The meaning of this sentence is even more creepy than the previous sentence. Xie Zhi grew up with Lin Chuyan since childhood, and now the ghost in his arms said that he wanted to thank Zhi’s skin, and Lin Chuyan almost immediately said, “No.”

As soon as the words fell, the young man in his arms sat upright, his eyes turned cold again, "You won't help me?"

Lin Chuyan adjusted his breath before saying, "A Jue, I am not not helping people, but this is murder. Besides, Shengyi and I are good friends. How can I... help you take his life?"

"But without Xinpi, my wound will always be on my face." Shen Jue raised his hand and touched his wound, the color between his eyebrows thick.

"But that is a life after all, A Jue, let's think of another way, okay?" Lin Chuyan could only coax the other party.

Because he couldn't help Shen Jue kill Xiezhi, even if it wasn't Xiezhi, it was someone else, he couldn't do it. Lin Chuyan looked at Shen Jue and couldn't help wondering where the skin on the other person's body came from, and whether it was also from someone else.

"Ajue, the skin on your body is..."

He hadn't finished speaking, the meaning in the words was already obvious.

Shen Jue raised his eyes slightly, "Are you afraid?"

Lin Chuyan was silent, he was naturally a little scared.

"Why are you still holding me when you are afraid? We are all bad ghosts. The skin on my body is peeled off from a person. He was still alive when I was peeling it off." Shen Jue saw Lin Chuyan's face grow more and more. The whiter, almost turned pale, he sneered, "You lied to you, this is my own skin. I have always protected it well, but it was ruined by you, causing me to go to peel off the skin of others now. If it's not that I can't bear it, I have to take your skin off and make up for me."

The following childish words made Lin Chuyan let his heart go again, and at the same time, when he heard that the other party was reluctant to bear him, his eyes changed slightly, "Why can't you bear me?"

"What do you mean? Young Master Lin." Shen Jue stared at him like a haughty cat. Lin Chuyan didn't know what he was going to do when he was fainted, and when he saw the other person showing this look in front of him again, he was secretly happy.

Has his affection for his sister-in-law Jinghe reached this point? He was not even afraid of a ghost dressed as a sister-in-law, and even hoped that the other party would be with him.

Lin Chuyan was about to say something when he heard a call from a distance.

Someone is looking for him.

"If someone is looking for you, then I'll go first." Shen Jue said as he prepared to leave.

Lin Chuyan hurriedly grabbed the other's hand, "Wait, you go to the house in Laurel Lane and wait for me. If the banquet is over here, I'll go find you there."

Shen Jue glanced at Lin Chuyan, neither saying good nor bad, he disappeared directly in Lin Chuyan’s arms, and when this disappeared, Lin Chuyan immediately reacted, he forcibly hugged the opponent, not that the opponent could not escape, but The other party was pretending to be struggling.

After he figured this out, he couldn't help but chuckle.


After the banquet was over, it was late at night.

Lin Chuyan asked the carriage to go directly to the house on Yuegui Lane, which was the house he originally bought for Shen Jue. Since he discovered Shen Jue's true identity, he has given Yuan a sum of money and sent him out of the capital. Now that the house was vacant and no one took care of it, when Lin Chuyan opened the door, he found that the lock was covered with ashes.

There is no one in the house and the lights are all black. Lin Chuyan looked at the house, sighed for no reason, then boiled water, took a shower and changed clothes. Fortunately, there was everything here.

When he finished washing and came out from behind the screen, he saw someone sleeping on the bed.

He was taken aback for a moment, then quietly walked over and found that it was indeed Shen Jue.

Shen Jue changed back to the clothes he used to live here. He lay on his side with gauze on his cheeks. He heard the sound of Lin Chuyan approaching and didn't turn his head. He just opened his eyes and looked at the inside of the bed.

If there was no gauze on his face, Lin Chuyan would have thought that he had dreamed of the days before. At that time, he came late and would usually wake the other party up. Sometimes Shen Jue would just lie on the bed or sit on the bed waiting for him.

Lin Chuyan sat down by the bed and stretched out his hands to adjust Li Shenjue's long hair scattered by the pillow, without saying a word, he stared at Shenjue like this until the candle made a "crack" before he called the other party's name.


Shen Jue did not respond to Lin Chuyan.

He was thinking about what to do next. It was very difficult to kill Xie Zhi with Lin Chuyan's hand. Lin Chuyan's refusal was in his expectation. He has been testing each other slowly these days, and now he finds that Lin Chuyan’s aversion to ghosts does not seem to be as strong as Xiezhi, but Shen Jue does not dare to relax, because in case Lin Chuyan is like Xie Zhi, he is only good on the surface, but actually planning How to kill him?

Shen Jue deliberately asked Xie Zhi's Pi to test Lin Chuyan's reaction. Of course, he really wanted Xie Zhi's Pi. He needs to repair this skin now, it is very difficult, there is almost no way to go except to change the skin.

He was forced to interrupt when he thought about it halfway, because Lin Chuyan forcibly twisted his face.

"What do you think? So ecstatic." Lin Chuyan's face was as white as jade under the candlelight, and his eyes were as gentle as ever, as if he hadn't found Shen Jue to be a ghost.

"Missing my new skin." Shen Jue's answer made Lin Chuyan choke, but he quickly said, "A Jue, Shengyi is my friend, you..."

Shen Jue's sitting up motion interrupted Lin Chuyan's words, "But what about my face? I can only do this in the future, Lin Yan, do you know how much I cherish this skin? You know that he is yours. My friend, what about me? Am I nothing in your heart? Then why did you want me to come here? If you knew I would not come anyway, you don't care about me, I am nothing, then I will go find Xiezhi , Let him give me the skin willingly, and then you will have nothing to say."

Lin Chuyan was stunned when he heard this, "Why do you make him willingly give you the skin? That would cost him his life."

"Have you ever heard a word? You die under the peony flower, and you are a ghost. The big deal is that I am so fascinated by Xie Zhi that he will naturally give me the skin." As soon as Shen Jue's words fell, Lin Chuyan's face became ugly Come down.

"Naughty, you lied to me to cheat Shengyi, you are simply..." Lin Chuyan, a gentleman, could not figure out how to scold Shen Jue after thinking for a long time, so he had to change another sentence, "Shengyi is not as tempered as I am. If you discover your true identity, even if you are a ghost, there is no good fruit for him."

Shen Jue has seen Xie Zhi’s temper, which is indeed much worse than Lin Chuyan, but he pretends to be unbelief, "I don't believe it, you are deliberately scaring me."

Lin Chuyan curled his eyebrows, "What did I deliberately scare you into? By the way, you just said to be willing, why do you say that?"

I have to say that Lin Chuyan is a smart man, and he immediately discovered the main point in Shen Jue's words.

Xie Zhixin willingly is to prevent Shen Jue from getting human life on his hands. Once there is human life, Shen Jue will become a fierce ghost. The ghost will naturally come to arrest him and return to the underworld, so this is why Shen Jue wants to borrow Lin Chuyan. Hand killed Xie Zhi.

Shen Jue didn't deliberately conceal it, and told Lin Chuyan the reason. Lin Chuyan's eyebrows were obviously less gloomy when he heard this. Because Shen Jue said so, it means that Shen Jue is not a violent ghost, and there is no human life on his hands.

"Ajue, I have always wanted to ask you something, why did you approach me proactively?" This question has been held in Lin Chuyan's heart for a long time. He was liked by a ghost. I heard that it is a bit of a fantasy, but Shen Jue next The words made him choke silently.

"Because you look good."

Lin Chuyan didn’t know whether he should feel honored or ridiculous, but when he thought about it, mortals would love countless people because of their skins, and there are probably ghosts, but most ghosts don’t have this mindset and are busy with revenge and avoid ghosts. This guy from is just a painter who greets beauty.

"If I didn't look like this, you wouldn't take the initiative to approach me?" Lin Chuyan couldn't help asking again.

Shen Jue blinked his eyes lightly, his red lips curled up, and he spit out words that made Lin Chuyan's complexion worse again.

"of course."

This time, Lin Chuyan was silent for a while before saying: "Then do you want my skin?"

No, he wants the heart under his skin.

Shen Jue shook his head, "I still prefer to watch you smile at me."

These words made Lin Chuyan's eyes a little more warmth, and the warmth disappeared in the next instant, because the young man in front of him reached out his hand and held his face, "Chu Yan, you must take good care of this face. Because I really like it."

When this guy spoke, his eyes were still a bit obsessed, and he seemed to really like his face. Lin Chuyan has attracted countless admirers because of his skin. For the first time, he discovered that he could still attract a ghost. Is this something to be happy about?

He couldn't help but twist Shen Jue's cheek, finally found a suitable word for the other party, and immediately cursed: "Xiaose. Ghost."


Lin Chuyan slept here all night, still holding the ghost boy in his arms. He didn't know that he was so courageous. When he woke up in the morning, he felt a little scared, but later found out that Shen Jue was not in bed or in the house. After the son, the fear is gone, only unhappiness remains.

He didn't like that Shen Jue always left without saying goodbye.

But what made him even more disliked was that Shen Jue reappeared for seven or eight days without saying goodbye.

There was no warning on that day. He turned on the lamp to read at night and got up to pick up the book. There was a young boy in the chair before.

It's Shen Jue.

Shen Jue sat in his chair, turned a few pages of the book in front of him, and then glanced at him: "The description of ghosts is so powerful, I didn't even know I was that powerful."

Lin Chuyan stood there and didn't move, just staring at the other person. He didn't see him for seven or eight days. There was still gauze on Shen Jue's face, which looked no different from the day he left.

"Why are you here?" he said.

Shen Jue looked at him, "I want to see you."

This answer is really frank.

"Then what have you been doing in the past few days?"

Missing him now?

Shen Jue lowered his head, looked at the book again, and said casually: "You don't let me borrow the skin of Xie Zhi, I will look for other people."

Lin Chuyan's eyes sank, "Can you find it?"

This was a terrible question, and many names were asked, and Lin Chuyan still knew a few of them. He watched Shen Jue's eyes lit up, and, with his fingers, counted the names of those people, he suddenly thought of the day when he met Shen Jue in Tunjin Tower.

At that time, Shen Jue was talking to a person. Originally, he thought it was that person who fell in love with Shen Jue. Now it seems that this little girl. The ghost fell in love with the old man. If he hadn't appeared, I was afraid Going home with each other with saliva.

"But..." Shen Jue's eyes darkened, "They still don't look good with Xiezhi, but Xiezhi looks better."

"What about me?" Lin Chuyan couldn't help asking.


Brother Yantai: Who and Xie Gongmei from the north of the city?

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 A Jing;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Ah Zhang is very long;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

At the bottom of the tree pit, your meow, do you have 40 bottles today; 30 bottles if you want to be ASK cubs; 24 bottles for BL lovers; 20 bottles of sweet bee, you are very sweet; mangosteen melon seed locksmith, green grapefruit fruit, text 10 bottles of bamboo; 7 bottles of Su Changshan; 6 bottles of Zhao; 3 bottles of melon-eating people who love ice cream; 2 bottles of gangsters; small transparent, ignorant of the classroom, ah, this, self-sufficient, meow and strange, Kexi Coke 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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