Shen Jue's injury lasted much longer than last time.

In the first half of the month, he was lying on the bed unconsciously, and occasionally he woke up to hear Feng Qingbao's cry.

Shen Jue had some headaches. Feng Qingbao had been in a normal relationship with him in previous lifetimes. Why did he have such a deep relationship this time?

He wanted the other person to stop crying, but he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth.

Four of Shen Jue’s ribs were kicked off. When Yu Doctor Xu saw him, he was shocked. He was rescued day and night for three days before he managed to get Shen Jue’s life back. It stands to reason that Dr. Xu didn’t have to be so concerned about a slave, but when he was treated, Murongxiu and the regent stood by him to watch him, especially the regent, and said with a smile: "Master Xu, Ben Wang thinks he should survive."

If he wanted him to survive, why did he put such a heavy hand in the first place?

Xu Yuyi was a little angry, but he couldn't get angry yet.

In two months, he treated Shen Jue three times in a row. The third time Shen Jue was just like a corpse. Doctor Xu Yu is really wondering what the **** did the little **** Shen Jue commit, and why is he always punished?

Moreover, Shen Jue's third injury was caused by the regent himself.

He knew that the regent killed many people, but the regent seldom did it himself, let alone rescued it.

Dr. Xu Yu sat beside Shen Jue’s bed, taking a bit of exploration to help Shen Jue change her dressing. He had carefully looked at Shen Jue, not just his face, but he had seen almost everything inside and out. It was nothing unusual. If it is not said that there is, it is a mutilated lower body.

Doctor Xu Yu stared at that place for a long time, and Feng Qingbao's expression gradually changed.

Why is this Xu Yu doctor staring at Shen Jue's job with scorching eyes?

This this this...

As a doctor, Xu Yuyi stretched out his hand and carried it, completely ignoring Feng Qingbao's expression on the side.

It's nothing unusual.

Xu Yuyi put it down again, and cleans his hands calmly.

Feng Qingbao trembled, and it took him a long time to dare to ask: "Master Xu, is he injured there too?"

"No." Xu Yu doctor replied calmly.

Feng Qingbao hesitated: "Then?"

Xu Yu said: "It's just a little curious."

"...Oh." Feng Qingbao deliberately hid in the next days, fearing that Xu Yu Doctor would be curious about him.

When Dr. Xu Yu did this, Shen Jue was still in a coma, so he didn’t know that someone had touched his work, and when he was awake occasionally, Feng Qingbao didn’t tell him, Feng Qingbao didn’t dare to say it, he was afraid to say it. Xu Yu doctor started on him.


After lying down for half a month, Shen Jue's awake time gradually increased, but he couldn't get out of bed.

He lay all day and drank some porridge. Yu-Doctor Xu personally came to change the dressing for him half a month ago. After he woke up, it was the medicine boy next to Yu-Doctor Xu who came over. After he woke up, the only person who came to see him was Feng Qingbao, and Murong Xiu had never been there.

Feng Qingbao mentioned Murongxiu to Shen Jue.

"Now your Majesty has lost a lot of weight, slept late at night, didn't eat much, and it took a long time. How can this body survive?"

Shen Jue closed her eyes, her body pained terribly, and she seemed to feel even more painful when she heard Feng Qingbao chanting Murongxiu. He opened his eyes weakly, "Don't you need to go to the front to serve?"

Feng Qingbao snorted, "Now there are more people waiting for your majesty. Your Majesty asked me to see you more."

Too many people to serve?

Was it the person arranged by the regent?

Shen Jue closed his eyes again. He suffered this catastrophe because he picked his life back from Guimen Pass. Murong Xiu didn't see him. He expected it. Murongxiu was actually very affectionate, otherwise he would not have been in the previous lives. After Shen Jue died for him, he could still be with the regent.

Such an affectionate person is also very defensive.

The regent has appearance, status, and time to spend with Murong Xiu. The most important thing is that everything Murong Xiu has now is given by the regent. It is only a matter of time before he falls in love with the regent, not to mention that they still have a bed. One layer of relationship.

Skin and flesh are tightly attached, can the heart communicate?

Shen Jue doesn't know, but men are always easier to talk in bed.

Women love **** because of love, but men love because of sex.

It was after Shen Jue's death in previous lives that the regent and Murongxiu really broke through that relationship.

Shen Jue closed his eyes and thought carefully about the countermeasures. Feng Qingbao thought he was sleepy again, so he tucked the quilt and went out. Not long after Feng Qingbao left, two people broke in directly. Shen Jue recognized people as soon as he opened his eyes.

He is familiar with these two men.

They are the people of the regent. During the time when Shen Jue seduce the regent in previous generations, both of them personally took him there. When he was beaten all over, the two men threw him back.

It's just that he is not going to seduce the regent in this life, why did the two of them appear again?

Although Shen Jue knew the identity of the other party, she also knew that she pretended to be ignorant at this time, with a little surprise on her face, "Who are you?"

The man on the left is called Dao Zhan, with a scar on his chin. He usually smiles. At this time, he opened his mouth first with a very gentle voice, "Little father-in-law, the lord, please come over."

The man on the right was Yang Xu, taciturn, and after Dao Zhan finished saying that, he directly pinched Shen Jue under his arm and walked out without saying anything. Shen Jue was so painful that he could hardly get up, but Dao Zhan quickly fed a medicine into Shen Jue's mouth and tapped the acupuncture points on his body.

After that, Shen Jue fainted, knowing everything.

When he woke up again, he was lying on the ground with a pure white carpet under him.

And there was a man sitting in front of him, the man wearing strong clothes, drinking.

Shen Jue gasped for breath. His ribs that he hadn't healed up yet were hurting so much that his whole body was numb, and he wanted to faint again. But he couldn't faint now, Shen Jue got up from the ground gritted his teeth and knelt down honestly.

"The slave visits the regent."

The man whispered, tapped his finger on the armrest of the pear flower chair, and asked nonsense, "Does it hurt?"

Shen Jue pressed her lower lip and said honestly, "It hurts."

The man was satisfied, and said softly: "It hurts, I'm afraid you won't hurt." He paused, "Otherwise, I don't know where you are going to bite me this time."

Shen Jue's head was lowered, almost crawling on the ground, in an extremely humble posture.

The man smiled and drank another glass of wine. After drinking the wine, he said slowly, "Take off his shirt."

Shen Jue's hand in his sleeve moved slightly, and then he sat up slightly, took off his shirt obediently, revealing his upper body wrapped in bandages. After he finished taking off his clothes, he did not forget to fold up his jacket and set it aside carefully.

Shen Jue did this for a reason. He only has a few sets of clothes for a little eunuch. The regent doesn't have any clothes for the eunuch. He will wear clothes for him later. Shen Jue will know in previous generations. He protects his clothes now, so he can at least have a cover later.

Dao Zhan stood at the door for a moment, then laughed silently.

Yang Xu frowned. This kind of cheap bone didn't know how long he could live under the prince.

They all know that the regent likes hard-tempered people the most, and the more flattering and base people are, the less pleasing the regent is.

The regent didn’t react much when he saw Shen Jue’s movements. He just got up, paused, and unfastened the white bandage on Shen Jue’s chest with his own hands. He pulled it off at will. The pain made Shen Jue’s eyes black, and this was just just now. Start.

When the regent poured strong wine on his chest, Shen Jue felt the pain from the top.

He was rolling on the floor with pain, Yang Xu had to step forward and press his hands and feet.

Shen Jue watched the regent pouring the strong wine on his chest gently, and stepped on his injured area with his foot. He was so hurt that he had forgotten to pretend, he looked at the regent with a cold expression, his eyes were fierce, like a wolf in the mountains.

Upon seeing this, the regent admired Shen Jue's expression with satisfaction.

This gray mouse was really extraordinary. He had never seen a slave with such courage, nor had he seen a slave with such a tough life.

This is barely the fourth time.

Thought the regent.

The regent honourably pinched Shen Jue's chin with his hand, and said softly, "Little mouse, if you can survive this time, this king will give you a big gift."

After speaking, he let go, Dao Zhan quickly handed over the handkerchief.

The regent wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and fluttered away. The handkerchief fell on Shen Jue's face, hiding his face.


When Xu Yu doctor saw Shen Jue again, he didn't even have the thought of gasping this time.

This time, Shen Jue didn't have a piece of good meat all over his body, all of which were whiplashes.

He didn't know how to make Shen Jue lie down.

Dao Zhan stood behind Xu Yuyi, and said gently: "This time it is still troublesome for Mr. Xu. Our prince said, if you can save it, you can save it. If you can't save it, then forget it."

Doctor Xu nodded, "Weichen knows."

Is the regent challenging the limits of his medical skills?

Probably yes.

After Dao Zhan left, Yuyi Xu instructed his medicine boy, "Go, bring my thousand-year-old ginseng."


Shen Jue: It hurts every day

Murong Xiu: I worry about chastity every day.

Regent: I think about how to abuse people every day.

Xu Yu: I challenge the limits of my career every day.

Thank you little angels for voting for me overlord~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 21 pieces

Thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 20 bottles, 223783428 bottles, 2 bottles of DURUI

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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