Shi Jianan was obviously surprised that Murong Xiu would click his name, and he was taken aback for a while before he walked out of the team.

"Weichen thought that the imperial examination was a big matter, and the chief examiner's decision should not be rash, and should be discussed in the long term." Shi Jian'an bowed his head.

Murong Xiu looked at him, "Shi Jian'an, you are also in the Ministry of Rites, do you think you can take on this important task?"

Since Murong Xiu named Shi Jian'an, the regent looked up and stared directly at Murong Xiu, his eyes were a little surprised.

Because when Shi Jian'an was in Taixue, he was at his same level, and the two were fairly familiar. He would sometimes find Shi Jian'an for a drink during the holidays.

Shi Jian'an heard Murong Xiu let him be the chief examiner, and was silent for a moment, before bending down, "We are determined not to humiliate our lives and recruit talents."

After the next dynasty, Shi Jianan walked directly to the regent, and the two walked out together. Shi Jianan looked at the palace wall in the distance, turned his head and lowered his voice, "The lord, why did the emperor suddenly light up the minister? first name?"

The regent also found it strange, he fixedly looked at Shi Jian'an for a while.

Shi Jian'an is definitely not a beautiful man. His figure has always been thin and weak. Although his facial features are straight and he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, his complexion is always blue and white, and he looks like a short-lived ghost.

The regent suddenly thought of the dirty hedgehog following Murong Xiu.

Could it be that Murong Xiu likes this kind of ugly appearance?

Shi Jianan suddenly realized that the regent's eyes had become weird when he saw him. He blinked and touched his face unnaturally, "Lord, is there anything on Weichen's face?"

"No," said the regent, "but this king also feels strange, how did you get into that one's eyes recently."

Shi Jian'an smiled, "How does the prince know what the prince can't figure out? Could it be that the emperor uses the prince with his heart, but he is afraid that others will discuss it, so he retreats and chooses the prince second."

The regent raised his eyebrows, but did not answer the words, but said: "Since the emperor has asked you to be the chief examiner, you can do it well."

After he finished speaking, he quickened his pace and walked forward.

Shi Jianan fell behind, and bowed his hands to the back of the regent, "Weichen sent the prince."

When the regent was almost gone, Shi Jianan lowered his head and continued to walk forward slowly, not knowing what he thought of, and smiled.


Murongxiu was actually surprised that Shen Jue would mention Shi Jian'an.

However, Shen Jue said that he had a good relationship with the personal **** in the womb of the first eunuch. The **** said that the first **** not only praised Shi Jian'an for his excellent parallel writing, but also said that people who wrote well in parallel had good temperaments. .

However, at that time, the first emperor was afraid of the regent's party and deliberately suppressed it, so Shi Jian'an was not reused.

"Then I reuse him, isn't it a cheap regent?" Murong Xiu said displeased.

Shen Jue shook his head gently, "No, your Majesty, when the teeth and tongue are still colliding, let alone two people. Shi Jian'an and the Regent are at the same level, but the Regent is now in a high position with only hands. It covers the sky, but although Shi Jian'an is now a high-ranking official of the third rank, everyone regards him as the running dog of the regent, and he himself looks at the regent everywhere." He paused, and suddenly smiled, "No I know if your Majesty has ever heard of it, the little eunuchs in the palace used it as an anecdote."

"what's up?"

Shen Jue said: "When the first emperor was there, he once held a banquet. In the middle of the banquet, the first emperor left because of discomfort, and the regent was drunk at the banquet. Shi Jianan had to learn how to bark. Shi Jianan refused at first. The regent slapped Shi Jian'an, and Shi Jian'an learned how to bark honestly and kneeled on the ground. At that time, many eunuchs had seen it."

After listening to Shen Jue's analysis, Murongxiu gradually came back to his senses. Is there anything better than disintegrating the enemy's power from within?

As the saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest. He thinks that no matter how strong the enemy is, it will not be flawless and indestructible.

Therefore, there is a scene in the early dynasty today. Murongxiu deliberately reused Shi Jian'an. One of the purposes was to separate Ni and Shi. The regent was suspicious by nature. Even if Shi Jian'an had no objection to him, the regent could not help but feel relieved. Second, I want to use Shi Jian'an to select people. Because Shi Jianan was the chief examiner of the imperial examination for the first time, Murongxiu proposed to send him a copy of the answer sheet, so Murongxiu could participate in the imperial examination before the palace election.

On the surface, it seemed that Murong Xiu and the Regent had taken a step back.

In fact, reusing Shi Jian'an is greatly beneficial to Murong Xiu.


After the imperial examination was over, the answer sheet was sent to Murongxiu.

Murongxiu now trusts Shen Jue very much, so he not only does not shy away from Shen Jue when he corrects the test papers, but also asks Shen Jue's meaning. Only after Murong Xiu finished asking questions, he smiled, "I forgot, your enlightenment was taught by me at the beginning, and I only taught you common words at the beginning."

Shen Jue lowered his head and said with some shame: "A slave is useless."

Now that the entire capital has entered the winter, Xu Yuyi specially prescribes medicated food for Shen Jue, and Murongxiu is even more generous. Shen Jue eats all the rare ingredients. Young people always recover quickly. Shen Jue has now been raised to a ruddy complexion, and his thin face is now plump, and with his round eyes, it is a bit cute.

Still like a dog, just like a cute puppy.

Murongxiu couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed Shen Jue's hair, and found that Shen Jue's hair was as soft as his temper, and his eyes burst into laughter.

Shen Jue's face turned red, he hid Murongxiu's hand, and quickly picked up the teapot on the table, "The tea is cold, the minion will change it."

Murongxiu's hand suddenly fell free. He looked at Shen Jue who was walking out, curled his fingers slightly, and then slowly retracted it.

The smile in his eyes gradually became cold.

Shen Jue came back soon. He poured new tea for Murong Xiu, but accidentally overturned the tea cup. The tea overflowed all of a sudden and wet the paper on the table. Shen Jue let out an exclamation and quickly wiped it with Sipa. The paper was wetted several times, and when he wiped a certain one, he sighed.

Seeing him staring at a certain paper, Murong Xiu couldn't help coughing twice when he forgot to wipe the tea.

This guy made a mistake and dared to be in a daze.

Shen Jue returned to his senses, and saw Murong Xiu looking at him displeasedly. He smiled, but pointed to the paper and said, "Your Majesty, this character is really beautiful."

Murong Xiu followed his hand and looked at it. The corner of the paper was wet with tea, but it did not affect the content. He glanced a few times, then calmly said: "It's acceptable."

Naturally, Shen Jue overturned this cup of tea deliberately in order to let Murong Xiu pay attention to the owner of this answer sheet.

The owner of this answer sheet is called You Congxuan.

He did not have a middle official in this imperial examination, but he won first place in the imperial examination three years after Shen Jue's death. The reason Shen Jue asked Murongxiu to choose this person in advance was--

You Congxuan and Murong Xiusheng are like five-pointers.

In previous lifetimes, You Congxuan made Murongxiu and the Regent have a quarrel on many occasions. In the worst case, the Regent did not come back to the court for several days, but slept in the flowers and willows all day.

You Congxuan is a poor student. This time he came from his hometown for the imperial examination. He himself was very scheming. After knowing how similar he and Murong Xiusheng were, he firmly grasped this opportunity and got a good life in the capital. .

However, You Congxuan still made a huge mistake. He thought that this face would make everything worry-free, but after all, the master is here. How long can his counterfeit jump?

You Congxuan was smart and sufficient, but he was greedy for money. After he became an official, he began to embezzle. In the end, the regent personally investigated the matter. He sealed You Fu and threw You Congxuan into the sky prison. Finally, You Congxuan died of illness in the sky prison. Up.

But now it's different.

The face of the Lord has been ruined, and the value of this fake You Congxuan is extraordinary.

Shen Jue felt that the regent would like the gift he gave.

"The minion hasn't seen such beautiful characters yet, and I don't know what the person writing this paper looks like." Shen Jue deliberately asked Murong Xiu to look at the test paper more.

Murong Xiu heard the words, but stood up, "Since the answer sheet is wet, let's look at it later, Shen Jue, accompany me to the Royal Garden for a walk."

Shen Jue frowned secretly, but could only put down the paper.

Murongxiu turned his face slightly and noticed Shen Jue's movements. Shen Jue obviously didn't want to put down the paper, so the speed was very slow. Murong Xiu narrowed his eyes and turned away.

He is not a fool, and Shen Jue's move is obviously problematic.

Ever since Shen Jue mentioned Shi Jian'an to him, he felt that Shen Jue was not as ordinary as he thought.

It's really strange that a harem **** knew so much about the previous dynasty.

Murong Xiu became suspicious of Shen Jue, so he went to look through the test paper deliberately. He looked at the three characters "You Congxuan" on the test paper, after thinking about it, he still circled it with a Zhubi.

Since Shen Jue wanted him to pay attention to this person, he should pay attention.

In the end, the candidates for the palace examination were jointly selected by Murong Xiu and Shi Jian'an. Interestingly, both Murong Xiu and Shi Jian'an circled You Congxuan's name.

On the day of the palace examination, Murong Xiu saw You Congxuan at a glance, and his face changed at the moment he saw it.

Except for Murong Xiu, many people in the court changed their faces, headed by the regent.

The regent stared at You Congxuan almost impolitely.

Murong Xiu couldn't help but clenched his hand on the armrest faucet. He looked at You Congxuan in silence, and then said to the Regent: "Prince Regent, I'm a little tired. Isn't it okay for you to write the questions for this palace exam?" "

After the palace test, Murongxiu immediately asked Liang Rong to call Shen Jue over.

Shen Jue knew that Murong Xiu must have seen You Congxuan's face, so when Liang Rong called him, he was not surprised, and he had already figured out the words in his heart, but when he came to Murong Xiu, he realized that his words might not be used. On it.

Murongxiu's eyes flushed, and he stared at him, "What's the matter with You Congxuan? Don't want to lie, I know you know him."

Shen Jue sighed secretly, and could only kneel down, "Your Majesty, the servant knows You Congxuan, but the servant is for your majesty's good."

"For my good? Then tell me your reasons. By the way, how did you know You Congxuan?" Murong Xiu said irritably, as if he was extremely angry. "I already know that you and You Congxuan came from the same place. ."

Shen Jue was taken aback for a moment. He knew You Congxuan's hometown, but he never cared about his own hometown. Is it possible that he followed You Congxuan or a fellow?


Murong beauty blows up her hair online, it will be blackened if she doesn't coax well.

Shen Jue: Wait! I can explain!

In fact, every day I think about when Murong Beauty can be blackened, so I want to write there quickly. The most pitiful thing is that I can't spoil you with you yet, I really want to make an official spoiler. However, I can still tell you that if Murong's face will be good, when will it be good? When he blackened. 【I can accept whether it is beautiful or not, but I cannot accept whether it is beautiful or not. This is the bottom line of my face control. 】

Thank you little angels for voting for me overlord~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 blue bird, 1 if it is forever, 1 lonely pine

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: The heartbroken Miss Shenjingbing 1 piece

Thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of rat sniffing, 5 bottles of Sicily

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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