A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: If there is an afterlife (6)

Shen Jue was taken aback for a moment, "But you told me your last name was Xie, why did I call you Master Lin in my previous life?"

Xie Fuzi, no, he should be called Lin Chuyan at this time. Lin Chuyan said softly: "My surname is Lin and Xie. In my previous life, my soul was divided into two people and only merged after death." His gray pupils seemed to merge with the moonlight, "A Jue, I I didn’t deliberately want to hide it from you, but I’m afraid you are afraid of me when you know I’m a ghost."

Shen Jue thought for a while. Although he knew that the other party was a ghost, his first reaction was to be afraid, but Lin Chuyan has treated him very well over the past ten years. It is so good that his mother and dad are surprised. Around.

"I'm not afraid, I won't tell anyone about this." Shen Jue took the shark belt in Lin Chuyan's hand and tied it up.

These eyes cannot be seen by other people. When they see, Lin Chuyan's identity becomes an irresistible fire.

Lin Chuyan hardly dared to move when Shen Jue tied the shark belt for him. Across the shark belt, he looked at the boy in front of him almost foolishly, seeing the soreness in his eyes.

"Ajue, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the boy in front of him.

"I know what you want to say, but I have always treated you as a master, and I have no memory of a previous life. I hope our relationship remains the same as before, can it?"

Shen Jue's answer was beyond Lin Chuyan's expectation. He grew up watching the young man in front of him, or he could teach him.

It's just such an answer, somewhat disappointed.

"Good." He smiled.

Sure enough, when this sentence came out, he saw the other person's expression obviously relaxed. Lin Chuyan just didn't notice, he straightened up and stretched out his hand to the young man sitting on the ground, "Let's go, it's late."

When he returned, Shen Jue refused to let Lin Chuyan carry it on his back. Lin Chuyan didn't say anything, but just led the horse behind.

When approaching the gate of the villa, Shen Jue stopped and looked back at Lin Chuyan, "Hus... Chuyan, will you be invisible? They don't know you are coming. If they see you, they might be suspicious."

Lin Chuyan nodded, and then he disappeared in front of Shen Jue. When Shen Jue saw it, she was still surprised.

After Shen Jue returned to the villa, he learned that almost everyone was looking for him. When the servants who stayed behind in the villa saw him coming back, they immediately set off fireworks and told the people who were still looking.

He should have thanked those who came to him in person, but he was too tired now, so he immediately went back to his room to rest after eating and bathing.

Shen Jue was lying on the bed, physically exhausted, but his brain was very awake at this time because of what happened tonight.

He pondered for a moment, rolled over, facing out, "Chu Yan, are you there?"


With the sound, a man in Tsing Yi appeared out of thin air.

Shen Jue looked at people not far away, "I once saw a Wangchuan River in the underworld in a book. I heard that jumping into the Wangchuan River can forget everything? Is this true?"

With just a simple question, Shen Jue found that the other's face turned pale in an instant, "No, forgetting Chuanhe will not forget everything, but will remember it more clearly."

"It turned out to be like this." Shen Jue felt that he was asking questions that shouldn't be asked. "It's getting late, you can go back. I'm fine now. I will go back tomorrow."

Lin Chuyan hesitated to speak, but finally sighed, "Okay, I'll go back and wait for you."

As he said, he paced to the bedside, reaching out to touch Shen Jue's face, but when he didn't touch it, the other party avoided.

Lin Chuyan's hand froze in the air, and he disappeared.

After he left, Shen Jue gradually fell asleep, but just as soon as he fell asleep, he was awakened by the door slamming.

Shen Jue woke up from his sleep, turned his head and looked at the door. The slamming of the door continued, which forced him to get up. He put on a coat and walked to the door to open the door, "Who?"

The door opened only a little bit, and a hand could not wait to squeeze in, "It's me."

Shen Jue heard the voice and immediately wanted to close the door, but it was too late.

"Prince Min, what are you doing here?" Shen Jue frowned and looked at the purple-clothed boy in front of him.

After the purple-clothed boy came in, he first looked at Shen Jue, and then closed the door with his backhand, "Why is Xiao Jue unfamiliar with me now? I said you can call me Lingyou. Today, I'm the fellow with you. He was locked up and hit the 20 boards again. If Xiao Jue is still angry, I can let someone hit him again."

Shen Jue frowned more tightly when he heard the words. When the other party wanted to grab his hand, he immediately took a step back, "I am not related to the world, and cannot afford the reputation of punishing me by the world. , It’s very late at this time. If the world doesn’t want to rest, I want to rest.”

The son of King Min has a bad nature, but in fact he has a good face and a charming appearance, but this charming is a bit tacky.

"It's getting late. I came here in a hurry. The old man didn't arrange a room for me, so let me share it with you." As he said, he hugged Shen Jue directly.

"You! Let go!" Shen Jue was hugged by the other party, flushing with anger. He struggled desperately, but he was too tired today, and couldn't get away for a while, and Wang Shizi who was not allergic also felt struggling because of Shen Jue's struggle.

When Wang Shizi learned of Shen Jue's disappearance, he hurriedly increased his whip, and it took a lot of effort. Now the two teenagers are in a hug, Shen Jue wants to push away, Min Wang Shizi wants to kiss Fangze, for a while, the two can't tell the difference.

On the contrary, both of them were so tired that they were out of breath. King Min's eyes rolled and his tone became softer, "Xiao Jue, I rode for you today, and my thighs are red. If you do, let me kiss you. , I will leave after kissing."

Shen Jue's eyes were full of disgust, "Dreaming."

When Wang Shizi heard it, he knew that the soft ones were no longer good, and only the hard ones. So the two started a new round of fighting. In the end, Shen Jue gradually fell into the wind, and the face of the Prince Min got closer and closer. At that time, there was a gust of wind in the room.

Shen Jue's eyes were closed by the gust of wind, and when they opened again, there was no longer Prince Min in the room, and the person in front of him changed one.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but was also embarrassed by the scene that the other party saw just now.

Shen Jue pursed her lower lip, and then said, "Where did you get him?"

"Where he should be, go to sleep, no one will bother you again." Lin Chuyan said softly.

Now Shen Jue no longer has the courage to ask the other party to leave, Lin Chuyan has saved him twice today.

So Shen Jue didn't say anything, and went straight back to the bed to lie down.

Lin Chuyan disappeared as soon as he lay down, but he knew that the other party was there. For some reason, he felt at ease at this moment.

The next day, there was a major event in the villa. The servant who cleaned the stables found that Prince Min was asleep in the stable, his clothes were even stained with horse dung, but the servant called him that he was not awake, and he slept until the afternoon. When he woke up, Shen Jue had returned to the capital.

The news of Shen Jue's disappearance did not reach Shen Mansion. Those teenagers were afraid of the trouble and did not dare to notify Shen Mansion. This made Shen Jue a sigh of relief. He didn't want Shen's mother to worry.

Shen's mother didn't know what Shen Jue experienced there, so she asked if Shen Jue was fun, and Shen Jue was mixed up.

But although Shen's mother's question is difficult to answer, it is no more difficult than Lin Chuyan's.

His Master is not only a ghost, but he was also a pair in his previous life. How should he deal with it?

He has always regarded each other as his elders.

Shen Jue couldn't help sighing when he thought of this. Well, let it be.

Although she said let the flow go, Shen Jue gradually estranged from Lin Chuyan. He no longer went to Lin Chuyan's yard every day. Shen's father and Shen's mother and others asked about this. He only said that the school had a heavy workload recently, so he reduced his visit to Lin Chuyan's side.

As for Lin Chuyan, he would not ask why Shen Jue came less and less frequently.

He just waited for Shen Jue every day, from dawn to dusk, and sat in the dark until dawn, and began looking forward to a new day.

Will his Ajue come today?

His Ajue did not come today.

Will his Ajue come tomorrow?

His Ajue will definitely come tomorrow.

Day after day, year after year, three years passed in a blink of an eye. Shen Jue Xu is eighteen years old, and Shen Mansion is busy with Shen Jue's future marriage.

Since Shen's mother revealed that she was going to prepare for Shen Jue's marriage, there have been countless matchmakers who have come to the door. The other is a family with women and hundreds of families. When they arrive at the Shen mansion, they have become a family with children and hundreds of families.

It's not just those who have daughters in the family, but only the sons in the family.

When Shen's mother heard that a man was about to marry her son for the first time, she opened her mouth and couldn't close it for a long time.

Waiting for the second time, the third time, the fourth time... Later, Shen's mother could not change her face anymore, but she couldn't help but tell her husband at night, "What's the matter? The man who came to propose is like the woman. It's a lot. I can't guarantee whether this daughter-in-law will be a man or a woman in the future."

Father Shen was very calm at this time. He asked who had come to propose marriage, and then denied them one by one.

He shook his head, "These men are not worthy of my Xiao Jue."

Shen's mother nodded, "Then I'd better study and study the daughter of a family in Beijing."

"I think you should ask Xiao Jue what he thinks. Marry whoever he likes." Father Shen paused, "If it's a girl, I don't have any problems. If it's a big man, you have to pass me first, like King Min It's absolutely impossible for the elder son to do that."

Shen's mother couldn't help laughing when she heard this. It turns out that her husband is the most uncomfortable with two men together, and once suspected that her nephew Qin Jiao had an unruly heart towards Xiao Jue.

"By the way, didn't you say that Xiao Jia might like Xiao Jue? Would you like to let them be together?" Mother Shen deliberately teased Father Shen.

I don’t know that Father Shen’s face changed, and he said: "This is not impossible, but I need to ask the opinions of the two children, but I can’t bear to go to Qin Jia’s place, which is too far away from the capital. If Qin Jia wants to marry Xiao Xiao Jue, you must first transfer back to the capital."

As soon as these words came out, Shen's mother couldn't help thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

She grew up watching Qin Jiao, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom, smart and kind, and the most important thing is to treat Xiao Jue well. If they are together, she will not worry about Xiao Jue being hurt in the future. Of course, Xiao Jue is also a good boy. If he wants to be with someone, he will be nice to that person.

So the next day, Shen's mother raised the matter when Shen Jue asked for peace.

Shen Jue shook his head when she heard Mother Shen wanted to get him and Qin Jia together.

"You don't like your cousin?" Shen's mother asked.

Shen Jue shook his head again, "I like it, but it's just my younger brother's liking for his elder brother, not other likings, mother, you don't need to be busy, I think it's good not to get married.

"But the loneliness of not getting married, can you bear it? Don't mention that your friend will get married in the future, like me and your dad, who will accompany you after we leave? After all, your brother has his own wife, and will still You have your own children. You don’t feel scared right now. It’s because you and I are still there, but one day we are gone? My brother is much older than you. What if my brother is gone? Alone, who will accompany you through this life?"

Shen's mother's words did not scare Shen Jue, but only reminded him of a person, no, a ghost.

He hasn't seen each other for a long time, is that ghost lonely in this world?

No family, no friends, staying in this little mansion for someone who has forgotten him.

Shen Jue's eyelashes flicked and suddenly turned around and ran out.

"Xiao Jue, where are you going?" Shen mother shouted from behind, "Run slower, don't fall."

Shen Jue didn't answer, but ran to Lin Chuyan's courtyard quickly.

Along the way, he met a lot of people, and he didn't care about those people saluting him, there was only one thing in his mind.

He wanted to see Lin Chuyan at this time.

The cold winter wind blew his face, his cheeks hurt, and his clothes rolled, but he didn't pay attention, passing through the long corridor and passing the flowerbed, he finally reached Lin Chuyan's courtyard.

The courtyard door was as wide open as before, and Shen Jue walked in, and the courtyard was exactly the same as when he came a year ago.

It's just that the yard is too quiet, as if no one lives. It turned out that there were servants in this yard, but Shen Jue walked to the door of Lin Chuyan's room and did not see a servant.

The door was hidden, Shen Jue hesitated, but raised his hand and gently opened the door.

The room was bitterly cold, even colder than outside. Shen Jue remembered that Lin Chuyan was extremely cold, and usually had to dress very thick in October, and even burned charcoal in the room early.

He stepped into the room, and the room was as quiet as it was outside. Shen Jue walked to the entrance of the inner room and finally saw the familiar and unfamiliar figure, but was also taken aback by the scene in the inner room.

There are countless black and white ink paintings in one place, and all the people in the paintings are him.

The man stood at the table, still bowing his head to paint, and did not notice Shen Jue's arrival.

Shen Jue looked at the paintings and couldn't help taking a deep breath. After a while, he whispered to each other.

"Chu Yan."

With a sound, Lin Chuyan's pen stopped.

Shen Jue watched the man stiffly grabbed his head and looked at him. Lin Chuyan didn't wear a shark belt, and her gray-white phoenix eyes fixedly stared at him.

Within a year, Lin Chuyan's face became very pale, from the original bright white to transparent white, as if he would turn into a puff of smoke at any time and disappear.

After a while, Shen Jue saw a line of tears shed from those gray-white phoenix eyes.

The world always says that men do not flick when they have tears.


Decades later.


The judge of the Three Halls picked up a ghost again, and all the little ghosts persuaded the ghost not to try to jump into the Wangchuan River. In order to warn the ghost, they told all the stories they knew.

It mentions the story of a fairy and a painted ghost.

"This Wangchuan River skips a lot of ghosts and immortals, but only these two came out of the Wangchuan River, but it was too miserable when they came out." Little Guijia shook his head.

Little Gui Yi nodded, "Yes, the fairy king came out first. He can come out because he is the little uncle of the Emperor of Heaven. His status is extremely honorable, but no matter how honorable he is, he will never be a fairy after coming out of Wangchuan River. A ghost that cannot reincarnate, and suffers the pain of forgetting the bones of Chuanhe again every night, as long as the memory is there, the pain of bones will repeat."

Little Ghost Bing sighed, "This is not the worst. The fairy prince jumped in the Wangchuan River for a painterly ghost. Even after he came out, he couldn't put down the ghost. So he held the soul-seeking lantern and danced every day. Go into Wangchuan River to find the ghost of the painted skin ghost. The soul was crushed. I don't know it was divided into thousands of parts. But in the end, it really asked the fairy to find the soul of the painted ghost. It's all together, but Xianjun's eyes are hurt, and he can no longer see the color."

"But this is not the worst. The worst is that after the painted skin ghost was put together, because he couldn't bear the pain of bone chewing, he washed his face with tears every night. Xianjun couldn't bear the painted skin ghost to suffer this crime and took away the painted skin. The memory of ghosts, no matter how many lives the Painted Ghost reincarnates, they will never remember what happened before, or even what happened later. The Painted Ghost has no memory, so it makes a fuss about reincarnation, and the fairy can’t stop it. Let the Painted Skin Ghost go to reincarnation, he will go to the mortal world to accompany him again, but in the mortal world, the pain of bone-biting at night will only be more painful, and because he has entered the Forgotten River for thousands of times, he can't stand the mortal world. It's cold." The little ghost Ding hey.

"what are you guys saying?"

As soon as Lu Zhidao walked in, he saw the little ghosts in his house surrounding the new ghost he had just brought back.

The little ghost said in unison: "We are taking the story of the fairy king and the painted ghost to warn him not to jump into the river."

Lu Zhidao smiled helplessly and didn't bother to care about those little ghosts. He just looked at the new ghosts, "Shen Jue, it's time to reincarnate, let's go."


I wanted to push you away because I guessed that the ending close to you would be overwhelming, but I still failed.


Brother Yantai: The first day Ajue didn't come, I missed him. The day after Ajue didn't come, I missed him. On the third day when Ajue didn’t come, I missed him, missed him...

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-1523:30:34~2019-11-1704:05:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: speechless, 1 resignation;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 2 for giving people Yiyun and Jue'er God, and 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of Jiangnan Old Thief; 36 bottles of Yun; 30 bottles of a little cute; the author of this book is I, San Siwu, Aguaguaguagua, 20 bottles of Indestructible; month 19 bottles of Ruoliujin; 17 bottles of Lianniye; 10 bottles of Erting's Ape, Mu Xi, Tang’s Wuliang; 3 bottles of Xixi and Handsome; 2 bottles of Zhu Juan and Baichen; dumplings, Xingyue Longye, If 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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