Shen Jue fell asleep until the day was bright. When he woke up, he was in a daze besides the headache. When he was awake, he looked around.

He was in the hotel room where Si Yu was staying. It seemed that the person he saw yesterday was indeed Si Yu, but how did the other party know he was there.

He wanted to ask Si Yu, but when he got up, he found that Si Yu was not in the room, and there was no breakfast even at the table, which was somewhat strange. Because Shen Jue lived here for a month, and not a day, Si Yu did not make breakfast.

He always told Shen Jue that his breakfast was cleaner and more delicious than outside, so every time Shen Jue had to eat his breakfast before letting anyone out.

Shen Jue not only couldn't find Siyu in the room, but he couldn't even find his mobile phone. Now it was nine o'clock, and Shen Jue could only take a hurried bath and set off for the company after changing his clothes. Although the phone was gone, Shen Jue guessed that he was going to drink last night, so he didn't drive to the restaurant.

When he drove to the company, it was already ten ten.

Shen Jue walked into the company and walked to the meeting room. The assistant saw Shen Jue and hurriedly chased him up. "The general manager, Mr. Li, the person in charge of Youshi Group, is here and he has already negotiated the contract with Manager Chu in the meeting room. It's up."

Shen Jue let out a hum, and he kept walking. He drank too much last night, or else he should call Chu He and tell him what he had discussed last night. He knocked on the door of the conference room twice, then pushed in.

As soon as he entered, he saw that Chu He's face changed obviously.

Shen Jue saw the reaction of the other party and slightly twisted his eyebrows, but Chu He quickly returned to normal and greeted him with a smile, "I heard Mr. Li said that you drank a lot last night, why did you come so early?"

"Compared with Mr. Li, it's not drinking." Shen Jue sat down on the chair next to Chu He and looked at the contract on the table, "Has it been signed? What version of the contract is it?"


After the contract was signed, Chu He sent the person in charge of the Youshi Group down and turned around. When he returned to the office, he saw Shen Jue sitting in his seat and his expression changed again.

"Chu He, isn't your mother sick? Shouldn't you take care of him in the hospital?" Shen Jue saw him come in, stopped turning his pen, and put his fingers on the table with a serious expression.

Chu He's mother is a male Omega.

"My dad... went to take care of it. In the morning, Mr. Li called me and said about signing the contract at ten o'clock. I'm... afraid that you won't get up? The phone keeps shutting down when you call you, so I came here first." He rarely speaks so much, which arouses Shen Jue's suspicion.

Shen Jue's eyes sank, "Did you hide something from me?"

Chu He immediately shook his head, but when he met Shen Jue's eyes, he finally said with an embarrassed expression: "A Jue, I...I won't hide it from you, you should go to the police station now. Actually this morning The police called the company and said to... let you go over and cooperate with the investigation."


Shen Jue arrived at the police station that Chu He said was 11 o'clock in the morning. After he reported his name, the police took the person to the door of a room. He saw Si Yu in the room. Si Yu was handcuffed to a chair. It seemed that he hadn't slept all night, his face was a little pale, but his expression was still very calm.

"Do you know this one?" the policeman next to him asked.

Shen Jue nodded and heard the other person say: "He is suspected of hurting an Omega, and that Omega is being treated in the hospital. You should also know that Omega. You are his guardian."

Shen Jue was really surprised now. He looked at the policeman next to him, "You said the people inside shot Shang Jiayu into the hospital?"

"The preliminary investigation is like this. We investigated the surveillance video of Hotel M. The surveillance captured the suspect entering and exiting the hotel room, but there were also doubts. We found glass shards in the bathroom of the room. It should be a murder weapon to injure the victim's face. Only the victim's own fingerprints." The police paused, and suddenly changed the subject, "Do you know that the suspect and the victim are brothers?"


Shen Jue was taken to another room. The police asked for more than an hour before stopping the questioning and went out. After a long time, the interrogating police came back.

"The victim has awakened, but is now very emotional and strongly demanded that the suspect be sentenced, but this case is a bit complicated. Not only is the suspect and the victim brothers, but we do not rule out the possibility of the victim's self-harm behavior last night. As a guardian, you have not fulfilled your responsibility as a guardian to a certain extent. As far as we know, you have not taken care of the victim during this period, but have lived with the suspect. This case is really going to be judged, and you have to Take a certain responsibility. The suggestion we give here is to coordinate with the victim and let him withdraw the lawsuit. Otherwise, according to international laws, the suspect is likely to be sentenced to more than three years and less than five years in prison. "

The international law protects the Omega, which is responsible for its reproduction, so once an Omega is violated, the case will usually be sentenced very seriously, especially Siyu is an Alpha.

In the eyes of many people, it is completely unforgivable for the strong Alpha to beat the weak Omega.

When Shen Jue went to the hospital, he waited a while before seeing Shang Jiayu.

When he entered the ward, Shang Jiayu was sitting next to the bed wearing a medical gown. The medical gown seemed to be a little big and empty on him.

"Shang Jiayu." Shen Jue said.

The person sitting by the bed did not turn his head, "What are you doing?"

"You know the purpose of my coming, should I ask what you want to do?" Shen Jue saw the surveillance video at the police station and saw that he was taken to Hotel M by Shang Jiayu last night, and Si Yu came later.

When Shang Jiayu heard this, he turned his head slowly, and when he turned his head, Shen Jue saw that face, and his eyes flashed with astonishment.

Shang Jiayu has a four-centimeter-long scar on his forehead, which seems to have just been stitched, and looks like an earthworm crawling on it, completely destroying the beauty of that face. After seeing Shen Jue's expression, he tilted his head, "Does it feel ugly?" Before Shen Jue could answer, he said, "I also think it's ugly, but I like it."

Shen Jue can now clearly feel that Shang Jiayu in front of him has changed. It is not the same as before, but maybe it was Shang Jiayu's disguise before. After all, he pretended to be very good in previous lives, and he can be in front of Shen Jue. Crying, you can also turn your face and sell Shen Jue.

Maybe Shang Jiayu didn't want to pretend now.

"I'm here to talk to you about Siyu..." Before she finished speaking, Shen Jue was interrupted.

"Siyu? What is Siyu? Are you talking about my half-brother, Shang Yanyu?" Shang Jiayu grinned, grinning very ugly, "Are you going to intercede for him?"

Shen Jue was silent for a while and said: "Yes."

Shang Jiayu let out a cry, as if he had expected it, and he was quiet for a while before saying, "Do you know all of them? You know he is my brother, too, two identical faces. How can you not know? Chu He guessed it, you are not a fool, you just have no heart."

He bit the words "no heart" very hard.

He looked at Shen Jue, and this time he pursed his lips and smiled slightly, "Has Shang Yanyu told you about me and him?"

"No." Shen Jue said.

Shang Jiayu said: "Then I will tell you."

In the story of Shang Jiayu, the story of the handsome and golden senior and the pair of twins becomes another version. My sister has been working part-time in a cake shop outside the school to make money. Once she was ill and told her to make money. On that day, her sister met the senior for the first time.

When the senior came in, he saw his sister standing in front of the counter. When picking the cake, he glanced at the cake and then at the sister. Finally, after seeing her sister rolled his eyes, he quickly bought a piece of cake, but He bought cakes and did not leave, but sat in the cake shop all night.

When the door was about to close, he blushed and asked if he could contact him when his sister stepped forward to tell the senior to be closed.

At that time, my sister didn't take a look at the other person, and said: "If you come to buy cakes every day, I will give you contact information."

Later, the senior really came to buy cakes every day. Of course, he wanted to get to his sister's contact information.

The first time the senior saw the two sisters appearing together, it was already after he and his sister were together. He was obviously stunned that day. He was a little confused between the two sisters, because the sisters not only looked alike, but also had pheromones. Very similar.

After a long time together, he finally distinguished that the younger sister is the gentler, and the younger sister is the lively.

When the senior graduated, she drank a lot of alcohol. His sister helped him go home. He was unwilling and went crazy. The younger sister couldn't see from behind and couldn't help but slap him, but the senior smiled and turned to say.

"The first time I saw you, you were so fierce, and you were so gentle in the back, I was not used to..."

This is what the drunk said, but the sisters are not drunk.

The younger sister looked at her elder sister at first reaction, but the elder sister didn't say anything, just continued to help the senior.

Later, the older sister married the senior and became a rich full-time wife. After graduation, the younger sister went to work. Because she was beautiful, she was always harassed in the workplace. She looked down on those people and was fierce every time. Dizhe went back, but couldn't resist the other party stumbling her, either by hand or by deliberately letting her back the pot to grab her performance.

She couldn't help calling her sister. She knew that the senior's family started a company.

"Sister, can you ask brother-in-law to arrange a position for me in his company?"

My sister felt that when she went to her brother-in-law's company, no one would dare to harass her, but her sister refused.

"Your brother-in-law's side, I can't speak." My sister's tone was as gentle as now, "If you find it hard to work outside, don't do it. I will give you money every month to support you."

This angered my sister. She never felt that she was inferior to her sister. She just wanted a job where she could truly express her abilities, but when she came to her sister, she became a blood sucker.

Later, my sister changed jobs by herself. Because she was so beautiful, she was quickly attracted by the boss of the new company. The younger sister felt that the other party was reluctantly okay, so she fell in love with each other, but after six months of talking, she was beaten in the company.

That woman turned out to be the boss's wife. She dragged her sister's hair on the ground, calling her a shameless mistress. This is too much trouble, both sister and senior know about it.

My sister was beaten into the hospital, and when she entered the hospital, she knew that she was pregnant, but the child was not saved.

She was very angry and wanted to take the boss's wife to jail, but her sister told her.

"This is because you made the mistake first. Although you are sad about that child, that child shouldn't have come into this world. If the child is born, it will be an illegitimate child. How ugly. Sister, forget it, you have to sue her , This matter is making more trouble, how will you behave in the future? Everyone will know what you did."

"Those things? What things?" My sister laughed angrily, "Do you think I deliberately be a junior, don't you? You think I'm so mean, right?"

My sister immediately denied, "Of course I didn't think so. Your brother-in-law said that this matter was clear, but I still don't know what will happen. Moreover, everyone in the city will know about this lawsuit and it will hurt you too much. . He has a way to fix that shameless thing in private."

The younger sister looked at her sister and was silent for a long time before saying: "Do you really think I am a junior?"

"Of course I don't think, I'm your sister." My sister said vowedly.

But the younger sister went to the bathroom behind, and the older sister and the senior entered the ward. When they didn't see her, they thought she had gone for a walk downstairs.

"Hey, let's talk about it. Your sister has to be responsible. Isn't she brainless? She doesn't know if she is married or not when she is in love? She was hit by someone at the door. Shame."

After hearing this, the younger sister immediately wanted to go out and have a fight with the senior, but before she could go out, she heard her sister's voice.

"Forget it, she has already suffered. It is my fault. Last time she asked me to find a job for her in your company. I didn't agree at the time. She may have been too hard outside. She just took the wrong path for a while and became someone... Anyway, she will change it in the future, so we can help."

Later, the younger sister seduce her brother-in-law, and she was pregnant with a child, that is, Shang Jiayu.


Shang Jiayu was calm when he told the story, as if it was not his parents' story. He even took the initiative to talk about how he designed Shang Yanyu to leave the house and be sent to the mental hospital.

"When I was young, I wanted to play with Shang Yanyu. I called his brother, walked behind his ass, and made him a birthday present by himself, but he never ignored me until I heard him calling me a **** behind his back. You say Shang Yanyu looks like his mother, right? They all like to speak bad things behind their backs." Shang Jiayu's almond eyes were curved, "Auntie pleaded for the woman who caused my mommy's miscarriage. Shang Yanyu begged, how do you say I should reply to you?"

Perhaps Shang Jiayu's words are more biased towards himself and his mother, but at least Shen Jue has begun to have a real understanding of the stories of their parents. I'm afraid there has never been unprovoked love or unprovoked hatred in this world.

Even Shen Jue faintly guessed why Shang Jiayu hated him so much in previous lives.

Shang Jiayu always called Shen Jue his brother. Even at the beginning, Shen Jue told him to call him by name, but he still stubbornly called his brother. When he first came here, he didn't show off his instincts. Later, he found that Shen Jue's bottom line was retreating step by step. He had made many small mistakes and Shen Jue was able to tolerate it. Then he began to seduce Yao Zhan on purpose.

Perhaps the first eighteen years of life has made Shang Jiayu’s psychology a little distorted. He was affected by the emotional disputes of his parents and his childhood and teenage experiences. He regarded Shen Jue as Shang Yanyu’s substitute, and even Maybe Shen Jue was used as a substitute for Gentle Auntie, after all, Shen Jue was very gentle to him.

Every elder brother he called may not be calling Shen Jue, everything he did may actually be revenge for Shang Yanyu, revenge for himself, revenge for his mother.

Later, Shang Yanyu asked him to go for a surrogacy, but he couldn't fight each other, so he found Shen Jue.

In his heart, it was probably his brother's fault, letting another brother pay for it.

It was only when Shen Jue had a retrospective mirror to restore his memory, and he was no longer gentle and tolerant to Shang Yanyu, and he suddenly knew that this brother was not that one, and his feelings gradually shifted.


"He is also a victim, Shang Jiayu." Shen Jue said softly.

The smile on Shang Jiayu's face disappeared, "But he is the perpetrator in my life, you want to intercede for him, yes, come here."

Shen Jue watched him for a while before walking over slowly.

As soon as he approached, he was pulled and bent down, and Shang Jiayu pressed his ear and said, "Mark me, Shen Jue, I want you to mark me thoroughly."


I would like to ask if there is no reliable fish, which one of the following two options do you choose?

A. Do for love 1

B. Hold on for 1

The little fish bit his fingers, wringed out the juice, and finally chose B.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: NamPack, Coke Bacon, 259602131;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of Ephraim and ghosts; 17 bottles of Azhang are very long; 11 bottles of Coke and Bacon; foreign visitors, book shortage, 10 bottles of middle-aged girl? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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