A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: If there is an afterlife (4)

"Shen Jue? Shen Jue?"

The teenager who was lying on the table was interrupted by the sound. He paused, then got up and turned his head to look around, and found that it was a few people with whom he had a good relationship. The few people stood together and saw Shen Jue turning around. They said, "Shen Jue, we will take a two-day rest tomorrow. We are going to play in Yuefeng Mountain Villa outside the city tomorrow for two days. The big racecourse, let's go together."

Most of the mansions of the Houmen noble mansion in the capital are personally rewarded by the emperor, and there are specifications. Generally, only the Prince's Mansion can have a racecourse. There is rarely a large open space in the mansion of the ordinary noble family for the racecourse, so many brothers will choose Go horseback riding in Yuefeng Mountain Villa outside the city.

When Shen Jue heard this, he wanted to refuse, but for some reason he thought about the scene last night. He went to find Fuzi Xie, and the other party put a begonia in his temple. Although he took it off behind him, this behavior still made him feel that something was wrong, and Xie Fuzi behaved strangely at the time.

He saw Xie Fuzi's hand lifted up, as if he wanted to hug him, but half of the lift stopped. Shen Jue was not so sensitive to these things, but since he joined the school, there have been too many people approaching him by various means, and he even met a particularly terrifying person who was two years older than him. Years old, is the eldest son of Prince Min's Mansion. The man once stopped his carriage in public. At that time, he thought he had accidentally ran into him, so he told the driver to give way, but the other party had to get out of the carriage and apologize to him, and forcibly got into his carriage. When he saw him, his eyes blinked. Without blinking, his eyes burned, and finally he deliberately pretended to be unsteady and fell on him. He wanted to push the opponent away, but he was also caught in the waist by the opponent.

If it weren't for his brother Shen Ze's carriage that happened to pass by that day, I am afraid it would not be easy for him to get out. But later, Wang Shizi became more and more fierce, and he broke into his private school and called him out by name. The other party did not know how many such embarrassing things he had done. In the end, his father went to Prince Min's Mansion himself, and the matter stopped.

Did he just think too much about what happened yesterday?

But even so, Shen Jue still didn't want to see Xie Fuzi for the time being, so he nodded after thinking about the invitation from his classmates.

After school was over, he returned to Shen's house and told Shen's mother that he was going to Yuefeng Mountain Villa outside the city tomorrow. Shen's mother knew that Shen Jue was going with her classmate, and she readily agreed, but asked Shen Jue to bring thick clothes.

"Outside the city is much colder than in the city, you have to wear more." Shen mother got up, "I will prepare clothes for you."

"Mother, myself..." Shen Jue was interrupted before he finished speaking.

Shen's mother sat down Shen Jue and said, "No, mother will help you prepare your luggage. By the way, you will also bring pastries and things. I will make them for you tomorrow morning. You and your classmates will let them try too. Mother's craftsmanship." At the end, she squeezed Shen Jue's face.

Shen Jue had to give up.

He had dinner at Shen's mother and went to Xie Fuzi as usual. After finishing his homework, he glanced at Xie Fuzi who was helping him correct his homework. The other party lowered his head, the crow-blue shark band covered his eyes, and the band tail fell with the black long hair, and the lips under the bridge of the nose kept red.

"Master, I'm going to Yuefeng Mountain Villa outside the city tomorrow, and I won't be in the house tomorrow or the next day, so I won't come to Master." Shen Jue considered his words before saying.

Just this sentence made the other party raise his head quickly.

"You're going to Yuefeng Mountain Villa? Why?" Xie Fuzi's delicate brows wrinkled slightly, his tone and expression revealed his master's disapproval.

Shen Jue paused, "I went horse riding with my classmates. I may not have gone for a long time, so I want to go with them."

"Riding is too dangerous, and the periphery of the Yuefeng Villa Racecourse is not circled, so it is easy to get lost. A Jue, think about it again? You want to play, and the master will accompany you to other places. Do you want to go to the calligraphy and painting shop? Xie Fuzi stretched out his hand and grabbed Shen Jue's hand, and said, "A Jue, be good, don't do such dangerous things. If you really want to go horseback riding, the Master can also accompany you."

Shen Jue lowered his eyes and looked at the hand he was holding. "Master, I have agreed to others. You taught me a gentleman to keep my promise, and I can't break my promise."

Xie Fuzi's lips tightened, and he withdrew his hand after a while, "No matter, since you have promised others, then go, but I just say, you must pay attention to safety."

Shen Jue smiled, "I will, Master, don't worry."

Xie Fuzi also smiled, but it was very shallow, not really smiling. Shen Jue didn't find the other party's disapproval, so the next day he went to Yuefeng Mountain Villa outside the city.

The Yuefeng Mountain Villa outside the city was far away. When they arrived, it was already noon, and they had no time to rest, so they ate lunch immediately. Shen Jue asked Shutong to take out the cakes made by Shen's mother, and as soon as he introduced what it was made of, those elder brothers finished dividing the cakes. He glanced at the empty food box, stunned, then couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly there was an inhalation sound around, Shen Jue was unclear, so he looked over, and saw that the boy who made the sound flushed at this time. Seeing him looking over, he turned his face away, and his neck was completely red.

"What's wrong with you?" Shen Jue couldn't help asking, "Uncomfortable?"

"He is okay." The person next to him said immediately, "Shen Jue, don't look at him, he will be okay."

Shen Jue was stunned for a while, and then he let out his eyes and closed his eyes.

After lunch, they went to pick a horse, and Shen Jue chose a maroon stallion. When he chose, many people advised him, "This horse is a bit fierce, Shen Jue, you can change it." They asked him to choose a mare that was underage.

Shen Jue turned on his horse and looked at the people below, "No, I like this one very much."

He doesn't like those people who think he is weak, he is also a man.

Yuefeng Villa’s racecourse is very large. As Xie Fuzi said, the periphery of the racecourse is not enclosed, but is surrounded by mountains and forests. The owner of the villa deliberately told them not to go there.

"There was a famous ghost hitting the wall. We originally surrounded the perimeter, but after a while, wild boars came and hit the wall. I don’t know why. Every day, we had to tear down the perimeter. There are no wild boars."

Shen Jue looked in the direction said by the owner of the villa, and could vaguely see a mountain forest.

In the afternoon, these teenagers were at an active age. At first they were a little restrained. When they came back, they cared so much. They also played horseback riding competitions. Since Shen Jue went out to play together, naturally he would not refuse to play together at this time. , So he also participated, he reached the finals all the way, and the finals was a comparison between him and another teenager in yellow.

The yellow-clothed boy looked at Shen Jue and smiled, "Shen Jue, if you smile with me, I might as well give you the title of the leader."

Before Shen Jue had spoken, someone next to him said: "It's not a match yet. Don't cheekily say yes. Shen Jue will definitely win."

Shen Jue glanced at the yellow-clothed boy, then turned his eyes away, "Don't let it go, if you lose, it's up to you to laugh at everyone for a while."

"Okay, did you lose?" The yellow-clothed boy smiled very strangely.

Shen Jue had just recognized that this person had a good relationship with Prince Min, and he was considered a dogleg of Prince Min.

Shen Jue grabbed the reins, "I won't lose."

"What if you lose? Well, if you lose, as much alcohol as I let you drink tonight, as much alcohol as you have to drink, if I lose, I will not only laugh at everyone, but also take off my clothes to everyone. Laugh." The yellow-clothed boy deliberately picked something up, and Shen Jue knew that the other party would not give up easily, so he directly agreed.

But the people around said disapprovingly: "Shen Jue, how do you promise him?"

"Don't agree, this bet is obviously unfair."

The finals started soon. With an order, Shen Jue and the teenager in yellow rushed out at the same time. At first, they were in no particular order. At one time, you first, at one time I went first, and at the end, they went hand in hand for a while, and in the second half of the journey. , Shen Jue's horse gradually surpassed half a horse body, and then a horse body. After a short while, the distance widened, and suddenly, the horse under Shen Jue made a painful neigh, and then he was out of control and immediately rushed forward.

Shen Jue couldn't hold it, and at such a fast speed, if he dismounted, he would be easily trampled by the horse, and he might be trampled into a disability. For some reason, what flashed in his mind was Shen's mother's face, followed by Xie Fuzi's face, and finally the other Shen family's faces.

If something happens to him, they will be sad.

His mother wanted him to be happy in Chang'an, and Master Xie asked him to pay attention to safety.

Thinking of this, even if Shen Jue saw the horse rushing into the forest, he did not vault, but tried his best to calm the horse down. The horse was running rampant in the mountains and forests. He wanted to remember the way he came. But the horse's speed was too fast. The trees here looked very similar. But after a while, he was completely lost. The branches on both sides were on his face. Scrape small wounds.

After a while, the horse under him slowly lowered its speed.

Shen Jue managed to control the horse, and after stopping it, he turned over and got off the horse first, and looked at the back of the horse. As expected, he found a silver needle on the horse's butt.

The yellow-clothed boy and Min Wang Shizi are indeed the same.

But the question now is how does he get out of this mountain forest?

Shen Jue looked around. He could not find the direction at all. The horse took him around in many circles. The horseshoe prints on the ground were not enough, and the trees in the mountains and forests towered into the clouds. Dark, it's hard to see the horseshoe prints on the ground.

Shen Jue's lips tightened, and he could only try to find his way back, but his legs became sore when he walked, and he was unable to go anymore. He still couldn't get out of the mountains and forests. He even went around where he was. The mark left on the tree.

The sky darkened completely, the horse was tired and he didn’t want to go anymore. Shen Jue was also hungry. He didn’t dare to go any more. He was afraid to go again. First, he was afraid that his body would not be able to hold it. Yuefeng Villa is farther, so he can only sit down where he is, waiting for others to find him.

Ma was obediently down at this time, bowed his head and was busy eating grass. Shen Jue looked at it and couldn't help sighing. Sure enough, he was still reckless, but the man's words were really offensive, and it was unbearable.

I'm afraid to do it again, he still wants to win the opponent.

As time passed bit by bit, Shen Jue couldn't hear anything except the sound of insects. The mountains and forests were cold at night. He couldn't help holding his knees tightly. When he wanted to ride a horse in the afternoon, he changed his riding outfit. It can't keep warm, he is thirsty, hungry, cold, and sleepy now.

But he didn't dare to sleep, he fell asleep, and he didn't know if anyone came to find him.

When Shen Jue was waiting until his body was almost frozen, he suddenly saw light appearing. The light appeared out of thin air, followed by footsteps.

The visitor hardly looked for, and came straight to him, "A Jue."

Shen Jue raised his head to look at the Tsing Yi man who came with the lantern. The other party stood holding the lamp. There was obvious anxiety on his bright and white face. He squatted down and said, "A Jue, how are you? Is there any discomfort on your body?"

"Master... why are you here?" Shen Jue's voice hesitated. The light he saw just now appeared suddenly. It didn't seem to be from far or near, and it took half a day from Shen Mansion to here, even if the other party knew The news of his disappearance would not come over so quickly, and the other party just found him directly without calling his name.

Xie Fuzi paused, then said, "I don't worry about you. I came with you secretly. After knowing that you are missing, I will come to you with everyone." Then, he reached out and touched Shen Jue's forehead. After discovering it was very ice, he immediately got up and took off his coat and put it on Shen Jue's body, "put it on, I will carry you back."

Shen Jue wanted to refuse, but the other party had turned around and squatted down, so he had to lie down. Going on the ground, he saw the other party and walked away. He couldn't help but said, "Master, there are horses."

Xie Fuzi's voice was a little cold at this time, as if he was angry, "This beast is so clever, it doesn't hurt to stay here."

Shen Jue had never heard the other party talking like this before, and he was taken aback for a while and said, "Master, it was someone hurt that brought me here, and if it wasn't for me to pick it, it wouldn't be Human injury."

Xie Fuzi's brows wrinkled, he turned around and looked at the horse. Shen Jue took the opportunity to say, "Master, put me down, or it will be inconvenient to lead the horse."


After that, Shen Jue looked at the other person in surprise while carrying him on his back, but he could separate a hand to lead the horse. Xie Fuzi looked weak, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Shen Jue was afraid of falling, so she could only hug each other as tightly as she could. They walked a long way and finally came out of the forest. Once they came out, the moonlight was much brighter. Shen Jue thought about it, but Xie Fuzi refused, so he had to continue to let the other party carry on his back. He glanced at the horse, then at the man carrying him, and finally at the shadow on the ground.

At this glance, there were only two shadows on the ground.

One is a horse, the other is his.

Shen Jue was stunned and moved his head, but no matter how he moved, he only saw a shadow of his head on the ground. His shadow seemed to hang, as if he was hanging in the air.

His lips moved, and it took a long time to make a sound, "Master, why don't you have a shadow?"

The body of the person carrying him was obviously stiff, and for a while, the other party said, "Why don't I have a shadow? Are you too tired?"

Shen Jue looked at the ground after hearing this sentence, and found that the shadows on the ground had changed from two to three.

No, he didn't read it wrong, and there were only two shadows.

"You let me down." Shen Jue's expression and voice were stiff.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-1223:29:12~2019-11-1322:47:05~

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: 3 Zhou Sheng; Ephemeral., Jue'er God Weihehe, 193041101;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 88 bottles of Chu Shi; 55 bottles of kkkkkkk; 47 bottles of Unknown Reader; 30 bottles of Mu Xian; 9 bottles of Mumu Super Cool; 8 bottles of Jiangdao Long; 39902999, Big Orange Cat 666, and 5 bottles of Red Leaf ; 3 bottles of devil, giving people to cloud; 2 bottles of mango, white dust; if, pampered cat, dumplings, Xingyue Changye, I love Shurachang, orange shiba, Zhan Xuyang, lemon is not cute Ih1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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