After hearing this, Shen Jue turned to look at Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi seldom mentioned Lin Chuyan specifically. This is really weird. He asked about Lin Chuyan's current situation.

"What happened to him?" Shen Jue asked suspiciously.

Xie Zhi's red lips hooked, "Take you to see him, OK?"

Although he asked whether it was good or not, he did not give Shen Jue a choice. Shen Jue was taken into the house where he and Lin Chuyan lived before. The house seems to be the same as before he left more than a month ago. The only difference is that Shen Jue noticed that there was a vase on the table in the room. The flowers are silk flowers.

Xie Zhi dragged Shen Jue to the table, picked up the silk flower in the vase in one hand, and twitched the corners of his lips. "It's really leisurely and elegant." After speaking, he looked at Shen Jue, "A Jue, Lin Yan doesn't know what When the time comes back, shall we wait for him here?"

Shen Jue wanted to ask him what he was going to do, but opened his mouth, but the answer was "good."

Xie Zhi chuckled lightly, as if he didn't see the shock in Shen Jue's eyes. He reached out his hand to support Shen Jue's waist, and with a slight force, he hugged the person to the table, and then raised his hand to all the tea cups on the table. Pushed to the ground.

Shen Jue wanted to speak, but couldn't tell, and could only watch Xie Zhi do those actions.

This is contemplation!

Contemplation is almost the same as Ecstasy, except that after the person who has suffered from Ecstasy was fascinated, he was unconscious at the time and could only do things according to the wishes of the caster. He has a clear mind and can clearly know what he is doing and what has happened, but his every move can only be determined by the operator's will and cannot be disobeyed.

Shen Jue didn't expect Xie Zhi to be able to cast spirits on him now.

He tried his best to break free of control, but it was useless. He could only sit on the table and watch Xie Zhi reach out and touch his face.


He seemed to hear the sound of someone entering the door, but he couldn't even turn his head, he could only look at the Xie Zhi in front of him. Xie Zhifeng raised his eyes, with affection in the corners of his eyes, his red lips parted, and he said in a not low or high voice.

"Ajue, do you like it?"

"I like it." Even though Shen Jue wanted to bite his teeth and stop these two words from speaking out, she still said it out.

Xie Zhi gave a low laugh, and gently stroked Shen Jue's eyes with his fingers, "Lin Mian and I, who do you like better?"

"I like Shengyi." Shen Jue's eyes are full of struggle, but the words are still clear, "Shengyi can make me happy."

Even when the words fell, Shen Jue watched as he took the initiative to put his arms around Xie Zhi’s neck and touched the other’s lips with his lips. Xie Zhi deliberately avoided it. He went after it for a while. After failing, he heard himself. Make a disgusting coquettish sound.

"Sheng Yi, kiss me."

Upon hearing this, Xie Zhi looked at him condescendingly, "Why should I kiss you?"

"Because I like Shengyi, Shengyi, forgive me, I like you so much, that's why I let Lin Miao kill you, so that Shengyi will be with me, forever and ever."

Shen Jue's hand around Xie Zhi's neck slammed into a fist, and his nails were almost pinched into the flesh, but only that, he couldn't resist.

"Then Ajue moved." Xie Zhi said with a smile.


The silk flower was put in another vase.

Shen Jue could finally turn his head, and he saw Lin Chuyan standing not far away. He hadn't seen Lin Chuyan for a long time. The other party was much thinner, almost like a bone covered in human skin. If you say it seriously, he is the only person in this room, but Lin Chuyan is the one who looks most like a ghost.

It turned out that the mountain is the eyebrow and the hydrating son, now the mountain is a dry mountain, and the water is stagnant water. He fixedly looked here, and when he met Shen Jue's gaze, there was no longer a smile in those gentle eyes, and after a while, his lips ooze red.

Shen Jue's eyes changed suddenly. He watched Lin Chuyan from standing until slowly bending down, watching the blood on the corners of the other party's lips increase, and finally the clothes were covered with blood.

The amount of blood made Shen Jue think that he wanted to vomit blood all over his body.

At this moment, Shen Jue couldn't care too much, so he could only push Xiezhi away, but didn't think about it. When he jumped off the table, his leg weakened and he fell to the ground.

Shen Jue stood on the ground with his hands, gritted his teeth, and stood up. He walked vainly in front of Lin Chuyan. Before he could speak, he heard Lin Chuyan's voice.

"You really make me nauseous."

Lin Chuyan's voice was very soft, but very clear. He raised his eyes and saw Shen Jue's eyes change from the previous indifference to the present disgust, and maybe there are others.

"At the beginning... Yan, I was..." As soon as Shen Jue stretched out his hand, the person in front of him moved first.

Lin Chuyan took a step forward, grabbing Shen Jue with one hand, and pulling out the silk flower from the vase with the other. He saw the destroyed silk flower, tears in his eyes, and in the next moment, red stars dotted the silk flower.

His hand trembled and the silk flower fell to the ground. Lin Chuyan laughed, he changed from a low voice to a big laugh. With laughter, he stepped on the silk flower.

"No flower in winter, I'm afraid you will feel lifeless in the room when you come back. I made a silk flower specially. I didn't expect this silk flower to have such a magical effect." Lin Chuyan raised his eyes and saw Shen Jue's eyes turn from hatred to hate. "You make me feel sick. ."

There was footsteps behind him.

Xie Zhi held Shen Jue's shoulders, raised his eyebrows, and his phoenix eyes were full of irony, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to come back so early today and let you see what you shouldn't be watching."

Shen Jue wanted to push Xie Zhi away, but he couldn't move anymore.

Seeing this, Lin Chuyan slowly let go of his hand. He raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from the corner of his lower lip. He stepped back and moved his eyes from Shen Jue's body to Xie Zhi's body. He saw the plum blossom mark on Xie Zhi's neck, who made it out, he couldn't understand it now.

"You come to me, it's for your father's business." Lin Chuyan continued to wipe the blood from his lips a little bit, his eyes turned gentle again, "Yeah, he is dead, I will cook him and give it to you. The whole government, as long as you want to survive, you must eat. Guess, who eats the most?"

Xie Zhikong's hand still squeezed when he heard this passage, he looked at the person he had admired for ten years in front of him. Since he first understood personnel matters, he has fallen in love with Lin Chuyan.

But Lin Chuyan took him, killed him, killed his father, forced his mother, the methods were cruel, how could he still love? He originally wanted to let go of his revenge, but now, he only wants Lin Chuyan to die. How painful he is, Lin Chuyan must have pain.

Lin Chuyan caught a glimpse of Xie Zhi's fisted hand, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips. If he ignores the blood on his chin and on the front of his shirt, it seems that he is still beautiful and beautiful, and Huai Jin holds Yu.

"You want to kill me? Xie Zhi, you kill. If you kill me, your father won't be resurrected. Your mother can't vomit the things that your mother eats in her stomach. And if I die, don't leave the rest of your family I want to live. Even if you are a ghost, you don’t have the ability to pass the sky to save your family. The emperor moved the Lin Mansion. Isn’t it possible that you don’t want to move your Xie Mansion?"

"Xie Lin's two families are nothing but beans and douqi, but I just want your Xie Mansion to be like our Lin Mansion. No, I want your whole mansion to be ten times, a hundred times more miserable, in order to relieve my hatred." Lin Chuyan said. The corner smiled suddenly.

Xie Zhi’s lips tightened, and for a while, he pulled Shen Jue behind him, "Okay, okay, okay." He said three times in a row, "I was really blind at the beginning, I thought he made you It turned out to be like this because I haven't seen you through."

Lin Chuyan tilted his head when he heard the words, "Do you still like me? Xie Zhi, you are not that cheap, are you?"

As soon as the words fell, his face was missed, Xie Zhi's eyes turned completely crimson, and his hand was still in the air after the fight, "What do you think of me, do you still like you? Lin Mian, look at what you are now What does it look like?"

"What does it matter what I am like?" Lin Chuyan turned his face around. He did not look at Xie Zhi, but at Shen Jue. He didn't know when his eyes turned to miserable, and even tears filled his eyes again. I’m really tired, I don’t want to wait for you anymore, Ajue. I’m always waiting for you, when you come, even if I prevent you from going, you will still go, even if you get hurt outside, you leave I’m not mistaken, I hate such days, and hate me like this."

At the last sentence, his eyes turned firm.

Lin Chuyan looked as warm and moist as jade and water, but that was just his appearance, and under the water was a fiery temperament like fire.

His blood splashed all over Xie Zhi.


Two more!

Tomorrow is Monday, the routine will be very busy, so it may not be able to update, I will ask for leave in advance.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Jue'er God Weihehe, Na に 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

53 bottles that are struggling in the famine every day; 20 bottles of Ye Ziqi, winter Garden, and Zhi Ting; 15 bottles of ω want to be a hardworking person; 3871437210 bottles; AME baa baa baa baa baa! 5 bottles of A Piao floating around; Xianyu, 37858434, 1 bottle of Yangong dumplings (*?︶?*);

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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