A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the nine-tailed fox (49)

"Fu Jiuyin!"

When Shen Jue's scolding sounded, Fu Jiuyin quickly retracted his teeth and licked twice before raising his head, "Uncle, it doesn't hurt."

Shen Jue would wear a drapery hat when he went out, but when Fu Jiuyin realized that he couldn't see Shen Jue's expression, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and then forced his head into the drapery hat, turning into two people almost facing each other. The point of sorrow.

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows and raised his head slightly, "What are you doing?"

"Uncle, why are you wearing this?" Fu Jiuyin blinked and glanced up, "Is it because of the diagonal?"

He wanted to reach out and touch, but Shen Jue wanted to let go and throw him down.

"Fu Jiuyin, if you make a fool of yourself, come down and walk by yourself." Shen Jue's tone was a bit fierce, Fu Jiuyin immediately retracted his hand and head back, returning to his previous posture.

He lay softly on Shen Jue's body and turned his head to look at Shen Jue's neck. There was a circle of shallow teeth marks on his neck, which he bit out.


Shen Jue went out of the town, walked to a place where no one was left, put down Fu Jiuyin, and then turned into a dragon shape. His front paws grabbed Fu Jiuyin's collar and pretended to fly into the sky.

"Wait, uncle, I want to ride you." Fu Jiuyin crazily twisted his body under the dragon's claws, "I don't want to be caught up."

Shen Jue found out that he could fly into the sky last month because his dragon horns had fully grown. Although he was raising Fu Jiuyin during this period, he did not stop practicing and eating Qianlong Ball.

Fu Jiuyin was struggling too hard, Shen Jue had no choice but to let go of him, and exhorted: "Then you will hold tight."

"Yeah." Fu Jiuyin hummed twice, and immediately turned around and climbed onto Shen Jue's back. He boldly moved to the neck and sat down, his two small hands firmly grasped Shen Jue's dragon horns, "Fei Right, uncle."

Shen Jue flew to a big city not far away. There was also a sect outside the city called Qiushanzong. Although Qiushanzong was not against the Tianshuizong, it was not bad. One of the reasons why he picked that town was because of the Qiushan School. The Qiushan School is the most powerful in planting Lingcao Linggu. Once there, he can buy more Fu Jiuyin.

After Shen Jue entered the city, he bought something to eat to fill Fu Jiuyin's stomach, and then rented a house with a yard. Now that Fu Jiuyin can transform into a human form, he can't have only one bedroom as before. He rented a set of two in and two out, and there was a peach tree in the yard.

Next door was a scholar, and when Shen Jue came in with Fu Jiuyin, he happened to see the scholar come out. When the scholar saw them, he was stunned, and then his slightly thin yellow face forced a smile, "You just moved here, right? The distant country is not as good as your neighbors, you can find me if you have anything to do in the future, my name is Huang."

Shen Jue nodded to Huang Shusheng, Fu Jiuyin was still lying on Shen Jue's shoulder, because he heard Huang Shusheng speaking, he glanced over there.

At this glance, Huang Shusheng discovered it. When Huang Shusheng saw Fu Jiuyin's face clearly, his mouth was open, and he could not speak for a long time.

At this time, Shen Jue had entered the door holding Fu Jiuyin.

"Uncle, shall we live here in the future?" Fu Jiuyin whispered.

"Yeah." Shen Jue put down Fu Jiuyin and pointed to the room next to the main house. "That room belongs to you. You can play in the yard for a while and I will clean it."

Shen Jue finally finished cleaning and left the house, only to find that Fu Jiuyin didn't know when he climbed up the tree, and he seemed to be talking to someone. He walked over and listened and found that he was talking to Huang Shusheng next door. To be precise, it was Huang Shusheng who had been talking and Fu Jiuyin was listening.

"How old are you this year? Do you have a private school? It's better to open up earlier..." Huang Shusheng hardly stopped talking, and Fu Jiuyin was listening on the tree, his feet swaying, and occasionally he replied. "Oh?"

"Fu Jiuyin, come down." Shen Jue stood under the tree.

When Fu Jiuyin heard Shen Jue's words, he immediately changed his posture on the tree, and then jumped down directly. If it weren't for Shen Jue to stretch out his hand quickly, he would have to hit the ground.

Shen Jue frowned, "Why did you jump down?"

"Because it's the fastest." After Fu Jiuyin answered, he seemed to feel that Shen Jue's expression was not right, his eyes rolled, and he stretched out two hands to hold Shen Jue's face, "Uncle, don't be angry. I won’t do that anymore."

Shen Jue frowned more tightly, he put the person down, "I'm going out, you..."

"I will go with my uncle!" Fu Jiuyin answered quickly.

Shen Jue thought for a while, "You still stay here, I'll be back soon. If you are bored, it doesn't matter if you talk to the person next door, but pay attention..." He lowered his voice a lot, "Don't become the original Most people are ordinary people. If someone sees your true form, they will catch you, you know?"

Fu Jiuyin frowned, "I want to go out with my uncle."

"No, you stay here." Shen Jue didn't discuss this issue with Fu Jiuyin anymore. He took the drapery hat from the house, put a barrier on the house, and went out.

Because he was going to the shop selling Lingcao Lingguo, he didn't want to bring Fu Jiuyin with him, for fear that some monks would see the original form of Fu Jiuyin. Now that Fu Jiuyin can only be regarded as a little demon, Shen Jue does not want to cause any trouble here.


When I was raising a fox, I still thought it was okay, but when I raised a human-shaped Fu Jiuyin, Shen Jue knew what it means to spend money like running water. Fu Jiuyin really needs to eat Lingcao Linggu, which can increase spiritual power, to fill his stomach. Although Shen Jue still has a lot of shark beads in his hand, if he has not made money, he will always sit and eat the sky, so Shen Jue picks it up. The task of Qiu Shanzong posted at the city gate.

There are not many disciples of the Qiushan School, so they will assign some tasks to casual cultivators, and the rewards are pretty generous. Shen Jue will take it every seven days, and all tasks that are more dangerous and rewarding are more dangerous, and there will be a kind of fruit in this kind of task reward, called Duo Leguo.

Duo dimetho has more spiritual power than Ling Guo, and it is rarely seen in the market. Shen Jue ate Fu Jiuyin once, and Fu Jiuyin was greedy with that taste.

Two months later, Fu Jiuyin grew another tail, now it is eight tails, and Shen Jue is speechless at the speed. Fu Jiuyin ate more with one more tail, and Shen Jue had to shorten the interval between tasks, but Fu Jiuyin was very dissatisfied with this, he wanted to go with Shen Jue.

"Why can't I go with my uncle? I don't want to stay in this broken house every day. It's not fun at all." Fu Jiuyin accused Shen Jue with a stern face, "I can't sleep with my uncle at night, I'm so angry. ."

Shen Jue glanced at him, "But don't you come here every night?"

"But Uncle, you kick me out of bed every day." At this point, he rubbed his own clam, "I will be kicked and swollen."

"When you grow up to my chest, I will take you out to pick up the task." Shen Jue said.

This time, Shen Jue went to the mission for two days. Before he left, he left a lot of food for Fu Jiuyin. He also told the other party that he was really bored and he could climb to the tree and talk to Huang Shusheng next door, but he was not allowed to change his shape or scare others. . But what he didn't expect was that Fu Jiuyin would be able to unlock his barrier long ago, secretly go out to play, and then secretly come back. This time, Shen Jue went out for two days and was unwilling to bring Fu Jiuyin. Fu Jiuyin became angry. He unlocked the barrier and went out to play for a day. He didn't come back until dark, and the next day was the same.

When he came back, Huang Shusheng happened to go out and saw Fu Jiuyin, his eyes brightened, "Why did you come out? Do you want to sit in my house? I have sugar water to drink, and sugar water is delicious."


After Shen Jue handed in the task, he rushed back home overnight. This task was very complicated, so the rewards should be more, even with three Duo di Guos.

He walked to the door as usual and opened the door, only to find that Fu Jiuyin, who had ran here early on weekdays, did not come out. Shen Jue couldn't help but was taken aback. No matter how late he returned, Fu Jiuyin would get up and rush to the door to hug him.

Did you sleep well today?

Shen Jue entered his room. Although it was his room, Fu Jiuyin often slept here. There was no one in the room, so Shen Jue turned around and went to the next room. The bedding was exactly the same as when he left before. No one had ever slept.

Fu Jiuyin was gone.

Shen Jue immediately used the breath-seeking technique, only to find that Fu Jiuyin's breath was nearby. This result could not help but froze him, and at this moment, he suddenly heard a man's scream from the house next door.

Shen Jue’s eyes changed, and he flew directly over the courtyard wall. He just fell into the courtyard of Huang Shusheng next door, and saw the door of the main house opened, and a small red figure ran out of it. The figure kept going all the way, and immediately rushed toward Shen Jue, and also hugged Shen Jue's leg forcefully.

Fu Jiuyin buried his face in Shen Jue's clothes, not talking as much as usual.

Shen Jue's long eyelashes trembled, and he pressed his lips firmly. He touched Fu Jiuyin's long hair that didn't know when, and said softly: "Fu Jiuyin, you go home first, and I'll be back later."

Fu Jiuyin refused to let go, and Shen Jue had to take him back first, and then returned to Huang Shusheng's home.

It was already a quarter of an hour after Shen Jue came back. When he returned to the house, Fu Jiuyin was still holding his leg and shrank in the corner of the wall.

Long hair was scattered, his clothes were messy, and there were unidentified marks on his face and neck. When Shen Jue fetched water to bathe Fu Jiuyin, he found that his thin wrists were all pinched blue.

"I'm sorry." For the first time, Shen Jue felt that he had done the biggest stupid thing. He knew that Fu Jiuyin's face was swagger, but he let the other person stay at home alone. He just thought that enchantment would be safe enough. He wanted to do more tasks to let Fu Jiuyin grow up quickly, but he didn't expect the bad guys to have a chance to attack Fu Jiuyin.

In fact, he thought Huang Shusheng was a little strange, but who was Fu Jiuyin? In his consciousness, Fu Jiuyin is always the original Fu Jiuyin, even if the opponent becomes smaller, it should still be Fu Jiuyin to hurt others, not others to hurt him.

But now Shen Jue really realized that Fu Jiuyin would be hurt by others because he didn't protect Fu Jiuyin.

Shen Jue and Fu Jiuyin* apologized dozens of times before Fu Jiuyin whispered: "Uncle, why does that uncle want to kiss me? He said he wanted to kiss me because he liked me, but if I didn't want to, he pinched me , And took off my clothes. I remember my uncle said not to let me hit people, so I just hid, but he kept chasing me and took off my pants to show me..."

"Stop talking." Shen Jue interrupted the other party. He took a piece of cloth and wrapped the Fu Jiuyin in the water and carried it out. "This will not happen in the future, I promise you."

Fu Jiuyin looked sad, and leaned his head on Shen Jue's shoulder, "Uncle, I really can't bear it before I fight back. You won't blame me?"

"You did it right this time, how could I blame you?" Shen Jue hugged some Fu Jiuyin tightly.

Because something happened to the other party, Shen Jue was worried that Fu Jiuyin fell asleep by himself tonight. He took Fu Jiuyin back to his house, and he wanted to take a bath first and then come back. He was still rolling in the mud when he left the mission. For a few laps, even though he had used the purification technique, he still felt unclean, but as soon as he left, Fu Jiuyin looked at him with two tears, as if he was abandoned.

Shen Jue had no choice but to take Fu Jiuyin to the bath room with him. He prepared a small stool for Fu Jiuyin and let the other party sit next to him.

Fu Jiuyin is much quieter than usual tonight, not noisy or noisy, sitting on a stool just looking at Shen Jue with his cheeks supported.

When Shen Jue finished washing, he leaned forward to hold Shen Jue's hand and went back to the house with him.

Although Shen Jue was very tired on the bed, he still couldn't help thinking about the past. He killed Huang Shusheng, but the other party was such a permanent resident, and disappearing in this way would surely arouse the suspicion of people nearby. He needs to become the other party tomorrow and pretend to travel far.

Suddenly, Fu Jiuyin leaned closer. He pressed against Shen Jue and raised his small face slightly, "Uncle."

"Huh?" Shen Jue lowered his head.

"Uncle, you have to take me wherever you go, okay?" Fu Jiuyin whispered.

Shen Jue was silent for a moment before answering: "Okay."

Fu Jiuyin said again: "Uncle, hold me tight."

Shen Jue did so, and Fu Jiuyin pressed his face close to his neck, like a drowning man holding the only driftwood.

I don't know how long it took Fu Jiuyin to fall asleep, but he had a nightmare in the middle, and Shen Jue was awakened by his sleepy talk. Shen Jue's eyes darkened when he heard him muttering "No...Don't come over". Now Fu Jiuyin belongs to a child no matter his mind or body, and this is all his fault.


In the following days, Shen Jue took Fu Jiuyin everywhere, even if it was to pick up tasks. He wanted to put a drapery hat on Fu Jiuyin, but Fu Jiuyin was too bored, so Shen Jue had to secretly change the other's face.

Fu Jiuyin Chengri was in Shen Jue’s arms. Once, when he passed by the door of Huang Shusheng’s room which was already covered with spider webs, he couldn’t help but smile, and then tightened some of the hands holding Shen Jue’s neck. , Said weakly: "Uncle, will that uncle be back? I'm afraid."

As soon as he said this, he was comforted by a warm voice, and his head was touched.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye they have lived in this town for a year, and Fu Jiuyin's ninth tail finally grows out, and his human form has changed from five or six years old to a fourteen or five-year-old boy.

The boy's Fu Jiuyin is a bit less cute than he was when he was a child, but he was a bit more charming, and when his eyes twitched, he could almost see his prime.

Because Fu Jiuyin had changed so much, Shen Jue had to change to another town to live in a new place. Shen Jue made a special observation of the surrounding neighborhoods before he settled on the house.

On the left is a widow and an orphan. The son is about the same age as Fu Jiuyin. On the right is an old woman. The husband left the year before and the children are in other places, so he lives alone now.

Because Fu Jiuyin has grown up, Shen Jue no longer clings to each other. He deliberately raised Fu Jiuyin into an ordinary person, knowing manners, justice and shame, no longer like an animal, but Shen Jue himself has problems, if not necessary, he He didn't like to talk very much, Fu Jiuyin followed him, and gradually became a little bit reluctant to talk, just sticking to him as always.

Shen Jue didn't want Fu Jiuyin to be like this, but at this time he noticed the teenager living next door.

The young man’s name was Ding Heyuan. Because of his poor family, he followed his mother to do business at a very young age. He would come out to set up a stall every morning. People would always say hello with a smile. Shen Jue and Fu Jiuyin just moved here. , He brought something to eat.

"What do you think of Ding Heyuan?" Shen Jue asked Fu Jiuyin, "Sometimes you can chat with each other or hang out together."

Fu Jiuyin leaned on Shen Jue lazily, "Not very good, looks like a big stupid man."

"..." Shen Jue said, "I am a filial son who will help my mother."

Hearing this, Fu Jiuyin straightened up slightly and turned to look at Shen Jue, "I can also help my uncle. Why don't I help my uncle take a bath today!"

Shen Jue was speechless again.

After a while, he stretched out his hand and pushed Fu Jiuyin away a bit, "I don't need this, I'm not old yet, I can do this by myself."


Because Shen Jue mentioned Ding Heyuan in front of Fu Jiuyin from time to time, this made Fu Jiuyin a little angry, he took the initiative to find Ding Heyuan, wanting to know where the opponent is good.

Ding Heyuan was stunned when he saw Fu Jiuyin's face, but when he reacted, he smiled kindly, "Are you the nephew who lives next door?"

"Do you know me?" Fu Jiuyin raised an eyebrow.

Ding Heyuan nodded, "I heard your uncle mentioned it, but your uncle looks so young."

When Fu Jiuyin heard this, the fox couldn't help narrowing his eyes, "Have you seen my uncle's face?"

He knew that Shen Jue was wearing a hat outside because of the dragon horns on his head.

"Last time I climbed to a tree and hit dates..." Ding Heyuan couldn't talk anymore, because he thought Fu Jiuyin's eyes were a bit scary.

Fu Jiuyin's face turned dark, "Then have you seen anything you shouldn't see?"

Ding Heyuan was stunned, and for a long time he said, "What shouldn't you see?"

"It's..." Fu Jiuyin stuck his words, "My uncle is different."

Ding Heyuan thought about it seriously, "No, at that time, your uncle turned his head when he heard the sound and smiled at me. I didn't see any difference."

"Laughing?!" Fu Jiuyin couldn't listen anymore, turned around and went home.

The next day, Fu Jiuyin came to Ding Heyuan again.

"Hey, what do you usually do?"

Everyone has a heart for beauty, especially a teenager like Ding Heyuan. When facing the beautiful and beautiful Fu Jiuyin, he always has to forgive him, even if the other party always calls him "hey hey hey".

"I usually go to help my mother and help her sell these tofu." Ding Heyuan said.

"What about after selling tofu?" Fu Jiuyin asked again.

Ding Heyuan hesitated and shook his head slowly.

Fu Jiuyin snorted. In his opinion, Ding Heyuan really had nothing for him to learn. Why did he want to learn from Ding Heyuan?

Seeing that Fu Jiuyin was about to leave again, Ding Heyuan gritted his teeth and called each other boldly.

"Wait for me……"

Fu Jiuyin turned around, "What are you?"

Ding Heyuan blushed, "I have a brochure, would you like to read it?"

What do teenagers think most when they are bored? Obviously it is easy to see, even for a simple boy like Ding Heyuan. His family is poor, people of the same age are married, even one or two years older than him married wives and gave birth to babies, but he has nothing. Sometimes his mother would cry uncomfortably at night and say sorry to him and let him even No daughter-in-law can get married.

Of course Ding Heyuan would comfort his mother, but sometimes he could not help but wonder what life would he have if he had a daughter-in-law, and one day, he went to help the boss of the study, and the other party gave him one day. When he was paid, he secretly gave him a brochure and asked him to go home and read it secretly.

For Ding Heyuan, the things drawn in the pamphlet were completely new to Ding Heyuan. He was surprised, shy, and even a little yearning. But about this pamphlet, he dared not tell anyone until he encountered a symbol. Jiuyin seems to be a friend of the same age.

In fact, he also wanted to ask others if the pictures in this pamphlet were correct. Now he finally has someone to ask. For Ding Heyuan, good friends should share, he wants to be good friends with Fu Jiuyin.

When Fu Jiuyin heard the pamphlet, he was stunned for a while, and then said, "Okay."

When sharing the booklet, Ding Heyuan deliberately closed the doors and windows tightly before taking out the booklet from the bottom of the closet.

"I'll show you, you are not allowed to say it." Ding Heyuan emphasized carefully.

"Okay." Fu Jiuyin said impatiently, "Hurry up, don't linger."

Ding Heyuan got the other party's promise before handing over his precious booklet. When Fu Jiuyin watched, Ding Heyuan couldn't help but watch together. No matter how many times he watched, his face would blush every time he watched it.

Fu Jiuyin frowned at first, but became thoughtful in the back. After reading it, he raised his eyes and asked the other person, "Why do people here do this kind of thing?"

"Because I like it." Ding Heyuan answered very quickly. He was afraid that Fu Jiuyin would go wrong and bully her girl's house. He quickly emphasized, "This matter needs to be in harmony with each other."

"What does it mean to be happy with each other?" Fu Jiuyin asked again.

This question really puzzled Ding Heyuan. He racked his brains before answering, "It should be that each other can't be separated from each other."

Fu Jiuyin retracted his eyes and slowly closed the booklet, "Thank you for showing this to me, but I am going home for dinner now."

"It's okay, it's okay." Ding Heyuan quickly picked up the booklet and said nervously, "but you must not tell anyone."

Fu Jiuyin glanced at his nervous look and sneered, "Okay."

After returning home, Fu Jiuyin was still thinking about the things in the pamphlet. He didn't even hear Shen Jue talking to him. After Shen Jue stopped speaking, he realized that he quickly squeezed out a smile, "Uncle, what did you just say?"

Shen Jue lowered his eyes, "I just asked you, how are you getting along with Ding Heyuan?"

"It's okay." When Fu Jiuyin heard the question about Ding Heyuan, he lost his energy in an instant. The man was really boring, just the booklet was a bit interesting.

The next day, Fu Jiuyin took to the street to shop after a simple change of appearance. When he grows up, Shen Jue will give him money so that he can buy whatever he wants. It’s just that Fu Jiuyin is generally not interested in buying things, but today he is going to buy a few pamphlets by himself, and give him Ding and Yuanyi. This book, lest the other party even the broken books are so precious.

Fu Jiuyin went to the study first, and directly asked the boss if he had a brochure.

The boss paused and took out several copies from the counter, "These are all new, which one do you want?"

"I want it." After Fu Jiuyin finished speaking, he asked again, "Are you all male and female?"

The boss paused again and took out another one, "This one belongs to Longyang."

Fu Jiuyin readily gave the money and put a few pamphlets into his storage ring. On the way home, he saw a magical artifact shop and couldn't help but become interested and walked in.

As soon as he walked in, he saw the red ribbon hanging on the wall.

Fu Jiuyin's eyes changed slightly, "What is this?"

The shopkeeper followed Fu Jiuyin’s eyes and glanced back, “Guests have a good look. This is a celestial rope that can be tied to anything from heaven to earth. It’s said that the last owner of this rope is a famous person. The magic cultivator Xue Wenchun, if it weren't for Xue Wenchun's death, how could this good thing be sold.

"I want it!" Fu Jiuyin said directly.

Fu Jiuyin’s refreshment shocked the shopkeeper. He also specifically stated the price, but he didn’t know that Fu Jiuyin’s expression didn’t change a bit, so he thought this was a big customer here, and he took out several things. , And one of the flying swords attracted Fu Jiuyin's attention.

"This is..." He stretched out his hand to touch the sword, but he didn't expect the sword to be touched by him, but it buzzed.

The shopkeeper actually sold these items for a long time, especially the immortal ropes and flying swords, but these two items were sold and returned. Because they didn’t recognize the master, I didn’t expect to meet a customer who could let Feijian recognize the master today. .

"Guest, you are definitely destined to be the master of this flying sword. This sword has been sold to me for almost two years. The sword must be a good sword, made of countless good materials, but it does not recognize the master and never listens. So no one wants to buy it, but today I met you, and the sword should be accompanied by a good master." The shopkeeper said enthusiastically.

Fu Jiuyin held the sword, and suddenly felt that a piece of it in his heart seemed to be filled. He was stunned and said to the shopkeeper: "I want to tie the immortal rope and this sword."

When he returned home, Shen Jue had not yet returned.

Shen Jue will also do tasks now, sometimes Fu Jiuyin will go with him, sometimes Shen Jue will not let him.

When Fu Jiuyin got home, he took out the immortal rope and flying sword. As soon as the immortal tie rope came out, he took the initiative to wrap his hand. After winding his hand a few times, he took the initiative to retract into his sleeve, and the flying sword, Fu Jiuyin, pulled out. The flying sword buzzed and seemed very excited.

"Strange..." Fu Jiuyin thoughtfully, "I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

For some reason, Fu Jiuyin didn't tell Shen Jue about the things he bought, but secretly studied it every day while Shen Jue was away.

The few books that the study owner sold him are more exciting than Ding He Yuan, and they have any posture. Fu Jiuyin also saw someone tied with a rope. He was reluctant to tie Shen Jue with a rope, but it didn't matter, he had an immortal rope.

Ever since Ding Heyuan showed him the booklet, Fu Jiuyin had an urge to do something to Shen Jue.

He still doesn't understand what it means to be in love with each other, but he wants to get closer to Shen Jue, and to get closer, not like his uncle and nephew. He had long known that Shen Jue was not his uncle, Shen Jue was a dragon, and he was a fox, which kind of uncle was.


Good night~ Today is a chapter as fat as Fu Jiuyin.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: smile without leaving one;

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 chun; 1 wakaka, yuf, and Mo Xiaobai;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

The mountain is not trapped by the wind: 50 bottles; gamblers, fairies. 40 bottles; Gu Jiujiu 29 bottles; 20 bottles of boredom; 18 bottles of Jiliang Falcon Liang; Qiaoqiao happy today, corn-flavored taro, Baiguiqing, Bai Yuyan Yan, snoring, snoring, cymbal, bitter gourd, Yinghuo Shouxin, Eris, Su Qingzhan 10 bottles; Xizhishen 9 bottles; I have no feelings 8 bottles; Chexia 5 bottles; Jiaren Zhusu, cq, EE, Miao Xiangjun ., Shallow autumn leaves, dumplings (*?︶?*), la la la, 71 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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