Shen Jue hung up the phone.

Yao Zhan is a wise person to a certain extent. When Shen Jue doesn't answer him, he won't call and harass him again, but is this not an act of carelessness?

Because of the slippery snowy road, the driver drove very slowly, and the traffic jam on the road, it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived at Lishan Yayuan. Because of the taboo, many things can't be eaten, so Shen Jue bought some dishes by the way before going home and prepared to make it himself.

When he opened the door, the room was quiet, but it was a mess. The shoes in the hallway were scattered. The coffee table and sofa in the living room were full of empty or half snack bags and unfinished beer cans. Pour on a light brown carpet, leaving a disgusting stain.

Shen Jue stood in the living room and looked at it for a while. He first mentioned the dishes to the kitchen, and then walked into the master bedroom. He unscrewed the door and went in. He suddenly saw a person on the bed.

The man turned on the air-conditioner in the room sufficiently, so he showed half of his white waist without fear of the cold. Shen Jue recognized the person, including the pajamas on that person. The pajamas belonged to him, bought half a month before the accident was hospitalized.

Shen Jue moved his eyes away, went to the window, and opened the curtains directly. The light from outside suddenly came in, awakening the person on the bed.

"Damn, who?" The person on the bed cursed in a daze, then rubbed his hair, raised his head, was silent for a moment, and his tone changed instantly, "Brother, you are back."

Shen Jue had just turned around. The person on the bed had gotten out of bed and walked in front of him. A sweet smile burst out on a face that was as delicate as a rose, "Brother, I wanted to go to the hospital to see you, but I'm afraid you are still angry with me, so I have to wait for my brother at home. Brother, look, when you are away, I miss you very much. You can only sleep if you sleep in your bed every day."

Shang Jiayu is always like this. He is used to coaxing people with sweet words, and then in the next second, he will be able to stab your heart with a knife.

As an Omega, Shang Jiayu's height is already considered to be the taller among Omegas, at 1.75 meters, but Shen Jue is taller than him. Shen Jue is 1.85 meters tall, which is even comparable to some Alphas, while Shang Jiayu wears Shen. Jue's clothes only wears a top, no pants.

He doesn't seem to care about showing his beautiful body in front of others.

Shen Jue's gaze patrolled from bottom to top, and Shang Jiayu let him look, because he knew that Shen Jue would not do anything to him. In the past six months, he had already figured out Shen Jue's character.

It looks good, but it is actually a poor bug, because he can coax the people in front of him by saying anything.

Beta is Beta, how can you be willing to be angry with a good Omega?

Shen Jue looked away and walked into the cloakroom connected to the master bedroom. His cloakroom was fairly tidy, and Shang Jiayu probably only took his pajamas and went out without much tossing inside.

He took out a new set of pajamas under the cabinet and was stopped by someone as soon as he walked to the bathroom door.

Shang Jiayu stretched out a leg and stepped on the door frame, blocking Shen Jue’s path, "Brother, why are you ignoring me? Is it possible that you are still angry? No, you are too stingy, last time I just didn’t I twisted my foot carefully before sitting on Brother Zhan’s leg. Nothing happened between me and him. The last time my brother fell, I was completely careless. I wanted you not to fight, but I accidentally bumped into it. Brother."

After he finished speaking, he closed his legs, twisted his body, stood on tiptoes and put his arms around Shen Jue's neck. There was a smile on that charming little face, "Brother, don't be angry. Can't it?"

As soon as the words fell, his hand was torn off.

Shang Jiayu's face suddenly stiffened, and the subsequent development directly stunned him.

He watched Shen Jue pull him out of the bedroom and brought him to the chair in the dining room. After being pushed down, he still looked at Shen Jue with a pair of non-selective almond eyes, "Brother, you?"

And when he saw Shen Jue approaching the utility room and took out the hemp rope and tape, he immediately jumped up and tried to flee to the door, but he was an Omega. Once he had strength, he had no chance of winning against Shen Jue. of.

At the same time, the soundproofing of the house Shen Jue bought was particularly good. When Shang Jiayu yelled his throat, people outside could not hear a word.

After a few strokes, Shen Jue tied Shang Jiayu to the stool with tape on his mouth. When he stood up, Shang Jiayu saw that his eyes were almost poisonous, and he kept trying to curse, but he cursed. The voices of are just "mmmmmmm".

After Shen Jue tied the people, he went to the bathroom again, and he came out again after half an hour. Shang Jiayu watched Shen Jue enter the guest bedroom and moved the stool with anger, but after moving for a long time, he moved forward a little bit, and he was half tired.

Then, Shang Jiayu's eyes widened as his things were moved out of the guest bedroom.

"Hmm!" Shen Jue, what do you want to do?

"Hmm!" I tell you, I will call the police, and the police will arrest you when you are torturing Omega. Just wait and go to jail!

Shen Jue was not interested in listening to what Shang Jiayu said. He opened the door and threw out Shang Jiayu's luggage. Then, he walked up to Shang Jiayu and tore off the tape from the other party's mouth.

After Shang Jiayu was able to speak, he immediately scolded, "Shen Jue, are you sick? You lost me! Believe it or not, I will call the police immediately and call Brother Zhan to show him how ugly you are. Looks like, Brother Jianzhan still praises you for your kindness, where are you..."

Halfway through the conversation, the rope on his body was untied, and in the next instant, he was dragged to the door by Shen Jue. This shocking change caused him to stop cursing. Shang Jiayu seemed to realize that Shen Jue wasn't joking with him, his face changed drastically, and he immediately turned into a smile, "Brother, brother, are you really angry with me? I just made a joke, I won't call the police, don't let me Out..."

At this time, he had been pushed outside the door, and the door was closed in front of him.

Shang Jiayu gritted his teeth, looked down at his current embarrassed appearance, and cursed again: "Give me a pair of shoes anyway!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door reopened, and his shoes were thrown out. Then soon, the door closed again, and he heard the sound of locking inside.

Shang Jiayu has lived for eighteen years, and has never been swept out of the house, and the person who treats him like this is actually only Beta. He is so angry that he almost wants to scream, but the only reason left in his brain restrains his behavior.

This is a wealthy area. Although it is a ladder for one household, if his screaming voice is heard by others, it would be very indecent.

Shen Jue in the room took out his mobile phone and called Yao Zhan back. Yao Zhan should be at work at this time.

After seven or eight beeps, Yao Zhan finally answered the phone, his voice was very soft, "Baby, I'm in a meeting, if you want to get angry with me, can you..."

Shen Jue interrupted him, "Yao Zhan, I drove Shang Jiayu out. If you don't want to see him fall on the street and be raped by others, you can pick him up at my door."

Yao Zhan obviously stopped, and Shen Jue had hung up the phone.

Shen Jue's second call was made to the cleaning aunt who had always helped him with hygiene, and asked the other person to come over temporarily to work overtime. Then he bought a lot of furniture online and called a moving company by the way.

When Yao Zhan’s company was some distance away from Shen Jue’s house, when he arrived here, Shen Jue was already moving things here, and Shang Jiayu was standing in the corner wrapped in a down jacket, his luggage piled messily beside him. .

"Xiaoyu, are you okay?" As soon as Yao Zhan spoke, he was hugged by Shang Jiayu who rushed over. Shang Jiayu's voice was crying, "Brother Zhan, my brother drove me out. He also tied me with a rope. Look at my hands!"

He showed his wrist to Yao Zhan, and as expected, there were red scars on his tender and white wrist. Yao Zhan's eyes were obviously sinking, and before he could speak, the mover who moved the furniture came over and said, "Let's give it a hand, don't get stuck here, I didn't see this busy."

Yao Zhan frowned, and could only pull Shang Jiayu to stand aside, "Do you have any other injuries? I will take you to the hospital later, don't be afraid."

Shang Jiayu nodded obediently when he heard the words.

After Yao Zhan coaxed Shang Jiayu, he went to find Shen Jue. He saw that Shen Jue's house was open, and people were coming in and out of it, and his brows became tighter. He walked into the house, but found that almost all the furniture in the house had been evacuated, while Shen Jue stood by the French windows in the living room, watching people enter and exit.

"Xiao Jue, what are you doing?" When Yao Zhan saw Shen Jue, he smiled as usual, and approached Shen Jue. "You are angry, so you won't drive Xiaoyu out, he is still young. , So you are still a little ignorant, don't be angry with a child."

Shen Jue’s eyes turned to Yao Zhan’s face. Yao Zhan had never seen Shen Jue’s eyes before. Even when Shen Jue and Shang Jiayu hugged him, the other’s eyes were nothing but consternation and pain. , Anger, and only indifference at this time, as if he was just a stranger.

Yao Zhan paused slightly, his eyes moved from the opponent's eyes to the forehead.

As a Beta, Shen Jue’s appearance can be said to be very good, otherwise Yao Zhan would not have caught the opponent at first sight, love at first sight, nine out of ten, it was just a surprise. Of course he can be engaged to Shen Jue. , Is also inseparable from Shen Jue's own excellence and understanding.

The previous Shen Jue was like a painting that Yao Zhan admired very much, but at this time there was a stain on this painting. He stared at the wound on his forehead. The wound was a bit serious, probably scarring.

"He is still young, you are not young anymore." Shen Jue saw that the other party had been staring at his wounds, calmly opened her mouth, "You have a marriage contract, and let others sit on your lap. This is how you got engaged. Are you loyal to me when you talk about it?"

Before he came, Yao Zhan figured out how to explain it, so he didn’t panic, “Baby, you really misunderstood. It was just a misunderstanding that time. He twisted his foot and accidentally fell on my lap. Then I was not. Did you push him away soon? It’s just that you came in at a coincidental time, that I thought there was a problem with the two of us. If I was really unhappy, I was a playboy, I wouldn’t have been engaged to you in the first place."

"It doesn't matter, we can dissolve the marriage contract." Shen Jue showed Yao Zhan the page on the phone, "I have asked a lawyer to draw up the contract, and the first draft has been out. If it is fast, the contract will be on your desk tomorrow morning. I hope you can sign your name in time."

Speaking of this, Shen Jue took a step forward. He was three centimeters shorter than Yao Zhan, but this did not prevent him from looking at each other's eyes, "Now, you and Shang Jiayu get out of my house together."


An hour later, Shen Jue entered the police station. He was charged with failing to fulfill his guardian's responsibilities, driving the guardian out of the house without authorization and committing abandonment.

The police officer who interrogated Shen Jue was an older male Beta. This is the first time he has dealt with this kind of abandonment in so many years. He pushed his glasses and carefully read the information before raising his eyes and sitting on the opposite side. Youth.

The young man in a dark gray coat gave birth to a very handsome face, with eyebrows like mountain daisies, eyes like autumn water, high nose and thin lips, all of which are flattering looks, but the forehead wound destroys the beauty of the whole face.


The police officer coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said, "Do you know how big a mistake you made?"

The young man’s eyes were very pale, seeming to be light brown, and he turned slightly at this time, “I think I’m right, I really can’t guard Shang Jiayu anymore. Half a month ago, he sat on my fiance’s lap. He also pushed me down the stairs. As you can see, he did the injury on my head. In the half month I was in the hospital, Shang Jiayu never showed up. Instead, he drove it at my home. He got up, my monitoring recorded the whole process of his opening. If you want to watch it, I can provide it."

Having said this, the young man lowered his head slightly, his tone of voice was obviously heavier, "My father divorced my mother when I was very young, and he never came back when he went abroad. The news of his death was when he heard the news again. He also gave me such a big surprise. I think the information is very clear. My father and Shang Jiayu’s mother only met for seven days. Because of these seven days, my life should be ruined by him. ?"

At the end of the conversation, there was a sob in the voice.

It is distressing for a teenager to cry, but when a youth who looks very strong shows a fragile side, it makes people feel mixed.

The police officer couldn't help but sighed, and the scales in his heart were involuntarily skewed, "This matter, we can understand, but you are still too eager to do things, and you can't drive people out of the house in the winter. You should apply first. Releasing the guardianship, wait for the approval from above, and decide the whereabouts of the ward before you can send the person out."

When his words fell, he saw the young man on the opposite side raising his head, his eyes faintly red, as if crying.

"When my fiance knew that Shang Jiayu was driven out by me, he rushed over immediately. I didn’t think I was too hasty, or even felt too slow. If I were a little later, maybe Shang Jiayu would be pregnant. What should I do when I have been with my fiance’s child? I have also committed a crime because of poor supervision, but what can I do? When they go to bed, remind them to remember to wear a condom?"


When the police officer went out, a young police officer approached gossipingly, "Old Yan, how is it? How is the education?"

"Don't talk about education, I'm going to die of anger." When the police officer said this, he couldn't help but snorted, "I really don't treat Beta as a human being these days. Is it easy for young people? It's hard to work. It went well, and I found my fiancé. Okay, an Omega was dropped from the sky, which disrupted people's lives. I said, those two are as embarrassed to call the police, forget it, don't talk about it."

Hearing this, the young police officer glanced at the conference room, his voice lowered a lot, "Don't say it, you didn't see the two people still hugging each other now, we can't help this matter, the derailed fiance's family is big. Now."

As he said, he cast his mouth down, obviously disgusted.

However, no matter how biased their hearts were, Shen Jue's charge was confirmed, but he could deal with it at his discretion. In the end, Shen Jue was fined for three days.

When Shang Jiayu learned that this was the case, he was very dissatisfied. The anger on Bai Nen's face was so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious. "He drove me out of the house and I caught a cold. Will he be fined three days?"

The police officer smiled slightly, "He has just been discharged from the hospital and the penalty was heavy. What if he can't stand his body and enters the hospital again? I see, this matter is not as big as a trivial matter. He has been fined now, and he knows he is wrong. Yes, you, just follow..." He glanced at Yao Zhan, who was in a neat suit next to him, "Let's live with your guardian's fiance for a while."

This sounded weird, but it was the truth. Shang Jiayu bit his lower lip and could only look at Yao Zhan aggrievedly.

Yao Zhan was much calmer than Shang Jiayu, and he just nodded, "This matter is troublesome. Shen Jue is here and I have to take care of everyone. He is not in good health." He turned his head and tried his eyes at the assistant behind him.

The assistant immediately brought a bunch of things forward, "This is the afternoon tea our boss bought when you see you work hard."

The police officer quickly refused, "It won't work. We can't accept the gift, so let's go back."

After pushing and pulling several times, Yao Zhan still didn't send the things out. When he got in the car, his face was a little bit worse, and Shang Jiayu next to him was even more angry. He thought that Shenjue could be closed for ten and a half months at least, but he didn't know it was just fluttering. Three days.

Shen Jue also changed the code lock of the door, he can't go back now!

"Brother Zhan." Shang Jiayu couldn't help but leaned his head on Yao Zhan's. "My brother is too much, how can he treat me like this? My hands still hurt."

Yao Zhan was still thinking about the contract, and he was a little absent-minded at this time. He never thought that Shen Jue would take the initiative to break his marriage contract with him. The other party could not know what that contract meant to Shen Jue.

That marriage contract was an invitation for Shen Jue to enter the upper class, but now Shen Jue tore off the invitation, and even coldly faced him, the host who issued the invitation.

Of course, Yao Zhan has feelings for Shen Jue, otherwise he would not be engaged to the other party, but as time goes by, this feeling becomes very weak. He thought that the matter between him and Shang Jiayu was only a small matter, but the other party's reaction was so big, it was really not like him before.

"Brother Zhan?" Seeing Yao Zhan didn't speak, Shang Jiayu couldn't help raising his head, reaching out and pushing the other person, "Are you listening to me?"

Yao Zhan returned to his senses and smiled slightly, "What's the matter?"

"My hands hurt!" Shang Jiayu said coquettishly.

"Then I'll rub it for you." Yao Zhan chuckled lightly, but reached out his hand and pinched Shang Jiayu's face.


During the three days Shen Jue was imprisoned, he could not communicate with the outside world. Fortunately, after his leave was taken until the end of the year, he would not be recorded as absenteeism.

Three days later, Shen Jue went home and took a shower, and slept for another ten hours before getting up. His mobile phone has run out of power a long time ago. He only now thinks about charging. During the charging process, Shen Jue went to the largest supermarket nearby.

Now all the furniture in his house has been replaced, and the life of Shang Jiayu is no longer there. He also lost several of his clothes that seemed to be worn by people.

In this way, Shang Jiayu was temporarily driven out, but he was not ready to apply for the removal of Shang Jiayu's guardianship.

Shang Jiayu's custody is with him. If Shang Yanyu shows up, he must meet him. This is also a way to see each other.

Shen Jue pushed the cart, while thinking about what to do next, while putting the things he wanted to buy into the cart, around a corner, he ran into a familiar person.

"Xiao Jue, what a coincidence." Yao Zhan saw Shen Jue, his eyes a little complicated.

Shen Jue’s dissolution contract was delivered to his desk two days ago, but he hadn’t signed it yet. He thought he should have seen Shen Jue, but he made several calls to Shen Jue and it all showed Shutting down.

Shen Jue glanced at Yao Zhan and then rolled his eyes. When he passed by the opponent, his arm was caught.

"Xiao Jue, can we talk about it? You don't want to talk to me, but you should always talk about that contract."

Shen Jue stopped.

Fifteen minutes later, they sat in a coffee shop above the supermarket.

Yao Zhan looked at the opposite youth and sighed softly, "Do you have to break my marriage contract now? There is no room for redemption?"

Shen Jue looked out the window. There was no snow today. There were many people shoveling snow on the road. The white snow now turned to black and looked very sick.

Yao Zhan didn’t expect Shen Jue to only look out the window, completely ignoring him, his eyes sinking uncontrollably, he pressed his fingers on the table lightly, "Xiao Jue, when someone is talking to you, you shouldn’t look Looking out the window, it's very rude."

Shen Jue finally turned his head, he looked at Yao Zhan indifferently, "Didn't you talk about the contract with me? Is there any problem with the contract?"

Yao Zhan pursed his lower lip for a while before he said, "There is no problem. I want to find you because there is no problem. Why do you want to return all the gifts I gave you before? I gave it to you. It’s already yours. You don’t need to return it to me. I’m not so useless Alpha."

"If you don't want those things, just lose them. I don't need them anymore." Shen Jue looked at Yao Zhan's eyes, "Do you have any questions? If there are none, I want to go first."

Yao Zhan was also a little angry at this time. He leaned back and chuckled, "Go, there is really nothing to talk about, Xiao Jue, you are too naive. If you are so naive, it is difficult to survive in this society. ."

Shen Jue had already gotten up. Hearing the second half of Yao Zhan's sentence, he stopped and looked at the other party again, "Right, Yao Zhan."

Yao Zhan raised his eyes, "Huh?"

Before he could say anything, a cup of coffee was splashed on his face.

"Thank you for reminding me that I wasn't naive enough before, so I count now." Shen Jue put down the coffee cup, took his big bag to eat, and left.


good night

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Smile and stay, Ah Jing 1;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 28094107, modified nickname, cuckoo egg, July of that year, 25015719, 23492417, the song is wrong and only waits for the king, a pillow of frost, the waning moon in the abyss, cymbals, Light twist, shortbread butter sauce, 1 small bee;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of smiling face; 39 bottles of ringo; 30 bottles of Ayou Kaidin; 3,744,956,325 bottles; 20 bottles of Stitch, Xiaoyi, Stray, Achen, and Suying; 17 bottles; the realm master is really crumb 11 Bottle; flowers blooming all over the building, blooming season, Haohao is too cute, lemon, no moon robbery, pool, fish, small forest, a piece, floating by, it is floating clouds, new forget marks, three to five, foreign visitors, Mizhi Festival Wei Mo, 3314106810 bottles; 9 bottles of Zhengge; 8 bottles of Guiqiu Na Chloride; 6 bottles of Zhixuan and Tianyan; not enough kimchi, Mo Qing, Xi Jioming, Anonymous, Pippi addicted to mobile phone inadvertent learning, blooming flowers, mushrooms and stone eggs , 38969148, 5 bottles of Mo, 桜, and Qi; 4 bottles of Kiki that loves Nini most; 3 bottles of profound and Jiaguan Feihua; 2 bottles of Scarlet Priest Luo and Zhan Xuyang; Jue'er God Weihehe, Budai, Sanchi Weiming , Youdao Shi, pupu, Lao Xian, 28094107, dumplings, ah, this, speed limit warning, PENNY, Xingyue Changye, 22290059, Jiugeng Nian, Li Xiaoyao 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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