Shen Jue struggled with his face, trying to avoid Xie Zhi's face, but his lips escaped and his cheeks failed. At the moment he was touched, Shen Jue was nauseous and vomiting, with both hands still clasped behind his back, completely unable to move. When he felt the breath fall on his earlobe, he could only raise his voice as much as possible to call the other party.

"Xie Zhi! Xie Zhi! You wake up! I'm not Lin Mian!"

She couldn't wake up, couldn't fight away, couldn't hide, Shen Jue finally got nowhere, gritted his teeth, and ran into Xie Zhi's head. At this time, Xie Zhi was finally woken up, but Shen Jue's eyes turned black with pain , And listen to Xiezhi's slander on him.

"Shameless, did you use some ecstasy on me?" Xie Zhi looked at the current posture between him and Shen Jue, and immediately cursed in a low voice. Of course, if he could loosen Shen Jue's waist when he scolded. With the upper hand, this curse can seem a little emboldened.

Shen Jue twisted his eyebrows, and it took him a long time to come back. The first time he came back, he said coldly: "Let go!"

Xie Zhi paused, then took his two Anlu Mountain Claws back, and when he took them back, he unconsciously rubbed his fingers together.

It's too tender, like lumpy tofu.

He couldn't help but look at the painter in front of him. Shen Jue wore a monk robe that was a bit generous for him. He was rather weak and weak. He obviously should be a monk robe that is respectable. , But this ghost is dressed nonsense.

If Xiezhi is a demon monk, then Shen Jue has nothing to do with the monk at all. Because it is a ghost, he was injured again, and now he is a little bit more ghostly. First, he has heavy yin and yin. The whole person seems to be feminine and delicate, while Shen Jue's face is frosty, with ice hidden in his eyes, and he can't help people thousands of miles away. These two temperaments blend together, giving people an inexplicable feeling.

It's like a flower that blooms so beautifully, it is the most eye-catching, but it is surrounded by thorns and leaves. Those thorns and leaves surround the flower and keep it away from people. When visitors stop, they can't help but remove the thorns and leaves.

Shen Jue didn't know what Xie Zhi was thinking at this time. As soon as he was free, he immediately wanted to bypass Xie Zhi and get out of bed, but as soon as he climbed to the edge of the bed, his ankle was caught.

"Where to go?" Xie Zhi was arrogant and dragged Shen Jue back.

Shen Jue's eyes could kill Xiezhi. This was the first time he was easily provoked by one person. After discovering this fact, Shen Jue closed his eyes and opened them again. He turned his face away. Look at Xie Zhi. Anyway, he can't beat Xie Zhi now. If the other party doesn't want to kill him for a while, then he will recover his injury first, and then find a chance to leave when he recovers.

Xie Zhi watched Shen Jue turn his face aside, his long eyebrows raised slightly. He looked at his ankle and squeezed it twice before releasing it, but as soon as he released it, he bent down again and approached Shen Jue’s face. "What does Chu Yan like about you?"

Xie Zhi really didn't understand that when he grew up with Lin Chuyan, the relationship between the two was destroyed by a ghost. Lin Chuyan has never known this ghost for more than a year. Knowing that the other party was a ghost, Lin Chuyan could still be with him, and even broke with himself for the sake of this ghost.

Xie Zhi couldn't figure it out and wanted to know why.

The ghost in front of him has no merit except for its better skin appearance. The only advantage of the ghost appearance is drawn by the other party. Who knows who this face belongs to, maybe this ghost stole it again.

If you have to choose another place...

Xie Zhi's eyes darkened inexplicably, and he glanced at Shen Jue from top to bottom with an unmoving look. Shen Jue didn't notice Xie Zhi's small movements. He didn't want to look at Xie Zhi. In the end, his chin was pinched hard and his face was forcibly twisted, so he had to meet the other's eyes.

"You said that once your skin is injured, it can't be repaired. If you don't answer honestly." Xie Zhi squeezed Shen Jue's chin and moved up an inch. "Then I will ruin your skin a little bit."

Xie knows all his patience and love have been given to Lin Chuyan, and he has always been rude to Shen Jue. Shen Jue looked at the person in front of him coldly, and slowly uttered a word, "He likes me underneath."

This sentence is Shen Jue deliberately provoking each other.

Xie Zhi was taken aback when he heard these words, and then his eyes quickly became angry. This time, he directly pinched Shen Jue’s neck, almost breaking Shen Jue’s neck with force, "You deliberately ."

The neck was pinched, and the pain was so painful that Shen Jue's hand on his side couldn't help but grasp the mattress beside him. Just treat him as willful. At this moment, he didn't want to show weakness. Shen Jue laughed deliberately, and said slowly, "Why did I do it on purpose? Chu Yan liked me..." In the second half of the sentence, he grabbed Xie Zhi's collar and dragged the person down, next to Xie Zhi's ear. Speak every word.

When Xie Zhi heard that sentence, Shen Jue’s eyes were hateful and angry, and Shen Jue’s eyes were mocking, and even the smile on his lips became deeper. Even if his body hurts again, he continues to stimulate Xie Zhi, "If you don’t believe it, you might as well go to recommend yourself a pillow seat. I think Master Xie’s face is really good, don’t waste it. I can also teach Master Xie some tricks, Chu Yan’s favorite trick..."

Before he finished speaking this time, he covered his lips.

Xie Zhi covered Shen Jue's lips with his hands, and didn't want Shen Jue to say a word, but he blocked his lips, still had eyes, and a smile on his face. He was annoyed, and finally tore off a long strip of the bednet, tied Shen Jue's lips, and turned the person over, making Shen Jue face down.

"Batch." Xie Zhi cursed through his teeth, "You shameless bastard!"

Although Shen Jue could not speak out, Xie Zhi could still feel the vibration in his chest.

This guy is still laughing at him!

Xie Zhi twisted his eyebrows and took off the prayer beads from his wrist. He tried to recite the scriptures, but after chanting a few sentences, he couldn't read the scriptures anymore, and directly smashed the beads on the ground.

The beads fell on the ground, and the farthest one kept rolling, as if it was about to roll to the door. Hearing the sound, Shen Jue raised his head and couldn't help but stare at the prayer bead, but before he saw where the prayer bead would eventually stop, he was turned over again.

The pair of phoenix eyes above were bright to the extreme, and there seemed to be a fire that could burn all things.

"Do you like these things? Okay, I will satisfy you." Xie Zhi lowered his head, red lips closed together, "I want Chu Yan to recognize that you are a bastard, a **** who can be touched by anyone. The **** who survives, when the ghost is so humble, I think you are pathetic."

The word "poor" was put on Shen Jue's ear with his lips.


Xie Zhi missed the morning class the next day, he is now shaved, and there is a brother who takes him to practice. The senior brother called Juezhen, and Juezhen has seen the sun three poles. Before Xiezhi came, he went to Xiezhi's courtyard. He knocked on the door for a while before someone opened it for him.

Jue Zhen couldn't help frowning when he saw Xie Zhi's appearance, "Junior, even in your own room, you should be dressed neatly, and you shouldn't be dressed like this."

A trace of disdain flashed across Xie Zhi's beautiful face. He gathered his robe, stepped out of the door and gently closed the door with his backhand, and whispered, "What are you doing?"

Upon seeing this, Jue Zhen shook his head helplessly.

To be honest, this young master Xie is really not suitable for being a monk. He does not look like a monk, but the master said that Xie Zhi should convert to my Buddha. Originally, he didn’t agree before Xie Zhi. I don’t know why, but he suddenly agreed last month. .

Agree is the beginning of the real nightmare. They have pilgrims who go up the mountain to burn incense every day at the Thousand Buddhas Temple. After seeing Xie Zhi, those pilgrims ask Xie Zhi to resolve the visa, but Xie Zhi only converted to my Buddha for less than a month. Wen, but those pilgrims still insisted on Xie Zhi to come, and finally he had to discuss with Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi agreed, but only promised to resolve five contracts a day. Because of these five signs, the pilgrims going up the mountain are getting earlier and earlier, and some even arrive before dawn. After morning class, it's time for Xie Zhi to go and get the visa. If Xie Zhi doesn't go, I don't know how long the pilgrims will stay here.

"Junior brother, why didn't you go to morning class today? Master said..." I felt that Xie Zhi cut off the truth before he finished speaking.

Xie Zhi pulled his lower lip and said impatiently: "You came to say this, then I will go back to sleep."

"Don't." Juezhen showed a look of embarrassment on his face, "Junior, you know, many pilgrims who come to the Thousand Buddha Temple nowadays come from Master Mu's resolution. If you don't go today, I'm afraid it will be those pilgrims who don't. Will be willing to leave."

When Xie Zhi heard these words, he lowered his eyebrows and said for a moment: "I know, I'll be over later."

"Then Junior Brother, hurry up." As soon as Jue Zhen's words fell, the door closed in front of him, but to Jue Zhen's surprise, it was the first time he saw Xie Zhi closing the door so quietly.

It turned out that he was always afraid that Xiezhi would break the door.


Jue Zhen turned his head and couldn't help thinking, could it be that Xie Zhi has changed his evil spirits after reading the scriptures for a month?


In the room, Xie Zhi went to the closet and replaced it with a clean monk's robe. After changing, he stood there for a while before walking to the bed.

The quilt on the bed was arched up, and the quilt did not completely cover the person on the bed, and a foot that was almost white in the morning sun was exposed. There was a black bell with a complicated pattern on the ankle of that foot, and a gold chain was tied above the black bell. The slender chain tied the person on the bed to the bed.

Xie Zhi stared at the golden chain. He watched for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything. He turned around and left, but when he left, he did not forget to stick the talisman on the door.

When he comes back, it is noon again.

Xie Zhi came in with a lunch box. When he came back this time, he first glanced at the bedside, and saw that the person on the bed was still in the morning posture, so he could not help but lift his eyebrows. He put the lunch box down on the table, his toes leaned toward the bed, but after hesitating for a while, he sat down at the table.

He used the vegetarian food in silence, and Xie Zhi had a great appetite on weekdays, and he could eat the food that he brought back clean, but this time he ate half an hour and only half of it.

Xie Zhi put down his chopsticks abruptly, thinking that it was because the back chef changed his kitchen today that caused him to lose his appetite. He didn't need to eat, so he sat at the table and drank slowly. After a few cups of water, he got up and walked to the bed.

Xie Zhi stopped by the bed, his tone was neither cold nor hot, but he was mocking, "Still asleep? I've slept for so many hours, are you still a ghost? I thought I was a pig on my bed."

The words fell to the ground, but no one answered.

He thought Shen Jue didn't want to reply. After all, Shen Jue usually refused to answer, so he chose to open the quilt directly and forced the other party to answer, but Xie Zhi's face changed as soon as the quilt was opened.

He immediately bent down and used a few minutes to pat Shen Jue's face, "Hey, wake up!"

Shen Jue didn't respond, and was even slapped his head by Xie Zhi. At this time, his face was pale, but his lips were blushing strangely, like a corpse that had just died. Xie Zhi met Shen Jue's face and realized that Shen Jue's body was very hot, as hot as a person could have.

Xie Zhi's eyes became more complicated. After trying to wake Shen Jue to no avail, he said to himself.

"Don't you live by inhaling Yang Qi? How could it..."


Let everyone wait for a long time, hurry to sleep after reading.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: one cute one;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: yah _ 4 dishes; sister. 3殇1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Chenqi 140 bottles; Matatabi 74 bottles; ele59 bottles; Rat sniffing 33 bottles; Blue owl, Owl, Owl, and Aowu ate 30 bottles in one bite; 27 bottles of beets; 25 bottles of Naiya; Lingzee, the most dazzling bald head and herring fish in Jinjiang Fei, 20 bottles due to the wind; Jiu Jiu, Lyu, 15 bottles of love and deep rain; Long Wumu, Xie Fanhua, Jiang Xie, Pure Heart Moyu, Prunes and Vegetables, Not Working, 36915294, Feifei, Liangchen Moran, 32031549, Mu Qingjun, Qiang Nanzi, Peaai_cai, Ai Xiaoran, Corner Ivy, Smile Kill, Liangliangi, Routiantian 10 bottles; Sishui boy 9 bottles; Carrie, battlovena, mimiyo, ice girl’s little padded jacket, 5 bottles of wife pretending to die; old spring clothes, Su Wei, Nan Nan, 383,388,693 bottles; Fei Che, Liu Yun do not stay, if, Jue’s **** Weihehe, lxy, MUA~?, 1 bottle of Dumpling (*?︶?*), A Mang’s mango, and Qiao Su’s doctor;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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