In fact, Shen Jue always felt that his affairs with Shang Yanyu were going very strangely. The other party seemed to be cooperating with him in a performance. They went to bed after a few days of knowing each other, and lived together not long afterwards. The other party almost ate for him. Court lawsuit.

Judging from these things, Shang Yanyu looks like a person who fell in love with him at first sight, and he is also very affectionate, even he can be called a perfect lover, familiar with your living habits, and slowly invading your life. While arousing your disgust, it also allows you to subtly get into his habits.

But there is no perfect lover in this world. A perfect lover will only be an illusion. Now Shang Yanyu doesn't want to play anymore, or does he accidentally show his feet?

Shen Jue put Shang Yanyu's phone back on the table, but he didn't put it back on purpose, and even put it from the right to the left of the water glass. A careful person like Shang Yanyu will definitely find the location of the phone, and he wants the other party to know that he saw the text message.

Shang Yanyu slept until seven o'clock in the evening, and Shen Jue's New Year's Eve dinner was almost finished. After he got up, he went to the kitchen to hug Shen Jue before going to the bathroom to take a shower. When Shen Jue brought out the dishes, the phone on the table was gone.

There was a splash of water from the bathroom.

Shen Jue looked back and put the dishes.

It took Shen Jue a lot of time to make this New Year’s Eve dinner, and he finally ordered two bowls of dumplings. When Shang Yanyu saw the dumplings, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and asked, "Are there any coins in it?"

Shen Jue paused, "Would you like to put a coin? Then I..." Just about to get up, his hand was pinched.

"It's okay, I just said casually, eat quickly, I smell so good, I'm too hungry." Shang Yanyu's eyes bend.

So he really liquidated almost all the dishes, and Shen Jue was shocked by the amount of food. When the two people behind were sitting together watching the TV party, Shang Yanyu kept frowning slightly, as if a little uncomfortable.

"Is my stomach upset after eating too much? I'll accompany you to the hospital." After Shen Jue found out, he stood up immediately, and Shang Yanyu shook his head, "No, it's just a little support. I'll get some digestive tablets. Eat it."

This kind of digestion tablets was prepared in the medicine box at home, but when Shang Yanyu went to look for it, the digestion tablets had been eaten, so he took the coat hung at the door and said to Shen Jue who was sitting in the living room while putting on his shoes. : "I'll go to the drugstore and I will be back soon."

When the words fell, people had opened the door.

"I'll go with you." As soon as Shen Jue said, the other party answered, but the voice had already come in from outside the door.

"No, it's too cold outside, sit at home and rest."

With a "bang--" the door was closed from the outside.

Shen Jue turned his head to look at the cross talk of the sketch, and slowly raised his eyebrows. Although Shang Yanyu said he would be back soon, Shen Jue did not see him come back an hour later.

Shang Yanyu drove his car, and he should have returned no matter how far away he went to the pharmacy. After thinking about it, Shen Jue took the cell phone to call Shang Yanyu, and the line on the phone showed busy.

After Shen Jue heard the reminder, he hung up the phone, but as soon as he hung up, Shang Yanyu's call was called back.

"Are you back?" Shen Jue said.

But the voice over there was not from Shang Yanyu, "Are you Siyu's friend? He just had a car accident. Come over to the emergency department of the First Affiliated Hospital of M University."


The car was driven away by Shang Yanyu. Shen Jue took a taxi on New Year's Eve. It took almost 20 minutes before he waited for a car. When he arrived at the hospital, it was nearly an hour after he received the call.

The First Affiliated Hospital of M University is far away from Shen Jue's home, almost ten kilometers away. Shang Yanyu was sent to this hospital, which can only prove that the location of his car accident was very close here.

Shen Jue went around in the emergency department and found Shang Yanyu. When he found him, Shang Yanyu was being pushed out of the CT room by a cart. He was conscious and smiled when he saw Shen Jue. a bit.

"You...what's wrong?" Shen Jue walked over and asked.

Shang Yanyu's tone was very calm, even with a helpless smile: "It's nothing, I accidentally hit a tree while turning, and my leg was crushed. It was nothing serious, but the surgeon in the emergency department saw me. I also bought my tickets for tomorrow night’s performance, so I must take a CT scan of my legs to see if there are any problems with my legs."

Most of his theatrical performances are in action. If his leg is injured, the hard work during this period will be in vain. Although the theater is equipped with a B corner, more people go to Shang Yanyu.

Shen Jue twisted his eyebrows, "I think the doctor is the same, it is better to have a detailed examination."

The result came out very quickly, nothing happened, except that there was a small scratch on the forehead. After putting on makeup tomorrow, it must be invisible at all, but Shen Jue’s car was crashed and the front was almost sunken. If it weren't for this car's powerful safety system, I'm afraid Shang Yanyu's life might be gone.

The car was scrapped, and there was still a crushed cake in the car.

Only then did Shen Jue know that Shang Yanyu was going to buy cakes.

"It's your birthday after early morning, isn't it? I can't spend it with you tomorrow night. I just want to surprise you in the first minute of your birthday." Shang Yanyu has regret and annoyance in his eyes, "That family's I heard that the cake is very delicious, but his family does not take orders for the New Year’s Eve and Spring Festival. It took me a lot of effort to get them to make a cake, because I had to pick it up before the other party closed the door, and promised you to go home early... Sorry, I will be more careful next time I drive."

"It doesn't matter, you can still have a birthday in the future."

Upon hearing this, Shen Jue gently held Shang Yanyu's hand.

Even if the examination showed that there was nothing wrong, the doctor asked Shang Yanyu to stay in the hospital to observe a bowl and be discharged early tomorrow morning. Shang Yanyu was naturally unwilling, but Shen Jue agreed with the doctor's statement. He could only sigh slightly, and a trace of helplessness flashed across Duan Li's face, "Well, I'll live in the hospital on New Year's Eve."

"Listen to the doctor, I'll be with you here." Shen Jue said softly while looking at the person in front of him, but what the traffic police said in his mind.


It was a traffic policeman who used Shang Yanyu's cell phone to call Shen Jue. They also tested Shang Yanyu for drunk driving and drug driving. After nothing was abnormal, they called Shen Jue alone and asked a few more questions.

"Who is he from yours?" the traffic policeman asked.

Shen Jue hesitated before saying, "Partner."

The traffic police groaned, "Your partner suddenly accelerated around the corner. Would you like to recall if he has recently performed strange behaviors, such as mentioning the topic of suicide."


When Shen Jue drove this car to Shang Yanyu, he said specifically, "This car has a high safety factor, and it won't show up even if it hits a tree."

Now Shang Yanyu really hit the tree.

Shen Jue stayed in bed in the hospital and slept unsteadily. He could hear the sound of walking back and forth outside the ward. Even on New Year’s Eve, there were a lot of emergency patients, some were car accidents, some were drunk, and some were acute gastroenteritis...

He was sleeping on a simple spring bed facing the wall, and when his consciousness became more and more awake, he heard Shang Yanyu's mobile phone vibrate.

Just a moment, the phone was picked up.


Compared with the noise outside, the room is too quiet, so Shen Jue can even hear the voice of the person on the phone.

"Brother Yu, are you asleep?"

Shang Yanyu seemed to think that Shen Jue was asleep. Instead of hanging up the phone, Shang Yanyu answered the other party, "No, what's wrong?"

"It's about to cross zero, I want to count down with you, okay?" The little boy's voice sounded soft, he seemed to be a very well-behaved boy, an Omega type that most Alpha would like.

Shang Yanyu was silent for a while before speaking, "Okay."

In the remaining three minutes, the little boy's voice hardly stopped, and even when he said a few words, he cried out. He was talking about his parents, and after three minutes, he sucked his nose and immediately said, "Brother Yu, the countdown is ten, nine, eight..."

At the time of "Fourth", Shen Jue got out of bed. At the time of "Three", he sat beside Shang Yanyu's bed. At the time of "Two", he looked at each other in the dark. At that time, there was a muffled sound.

The little boy heard it, and there was only his countdown voice, not Shang Yanyu's countdown voice. In his tone, grievance and curiosity coexisted, "Brother Yu, what is your voice over there?"

But the next second, the phone has been hung up.


Tomorrow is still very busy. I will get up early and return late.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: なに 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Jue'er God Weihehe, NamPack, Blind Fisheye is the most handsome, kiru, sakura, much faster, peaches are ripe, butter sauce, Mr. Kaolin flower, cute drawing board, Zero two two two one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of Plasma and Muzi; Xiaolan, Licking Little Cutie~, 26300582, Dead Fisheye is the most handsome, 20 bottles of Na に; 14 bottles for hanging; Jue Jue, Living Corpse, One Two Five Eight One, Tree Bottom Pit 10 bottles of your meow, sansheng, ling Lingge, Tang Tao, love you big, roll sauce; less than 6 bottles; ?, March, 5 bottles of Weiwei; 3 bottles of the white porridge restaurant of Jiying; Xia Xi, La Lala, You Dao, Chu Feng, Shen Qingmo, ah, this, one bottle of dumplings (*?︶?*);

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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