Hearing this, Shen Jue directly patted the pillow next to Shang Jiayu's face. He could tell the truth between crying and howling, "Get out when you're done, don't stay here."

Shang Jiayu hugged the pillow, sat up slowly, and glanced at Shen Jue, "Can't we sleep together tonight? What if I do it again later?"

"Then I will take you to the hospital." Shen Jue's voice was cold, "Get out."

Shang Jiayu saw Shen Jue's resolute attitude and squashed his mouth unhappily, but he still went out obediently. Before leaving, he went along with Shen Jue and hit his pillow.

He lay back on the sofa in the living room, holding Shen Jue's pillow in his arms. At this time, Shang Jiayu was not drowsy. He stared at the TV for a while and then took out the phone.

He ran to his favorite anonymous forum and posted a post——

"I was temporarily marked by someone who hated it, what should I do?"

He briefly introduced his situation today in the main building.

A few seconds later, his post was replied.

"I wish 99!"

Shang Jiayu blinked, and left another sentence.

"How can I wish 99, I don't like him, he doesn't like me either, I also deliberately robbed his fiance."

Such a hot sentence late at night caused many night owls to surround themselves.

Some criticized Shang Jiayu for being shameless, while more people said--

"This is true love, right? If it wasn't true love, I would have killed you early, and temporarily mark you, the original poster, don't show affection, show affection, and die fast."

"If you can come up and post an inquiry, it proves that you are very confused now, the original poster, do you really hate him? Are you sure that all this you did is not attracting his attention?"

"Hey, late night dog food, the original poster, you swear not to come here to show affection after being together?"

"You robbed his fiancé, and he also helped to mark you. Either that person is a good person with no principles, or he just loves you hard, which one do you think it is?"


After Shang Jiayu read all the replies, he didn't know why his heart jumped a little faster. This feeling was different from when he seduce everyone before. He seduce those people, watched them please him, fight for him, only find it interesting. He is like a butterfly, walking among the flowers, never staying for any flower. He thinks this feeling is the best, but now...

He bit his lower lip and finally buried his face in the pillow he brought out of Shen Jue's room.


The next day, when Shen Jue got up, Shang Jiayu was still asleep. He was asleep, half of the quilt fell to the ground, but he didn't feel it, and he slept soundly.

Shen Jue glanced at it, and after watering the flowers on the balcony, he changed clothes and went to work.

Today he has a reason to go to the company because he is going to talk about a project today. The headquarter intends to open a branch of a fashion subsidiary in country M. Once it is opened, Shen Jue has a fair reason to travel between here and country M. He can stay in the branch of country M for ten days or even half a month. month. In this case, it is more likely to find Shang Yanyu in advance, otherwise he can only wait half a year before Shang Yanyu comes to Shang Jiayu.

In the past few lives, the headquarter also raised the idea of ​​opening a branch in country M, but Shen Jue at that time voted against it because he felt that the domestic market had not yet established itself and was not suitable for opening up overseas markets. Even after opening a branch, Shen Jue Jue didn't go to the branch to see, but basically left the affairs of the branch to Chu Hye.

And this time, he will definitely vote for it.

If you meet Shang Yanyu in advance, it will definitely be more advantageous. At least this time, Shang Yanyu doesn't know Yao Zhan.

Thinking of Yao Zhan, Shen Jue's expression couldn't help being cold. Last month, Yao Zhan came to his house to pick up Shang Jiayu. After leaving the sick sentence, he changed his mobile phone number to call him, but as soon as he picked it up and heard Yao Zhan’s voice, he hung up. After pulling black, Yao Zhan finally became quiet after five consecutive times, but a few days ago, he mailed a box of things to Shen Jue's company, which was full of chocolates.

He also left a card in it, "I heard people say that you like the gifts at our family's banquet, and I specially bought you different styles."

Shen Jue likes to eat sweets, but Yao Zhan responded so much that he gave the box of chocolates to the employees of the company.


During the meeting and discussion, Shen Jue's phone vibrated in the pocket of his jacket. He didn't care about it, but the number of vibrates in the back was increasing.

The screen was full of text messages from Shang Jiayu.

The beginning of the text message was all "Brother", asking where he was, and saying that he was hungry, and his mouth was broken like a cicada that disturbed the people in summer.

Shen Jue turned off the phone and put it back in his pocket.

This meeting lasted three hours before it ended. It was similar to the results of previous lives. Before the president left the company, he called Shen Jue over and chatted alone.

"I think you agree with this project at the meeting today. To open a fashion branch in M ​​country this time, it will be harder and harder to get started. We must send someone over to stare at it, although we don’t have to keep staring. Yes, but you have to stay there for several days a month. Do you want to go by yourself or let Chu Hye go by?"

Shen Jue did not hesitate, "I think I will be responsible."

"Alright, I can rest assured that you are doing things, Chu He, I still like to play a little bit. Then you have to worry about this project. When the time comes, there will be a new team. It will definitely take a lot of your energy to run in. Rest." The president looked at Shen Jue's head and couldn't help shaking his head, "Why have you suffered so many injuries in the past few months? Just so, I will accompany my wife to the Thousand Buddha Temple to burn incense tomorrow, and you will go with us. Let’s go bye bye, or transfer."

Shen Jue basically couldn't refuse what the president decided. He could only make an appointment with the other party to meet downstairs at the company at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, and then set off to the Qianfo Temple together.


After Shen Jue returned to his office, he turned on his mobile phone. Once it was turned on, his mobile phone vibrated constantly. Finally, when the vibration stopped, he looked at the SMS box. There were a hundred new text messages in it. Jiayu sent it alone.

He unscrewed his eyebrows, too lazy to read each one, and deleted all the text messages with one click, and then pulled Shang Jiayu's mobile phone number into the blacklist.

Shen Jue stayed busy until eight o'clock in the evening before leaving the company. Because he had to get up early tomorrow, he didn't want to cook anymore, so he casually found a restaurant on the side of the road to eat. When he got home, it was already ten o'clock.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw a figure rushing up, and he immediately flashed to the side, the figure almost fell.

It turned out to be Shang Jiayu.

Shang Jiayu stared at Shen Jue, his eyes seemed to be angry, "Why don't you reply to my text messages? You black me out!"

"Why should I return your text messages?" Shen Jue said coldly, and directly pushed away Shang Jiayu who was blocking the door, "I am very tired today and don't want to watch you make trouble."

Shang Jiayu blinked, and then ran to Shen Jue to block the road, "What is your attitude? I waited for you at home for a day. I knew you might go to the company. I was afraid that you were in a meeting, so I only texted you. It's okay for you, you won't reply to a text message, and show me a face when you come back. You are too much."

Shen Jue curled his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him, "Shang Jiayu, if you are not happy with me, just go out, go to Yao Zhanna, or go to anyone's house." After that, he bypassed Go forward when you get the other party.

This time Shang Jiayu finally didn't stop him, and when passing by the living room, Shen Jue saw a cake on the coffee table.

He glanced, and then returned to the master bedroom.

When Shang Jiayu saw Shen Jue only glanced at the cake, he went back to the master bedroom and kicked off the wall angrily, but after the kick, he almost burst into tears.

After finally holding back the tears, he walked to the living room, picked up the cake and threw it into the kitchen trash can.

He woke up today and went to a well-known cake shop to buy cakes. After buying them, he was waiting for Shen Jue to come back, but the other party never came back. He didn’t eat dinner and was starving to death, guarding what was in front of him. The cake cannot be eaten yet.

But he didn't know, he finally waited until the other party came back, and the other party only looked straight at him and even glanced at the cake he bought.

Shang Jiayu got more and more angry as he thought about it, took out his phone, re-opened the post yesterday, and added his latest reply.

"I won't be 99 with him. Stop talking nonsense. It's useless to please him."


The next day, Shen Jue got up very early, because he had to meet at the company at 6 o'clock, he got up at 4:30, and went out at 5 o'clock. Shang Jiayu rolled under the sofa with the quilt, and Shen Jue almost stepped on it when he was taking things he.

After arriving at the company, Shen Jue's car followed the president's car and went to the Qianfo Temple in the suburbs.

It took about an hour and a half to drive before finally reaching the destination. Because he was going to the temple, Shen Jue didn’t wear a suit today, but a sportswear. The president looked at him and was stunned for a while. Then he smiled and said, “Shen Jue, you, I thought it was from the company. The intern came out with me."

The wife of the president next to him also laughed, "Yes, I also said that Old Chen teased me and said that he brought you out, but he took someone else."

Shen Jue could only pursed his lips and smiled.

The mountain where the Thousand Buddha Temple is located is not high, so the president and his wife are preparing to go up on foot. Naturally, Shen Jue can only accompany him, and he follows a little behind. Today is a working day and the weather is cold, so not many people come to the temple. They walked for about half an hour before they met a person who came down from the mountain.

The man wore a peaked cap and a mask, and was dressed in black, slowly descending from the mountain.

Although it was tightly covered, the figure and temperament did not look like ordinary people.

The president's wife looked at it for several times, and couldn't help but knocked the president next to her with her elbow, and muttered, "Old Chen, isn't this a star?"

While talking, that person was already very close to them.

Shen Jue was looking at the lake next to the mountain road. He turned his head when he heard the sound of footsteps. When he turned his head, he saw a pair of eyes.


Sorry, there was a problem with the home network just now and I couldn't make it up and down. Everyone has been waiting for a long time. In order to make up for it, the first 100 comments in this chapter are all red packets.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

The spring breeze hits 7 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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