As soon as these words fell, Yao Zhan found that the complexion of the person in his arms changed obviously, his eyes seemed to be angry and annoyed, and his lips were tightly pressed. He saw Shen Jue's condition not healed, his face was pale, and he put on this look, quite pitiful and lovely, which made him think of the days when Shen Jue had to bear him. At that time, Shen Jue always gritted his teeth. Don't let the voice leak out, but being bullied so badly, it is inevitable to ask for mercy.

Yao Zhan's evil taste at that time was to deliberately want Shen Jue to make a sound, because the other party at that time was so cute that he couldn't help bullying, but now there is another person who has seen Shen Jue look like that.

Yao Zhan couldn't say that he believed everything about Shang Jiayu, but he believed most of it, because Shang Jiayu showed him the video, which should have been secretly recorded, and captured the whole process of Shen Jue coming out of the room.

Yao Zhan talked with Shen Jue for a few years, how could he not see what was going on?

Shen Jue was touched by others, and he is very uncomfortable now.

But no matter how uncomfortable, things happen, Shang Jiayu is right, time can't go back.

"Xiao Jue, you don't have to work overtime every day after you leave the hospital. If that job is really so busy, do you come to my company? I will give you the same salary as you do now. You don't need to work overtime. Just go to work normally." He reached out and touched the opponent's cheek, "If you don't want to go to work, you can. You can live with me."

The hidden meaning in this statement is self-evident.

Shen Jue directly knocked Yao Zhan's hand off, struggling to get up, but Yao Zhan didn't let go, he couldn't break away at all, and finally he was forced to hold on his leg.

He was not much different from Yao Zhan's height. He was hugged in his arms like a child, making him respond incomparably, but at this moment, the door opened again.

It is Shang Jiayu.

When Shang Jiayu saw Yao Zhan holding Shen Jue, he didn't say anything, but closed the door with his backhand and locked it.

Shang Jiayu walked to the bed and saw that no matter how hard Shen Jue struggled, Yao Zhan couldn't get away with it, his eyebrows grew gloomy. In the first eighteen years, he never felt that there was any problem with his Omega identity, but for the first time now he hates that he is just an Omega. If he is Alpha like Yao Zhan and Shang Yanyu, then Shen Jue wants to push He couldn't do it even if he opened it, and he didn't have to do what he wanted, so he didn't have to work hard like he does now.

He quickly put away the gloom between his eyebrows, and pulled the chair beside him, sat down on it, and he watched quietly. When he saw Yao Zhan getting more and more excessive, he pressed people down. , I couldn't help but say something.

"Brother Zhan, brother just woke up."

Yao Zhan paused. After taking a few deep breaths, he sat up and pulled the quilt next to Shen Jue. "Xiao Jue, you can take a break again. I have asked the assistant to bring food. Li Ma does everything What you like to eat must meet your appetite."

Li Ma is the babysitter who has been taking care of Yao Zhan since returning to China.

Shen Jue turned away his face. After a while, he sat up again, "Where is my phone?"

He is now wearing sick clothes. The clothes he wore before are not known where he went. The phone is even missing. He is hospitalized and has not asked for leave from the company.

Shang Jiayu glanced at Yao Zhan, "Brother Zhan, have you seen your brother's phone? Isn't it the clothes you changed?"

Yao Zhan frowned when he heard the words, "I asked the assistant to take the clothes for dry cleaning. There is no mobile phone in it." He took out his mobile phone, "I have Chuhe's phone in my mobile phone. If you want to contact the company, take me Call it on your phone."

Shen Jue stared at the handed mobile phone and was silent for a long time before answering it.

"The phone still has your fingerprint, just unlock it directly." Yao Zhan whispered, "I didn't change the password either."

After he finished speaking, he kept staring at Shen Jue's face, and saw no response at all, and he was a little disappointed.

Shen Jue opened the call log, directly searched for Chu He's name, and then dialed it.

Over there, Chu He picked up quickly and was very enthusiastic, "You are busy, why did President Yao think of calling me?"

"It's me, Shen Jue." After Shen Jue said this, he obviously felt Chu He paused on the other side of the phone, but soon Chu He continued, "A Jue, you didn't come to work today. , Is it uncomfortable?"

"Well, I want to take a few days off." Shen Jue said.

"Then you have a good rest at home, it's okay, the company still has me." Chu Hu paused, his voice was significantly lower, "You and Mr. Yao get back together?"

Shen Jue's tone became colder, "No."

Chu He coughed, "Oh, this way, then you can rest well, Ajue, if you need me anywhere, just call me."

After Shen Jue said thank you, he hung up the phone. He returned the phone to Yao Zhan, but Yao Zhan didn't answer it. He just looked at Shen Jue's face, as if waiting for Shen Jue to speak.

When Shen Jue saw this, he simply threw the phone on the bedside table next to him and lay back.

Shen Jue is not invisible to the weird atmosphere between Yao Zhan and Shang Jiayu. Why did Yao Zhan suddenly do such a disgusting thing in front of Shang Jiayu, and Shang Jiayu still didn't respond?


Shen Jue neither understands Yao Zhan's sudden affection for him, nor does he understand what Shang Jiayu is doing now. After Yao Zhan broke up with him in the past few lives, he has never stalked him like he is now, let alone deliberately kissed him, hugged him, and did such a disgusting act. After returning home, Shang Jiayu contacted Yao Zhan, wasn't it because he liked it?

Now it seems that there is something between Yao Zhan and Shang Jiayu that he doesn't know.

Does it have anything to do with Siyu?

Shang Jiayu saw Si Yu in advance, did he feel a sense of crisis? But no matter what the crisis, these two people should not come to pester him.

However, Shen Jue can clearly find that Shang Jiayu is a little different from before. It can be said that since Shang Jiayu saw him being marked, the whole person has changed a little and it is becoming more and more obvious.

Shen Jue was indeed unwell. He didn't want to be discharged from the hospital for a moment, so he was still living in the hospital that night. Yao Zhan had a reception at night and had to attend, so only Shen was left in the ward at night. Jue and Shang Jiayu.

Although Yao Zhan saw what Shang Jiayu did to Shen Jue, Shang Jiayu is an Omega. No matter how powerful he is, he can’t sleep with Shen Jue. What's more, this is a hospital. Shen Jue is not in good health, so he Shang Jiayu was left to take care of Shen Jue and left by himself.

After Shen Jue's evening sling was done, Shang Jiayu went out, then he locked the door when he returned, and sat down on the chair beside Shen Jue's bed.

"Brother, it's getting late, should you go to bed earlier?" Shang Jiayu said softly, staring straight at Shen Jue's face.

Shen Jue was looking out the window at this time and heard Shang Jiayu's words, but did not answer.

Upon seeing this, Shang Jiayu stretched out his hand to hold Shen Jue's hand on the quilt, but as soon as he touched, the other party quickly retracted his hand, as if he was a plague. Shang Jiayu couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

After Shen Jue retracted his hand, he went to the bathroom to wash. Yao Zhan's assistant sent a change of clothes. The assistant had been with Yao Zhan for several years and knew Shen Jue's size and preferences.

After washing out, he went straight to bed, ignoring Shang Jiayu next to him.

Shang Jiayu watched Shen Jue go to bed, lay down, and covered the quilt. After that, he stared at the person on the bed for a long time before turning off the light in the room and walking to the sofa to sit down.

He took his phone out of his pocket, clicked on the album, and flipped through the latest photos. The first few photos are photos of Shen Jue lying in the hospital bed, and the middle ones are photos of him and Shen Jue. To be precise, they are photos of him and Shen Jue who is still unconscious on the bed. He deliberately solved Shen Jue's disease. The buttons on the clothes gave the impression of not being in the hospital, and the last few photos were of Yao Zhan changing clothes to Shen Jue.

He flipped through the photos back and forth, and finally picked the most ambiguous one from the middle ones and sent it to a mobile phone number.

After sending the message, he kept staring at the phone screen, almost pretty good, but he waited for more than ten minutes without waiting for a reply, a little annoyed, and put the phone back in his pocket.

Shang Jiayu put his eyes on the bed again, and Shen Jue on the bed seemed to have fallen asleep, motionless. He stared for a while, then suddenly stood up quietly, but when he walked to the bed, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

He quickly took out the phone, but on the screen was a text message from Yao Zhan.

Yao Zhan said that his reception here ended early, brought some supper over, and asked Shen Jue if he slept.

Shang Jiayu saw the text message and sat back on the sofa again.


Shen Jue stayed until the next day. He felt no headache and no major physical problems. He was discharged from the hospital. Yao Zhan wanted to use the doctor’s words to stop him, but Shen Jue was determined. Yao Zhan had no choice but to let him Shen Jue was discharged from the hospital, but he also made conditions.

"You can't take good care of yourself now, and Xiaoyu can't take care of others. My villa is very big, and you all live here."

Seeing Shen Jue frowning, he asked Shang Jiayu first, "Xiaoyu, what do you think?"

Shang Jiayu smiled softly, "I'm fine, where my brother lives, where do I live, after all, my brother is my guardian."

Yao Zhan nodded and looked at Shen Jue again, "You think Xiaoyu agrees, don't refuse, stay with me, Li Ma can still cook for you, lest you have irregular meals."

Shen Jue's patience with Yao Zhan continued to decline in the past two days. He didn't want to get angry with him when he heard the other party's self-righteous words. He turned around and walked directly to the elevator. Yao Zhan saw that Shen Jue was doing this, and immediately followed, "Xiao Jue, you are angry with me, and you have to take care of your own body, don't you? You are in this state, and you still take care of Xiao Yu. It's just a mess."

Shen Jue didn't want to talk to Yao Zhan anymore. He reached out and pressed the button on the first floor. Upon seeing this, Yao Zhan pressed the button on the minus first floor leading to the parking lot.

Shang Jiayu walked in just when the elevator door was about to close. He glanced at Yao Zhan's obviously unhappy face, and stood in the corner of the elevator without saying anything.

After the elevator reached the first floor, there were many patients standing outside. Shen Jue was about to go out, but Yao Zhan pulled back. Yao Zhan apologized and smiled at the people outside, "Sorry, we are going down to the first floor." After he finished speaking, he tilted his head to Shen Jue's ear, "Don't make trouble outside, be good."

At this time, Shen Jue directly stomped Yao Zhan's foot and crushed it a few times. After hearing the other party's inhalation, he broke away from the other party's hand forcefully, and quickly got out while the door was about to close. The elevator, when Yao Zhan was about to chase, the elevator doors were closed and they had already moved down.

He couldn't help looking at Shang Jiayu, who was dumbfounded, "Why don't you stop? Just press a key."

Shang Jiayu blinked, "Brother Zhan, if the string is too tight, it will break. My brother has been in the hospital for these two days. I think he is not in a good mood. I don't really want to see us. Let me give my brother some space."


At the other end, Shen Jue got out of the hospital and took a taxi to the mall where he recently sold mobile phones. Although his mobile phone was dropped, his wallet was still there. There was no shortage of cash and cards in it. He bought a new mobile phone and reissued it. card.

As soon as he plugged in the phone card and turned it on, he received a lot of text messages. He first imported the address book and then went to read those text messages. Among those text messages, none of them belonged to Siyu.

But there was a missed call from Si Yu.

Shen Jue thought for a while and called Si Yu back.

The "beep" on the other end of the phone rang almost until the last time before being picked up.

"Hey." Siyu's voice came through the electric current, and it sounded no different from usual.

Shen Jue pressed her lower lip before saying, "It's me, Shen Jue. I lost my phone before. I just bought a new phone and reissued the card."

Si Yu snorted, "No wonder you can't get through with your phone, why did you drop your phone? Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Shen Jue called and walked out of the mall, preparing to take a taxi home.

"That's good, by the way, I want to tell you a piece of news, but I don't know if you think this is good news." Siyu chuckled lightly, "I will probably go to your city for a while, I I received an invitation from a theater on your side to help perform some shows."


The big fish who returned home with a knife to kill the fish.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: Smile Do Not Li, 1 Zhang kk;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 Zhang kk;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 Mr. Gaolingzhihua; 34548295, A Zhangchang is very long, Jin Yao, Shizi Xijiang, Shang Jun, lovely drawing board, modified nickname, 28094107, unrenity 1 A

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

A woman who is quite a scientist 88 bottles; Kaishan Ditang Baozi, Guangjiu, Yunlai 30 bottles; Helenium, spicy chicken Fei, addicted to learning, Nanzhuo, Yao 20 bottles; plum sauce, weak attack 19 bottles; Nam 18 bottles; remarks 12 bottles; _(:з」∠)_, gogo201610, Jinyao, Shimaru Silver’s Liuchuanfeng, change nickname, Anjiu, Do not forget Changshan, Qin Xiaoyi, la la la I am a newspaper seller, Yun, Mu Mu is super cool, nonsense, shallow world, Xia Xia, Delphine, AME! , Sunshine is just right, sitting and waiting for the crematorium, mysterious code, eating melon without spitting skin, 10 bottles of willow flower bells; selling feed, 5 bottles of Xu Zhengqing; Jueer Shenweihehe, 28094107, 2 bottles of concanavali; overflowing, ah this , I love Xiulachang, Wang Ziyi, You Dao Shi, Fatty, Mu Xi, Yunyun 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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