A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill that gentleman (34)

He Queying groaned. She didn't know where she took out a fan, and started to fan the wind with complacency, "Xiao Jue's words are really scary." Before the words came, he separated Shen with a fan. With the hand that Jue attacked, he grabbed Shen Jue's arm with his backhand, and forcibly fixed the person in front of him, "Don't move, I don't want to hurt you."

Shen Jue was held in front of him by He Queying, and the hand that was not grasped was lifted slightly, and he was immediately caught.

He Queying clasped Shen Jue's wrist and raised her eyebrows slightly, "Poison?"

Shen Jue was caught with both hands now. He glanced at He Queying and opened his mouth to shout. He Queying saw it, and said in a hurry, "I have something to give you."

"What is it?" Shen Jue said, moving his hands, "Let go."

He Queying was obedient and relaxed, and in the next instant, he got a kick. Shen Jue suddenly kicked it over. He Queying couldn't react enough and was kicked to the stomach. He took two or three steps back and then barely stabilized her body.

He seemed to feel a little bit ridiculous, and looked down at the clothes with footprints on his body with a wry smile, "The nature is so fierce."

Shen Jue stopped and looked at him, "What did you just say?"

He Queying was still staring at the footprints on her clothes, and after a while she raised her head and said: "The lower part of "The Law of the Heart", have you finished watching the upper part on Shijue Island?"

Shen Jue didn't expect He Queying to even know this, she couldn't help but lifted her eyebrows, her eyes became more vigilant, "How do you know this?"

"Your brother Liu Xuan said, you will not forget him?" He Queying smiled, "He is still in Shijue Island, but with a little bit of tricks, he will shake everything about you. come out."

It was actually Liu Xuan.

It is true that Shen Jue is about to forget this person, but why did He Queying inquire about him from Liu Xuan, and how much does He Queying understand?

He Queying admired Shen Jue's expression for a while, and then said quietly: "Don't be so defensive against me, I am on the same boat as you, do you want to kill Sang Xinghe?"

"Why should I kill Xinghe?" Shen Jue asked immediately.

"Because there are too many clues, but I still dare not confirm before today, but I just saw your reaction, I was dared to be sure. Shen Jue, your nature is completely different from the way you show it, you are very strong, even It can be called ruthless. For example, Liu Xuan, he grew up with you anyway, but after you left him, you didn't even ask a word about him, which is not like the way you just started.

"Speaking of me, we have known each other a while ago, but because I saw your face change, you are going to kill me. Even Yuci that fool, he can't be too bad for you during his lifetime, and he has to see you before he died. , But you are really indifferent to his death.

"Then Sang Xinghe who forced you, would you really fall in love with him?" He Queying shook the fan in front of him, and the corner of his eyes curled slightly. "In my opinion, what you are doing now is For better revenge."

After hearing these words, Shen Jue's expression was very calm, with no fluctuations in his eyes, "These things are just your guesses, even if you guessed it correctly, what? Do you want to protect Sang Xinghe?"

"No." He Queying closed the fan and said sternly, "I came to work with you. After you kill Sang Xinghe, give me his body."

"What do you want his corpse for?" Shen Jue was taken aback.

He Queying was silent for a moment, then said gracefully: "I want the soul of Yuci in his body."

Shen Jue's eyes suddenly changed when he heard this. He looked at He Queying, as if he suddenly understood something, "You brought Yuci's body back before you wanted him to be resurrected?"

"It's not resurrection. I want to make him a living dead. Have you ever heard of it? I don't have the ability to think, I only obey." He Queying showed a harmless smile, "I think he died too easily, only he When I became like that, I felt that everything I did was meaningful. Otherwise, who would come to see me as the new owner of Shijue Island? Unfortunately, when I wanted to turn him into a living dead, I found his soul It's gone, there is no way to call souls, until I heard that Sang Daxia was caught in evil."


He Queying felt that this world did not understand his feelings for Yuci. They grew up together. The education he received from a young age was to obey Yuci unconditionally. However, he hated this kind of life, but he couldn't resist because it was Yuci at the beginning. He and Yuan Hao were selected among ten children.

He is familiar with Yuci, and it can be said that no one in this world knows Yuci better than him. This feeling is very strange. There is a kind of illusion that Yuci is his illusion, but when they grow up, Yuci falls in love with a man at first sight. At first, He Queying didn’t think anything. When people grow up, they will have someone they like. It’s normal. Although he doesn’t, but after Yuci likes him, he always talks about Sang Xinghe’s name every day. Sneak to see each other.

He Queying suddenly felt that her belongings had been taken away.

He found that even though he hated Yuci, he still hoped to maintain this kind of life. He, Yuci and Yuan Hao have been living together, but reality does not allow it.

So when Yuci wanted to confess, He Queying tripped, and Yuci really failed to confess, but he did not expect that Yuci would abolish Sang Xinghe's martial arts and bring people back to the island.

At that time, He Queying thought a lot. He thought there was a feeling in this world that was far more complicated than love and friendship, and that was his feelings for Yuci.

He hated Yuci, but he didn't want to see Yuci sad for another person, so he began to want to make Yuci complete. As long as he can get used to the most important person in Yuci's heart, there is nothing wrong with it.

But he didn’t expect Yuci to empathize with each other easily. It’s so interesting. This also made He Queying angry. He felt that Yuci was not worthy to talk about feelings at all. When he saw a love, Yuci was simply There is no right to love someone, so He Queying wants to turn Yuci into a living dead.

After becoming the living dead, Yuci will never fall in love with anyone again. He will stay on Shijue Island obediently, like Yuan Hao, then the three of them can live together forever.

He Queying felt that there might be no second person in the world who could understand his thoughts, but he didn't care.


Shen Jue was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

Seeing this, He Queying smiled and took out a book from her arms, "Although I don’t know why you were looking for this book in the first place, but since you are not interested in the living dead, I won’t ask you why. Now, people always have to be a little secret, right?"

He handed the book to Shen Jue.

Shen Jue took it and flipped it twice before hearing He Queying continue.

"I have studied this book. Only the Celestial Body can practice. After you have successfully practiced, you can absorb Sang Xinghe's inner strength as you like. What's better is that you can learn his martial arts tricks, and then you will kill people. Planted on Sang Xinghe's body, I think your so cheap father can't protect him if he wants to protect him."

He sighed, "Actually, I don't quite understand it. You killed him directly, why did you bother so hard?"

Shen Jue closed the book. He originally suspected that He Queying was not a person in the realm, because the other party's behavior was too weird, but after hearing this, his heart relaxed a little, "He is different from Yuci Yuci died, everyone clapped and applauded, but Sang Xinghe is dead, and someone will avenge him, and he died. It is too cheap for him. I want him to be ruined and have nothing."

He Queying nodded when he heard the words, "It makes sense, then I wish you success." He took out another signal flare from his sleeve and handed it to Shen Jue, "After it's done, send me a signal, hello. Take away the body of Sang Xinghe."

Shen Jue agreed, but he did not tell He Queying that after he killed Sang Xinghe, He Queying could not get Sang Xinghe's body.


After Shen Jue went back, he carefully read the "The Law of the Mind". In the past few days, he has spent the rest of the time studying the book, except for cooking and serving Sang Xinghe. "The Method of Sorrowful Mind" allows the Tian Luo body to control the internal force of its own body not to be sucked away, or to choose not to absorb the internal force of the other party. It can be said that this book makes the Tian Luo body an independent person instead of being A furnace. Ding.

It's just that he wants to absorb Sang Xinghe's inner strength, and after learning his martial arts tricks, he still has to go to bed.

After Shen Jue had almost memorized the "Wait Heart Law", he went to the back mountain of the Qianfo Temple. Since the last time Sang Xinghe had a sudden attack and fainted two people, there are now more people guarding him, and Shen Jue has become familiar with those people because he often delivers food to Sang Xinghe.

"Shen Jue, you came very early today, what are you doing?" A disciple looked at the food box Shen Jue was holding with some greedy eyes.

They stay here every day, all they eat are big pot of rice, which can make a living. There is no saying that it is delicious or not.

Shen Jue heard the man say this, laughed, opened the food box and took out the top plate, "Today I made some more snacks. You can share them. Xinghe can't eat that. many."

Those people's eyes lit up, and they quickly picked it up, saying thank you.

Shen Jue smiled again. He walked inside carrying the food box, but when he was about to walk in, he suddenly turned around, with a slight embarrassment on his face, "I want to talk to Xinghe today. Look..."

This is what they mean to speak privately.

They all knew that Sang Xinghe and Shen Jue were going to get married in the future. They had already thought that they were a couple with the addition of Shen Jue’s daily delivery of food. These young couples talked privately, naturally, they wanted to make friends, and they were here. It's not very convenient.

The man with the plate hesitated, "This...then let's stand farther, if something happens, you call us loudly."

Shen Jue nodded.

Those people were tired after a day of guarding. At this time, they wanted to move their muscles and bones, so they walked away, but they didn't dare to go too far because of accidents.


Sang Xinghe had heard Shen Jue's voice a long time ago, and when he saw someone coming in, he smiled, "Today seems to be earlier than yesterday."

Shen Jue didn't answer Sang Xinghe's words, so he walked over and put the food box aside first, and then, without saying anything, directly kissed Sang Xinghe's lips.

This shocked Sang Xinghe so much that he dared to put his hand on Shen Jue's shoulder. Shen Jue kissed him and began to take off Sang Xinghe's clothes. This really scared Sang Xinghe. His face turned red all at once, and he quickly pressed Shen Jue's hand that untied his belt, "Xiao Jue, you are... "

Shen Jue raised his eyes and glanced at Sang Xinghe. There was a pity inside, "You haven't touched me in so long, don't you want me? Or do you dislike me?"

Sang Xinghe was speechless. He really didn't know what to say. For a long time, he barely squeezed out a word, "No, I don't dislike it, but..."

The words are not finished yet, the person has been pushed.

Shen Jue pushed the man to the ground and raised the corner of his eye, seeming to be a little bit flattering, "There is not much time, we will fight quickly."

Sang Xinghe: "..."

Why so suddenly...

It's just that soon he won't have time to get distracted.


The people who had finished eating saw that Shen Jue hadn’t come out for a long time and were afraid that something might happen, so they secretly went back to see what was going on, but they heard what they shouldn’t listen to. All of them made a big red face and left quickly. Go farther than before.

One of them coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said embarrassingly: "I didn't expect that Big Brother and Shen Jue would be so reluctant to each other."

"I can understand that the two of them can only see each other for a short time every day, and we are watching." The other person was also embarrassed, "We will go back later."

The person in front looked up at the sky, "It should be over before sunset."

Another person raised his head and looked at the sky, "Big brother, not necessarily."

As soon as these words came out, the few people touched their noses in embarrassment.

What surprised them was that it didn't take long before Shen Jue came out. When he went down the mountain, he met the disciples of Tianluo'an and greeted them with a calm expression. The few people saw Shen Jue and opened their mouths in surprise, "Shen Jue, why did you come out so soon?"

Shen Jue didn't change her face, "After speaking, it will come out naturally. You can go back. Thank you for today."

When he left, the few people still stood there in a daze. I don't know how long it took, one of them suddenly said, "I didn't expect the big brother to be a silver wax gun head."

Several people were silent for a while, nodded silently, and agreed.

Sang Xinghe in the cave is not in a good mood. He is sitting on the bed, the blush on his face has not faded, and there is still a bit of shame in his eyes. Normally, Shen Jue is very shy and he is leading the way. ... He recalled the embarrassing appearance just now, and couldn't help raising his hand to cover his face.

He was really fidgeting, and finally he just got dressed and plunged into the living pool in the mountain to lower the heat on his body.


Shen Jue went back and took an hour's bath before he began to meditate and adjust his breath, which was in the evening. He didn't dare to absorb Sang Xinghe's inner strength much today, because he was afraid that the other party would notice, but he used Sang Xinghe's martial arts to use mathematics.

The food he delivered at noon was given medicine. That medicine would make people tired and fall asleep unconsciously, and even when he woke up, he would not suspect that he had taken the medicine.

The medicine will strike in five hours.

Shen Jue put on a black dress and set off for the back mountain at the third quarter of the hour. Because he often went to the back mountain, he knew which way he couldn't meet people. Even if he didn't hold a lamp, he would not get lost.

When he arrived, there were four people guarding outside the cave. The four of them had just finished their shift, and now they are in good spirits, standing together and talking in a low voice. Shen Jue looked in the distance for a while, then walked over.

Someone saw Shen Jue and was a little surprised, "Shen Jue, why did you come here?"

Shen Jue shook the food box in his hand, "I had something to do at night, and I didn't have time to deliver food to Xinghe. I was afraid that he was hungry, so I would come and give him some supper."

The man heard the words and looked at the cave again, "But the big brother seems to be asleep."

"Really? Then I'll go in and have a look."

Shen Jue went inside after speaking, and the four people didn't have any doubts. Sang Xinghe in the cave was lying on the bed. Shen Jue walked to him. He didn't move a bit. Shen Jue thought about it and put the food box aside. First, he gently pushed Sang Xinghe a few times before calling the other party. After no response to his name, Shen Jue quickly turned around and shouted at several people outside the cave: "Xinghe seems to have passed out, come and take a look!"

When the few people heard this, they rushed in, Shen Jue stepped back, and moved away from the bed. The four people gathered around the bed, while pushing Sang Xinghe while shouting Big Brother, Shen Jue stood behind them and quietly raised his hands.


Sang Xinghe slept until dawn. When he opened his eyes in a daze, he found that something was pressing on him. He was taken aback for a moment. After Ding Qing took a look, he immediately pushed away the person who was pressing on him.

The man was pushed away by him and fell to the ground limply. After Sang Xinghe sat up, he discovered that there were still three people lying on the ground, and those three people were just like the person who had just pressed him, with blue lips and round eyes, as if they had been dead for a long time.

What's going on?

Sang Xinghe quickly turned over and got out of bed and checked the conditions of the few people. It turned out that they were all dead, and it seemed that the body temperature had been dead for several hours. He found that none of the people had obvious injuries, so he untied one of them, and finally found an injury on his back——

It is the injury that Qian Yuanzhang can create.

And Qianyuanzhang is one of Tianluo's unique school, disciples who have not been in the school for five years can not learn this.

This move is extremely overbearing, and one shot is a killer move.

Sang Xinghe shook his hand slightly, and quickly went to untie another person's clothes. This time, the wound was not on his back, but on his chest, it was Qianyuan's palm. After he saw it clearly, he just sat on the ground, his lips trembled slightly, did he kill again?

No, he has no impression.

But he had no impression the last time he killed someone, it was the evil one! Has the evil spirit controlled his body again?

While Sang Xinghe was sitting on the ground and thinking wildly, the guards who came to change shifts in the morning arrived. They walked to the door, but found that there was no one. They immediately became vigilant and drew their swords and walked inside. As soon as they entered, they saw lying down. Four corpses on the ground and Sang Xinghe on the side.

Yue Hong heard of Sang Xinghe's murder and hurried over. He didn't look at the situation of Sang Xinghe first, but checked the four corpses that were moved outside the cave. After checking, he naturally found that these people died under some martial arts, and their expressions suddenly became ashen. He didn't expect that he was so defensive and caused Sang Xinghe to do something wrong again.

He stood outside the cave, and this time he didn't even have the heart to go in and punish Sang Xinghe.

Sang Xinghe killed someone again, what should he use to stop others' mouths?

Could it be that Sang Xinghe's fate is fate, and other people's fate is not fate?

Moreover, whether Sang Xinghe can be cured is still a problem, and now the abbot of Qianfo Temple can't give a good solution.

Yue Hong raised his hand and wiped his face. He looked very tired. He didn't know what to do. After a while, he solemnly said, "Is Xiao Jue here today?"

The person next to him replied: "I haven't come yet, but it's coming soon."

"Stop him, don't let him look at these things." Yue Hong called several disciples again and asked them to carry the body down.

The disciple who was in charge of stopping Shen Jue set off immediately. He ran into Shen Jue at the back mountainside. Shen Jue was walking up with the food box. When he saw him, he was a little surprised, "Why are you down?"

The disciple said quickly: "The head is on the top, he wants to heal the senior brother, so that you can come back later."

Shen Jue let out a cry and looked at the food container in his hand embarrassedly. After a while, he said, "Well, then I will come later."

After he finished speaking, he turned around. The disciple was relieved at first, and then he found that Shen Jue's appearance was a little strange today, his face seemed to be particularly pale, and his right hand seemed to tremble.

But he just left the matter behind after just thinking about it.


Sang Xinghe knelt on the ground and buried his head very low. He didn't know how to face Yue Hong, or how to face other juniors. Last night, there were only him and the four junior brothers. Those four junior brothers died under Tian Luo'an's peerless school. The murderer could only be him. He couldn't escape the blame, and he didn't even know how to explain.

He just slept, as usual, if there is anything strange, it's just that he was very sleepy last night.

"Xinghe, did you kill the people?" Yue Hong screened everyone back this time and spoke to Sang Xinghe in private.

Sang Xinghe was silent for a while, shook his head and nodded, he slowly raised his head, his eyes were struggling and painful, "Master, I don't know, I have no impression."

"You did the same last time. You killed the personal disciple of the abbot of Qianfo Temple, and there was no impression afterwards." Yue Hong sighed deeply, "Xinghe, I always love you as a teacher, otherwise I won't bring you all the way to Qian. The Buddhist temple is healing, but you really hurt the heart of being a teacher. How do you let the teacher face those disciples? And the family members of those junior brothers you killed."

Sang Xinghe's head drooped silently, he couldn't explain, and he heard what Yue Hong meant.

The master is going to abandon him.

Even the master has to abandon him, so what's the point of his life? Continue to live like this? Harm again?

Yue Hong closed his eyes and flicked his sleeves and left. When he walked to the entrance of the cave, he stopped, "Xinghe, the teacher has always regarded you as his own child, but the child did something wrong and became a father. You can’t save it, there is no way, you, think about it for yourself."

After all, Yue Hong was still reluctant to kill Sang Xinghe. Half of what he said was actually beating the opponent, hoping that Sang Xinghe could defeat the evil spirits in his body by his will, but from Sang Xinghe, Yue Hong had completely abandoned him.

He stared at the place where Yue Hong had left, and forgot to get up. He kept kneeling until his legs were all numb, and he didn't get up.


Shen Jue came at noon. When he came, there was no guard outside the cave. Yue Hong was afraid that the disciples might also have an accident, so he simply called everyone back. Anyway, the iron chain that locks Sang Xinghe was made of profound iron. It can't be opened easily.

When he entered the cave, Sang Xinghe was still kneeling on the ground, staring at the door in a daze, not knowing who he was looking at, he had some reaction when Shen Jue approached him.

"Xiao Jue, you are here." He wanted to squeeze a smile, but found himself unable to laugh.

Shen Jue walked up to him, first helped him to sit by the bed, then fetched water, and wiped Sang Xinghe's face and hands. When he was doing these things, Sang Xinghe just looked at him quietly, his eyes hollow and numb.

After he poured the water, he started feeding Sang Xinghe again. Sang Xinghe is like a body that has lost his soul. What Shen Jue does, he receives it, Shen Jue feeds, he opens his mouth to eat, and he swallows without chewing.

After the meal was finished, Shen Jue put down the bowl and looked at Sang Xinghe fixedly, "Xinghe, are you in pain?"

Sang Xinghe's eyes rolled slightly, and his eyes gradually settled on Shen Jue's face. He opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse, "Xiao Jue, I killed someone, I killed my own brother, he...he Give up on me." At this point, he closed his eyes.

In the next moment, he was hugged by a gentle embrace.

"It's okay, you still have me." Shen Jue whispered in Sang Xinghe's ear, "Xinghe, since you are in such pain, shall we go to another world together?"

The words passed gently into Sang Xinghe's ears, and followed his blood vessels into his brain.

"Go...where?" He patted slowly.

Shen Jue loosened Sang Xinghe slightly and took out a dagger from his sleeve. He smiled softly at Sang Xinghe, "Let's go together, there will be no more pain in that place."

Sang Xinghe lowered his eyes and quietly looked at the dagger in Shen Jue's hand.

He understood Shen Jue's meaning.

Die together?

It sounds pretty good.

He slowly raised his hand, trying to get the dagger in Shen Jue's hand, but Shen Jue avoided it.

"Come on, Xinghe, I heard that people who commit suicide can't be reborn, so let me come." Shen Jue pulled out the scabbard and slowly pierced Sang Xinghe's heart. Sang Xinghe watched this scene. Just watching, not hiding or talking.

Maybe this one is a relief.

His death is good for everyone.

But suddenly Sang Xinghe started to have a headache, he frowned and let out a low growl, suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Shen Jue's shoulder.

Shen Jue seemed to be taken aback, and his movements stopped. He glanced at Sang Xinghe suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Sang Xinghe didn't know what to say, but he was particularly sad now, it was his heart, not the pain in his body.

"Xiao Jue, you... do you really love me?"

He didn't know why he asked this sentence, but he just asked.

Hearing this question, the person in front of him was taken aback for a moment, then curled up his lips, showing a very nice smile, just like the first time he smiled in front of him, "Of course, Xinghe." He paused. After a pause, "Or resignation?"

"Yu...ci?" Sang Xinghe was stunned. He looked at the boy in front of him in confusion. He didn't understand why the other party had to call out the name of a dead person, but a familiar voice rang in his mind.

"It turns out he knows, all knows."


Sang Xinghe’s hand holding Shen Jue’s shoulder kept trembling. At that moment, he seemed to understand something. Every time he transformed, the evil spirit took control of his body, but he had an obsession with Shen Jue, but he never killed Shen. Jue, the evil is impossible because of Yuci?

When he thought of this, he felt a severe pain in his head, more painful than the wound in his heart, and pain in his body, as if something was forcibly fused together.

Sang Xinghe couldn't hold Shen Jue's shoulders, his hands could only be lowered weakly, but his eyes kept looking at Shen Jue. For some reason he felt that the person in front of him was both strange and familiar. Does the other party really love him?

"Xiao Jue." He exhausted the last strength of his whole body and said the last sentence, "There is a box under the pillow in my room. Can you open it?"

He still has something to say to Shen Jue, he wants to say sorry, he wants to say that the other person looks good when he smiles, and he wants to say he doesn't regret it.

Even if you killed those four juniors and framed me on my body, I would not regret it.

Even if you kill me, I do not regret it.

After all, Sang Xinghe could not finish speaking. When he fell to the ground, he seemed to see the other person standing up.

The other party wiped the blood from his hand with a handkerchief and threw it on his body in disgust.


When Sang Xinghe was a teenager, he heard that the lantern festival in Shacheng Qixi Festival was very beautiful. People often asked him to go with him, but he refused, because he once read a poem. But there are countless people in the world." He felt that he would always meet that person, and that with that person would be better than the days with anyone, so he waited.

He finally waited. He wanted to ask the other party to watch the lantern festival, to see if the lantern festival on the Qixi Festival was as beautiful as the legend.

Before coming to the Thousand Buddha Temple, he thought that the days to come will be long. He will be good to that person and make up for the bad things before, but time is running out. Would that person go and open the box under the pillow?

Inside is a booklet, Shen Jue painted by him, any kind of Shen Jue, Shen Jue wearing a mask, Shen Jue with a swollen face, Shen Jue hiding behind him, Shen Jue bravely rushing out to rescue him, Shen Jue who is smiling, Shen Jue who is crying...

In order to draw this, he deliberately consulted Qian Song for a long time.

Shen Jue's 20th birthday is coming soon, and he wants to give him this gift.

He wanted to hand it over to each other on the night of his wedding, but there was no time.

The poem also wrote, "If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening", but he really covets these days and evenings.

The guy in his head was still talking, saying that Shen Jue didn't love him, and that Shen Jue was avenging himself.

Sang Xinghe wanted to refute it, but he was running out of energy.

He slowly closed his eyes, and what flashed in his mind was the first time he saw Shen Jue.

At that time he was too stupid to cherish.

Now he is too late to cherish.


I have added a part of the content, and the little angel who bought this chapter refreshed it, and read the end again.

Quote: When the golden wind and jade dew meet, they win but countless people.

If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the future? ——Qin Guan "The Magpie Bridge Immortal·Silver Cloud Making A Clever

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1208 kilometers, patriotic, let me go back to the mountain, Minasang, 24197993, understatement, 1 ridge;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

AZONE50 bottles; understatement 11 bottles; bamboo branches and flowers 4 bottles; solstice~? 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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