A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill that nine-tailed fox (4)

Xie Shen closed his eyes again, but did not relax.

The snow squirrel in front of me resembled the thing that had just turned into a girl, and had a similar body shape, probably the same one.

I don't know what it is close to what they want to do.

Although the girl withdrew her hand, her eyes still couldn't help but look at Shen Jue. She thought about it and took out a handful of melon seeds from the storage ring.

"Eat it?" She handed the melon seeds to Shen Jue.

Before Shen Jue reached out to grab it, the immortal rope on his leg moved, and then he was pulled back to Ma You's.

Ma You didn't open his eyes, only a big hand pressed Shen Jue, making Shen Jue unable to escape, then smiled and said: "Eat so much at night, beware of diarrhea."

When the girl heard the words, she couldn't help but glared at the horse, but the other party didn't even look at her, so she could only take the seeds back.

The bed was occupied, and the girl could only sit against the tree trunk. She wanted to talk to Xie Shen next to her, but the other party kept meditating with her eyes closed, so she could only stare at the grass in front of her boredly.

As the night deepened, the girl felt sleepy and slowly fell asleep again.

At this time, the snow squirrel was forced to spread its belly. The horse had a finger from top to bottom, and it had to pinch its paw every time.

Shen Jue became a little angry. After Ma You touched it again, he hugged the opponent's finger and bit down.

After all, it is a high-level monster. After this bite, Ma Youu has two more blood holes in his fingers. He took a breath and put his hand back, "Little beast, with sharp teeth."

When the words fell, he used the spell in his hand to hit Shen Jue, but Shen Jue had been mentally prepared, and swish rushed to Shen Jue.

Xie Shen didn't know if he didn't react, or was unprepared, Shen Jue followed his arm directly to his shoulder.

Ma You got up, wiped the blood on his hands casually on his clothes, "Run very fast." After saying that, he walked towards Jie Shen, Shen Jue took a look, and jumped to understand Shen's head. , Two paws clutched the unsinking bun tightly.

The girl was passively awakened. As soon as she woke up, she saw Ma You walking here, and she immediately lit her sword, "What are you doing?"

Ma Pao paused, and squeezed a smile at the girl, "Nothing, I just caught the disobedient beast back."

Xie Shen had already opened his eyes, he reached out his hand to catch Shen Jue from his head, and threw towards Ma You. Ma You smiled and said thank you, so she hung Shen Jue upside down from the tree with a celestial rope.

Seeing this scene, the girl couldn't help frowning. She thought that they entered the forbidden area for the purpose of forming a contract with the monster, not to abuse the monster inside.

"Why are you torturing it like this? If you don't like it, just let it go." The girl said to Ma You.

"Junior sister really has a bodhisattva heart, but when you look at this little thing is cute, in fact, there are so many bad thoughts." Ma You said slowly, "Besides, it's just a beast with no wisdom. I really like this little beast, and I can barely give it to Junior Sister, as long as Junior Sister asks me to pick a magic weapon from you."

Change a magic weapon for an ignorant monster?

The girl wouldn't agree at all, so she could only put aside her face and looked into the distance with anger.

But at this moment, the solution has been silent and he said, "What magic weapon do you want?"

"Yo, Junior Brother, do you want to change with me? What magic weapon do you have?" Ma You seemed to become interested and immediately took two steps forward.

Xie Shen looked at Ma You and reported the names of a few artifacts.

In the realm of comprehension, there are three levels of magical artifacts, three levels in heaven and earth. Among them, the heavenly artifacts are the rarest and most precious. Most monks can have a few Chinese artifacts. It is already very good. The names of several Chinese instruments.

When the girl heard this, she couldn't help looking at Xie Shen in surprise, "Jie Shen!"

"Do you change it?" Jie Shen looked at the girl, and only said to Ma You.

Ma You touched his chin, "These are too common. You should have a heavenly artifact on your body?"

"Yes, but this squirrel in your hand is not worth it." Xie Chen said calmly.

Hearing this, Ma You seemed to have lost interest, and sat back on the bed again, "I only trade with heavenly artifacts, other things are not rare."

"You!" The girl couldn't help but uttered, "Isn't it not enough to exchange the magic weapon for an ignorant monster? Besides, you don't like it, you will only practice it."

Ma You didn't answer, smiled, lay down again and went to sleep.

And Shen Jue was still hung upside down and was swayed by the wind. He was muted by Ma You, otherwise it could be said that he knew the traces of the nine-tailed fox, so Xie Chen had a fight with the horse. .

The immortal rope tied only listens to the owner's orders, the sword is useless, once tied, it is difficult to break away, Shen Jue can only be hung here now.

The tie was in the middle of the night, and the sky gradually brightened, and Ma You got up to make a bidet before putting Shen Jue down and stuffing it into his arms.

After doing this, he turned to look at Jie Shen and the girl, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother, Junior Brother, I am going to the cave of the Nine-Tailed Fox now, so I will say goodbye."

After he finished speaking, he drew up and disappeared in front of the two.

When the girl heard Ma You mention the nine-tailed fox again, she couldn't help but ask Jie Shen, "Jie Shen, are there really nine-tailed foxes?"

"I don't know." Jie Shen stood up and said coldly, "Let's go."

"Wait, I haven't washed it yet." The girl carefully washed her face, re-stretched her hair, and changed her clothes to keep up with the relief. As for the bed that Ma You had slept in, she didn't want it.


On Shen Jue's side, after Ma You left the Jie Shen two people far away, he took Shen Jue out and threw it to the ground. The tied immortal rope was tied to Shen Jue's neck at one end and tied to his wrist.

"Okay, little mouse, take me to see the nine-tailed fox."

Shen Jue did not resist, and really took Ma You to Fu Jiuyin. When he was approaching Fu Jiuyin's cave, Ma You stopped.

"Wait, don't go in a hurry, first eat something."

Ma You put Shen Jue back into his arms and went hunting. He caught a frog, which was grilled and eaten just like yesterday.

Shen Jue nestled in his arms, smelling the scent from the outside, also a little hungry. He has not eaten since last night.

Strange to say, the horse has tattered clothes, but his body is not smelly, and even has a herbal fragrance.

After Ma You was full, she asked Shen Jue to take him on the road. This time, he ran into other people.

There was more than one person on the other side, but five or six walked together. Ma You saw them and stopped directly, "Dear fellow daoists, borrowed it."

But before he moved, the group of people did it.

Ma has encountered a monk who wants to seize a magic weapon. In fact, this group of monks have been with the horse for a while. They saw that Ma You was not high in cultivation, but they were all good magic weapons, so they became greedy and quietly followed When they came up, yesterday they overheard Shen Jue telling Ma You about the whereabouts of the nine-tailed fox, and they were even more unwilling to let the horse go.

The reason why he didn't do it last night was because Ma You stayed with Jie Shen and the others. These people knew the relief of Tianshui Sect. Without mentioning how powerful Jie Shen himself was, they didn't dare to provoke Tianshui Sect casually.

But Ma You, a fellow who came out of the pheasant sect, doesn't need to take care of it, and the magic weapon on Ma Youna may have been snatched from someone else.

Ma You saw them take action, immediately put Shen Jue into his arms, turned around and fled. Naturally, those monks were unwilling to let Ma You go. They chased him all the way, and finally chased them to a lake. Ma You looked at the unfathomable water, then looked at the monks who came up with him, without saying a word. Jumped down.

Ma You took Shen Jue to swim deep, he could hold his breath, but Shen Jue, in the form of a squirrel, could not hold his breath for so long. He wanted to break away from Ma You, but he was firmly grasped by the opponent and kept going underwater. band.

In the end, Shen Jue had no choice but to become a human form.

Ma You seemed to be stunned. He stared at Shen Jue for a while, then grabbed Shen Jue's wrist and swam further into the water.

Those monks were afraid to go into the water because they didn't know what monsters were in the water. Ordinary lakes didn't have such deep water. At this point, there must be something living in it, so they were going to wait for the horses to come out.

And Ma You grabbed Shen Jue and swam deep, until he reached a cave mansion, he cast a spell on the door of the cave mansion, and then flashed in.

There was no water in the cave. As soon as the horse entered, he took a robe from his storage ring and threw it to Shen Jue, "Put it on!"

He was always laughing and talking, and this was the first time he was so serious.

Shen Jue didn’t refuse and put on the robe. This robe is the same style as the one on Ma You. It is a blue and white robe with wide sleeves. Because there is no pants or shoes, Shen Jue can only step on the ground barefoot. Her long hair draped wet behind her.

His face is similar to that of Fu Jiu's cathode, but not exactly the same. For example, Fu Jiuyin has a pair of typical fox eyes, with narrow and long eyes, which is intriguing when looking at people, while Shen Jue's eyes are round and black and white. Clearly, it seems a bit dull.

Shen Jue grabbed her hair and wrung it out. After wringing out a lot of water, she put it back in.

Monster beasts are very sensitive to the breath of other beasts. Shen Jue smelled the smell of other beasts since he approached this cave, but he didn't know what it was.

Ma You saw that Shen Jue had put on his clothes, and then he set his eyes on Shen Jue’s face. He raised his eyebrows and returned to the way he was just joking again. "Ah, I found a treasure. You can become Human form, but I think your cultivation is not high, how old are you?"

At the same time, he solved Shen Jue's ban.

Shen Jue didn't answer this question, but just looked at the yong that stretched out to the cave mansion and said, "Do you want to go in? You want to go in, I won't accompany you."

"What's inside?" Ma You asked.

"I don't know, but it's better than me, so I won't go in." Shen Jue said, and simply sat down on the ground. Ma You grabbed a handful of hair, walked a few steps inside, then came out again, with a helpless expression, "There is a wolf before and a tiger behind, what do you want me to do?"

Shen Jue looked up at him, "Then you go up and fight those people. You have so many good things on your body and I can help you. Are you afraid that you can't beat them?"

Ma You snorted, seeming to be thinking about this issue seriously. After a long time, he said, "How do I know if you will betray me halfway? Or else, you sign a contract with me, and then we go up and fight. "


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: wlq2; tweeting, Juer Shenweihehe, Ah Zhang is very long, Xiaoqiu, biubiubiu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Smile to kill 30 bottles; Tsk. Trash 20 bottles; Sparkling blingbling 18 bottles; Hidden Yuntao 15 bottles; Ye Luo Zhiqiu, Sanwu, young, Hu, painted time, Yui, BL lovers, Yan Gui sick, nonsense Eight Dao, Sixty Nine Fifty Four, Ten Thousand Kindness 10 bottles; Yiwen Jiaer., Spring wake me up 5 bottles; And yes, 362861524 bottles; Ping An Fu, 3 bottles of online crash; la la la, overflow, hennnnn, gourmet 2 bottles for making people happy; 1 bottle for Little Fatty;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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