A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: A family of three with two birds (2)

Holding the soft body in his arms, even Shen Jue's mind was moved. This is the child he gave birth to in the last days, the child he had to give birth to in order to survive. For this child, his mind has never been complicated.

He thinks it is the destiny that deliberately violated him, so in the last days he transformed his physique into a man who can become pregnant, and he will die if he is not pregnant. In order to survive, he took the initiative to approach the realm master and was pregnant with a child, and the birth of the child almost killed him half his life.

Before the child was born, he hated the meat in his stomach because the child completely deprived him of his dignity as a man, but when he really saw the child lying in his arms and sleeping, the disgust in his heart gradually disappeared. , Retreated like a tide.

Because the child loves to cry, he gave the child a nickname Silent. He has never seen the appearance of growing up silently, nor has he called him silently, and now he actually sees the other person again, and the other person can walk, and he can still eat a dad.

Shen Jue turned his face and looked at the little dumpling in his arms. The other party was still very afraid of the cold, and his body couldn't help but tremble, especially when he was blown by the cold wind on the river.

"A Jue, let's go ashore first, you and Silent's clothes are soaked, can you change your clothes first?" Tianjun next to him opened his mouth, his tone cautiously, as if he was afraid that Shen Jue would refuse.

Shen Jue pressed her lower lip, didn't say a word, and turned directly on the shore. After he landed ashore, he tried to put the child in his arms down, but he only moved, and the two hands on his neck became tighter, and he even heard the crying voice of the other party, "Daddy hugs silently , Silently don't want to be separated from Daddy."

This was exactly the same as what Fang Cai Tianjun said, and Shen Jue couldn't help glaring at the young man behind him. Tianjun also got ashore from the water. His red brocade was wet by the water, and he clung to his skin as much as possible, showing an overly superior body line. At this time, his long black hair was clinging to his neck, back and chest. before. He saw Shen Jue's staring eyes and seemed to be taken aback, his pale lips parted slightly, "A Jue, what's the matter?"

Shen Jue turned away, feeling a little annoyed, as for what he was upset about, he couldn't tell now.

When Tianjun saw Shen Jue's face turned away again, he was silent for a moment, and took out something from the storage ring, which was a big house. Seeing that he threw the thing into the air, the house automatically grew bigger and became the size of a real house, falling in front of the three of them.

"Ajue, let's change clothes first." He said to Shen Jue.

Hearing this, Shen Jue walked directly in. There were three rooms in the house. He picked the one on the far left. After entering, he saw that there was hot water and clean clothes inside.

After entering the house, he said in a sensible way: "Daddy, let him go silently. Daddy's hands must be sour. Go to the next room to take a bath in silence."

Shen Jue looked at each other, a little surprised, "You bathe yourself?"

Nodded silently, "Daddy let him bathe silently, saying that male birds should bathe by themselves."

The children said so, Shen Jue had to put down the other person, "You can take a shower in this room, and I will go out."

But before he left, he silently took his hand, "Daddy is taking a bath in this room, and going to the next room silently, he will come to see Daddy after the shower in silence. Daddy may not have finished the shower by then, silently. To be checked."

After he finished speaking, he ran out first, and Shen Jue didn't even have a chance to call him.

After leaving silently, Shen Jue was the only one left in the house. He looked around and sat down at the table, his soaked clothes stuck to his body, and water dripped down his long hair to the ground. He looked at the ground. The more and more drops of water accumulated, slowly raised his hand to cover his face.


After half a stick of incense.

Silently changed into clean clothes, stretched out a small fat hand and knocked on the door gently, "Daddy, have you finished bathing?"

There was a sound of footsteps in the room, and for a while, the door was opened from inside. When the door opened silently, he got in and quickly hugged the door opener's leg. After holding the door, he took a deep sniff, and his big eyes almost narrowed into a line with a smile, "Daddy is so fragrant."

Shen Jue felt helpless when he heard this. He looked down at the other person, "have you finished the inspection now?"

Silently raised his head to look at Shen Jue, blinking, "After the inspection, it's time for Dad to sleep with him silently in the next step."

"Sleep?" Shen Jue was taken aback, he couldn't help but look up, when the sky was not dark outside.

"Well, silently sleepy." As he said, the little dumpling holding his leg gave a small yawn, and his big eyes also showed tears from sleepiness, "Daddy, hug!"

Shen Jue's lips moved, and finally he hugged the other person. After he hugged him, he looked outside again, and that person did not move.

"Is Daddy looking for Daddy?" The little dumpling in his arms suddenly opened his mouth.

Shen Jue's expression became much colder when he heard the silent words, he closed the door, "I didn't look for him."

"Oh, but even if Daddy wants to find Daddy, Daddy can't accompany Daddy right now." The silent voice was soft, just like his appearance.

Shen Jue walked silently to the bed and repeated it again, "I didn't look for him." He put the little dumpling in his arms on the bed and took off the other's boots. "You don't need to tell me about him."

Silently examined Shen Jue's expression, hesitated for a moment, and nodded. After taking off his boots, he crawled into the bed by himself, of course he didn't forget to open a corner to let Shen Jue in.

"I don't..." Shen Jue didn't want to sleep, but before he finished speaking, his silent lips fell flat. Seeing his posture, he was about to cry again. Shen Jue had to shut up and went to bed.

He is really afraid of children crying.

As soon as he went to bed, the little dumpling next to him took the initiative to lean in and crawled on his stomach, looking at him with big eyes flashing.

Shen Jue looked at each other and said softly: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Tuanzi tilted his head, and then took the initiative to leaned over and kissed Shen Jue on both sides of the cheek. After the kiss, he continued to lie down very contentedly, "Daddy is so beautiful, really fragrant. I didn't want to silently Give Daddy back to Daddy. If Daddy is my daughter-in-law, it will be fine." The latter sentence was very vague, even if Shen Jue was very close to him, he couldn't hear it clearly.

"What?" Shen Jue asked.

Silently said immediately: "I didn't say anything." He raised his fat hand to cover his lips, and his eyes turned a little nervously. How did he just say what was in his heart? If A-da heard him, the hair on his **** would not be able to keep.

The child’s energy came and went fast, lying on Shen Jue’s body silently, and really fell asleep after a while, but Shen Jue didn’t have any sleepiness. He opened his eyes and looked at the bed net above, and his mind was full of thoughts. , Like a ball of thread, or a thread that can’t be sorted out.

I don't know how long it took, Shen Jue suddenly felt a light weight in his arms, a child was missing on his body, and a snow-white bird was added.

He half raised his head, looking at the bird in his arms in a daze, but soon his brows wrinkled. Why is this bird's posture so strange?

Shen Jue had seen birds, but they all slept on trees, with one foot curled up, sleeping on a branch with one foot, no matter how bad they were, they would sit in the nest and sleep. He had never seen a bird sleeping with wings spread. Open, roll his eyes, his feet are still facing the sky.

Is this dead?

Shen Jue tried to detect the breath of the other party, but he didn't know whether his method was wrong, or what, he didn't feel the breath. He stretched out his hand and gently pushed the little white bird in his arms, "Silent? Silently?"

After shouting more than a dozen times, the little white bird in his arms didn't react at all.

Shen Jue frowned more tightly. For a moment of thought, he immediately hugged the little white bird, turned over and got out of bed, and rushed out of the house without wearing his shoes, "Tianjun, where are you?"

There were only three rooms here. Shen Jue pushed aside the middle room. There was no one inside. He pushed aside the rightmost room, and finally saw the person he was looking for inside. The person he was looking for was sitting on the bed. The other party seemed to have heard the movement. He picked up the coat on the stool next to him and put it on, and said, "Ajue?"

Shen Jue rushed directly in front of the opponent and passed the little white bird in his hand, "Look at him, is he...dead?"

Tianjun lowered his eyes to look at the little white bird in Shen Jue's arms, and after a glance, a faint smile appeared on his abnormally flushed face, "I'm not dead, I'm just asleep." He took a glimpse of it. With Shen Jue's feet without shoes, the smile on his face immediately faded.

He immediately stretched out his hand to pull Shen Jue onto the bed and sat, "Why don't you wear shoes?" He said, he wanted to put on Shen Jue's boots, but Shen Jue looked first before touching Shen Jue's feet. Said coldly: "I don't wear your shoes."

Tianjun took Xie's feet, he put down his shoes and looked sideways at Shen Jue, with a calm and gentle tone, "Then you can't walk around without shoes. I'll help you bring your shoes over, okay?"

Shen Jue hadn't spoken yet, so he added, "The child likes to have the best way to learn. Although he is asleep silently now, he knows all the movements outside."

As soon as this sentence came out, Shen Jue knew that the other party was deliberate, but he could only remain silent.

When Tianjun saw this, he put on his shoes and went out. Shen Jue looked down at the little white bird in his palm, and sighed helplessly. What bird can sleep like this? Children like to learn the most. Isn’t that the way to sleep like a dad?

Now that they were all in the other party's room, Shen Jue simply put the little white bird in his hand on the pillow, and after putting it on, he was ready to pull the quilt up a bit to cover the other's belly.

As soon as he pulled the quilt, a blood coat appeared at the corner of the bed. Shen Jue saw the clothes that were obviously white but was now almost completely wet with blood, his eyes changed slightly, and then he just opened the quilt.

The sheets were also full of blood, and there were several blood-stained gauze on the bed.

There was movement outside the door.

Shen Jue grasped the quilt and slowly clenched his hand tightly. He lightly bit his tooth and turned his head to look at the person who walked in. It was not his illusion, the other party's complexion was really bad now, except for the abnormal blush on the cheeks, the whole person was very white, the kind of almost transparent white, even the lip color was very light.

Tianjun naturally saw that the quilt on the bed was lifted. He paused first, then walked in front of Shen Jue, squatted down, first washed Shen Jue's feet with a water purification technique, and gently wiped off the water on it with a handkerchief. Beads.

Shen Jue looked at the opponent's actions and suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the opponent's collar apart.

As soon as he pulled it apart, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, and a thick white bandage was wrapped around his chest under the other's collar, and the white bandage was already bloody.

Some blood leaked out.

In addition, he also saw many small wounds, the locations of those wounds were exactly the same as those where he was injured in the battle with the Emperor.

Just as Shen Jue wanted to take a closer look, the squatting young man had already raised his hand to gather his clothes, "Now that you have your shoes on, let's go over and rest in silence."

After hearing this, Shen Jue set up a small barrier for the little white bird sleeping on the pillow, before looking at him again, "What's the matter with your injury?"

Tianjun raised his eyes, the pupils under his long eyelashes were faintly glowing with black and blue light, he pursed his lips and smiled lightly, "It's nothing, it's just hurt, don't worry about me."

"I'm not worried about you." Shen Jue's voice was suffocated. "The feathers you gave me are not simple, right? What use are all three of them? One is silent, and the other two belong to you, right? What have you done?"

After he finished speaking, he was even more angry when he saw that the other party was silent. He was so angry that he couldn't care too much. He reached out and grabbed the other's collar, "Is one of your two feathers used to transfer the wound? One... can you know where I am, right?"

Tianjun looked down at the hand holding his collar, and then at Shen Jue, who was flushed with anger at this time. He immediately pressed his lips, but in the end the smile at the corner of his lips could not be restrained. , Sneaked out.

Shen Jue didn't expect that the other party could laugh when he was angry. He couldn't help but froze for a while. After the froze, he was even more angry, but this time he was forcibly hugged before he could speak.

"I'm really okay, don't worry about me, who am I, I'm also a heavenly monarch anyway, Ajue, don't be afraid."

When Shen Jue heard it, his eyebrows were cold, and he stretched out his hand to push the opponent away, but he pushed it, and he heard the sound of the opponent's breath. At the same time, he saw blood oozing from the place he pushed, and his pushing hand couldn't help venting his strength.

"You..." Shen Jue said through gritted teeth.

Tianjun did not move and hugged the person tighter, and added another barrier to the little white bird on the pillow, "Huh?"

"Bad son!" Shen Jue finally cursed the latter sentence.

He doesn't like to owe people, but this person insists on him.

Shen Jue originally thought that regardless of the grievances between him and the other party in the situation, he would be wiped out when he left the country, but now...

Really a bastard!

But the **** got a scolding, with a smile in his eyes, and said to him: "Ajue, what else would you scold? All scolded, I want to hear."


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-2523:13:50~2019-11-2622:16:26~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: kiru, Yun, and Azhang are very long;

Thank you for the little angels who cast landmines: Na に 10; Ah Zhang is very long 5; Beauty harvest files, you are cute 2; Jinjiang native salted fish, little stars, is Zhizhi, Jue’s **** Weihehe, Natsuki, is a sub-study sauce Yeah, fylli, oh Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, a little cute, handsome _ casually, one by one, Qi Qiao, kinnkou, white ink, solstice ~?, 21435952, durian snow Mei Niang, a big Yuki , 1 rest every time;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Yanmo; 86 bottles of Jiang Green Onion; 82 bottles of Momu Sang; 66 bottles of Guyi City Song; 26 bottles of Huadu Fox; 22 bottles of Yuemifengying; Drunken Words, Qiqidui 20 bottles of Xiao and Yun; I am a navy soldier giving me money, Mu Qisheng, Luoyue Banwang, Ye Ye Ye, Guang Guang Bling, Yi Yuan, Mo You, Wu Mian, Jun Marsh 10 bottles; 60 degrees 8 bottles; 7 bottles of lemon; 6 bottles of core core core; 5 bottles of small star, lopp, seluda, salty, you are so cute, Eleanora, heart arsonist, FoFo, and wife; taste 3 bottles of gummies ; Dumplings, porcelain burning, red blood glass, and Cui Rongzai’s wife is one bottle of mine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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