jue rest.

After hearing this, Ji Yao didn't answer directly, but looked at Shen Jue, "What do you think?"

Because of morning sickness, Shen Jue's fat face quickly lost weight, and even tended to be thinner.

Shen Jue thought for a while before saying: "I really want to take a break."

Ji Yao laughed, leaned back, and said casually: "All right, then you can rest."

As the saying goes, the eve of a storm is always the quietest, and so is Ji Yao. Three days later, Shen Jue was **** in the middle of the night.

Before he could react, Ji Yao took the rope and tied him up. After he was tied up, he didn't forget to use a cloth to block Shen Jue's mouth.

Shen Jue was surprised by Ji Yao's behavior. He didn't know what Ji Yao wanted to do, so he could only look at each other with his eyes.

After Ji Yao tied the person up, he grabbed Shen Jue and went out. He was so strong that he almost dragged Shen Jue out. When passing by Shao Ge’s room, Shen Jue tried his best to win away Ji Yao’s hand. The whole person ran into Shao Ge's door.

There was a loud noise, but the room was quiet.

"Don't think he can get up to save you, he can't wake up today." Ji Yao sneered and pulled Shen Jue again, "I put several sleeping pills in his water glass."

What does this lunatic want to do?

Shen Jue frowned, but was dragged out of the door by the other party and got off the elevator.

Ji Yao took Shen Jue directly to the parking lot, and then pushed Shen Jue into a van.

"Go up." He forced Shen Jue into the co-pilot.

He sits in the main driver's seat by himself.

After all this, he couldn't help touching the cigarette on his body, but when he glanced at Shen Jue's stomach, he stopped again.

Ji Yao looked at Shen Jue and pulled the cloth out.

Once Shen Jue was free, he opened his mouth, "What are you doing?"

"Leave here." Ji Yao replied lightly, because he couldn't smoke, he just played with the lighter in his hand.

"You are leaving, why do you want to bring me?" Shen Jue couldn't figure out what Ji Yao was thinking. This kind of people's thinking couldn't use common sense at all.

Ji Yao turned his eyes to look at Shen Jue and snorted softly. He raised his hand and squeezed Shen Jue’s now fleshless cheek, "I just don’t want to see you two staying together, so I decided to take you to the rivers and lakes. ,happy?"

Shen Jue's face gradually sank after hearing this.

"You untie the rope."

"I don't understand." Ji Yao separated his red lips, spit out two words, and started the car. He drove fast, and the guard at the entrance of the base saw Ji Yao's car and opened the door directly.

After leaving the base, Ji Yao drove faster, and they also met wandering zombies on the road. After seeing it, Ji Yao laughed, stepped on the accelerator, accelerated directly, and knocked the zombie into flight.

Such a brutal scene, he seemed to find it very interesting, and he played the game of driving and hitting zombies.

Shen Jue's complexion gradually turned pale, and sweat began to appear on his forehead at the back. When he started to vomit, Ji Yao slowed down.

"Shen Jue, have you ever seen the sunrise by the sea?" Ji Yao suddenly asked a strange question.

Shen Jue leaned under the seat cushion and said weakly, "I have seen it."

"Is it beautiful?" Ji Yao asked.


"Then you accompany me to take a look." Ji Yao said, turning the front of the car again. They drove for about two hours before reaching the beach. There were also zombies on the seaside. Ji Yao took a gun from the car and got off. After a while, he returned with blood.

He dragged Shen Jue down from Shen Jue's car door, and forcibly dragged the person to sit on the viewing chair by the sea.

It was already five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still dark. The style of the beach is so big that Shen Jue's cheeks hurt. The rope on his body is still tied, and Ji Yao is standing beside him, seemingly not ready to untie him.

"Ji Yao, if you want to watch the sunrise, can you untie the rope on my body first?" Shen Jue said weakly.

Ji Yao looked at the sea in the distance, but he couldn't really see clearly, but the sound of the waves could be heard very clearly, coming in waves and beating on the beach.

"No hurry." Ji Yao said, "Let's watch the sunrise first."

This wait took almost fifty minutes.

The golden sun slowly rose from the other side of the sea. The sky that was originally glowing with fish white was gradually dyed orange, and the surface of the sea was just like that. A light swaying on the sea approached the shore from the sun. .

Ji Yao squinted his eyes, staring at the sun on the sea, before speaking for a long time, "It's really beautiful."

Shen Jue had seen the sunrise many times when he was cultivating Taoism, so he was not surprised. It was only Ji Yao's behavior that surprised him.

When the sun rose completely, Ji Yao turned around and untied Shen Jue's rope. Once untied, Shen Jue was about to stand up, but after being tied for a long time, her hands and feet were a little numb, and she would fall when she stood up.

A hand stretched out to support him.

"Sit for a while, even if you want to go back, there is only my car here, and the car key is on my body, you can't get it." Ji Yao said lazily.

Shen Jue's eyes flashed unpleasantly, but he could only sit back, and when he saw the rope on the ground, he kicked it away. Ji Yao sat down beside Shen Jue. He was different from Shen Jue's paleness. He still looked very energetic after tossing in the middle of the night.

"Ji Yao, are you sick?" Shen Jue stared blankly at the sparkling sea in the sun in the distance.

"Yes." Ji Yao replied, "I have been born, and our family is sick, so who let you touch me, you deserve to meet me."

After hearing this, Shen Jue turned his head to look at Ji Yao, did not speak, just glanced at it, and then looked away.

They sat on the chairs for a while, and Ji Yao pulled Shen Jue into the car. He still forcibly pushed the person into the co-pilot, but when he opened the door of the driver's seat, Shen Jue had already raised the gun to his forehead.

Just when Ji Yao got off the car to kill the zombies, Shen Jue actually sneaked a look at the things on the car and found that there was still a gun in the car.

"Give me the car key." Shen Jue said coldly.

When Ji Yao saw the gun, his face changed slightly, but he still said, "What if I don't give it?"

The answer to him was Shen Jue pulling the trigger.


There is only one watch today.

[I am going to adjust my work and rest this month. I will update it at 6 o'clock every night. If I fail to do so, the chapter will be red enveloped. 】

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: MALIBU, cold type, 1 white rabbit candy;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of Hanhan, Yizheng Qingshuang; Guangjiu, Green Grassland, Yi Shuruoqian, Studious, Solstice~?, Mrs. Wanhua, 10 bottles of Light Twist; xiaodaieve, autistic daffodils, 5 bottles of Ananana sauce; 4 bottles of dumplings; love you big, _(:з」∠)_1 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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