A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the nine-tailed fox (40)

"Yu Qing, are you in there?"

It was the voice of Jiang Yunji.

Shen Jue sat up on the stone bed and responded, "I am here."

After a while, Jiang Yunji broke through the water. His cultivation was not as good as Fu Jiuyin. When he entered, there was a little water drop on his shoulder. He stopped at the entrance of the cave, patted his clothes, then raised his eyes to look at Shen Jue on the stone bed.

Because he always has to go into the water to practice, Shen Jue is too lazy to tie his hair on the stone bed. He will tie his hair only after he goes out of the back mountain. So now his long hair is hanging loosely behind him, the whole person looks a little confused. lazy.

The light in the cave was dim, only those eyes were surprisingly bright. The pupil color is not pure black, but a little dark blue, just like the color of Qinglin on Shen Jue's body.

"Yu Qing." Jiang Yunji walked to the stone bed and sat down by the bed. "Master thinks that my cultivation speed is too slow. I want us to retreat together for a year. What do you think?"

When Shen Jue heard these words, he frowned almost immediately. He has not many Qianlong Balls on his body now, and he can't last long, and it is impossible to go to retreat for a year, and a year of retreat is a waste of a year.

Now Fu Jiuyin has finally broken with Jie Shen. If he goes to retreat for a year, what will happen to the relationship between the two in a year, he is completely unable to predict.

He hesitated, then said softly: "Jiang Yunji, I can't accompany you to retreat now, I will leave Tianshui Sect for a while, or else, you should retreat yourself first."

When Jiang Yunji heard Shen Jue's words, his fingers on his side moved slightly, and he paused before asking, "What's the matter? Can you tell me?" He saw that Shen Jue didn't speak for a while, so he added. In one sentence, "I don't want to restrict your whereabouts, but I am worried about you. You tell me what you are going to do and where to go, I can rest assured."

Shen Jue was silent for a long time before saying, "I'm going to the land of Xuanhan, and I will be back in a few months. You don't have to worry about me."

"The land of Xuanhan? I've heard about it. The weather there seems to be particularly bad. Yuqing, what are you going there for?" Jiang Yunji asked again.

"Go to meet some friends, they can't leave the land of Xuanhan." Shen Jue just said.

Jiang Yunji heard that Shen Jue was going to meet his friends, but his eyes lit up, "Should I go to meet my old friends? Since I want to meet my friends, I must bring some gifts."

The next day, Jiang Yunji took a storage ring to Shen Jue, "Here are some things I prepared, and there are also some things you love to eat. If you are hungry on the road, you can eat a bit. If you don’t want to eat, you can ask your friends. Like it or not." He babbled a lot of things, then smiled again, seeing Shen Jue's eyes a little bit dissatisfied, "I...I will retreat the day after tomorrow, I have already told Master that you are going out You don’t have to worry about it."

Shen Jue didn't think much about what was in the storage ring, but if he left this time, he probably wouldn't return to Tianshui Sect again. Fu Jiuyin is not here, and he has no reason to stay here. So he turned over his storage ring and took out most of the shark beads inside.

These mackerel beads are expensive on the market and can be exchanged for money.

"This is for you. If you want to buy something in the future, you can take this." Shen Jue said.

Jiang Yunji looked at the water-blue shark beads, reached out and picked up one, "Is this?"

"The tears of the shark."


That night, Shen Jue left Tianshuizong. He had told Jiang Yunji to leave the next day, but he didn't want the other party to send him off, so he left overnight.

At the bottom of the mountain, Shen Jue, wearing a drapery hat, went to rent a spaceship. Because he didn't want to delay time, he chartered a spaceship and flew straight to the nearest town in Xuanhan Land, without stopping.

Even so, it took nearly twenty days to get to the town nearest to Xuanhan Land. After he got off the spaceship, he went directly to the land of Xuanhan.

Soon after he reached the beach, Shen Jue became his original form, swimming into the sea, and swimming in the deep sea. Before long, there were two more sharks around him.

When the two sharks saw Shen Jue coming back, they seemed to be a little excited. They circled Shen Jue several times before leading Shen Jue to swim forward.

As soon as Shen Jue entered the sea, he deliberately released his breath, so when he arrived at the clan of the clan, the leader of the clan was already waiting for him with a group of clan.

"You are back." The leader of the shark took a step forward.

Shen Jue said, "I brought some things back. You can see it later."

Shen Jue put the things he wanted to give to the Yuren clan in the storage ring Jiang Yunji gave, and directly handed them to the leader of the Yuren. Because he wasn't sure whether he could comprehend those exercises, Shen Jue decided to stay here for a while.

He has his own room here. It is said to be a room, but it is actually a huge scallop. You can sleep in it and close the scallop.

The leader of the shark came to find Shen Jue the next day, "Shen Jue, there is this exercise here, I think it's a bit strange."

When he said this, his face was a little weird, and he gave Shen Jue the jade slip in his hand.

Most of the jade slips that Shen Jue gave to the Yuren clan were imported by himself. Some of the complicated parts were also commented out. He was afraid that the other party would not understand. Only a small part of the special basics was bought by him, because outside shops They are all sold.

"Strange?" Shen Jue took the jade slip over, and after opening it with magic techniques, he saw the text appearing in the air, but was stunned.

This is the method of dual cultivation, no, it can't be regarded as dual cultivation, it is to absorb the other side's practice through dual cultivation. This is what Fu Jiuyin once said.

The leader of the shark seemed to notice that Shen Jue’s expression was a bit wrong, and coughed, "Fortunately, I saw this thing first, and none of the children in the clan saw it. Did someone misplace it when you bought the jade slips? Up?"

"Maybe." Shen Jue frowned and put the jade slip away. "Sorry, let you see this kind of thing."

On this jade slip, two little figures appeared vividly, telling the learner how to absorb each other's spiritual power in the fastest and most effective way.

"It's okay, your Dragon Balls are almost gone, I'll get you some." He returned Shen Jue's previous storage ring, which contained Qian Dragon Balls enough to last for several years. Because Shen Jue came back faithfully, and brought a lot of jade slips. He probably read those jade slips once, and he didn't fool them casually, so the leader of the man is much more generous this time than last time.

After the Yuren leader left, Shen Jue took out the jade slip again.

The jade slips he bought were all he had seen, and it was impossible to mix a piece of this into it. Could it be Jiang Yunji? But why does Jiang Yunji have such witchcraft?

But even though it was a sorcery, Shen Jue still read the jade slip.

After another ten days or so, Shen Jue was about to leave the land of Xuanhan, but before he could leave, the leader of the Yaoren approached him with a serious face.

"Shen Jue, there was a Demon Xiu who appeared at the beach, and seemed to be looking for you. He caught Wen Xin and asked Wen Xin to come back and take him so that you can meet him. Do you know Demon Xiu?"

When the leader of the shark mentioned Moxiu, Shen Jue immediately thought of Xue Wenchun.

Did Xue Wenchun find this place?

"I'll go and see." Shen Jue was about to travel outside after he finished speaking. The leader of Yuren couldn't help stopping Shen Jue. "I heard Wenxin say that the magic cultivation is terrible, and the cultivation base is unpredictable. You really know The other party? Don't we need to go together?"

"No." If Xue Wenchun is here to make trouble, Shen Jue doesn't want to hurt others.

When he swims out of the water and has not yet landed, he has already seen the young man in white standing on the shore.

Sure enough, it was Xue Wenchun.

Xue Wenchun stood on the beach holding an umbrella, still dressed as always, with long white hair, pale face and gloomy eyebrows. He looked like a lingering rainy day, which made people feel depressed when they saw it.

"How did you find this place?" Shen Jue walked slowly ashore, and the leader of the shark recently gave him a piece of clothes made of shark silk, which can be worn directly on the body when it is deformed.

Xue Wenchun stared at Shen Jue's face indifferently, and then said for a while: "Shen Jue, what are you going to do next?"

The other party called out his name directly, which made Shen Jue pause slightly.

It turned out that Xue Wenchun had seen him through, so that he smashed him down the cliff with Jie Shen?

But how did Xue Wenchun discover it?

Is it the immortal rope? what is this else?

Shen Jue looked at Xue Wenchun and said, "When did you recognize it?"

"From the beginning of my immortal rope binding you, it recognizes people very well. You have worn it for a long time, and the things you gave me at the beginning are from the land of profound coldness. As far as I know, you are Why are there so many things from the land of profound cold that came out of the forbidden area?" When Xue Wenchun said this, Shen Jue's eyes were a bit contemptuous, "Your defensive heart is too light, and the feet of the horse are too light. Many, only the fools of Fu Jiuyin and Jie Shen can't see it."

Shen Jue was ridiculed, and he frowned, "How can you know that I am Shen Jue based on this alone?"

Xue Wenchun twitched the corners of her lips and mentioned the same thing, "Have you ever heard of the Sky Mirror?"

Looking into the sky?

A familiar name.

It seems that I heard it in Fu Jiuyin's words last time.

"What is the sky-sighted mirror?" Shen Jue asked.

It turns out that the sky-penetrating mirror is a mirror that can see the future. You can see others but you can also see your own future. After seeing it once, you can't see it again. The mirror will automatically disappear, even if you find the mirror the second time. I can't see anything.

And want to see the future once, also need to pay a great price.

"I used a peeping mirror to see Fu Jiuyin's future, and I saw you on it. To be precise, this is your current face, and Fu Jiuyin called you Shen Jue." Xue Wenchun said blankly. "You killed Fu Jiuyin."

Shen Jue's expression changed suddenly and did not speak.

"I wanted to kill you to change Fu Jiuyin's destiny, but Fu Jiuyin was really disobedient, so I changed my mind. Instead of letting him kill me, I would help you kill him. Of course, I also want to kill him. I want to know if the future mentioned by the mirror is true, so I pushed you and Jie Shen off the cliff together. If you survive Fu Jiuyin's hand, then you can really kill him." Xue Wenchun said When he got here, he smiled, "You really didn't disappoint me, you can actually make Fu Jiuyin break with Jie Shen."

Xue Wenchun looked at Fu Jiuyin's future with the peeping mirror. Presumably Fu Jiuyin also used the peeping mirror to see his future. Shen Jue has been with Fu Jiuyin for sixty years, and he has never seen Fu Jiuyin. I have been in a mirror, so it is very likely that Fu Jiuyin had seen it a long time ago, at least before Shen Jue appeared.

Shen Jue recalled what Fu Jiuyin had said.

Maybe what the mirror shows is that Fu Jiuyin finally became immortal with Jie Shen, so Fu Jiuyin only saw the first side of Jie Shen and decided to sign a contract with the other party. For so many years, Fu Jiuyin has been in the forbidden land. , Maybe just waiting for the appearance of Jie Shen.

And Xue Wenchun must have used Fu Jiuyin after leaving the forbidden area. Shen Jue had memories of previous lives, so Fu Jiuyin's future was changed.

In the future, he really killed Fu Jiuyin?

Shen Jue was in a daze when he knew the news, because he was not 100% sure now, but Xue Wenchun ran over to tell him that he could kill Fu Jiuyin.

Shen Jue lowered his eyes, the emotions in his eyes changed and changed, and it took a long time to raise his eyes to look at the other person, "What are you looking for? Just because you see the future with a mirror, you think I will kill Fu Jiuyin. What if I don’t kill?"

Xue Wenchun's eyes did not change, "You will definitely kill him, I believe. Shen Jue, don't you hate him? Isn't it because of him that you are the way you are now? Obviously you knew him first, but He only saves Shen, are you still guilty? What you can't get should be destroyed."

When he said the last sentence, his voice was very soft, with a gloomy feeling, as if a wind was blowing from the mass grave. The wind blows on people and makes people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Shen Jue was silent for a while, "What are you looking for me now?"

"Fu Jiuyin is in Huaijia Mountain. Now is your best time to approach him and kill him." Xue Wenchun said.


Xue Wenchun told Shen Jue a place name and left, while Shen Jue sat by the beach for a while. He always had doubts about Xue Wenchun's intentions, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no problem. Fu Jiuyin had just broken the contract with Jie Shen and was injured. When he is well, he is likely to go to Xue Wenchun.

Xue Wenchun didn't want to die, so he came to him and asked him to kill Fu Jiuyin.

But why did Xue Wenchun know the whereabouts of Fu Jiuyin?

The next day, Shen Jue left the land of Xuanhan and embarked on the road to Mount Huaijia. Mount Huaijia is in the southwestern direction of the mainland. Almost there are mountains in that area, and mountains are connected to mountains, and Mount Huaijia is the highest mountain among them.

The spacecraft cannot go up the mountain, so Shen Jue needs to go up the mountain by himself. Because he was not sure where Fu Jiuyin was, Shen Jue had to use his legs to go up the mountain, looking for Fu Jiuyin's trail while releasing his breath, hoping that Fu Jiuyin could take the initiative to find it.

When he climbed halfway up the mountain, a white shadow flashed past, and Shen Jue's pupils shrank slightly and he immediately chased him. After catching up, he found that it was an ordinary white fox, and he couldn't even speak that kind.

After being caught by Shen Jue, he screamed and struggled fiercely.

"I ask you, have you seen a nine-tailed fox?" Shen Jue forced. But he asked several times, the fox didn't seem to understand, Shen Jue had to give up, and then he met several foxes, red and white, and he caught each one until he reached the fifth one. Only the fox, that fox reacted a little.

Its paw pointed in one direction.

Shen Jue's eyes lit up, "Have you seen? Can you take me there?"

But when the fox heard the latter sentence, he didn't move immediately, and began to play dead in Shen Jue's hands. The limbs were stiff, and the tongue fell out.

Shen Jue: "..."

He coughed, "I am the friend of the nine-tailed fox, you take me over, and I promise he will not hurt you. Of course, I will pay you. I can teach you a spell, or you want money. can."

Shen Jue thought that the fox would choose spells, but he did not expect it to choose money. He also signaled Shen Jue to hang the money bag around his neck before he was willing to lead Shen Jue.

It only led Shen Jue for a while, but refused to go alive. It seemed that the front was very dangerous. It showed Shen Jue the way, and immediately turned around and flew away.

Shen Jue looked at it as if it were running away, and was too embarrassed to catch it again.

Shen Jue walked forward alone for a while, and sure enough, he smelled Fu Jiuyin's breath.

He is actually here.

Shen Jue released his breath while walking forward, but Fu Jiuyin never appeared, but the more he walked forward, the more foxes he saw. These foxes did not run away when they saw him like the previous foxes. , And even lay lazily on the ground or on the rocks, looking at Shen Jue openly.

Is this Fox Mountain? Why are there so many foxes?

Suddenly, Shen Jue heard a charming female voice.

"Who are you looking for?"

Shen Jue looked for the reputation and found that it was the sound made by a red fox. The fox saw Shen Jue looking over, and then opened his mouth again, "We don't welcome outsiders here."

"Sorry, but I have someone I'm looking for, so I have to trespass here. Excuse me, have you ever seen a nine-tailed fox?" Shen Jue asked.

The red-haired fox heard these words and sat up, "You are here to look for Master Jiuyin, who are you from Master Jiuyin?" It suddenly came to Shen Jue's side and sniffed vigorously with the tip of his nose. You have the smell of Master Jiuyin, are you the spouse of Master Jiuyin?"

This sentence caused all the foxes around to sit up in shock, and then Shen Jue was surrounded by a group of foxes. Those foxes faced Shen Jue, smelled up and down, and even boldly climbed onto Shen Jue’s shoulders. His head arched between Shen Jue's neck, and after arching, he felt that the drapery on Shen Jue's head was in the way, and wanted to pull it apart with his claws.

Shen Jue can only barely protect the drapery on his head. He has never been surrounded by so many foxes. Judging from the voices and sizes of these foxes, these foxes seem to be female foxes.

"You...you better come down first."

At this moment there were several foxes hanging on his legs.

Shen Jue wanted to pull it off, but as soon as they touched them, the foxes immediately screamed women, and he had to stop again.

Suddenly, the group of foxes on and around him quickly ran behind him, but in a short moment, they all disappeared. Shen Jue paused, then turned his head.

He saw Fu Jiuyin.

Fu Jiuyin was still in its original shape at this time. It squatted on a big rock above, with nine tails dancing around behind him. The foxes that had just surrounded Shen Jue were all surrounded under the rock, looking at Fu Jiuyin flatly.

"Master Jiuyin, are you out?"

"Master Jiuyin, are you hungry?"


Fu Jiuyin ignored the foxes. When he saw Shen Jue turn his head, he narrowed his eyes and his voice was very cold, "What are you doing here?"

"Come to you." Shen Jue said softly, "have you been hurt?"

The answer to his words was a soft sneer.

"I'm fine, don't worry, you should return to your Tianshui Sect."

After Fu Jiuyin finished speaking, he turned and left. Shen Jue took a step forward and quickly said: "I have decided not to return to Tianshui Sect, Fu Jiuyin, I am here to look for you. Can you show me your injury?"

After saying this, Fu Jiuyin did not respond for a long time.

Shen Jue frowned secretly, what else to say, and suddenly inserted a sentence next to it.

"It's so romantic, is it really the way of chasing husbands for thousands of miles as written in the script?" The fox who spoke first suddenly stretched out his paws to hold his face, "Master Jiuyin's spouse is so infatuated, so enviable."

A group of foxes immediately cooperated.


"Yes indeed!"

"so envious!"

Shen Jue's eyebrows couldn't help but jump, and at this moment, Fu Jiuyin turned around and let out a cold snort, causing the group of foxes to shut their mouths.

"Get away!" Fu Jiuyin said irritably.

The foxes immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and quickly disappeared in place.

After the group of foxes left, Fu Jiuyin turned into a human form. When he walked towards Shen Jue, Shen Jue had been looking at Fu Jiuyin.

He thought that if Fu Jiuyin broke the contract, he would be seriously injured, but at this time, the other party did not seem to have any problems.

"Are you really looking for me?" Fu Jiuyin walked up to Shen Jue. As soon as he approached, the hat on Shen Jue's head was suddenly blown away by a gust of wind.

Fu Jiuyin's eyes were a bit dangerous, as if Shen Jue didn't answer his question, he would bite Shen Jue's neck.

Shen Jue glanced at the blown hat and nodded.

Fu Jiuyin asked again: "What are you looking for me for?"

Shen Jue hesitated before spitting out a few words, "I'm looking for you to double repair."


Because of this sentence, Shen Jue was kept.

Fu Jiuyin took Shen Jue to a cave. Before Shen Jue went in, he was smoked back several steps. He couldn't help covering his nose, looking at Fu Jiuyin with an ugly expression, "How long have you not cleaned?"

A trace of disdain flashed across Fu Jiuyin's beautiful and enchanting face, "Why do you want to clean it? If you can't live, I will change to another cave. Where can I live?"

This companion stayed with Jie Shen for five years, and his temperament really remained unchanged. Now that he had left Tianshui Sect, he had completely returned to the state of being in the forbidden area.

Shen Jue rubbed his eyebrows a little tiredly, and saw Fu Jiuyin drag him in. His face became more stinky, "Don't touch me first, you go take a shower, and I will clean this cave."

"Do you dislike me? I take a bath every day!" Fu Jiuyin exploded, and even animal teeth appeared.

Shen Jue pushed him away coldly and forcefully, "Then go and wash one more. I will clean your house first. This way, there is no way to live." After a pause, "Neither can the fox."

Fu Jiuyin was finally rushed by Shen Jue to take a bath, and Shen Jue made a long mental preparation outside and closed his sense of smell before entering.

But after entering, I was still shocked. There were animal bones everywhere. Most of them were just bitten and thrown there. Looking at the corpses, it seemed that they were all dead in the past few days.

This is not hunting, but pure torture.

Shen Jue pressed her lips and started to clean up. He took all the animal bones out and buried them, and then attracted underground water to wash the entire cave ten times before reluctantly washing off the **** smell inside.

When Fu Jiuyin came back, Shen Jue had finished cleaning, but he didn't want to live in it. Although the smell was gone, walking in would still make him feel sick.

"Fu Jiuyin, follow me down the mountain." Shen Jue frowned, "I don't want to live here."

Fu Jiuyin had just finished taking a shower, and his hair was all wet at this time. He was too lazy to dry his long hair using a technique, and there were some crystal drops on his face. His skin just after the bath is so good, not to mention the whiteness, the fluff is almost invisible, and it is as tender as a teenager.

Fortunately, the pedigree is good. Without this unique and thick pedigree, this fox would not be able to grow such a beautiful face, and this fox would not even be able to find its owner, and it would be impossible for countless people to want him.

"I don't want to live with people. It's nice to live on the mountain, free." Fu Jiuyin snorted coldly.

Shen Jue was silent for a moment, "Then what about your magic weapon that can become a house?"

Fu Jiuyin squinted his eyes. At this time, he was like an unreasonable kid, "I'm going to live in a cave."

"Then you live in a cave, I'm leaving." Shen Jue was completely cold, he walked a few steps, then stopped, and looked back at Fu Jiuyin.

Fu Jiuyin was still looking at him on the spot, eyes straight.


Officially began to deceive oneself.

Good night~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angels who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 255,984,581;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Don’t be a benevolent, smile and don’t leave one;

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: Chun, Langli Xiaobailei 2; Summer//Season Love, Fanxing Yingzai, Shen Qingmo, Jinyao, 23492417, Crispy Butter Sauce, Mi Q, Cha Nuan Huan Han , Cool type, north wind night, 363,216,001;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

60 bottles of refuge; 30 bottles of pontoon boat, box; 25 bottles of Jiaguan flying flowers; 22 bottles of birds; 20 bottles of Han Han and Chiyan dawn; 15 bottles of Ren; Gu Xibei, tea tea, Su Mianwang, Yan Ying Chang, Shili Red makeup, pork belly essence, the author is under my body, it turned out to be a poem _, ele, Namu, Abo, Xingliang, 15316119, no moon robbery, no benevolence, xixixix, today is also the me who is waiting for feeding , I touched the author’s buttocks and ran 10 bottles; 9 bottles of warm and cold; 8 bottles of Shiyi Xuan; 5 bottles of Xi Jioming and Yechao Xunsha; 4 bottles of full-level red leaves; Scarlet Priest Luo, Heiping, Lulululu, 2 bottles of dumplings; 1 bottle of potatoes, 10 yuan a catty, chattering to chattering yo, deep cherishment, monotonous world of black and white gray, chuo, ficher, tourmaline;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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