On such a family reunion night, some people are happy, and naturally others are sad.

At the end of the Shang Yanyu Theater show, it was already half past nine. Shen Jue left the performance hall with the flow of people, and then took the elevator up to look for the other party.

It's just that as soon as he got out of the elevator, he ran into someone head on. The man was wearing a long black down jacket and carrying a backpack on his shoulders. When he saw Shen Jue, his face became visibly stiff.

It's the male student.

The male student stared at Shen Jue. For a while, he stepped into the elevator, reached out and pressed the button on the first floor, "Aren't you going out?"

When Shen Jue was about to go out, the male student said again, "Can we talk?"

Ten minutes later, they sat in a nearby convenience store that was open 24 hours a day.

The male student seemed hungry. He bought a large bowl of Mala Tang at the convenience store and ate while snore while peeking at Shen Jue next to him. Shen Jue sent a text message to Shang Yanyu, saying that there was something wrong with him, and then turned the phone to mute before looking at the male student next to him.

The male student's peeking eyes were caught, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes, but soon, he turned his face and continued to eat his mala Tang. He ate very quickly, as if it had been a long time since he had eaten properly, he reached out and touched his stomach when he finished a bowl of spicy and spicy food.

"Are there more food?" Shen Jue said calmly.

The male student paused, looked at Shen Jue, hesitated, "You... shouldn’t you hate me? I know, you are Brother Yu’s partner, and I like Brother Yu, I’ll talk to Brother Yu. When my college entrance examination is over, I will be his boyfriend."

To be honest, Shen Jue didn't have much thoughts about the male student in front of him.

"You should not be eighteen years old after the college entrance examination. According to the law, you cannot fall in love."

Shen Jue's words made the male student a little angry. He bulged his face and said for a while: "It's okay. Brother Yu will wait for me to grow up. I must be his boyfriend anyway."

"What if I married him then? You want to be his boyfriend?" Shen Jue said.

The male student hardly hesitated and nodded, "Of course, I am different from you. I don’t mind if there are other people around Brother Yu. As long as I can be with Brother Yu, it doesn’t matter who I share with Brother Yu. ."

His words surprised Shen Jue a little, and even found it incredible. Almost no one can accept sharing love with others, to share that love.

Shen Jue's surprise fell in the eyes of the opponent.

The male student said again: "Is this weird? I think that instead of looking at the one I love to find someone else in the future, it is better to accept sharing from the beginning, so that you can maintain a permanent sense of freshness, and the other person will also thank you for your freedom, uncle , You can't tie Brother Yu."

He called the phrase "Uncle" deliberately, and he wanted to know how the other person would react when hearing the phrase "Uncle", but Shen Jue didn't respond at all, and even put away the surprise in his eyes.

The male student felt as if he had punched the cotton, and then he deliberately said a lot of malicious things in front of the other party, talking about him and Shang Yanyu, until the other party's mobile phone kept shaking.

Shen Jue retracted his eyes from the male student, flipped his cell phone and glanced at it. It was Shang Yanyu's call.

He pinched one off, and the other party quickly opened the second one. It was almost eleven o'clock now, and it was indeed no longer necessary to continue chatting with the kid next to him.

Thinking of this, Shen Jue took out his wallet, took a few hundred dollars from it and put it on the table, "It's late, and there is no subway now. Take a taxi and go back."

When the male student bought Mala Tang, Shen Jue found out that he didn't have much money. He had only a few dozen dollars in his wallet. He bought a large bowl of Mala Tang and there was not much left.

The taxi fare will be very expensive tonight.

The male student was stunned when he saw the money on the table. When he reacted, Shen Jue had already got up and walked to the door of the convenience store.

He immediately grabbed the money on the table and chased it out, "Hey, uncle, why are you giving me money? Did I just say I am going home now?"

The black-haired young man who he had called him an uncle turned his head, and his dark brown woolen coat made him look longer.

"Today is the first day of the new year. If you go back too late, your parents will worry about it. Let's go back early."

Today’s snow is not as big as yesterday’s. White snowflakes hovered down from the sky and landed on the other person. The face under the night is clear and handsome, with clean eyebrows and no signs of anger at all. He provokes the opponent like that. The male student suddenly felt very angry because the other party did not regard him as an opponent at all.

I was angry for a while, so I also said something that shouldn't be said.

"My parents won't worry about me. My dad is messing around outside. My mom will only watch whether my dad goes out and messing around every day, or just make trouble at home, crying, two people are busy arguing, how can I take care of me? ." He put aside his face, raised his sleeve and wiped the corner of his eye.

The male student's words changed Shen Jue's eyes.

Shang Yanyu's family is unfortunate, as is the male student in front of him.

During his time with Shang Yanyu, he always felt that Shang Yanyu behaved like a perfect lover. Even if he was tired from rehearsing outside, he would smile when he came back, even when he was awakened by his voice when he was sleeping. , There is no trace of anger.

Shen Jue always felt that Shang Yanyu was used to wearing a mask to live, but why did he do this? Is it related to his family?

Shen Jue didn’t know what kind of person Shang Yanyu’s mother was, but apparently his father did not protect the marriage and cheated on his sister-in-law halfway. For Shang Yanyu’s mother, this is undoubtedly love and The double betrayal of family affection. Has Shang Yanyu's mother ever expressed in front of her son that she was not good enough and not good enough to cause her husband's derailment?

If so, is Shang Yanyu affected? This led him to strive for perfection at all times, even if two people have lived together for a long time.

Shang Yanyu played a perfect lover in a relationship, probably because of his lack of confidence. He is afraid that he will show his true side, the other party will think he is not good, and will choose to leave him.

What was the reason that Shang Yanyu contacted this male student?

Because this male student looks like him before?

"Did he see you yesterday?" Shen Jue asked.

When the male student heard Shen Jue's words, he turned his head, there were still tears that could not be hidden in his eyes, "Yesterday? Yesterday, there was none."

"Thank you." Shen Jue already understood, thanked him, turned and walked forward, and took out the cell phone that kept vibrating in his pocket.

Shang Yanyu was testing him, so last night he deliberately drove into a tree, and even answered the male student's phone in front of him. He is testing Shen Jue's sincerity and Shen Jue's attitude towards derailment.

"Why do you want to say thank you to me?" A male student's voice came from behind. Shen Jue didn't look back, but just raised his hand and waved it as a farewell.

It's just that before Shen Jue got to the entrance of the theater, a car stopped in front of him.

The door opened, but the person who came out was Yao Zhan, who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Yao Zhan looked like he had just come out of the banquet. He walked in front of Shen Jue a few steps, his handsome face was solemn, and it could even be called ugly.

"Xiao Jue." He approached, and Shen Jue could smell the alcohol on his body.

Yao Zhan drove over drunk. He should have drunk quite a bit. Although his face was fair and there was no trace of drinking, his body smelled heavy.

Yao Zhan was drunk and went crazy in front of him, but how did he know he was here?

Shen Jue twisted his eyebrows and couldn't help but suspect that Yao Zhan's purpose should be to come to Shang Yanyu, but when he saw him, he came to stop him. But at this moment, Yao Zhan suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Jue into his arms. He has a lot of strength and his athletic cells have always been well-developed. When he was studying, he was always the main player of the school's basketball team. It turned out that when he met Shen Jue, he could control his strength to some extent. Control your own strength.

He forcibly took the person into his arms and completely stopped the opponent's struggle. In fact, Yao Zhan himself felt that he shouldn't come, but he couldn't help it. On the first day of the New Year a few years ago, he would go to Shen Jue's house after the banquet was over.

At that time, Shen Jue would specially prepare sober medicine for him, massage his temples, and listen to him talking about the annoying guys at the banquet.

But how did all this suddenly change?

When did he feel that the other party's good things became commonplace, and even began to dismiss it and feel boring? He just took a wrong step, but the next game of chess is irretrievable. Shen Jue seems to have walked out of his world all at once without nostalgia. Even Shang Jiayu, who seduce him to make a mistake, disappeared. Can't get in touch anymore.

It seemed that he was the only one who was still immersed in the past. Shen Jue had a new lover, and Shang Jiayu patted his **** and disappeared. They seemed to have let go of the past and had a new life, but he...

He originally thought Shen Jue was angry, so he was deliberately indifferent to him. The last time he ran into Shen Jue kissing that Si Yu in the parking lot, his heart instantly chilled.

It has been a year since the marriage contract was dismissed. During this year, he had never crossed the line with anyone because he always had luck. He thought that Shen Jue's indifference would not be able to be disguised and would look back.

But the other party did not.

Even when he hadn't visited Shen Jue for a few months, Shen Jue did not come to contact him, as if he had become a past tense.

On the first day of the New Year last year, he knew that Shen Jue was spending the New Year alone. At that time, he actually went downstairs to Shen Jue's house. After seeing the light from the living room, he went back again. At that time, he thought, he wanted the other party to feel lonely, and then came back to tell him that he knew he was wrong, and he would not break the marriage contract.

On the first day of the new year this year, Shen Jue is no longer a year alone, there are already others around him.

It turns out that if something is missed, it is really missed. No one will wait for him in place. Yao Zhan felt sad for the first time. When he was dismissed from the marriage contract, he was only a little angry. He felt that the other party's head was unclear and could not figure out the pros and cons. Now he knows that it is him who is really unclear.

He missed someone who was kind and loyal to him.

"Xiao Jue, this... should be the last time I have come to see you. I know you don’t want to see me. You hate me, feel that I am arrogant and betray you, but I still want to say that I really love you. At that time, I was just a little annoyed that the kind of plainness..." Yao Zhan's voice choked up for the first time, "But I will always wait for you, as long as you want me."

This was the most humble thing Yao Zhan ever said, but when he spoke, he didn't find it difficult to speak, but he only expected the other party's answer to be what he wanted to hear.

He hopes that in the new year, he and Shen Jue can have a new start.

No matter how many things happened before, he still wants to go with Shen Jue for the rest of his life. As long as the other party wants him, he can withstand the pressure of the family and marry Shen Jue directly, making them a legally recognized couple.

If Shen Jue is not pregnant, it doesn't matter, he can choose a child from the family as his heir.

As long as Shen Jue is still willing to forgive him, willing to be with him.

He once found a treasure, but the treasure stayed next to him for a long time, and he felt that the treasure was commonplace, and when the treasure was embedded in the chest of other people's suits, he suddenly woke up.

He lost the treasure that belonged to him.

"Yao Zhan, it's impossible for us." The treasure in his arms opened indifferently, "Do you remember your reaction when I fell down the stairs that day? Maybe you forgot, but I can't. I can't forget when I was lying alone in the hospital bed, and you, as my fiancé, did not come to see me. Instead, you were busy fighting with Shang Jiayu. You said I want to forgive you. How cheap should I be? "

The hope in Yao Zhan's eyes slowly faded like a tide.

"It's impossible for us. I won't want you in this life, Yao Zhan, I think you are dirty."

When Shen Jue said this, he actually thought of the previous life when he was lying on the operating table. At that time, he couldn't blame others because he was stupid. But did Yao Zhan know that he was the surrogate for him and Shang Yanyu?

You should know it, after all, to find a surrogacy machine, you must always understand how good the machine is.

"Let go, Yao Zhan, if you still have a little self-esteem." Shen Jue's words just fell, but he was held tighter. Yao Zhan put his lips to his ears and whispered, "Xiao Jue, just treat it as the last time I saw each other. I will hug you one last time. I will...not bother you anymore."

But before he could hold it for long, he was torn apart vigorously.

Shang Yanyu didn't know when he appeared. He pulled Yao Zhan away and punched him.

Yao Zhan was beaten back several steps and hit the car. He raised his hand to cover the beaten abdomen, and the punch almost made him spit out. He raised his eyes to look at Shang Yanyu who was standing next to Shen Jue. The two looked so matched, just like those netizens said, he felt that the scene before him was extremely dazzling.

He had already drunk, and now he was angry and irrational, so he rushed to fight with Shang Yanyu.

When the two Alphas fought, the others could hardly pull apart, because the fight was too fierce. At first, the two people specifically hit the weak points on the body. Afterwards, they didn’t know what happened, and they started to hit the face. The fists seemed to want to disfigure the opponent.

Although Yao Zhan had great strength, after all, he was drunk and beaten. He gradually lost his strength. When Shang Yanyu was finally pushed on the ground, he knew he could not beat him, but continued to attack with words.

"You hit me and kill me if you have one. If you can't kill me, I will always pursue Xiao Jue baby." His face is as wonderful as the paint tray, but he is still grinning flatly. The original appearance of Noble Pian Pian, "A guy like you, thousands of years ago, was a lowly actor. Do you think I chased you before like you? Oh, I feel sick when I see your face, like Alpha like your Omega face should only be in bed for three minutes, right? Can you satisfy Xiao Jue? Do you know what Xiao Jue likes best? Do you think Xiao Jue really likes you, it's all fake, he is a little bit I don't like you..."

I stayed with you just to avenge me.

The latter sentence could not be said, because he was hit hard in the temple, his whole head was "buzzed", his eyes were gold stars, and he couldn't say a word.

Shang Yanyu got up, and to be honest, he is no better than Yao Zhan on the ground now, his face is blue and purple, and his eyes are still so beautiful. He walked in front of Shen Jue step by step, and the hand that had hit someone was a little trembling now because of too much force.

He looked at Shen Jue, but pressed his lips and said nothing.

And Shen Jue chose to reach out and hug the person in front of him.

"Play well, I wanted to beat him a long time ago."

This whispered sentence made the person in his arms tremble.

"You... don't you think my behavior is rude? I hit someone and it's still ugly now."

"Why do you feel rude? For some people who don't make sense, you can only take this approach. Also, you are not ugly at all now, but I think you are handsome." Shen Jue said.

Shang Yanyu was silent for a while before he said, "Then you still like me? Even if you see me beating with your own eyes?"

"Yes, I still like you because the you I like are all you. As long as you like me, then I want to be with you all the time. Only death can separate us."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Jue felt that he was being held back. The other party hugged him tightly, as if holding the only driftwood in the sea.


One more.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Shallow Water Bomb]: A Jing 1;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 啾米西西, patriotic, Wenyan, and soft;

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: hh2; Sanwu, しらない……, Jing Ah Jing, Ah Zhe, Little Fox, I Love Shura Field, Juer God Weihehe, Yu Heng, Zhou Lang, Mangosteen Seeds Locksmith, Shizi Xijiang, Zhusheng, Wu, Kirarazdn, Pure Heart Moyu, Salty, Green Grassland, Fairy Little Cutie,, A Pillow of Clear Frost, Warm As Time, Ting Song, Tang Yumu, Goya, Wood Mu Super Cool, 38338869, Huang Liang Yi Meng, Smile Kill, Bronze Bell, Zhao Nan, 28094107, La La La, I am a newspaper seller, Mr. Gao Lingzhihua 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi 100 bottles; Stray 60 bottles; Fang Fang, Xia Sheng 30 bottles; Moon Bandou, dreams in the vast land, Luo Yi, Green grassland 20 bottles; Xi Yan, Xie Chuanchuan 17 bottles; Yue and Ming 15 bottles; 13 bottles of fufu; 11 bottles of Kazuo; a smile from a scholar, a pillow of frost, naming waste, 17377922, cat sleep, cylcyl., Moshang Yuhan, Kazkaz sugar, grapefruit tea, drink acridine every day, cute Cute, too lazy to name 10 bottles; 9 bottles of non-dry wine; 8 bottles of bad; 38338869, 7 bottles of salted fish and raccoon; Jing no Qian, day sleepwalking, no name change without first test, 207278265 bottles; 21165828, Xiao Suo×4 Bottles; It’s not easy, taste 3 bottles of gummies; Yanyanna, Youdao Shi, Qing Dinghua Qianluoyu, Shen Qingmo, 28094107, Tezuka Cain 2 bottles; Yang XVI, soy sauce circle , If, ah, this, 25163377, canavalia, ~·~1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, and I will continue to work hard!

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