A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (22)

"Duke." Ye Ye put the blood tea in front of Shen Jue.

Shen Jue came over and took a sip. After drinking, he glanced at Ye Ye in surprise, "What's in it?"

Ye Ye smiled, "With a little Malt wine in it, this wine can dilute a little **** smell. I didn't expect the Duke to taste it."

Another wise man.

Shen Jue discovered that Ye Ye was accidental. When he was discussing business outside, he happened to see Ye Ye looking for a job in the restaurant where he was discussing business. He hadn’t noticed this handsome boy, he just heard the manager say They did not accept half-bloods here, and Shen Jue turned his eyes to Ye Ye.

On the same day, he gave Ye Ye the address of the manor and asked him to interview with the housekeeper on the weekend. This young man was very clever. Although he came out of an orphanage, he still went to an engineering school by working part-time. However, he was forced to drop out because he couldn't pay the tuition later. Fortunately, he has also received training as a personal valet, and this has become the eyes of the housekeeper.

Ye Ye is a half-blood, who does not rely on outsiders, but survives in this society. He may have put in many times more efforts than ordinary people. Even he has worked in many industries. Shen Jue admires him very much.

Just as Shen Jue was about to say something, there was a knock on the door. He looked up and found that Yuqing, who had not been seen for several days, stood at the door.

In just a few days, Yuqing seemed to have lost a lot of weight, his cheeks sunken in, and his deep eyes and nose became more prominent. He stood at the door, looking at Shen Jue blankly, with mixed emotions in his beautiful eyes.

When Ye Ye saw Yuqing, he called to Yuqing, and then left the study sensibly, giving up the space to Yuqing. Yuqing walked in slowly after seeing Ye Ye go out. He walked in front of Shen Jue and knelt on the ground.

Shen Jue looked at him coldly and did not speak.

Yuqing lowered his eyes and said after a long time, "Duke, I want to join the army."

Joining the army is the only way to change their origins. Whether they are ordinary civilians or even half-bloods, they can go to the battlefield to earn military merit, but this kind of military merit is almost always a fight for their lives. Many people never came back after being on the battlefield.

But Yuqing has only this way to go. He knows that he is not worthy of Shen Jue now, and he does not want to watch Shen Jue marrying others, and more importantly, he wants to change his image in Shen Jue's heart. He is not a blood sucker, he can rely on himself.

Maybe people are like this. After getting one thing, he wants to get another thing. He didn't think about it before. He felt that it was enough to have Shen Jue's likes, but now he still wants status. He wants everyone to be Respect him, respect him in the true sense, especially Shen Jue. He hoped that Shen Jue could treat him as an independent person, so he had to change his position and he had to climb high enough so that Shen Jue would see him.

"Join the army? Why?" Shen Jueman said, "You should know that the battlefield is dangerous."

"I know, but I don't even want to watch the Duke marry someone else." Yuqing raised his head and stepped forward to Shen Jue's. He slowly raised his hand, but did not dare to touch Shen Jue's hand, just gently. Grasp the corner of the other party's clothes, "Please give me five years, and I will definitely come back to my military service."

At that time, maybe he could be shoulder-to-shoulder with the other party, instead of just kneeling on the ground and begging the other party for some more time, not getting married.

For the first time, Yuqing hated his origin so much. If he was also a nobleman, then he could also propose to him directly like Qiao Jiangyuan. He suddenly realized that he had nothing, even if he got involved in a banquet that only aristocrats could attend, he couldn't change his origin. Shen Jue was right. He just relied on the blood-sucking worm raised by the other party to see, but he hadn't noticed it before and thought he had a bright moon.

It turned out that the bright moon was still in the sky and out of reach, but occasionally sprinkled some light on him, and he thought he had all the bright moon.

Shen Jue flicked away Yuqing's hand and said indifferently: "Why should I let you go? How do I know if you will betray me?"

"How could I..." Yuqing hurriedly said, and closed his lips again. He knew that he couldn't believe it just by opening his mouth.

Yuqing was silent for a long time before saying word by word: "I am willing to sign a soul contract with the duke. The duke will be my master in this life and will never betray."

The soul contract is different from the ordinary contract. This is to swear by the soul. If the swearer violates the contract, he will be burned and wiped out. No blood clan dared to sign the soul contract at will, because signing the soul contract, the contract owner can control the life of Vower at will. Simply put, after signing the soul contract, Shen Jue can directly kill Yuqing.

Yuqing gave his own life to the other party to exchange trust.

He raised his head to look at each other, begging in his eyes. Seeing Shen Jue's delay in speaking, Yuqing leaned down again, like he had done before, he put his forehead on the toe of the opponent's shoe, and humblely prayed to the other person.

I don't know how long it took, maybe only a moment, but Yuqing felt as if he had spent half his life.

"Okay." Shen Jue was relieved.

Yuqing closed her eyes, and the tears in her eye sockets couldn't stop streaming down.


After Yuqing signed a soul contract with Shen Jue, he went to sign up to join the army. He signed up for the White Dragon Army, which occupied the most dangerous front line all the year round. The White Dragon Army had the largest number of blood dying each year. When the steward knew that Yuqing had signed up to join the White Dragon Army, he was very surprised. “Almost no one in that army is willing to go. Why would he want to go there?

In his mind, Yuqing is similar to the flowers in the pampered greenhouse. Going to the White Dragon Army, let alone fighting, may not even survive the daily training in the army.

But Yuqing made up his mind long ago to go to the general army. He couldn't have made great military exploits in just a few years, let alone be knighted. Since ancient times, he has always sought wealth and wealth. Maybe he would go to the White Dragon Army.

Because few people signed up for the White Dragon Army, Yuqing was selected after a physical examination. On the day he left the manor, he sat at the back door of the kitchen for a long time. He grew up in this manor and spent the most time in the kitchen, but he forgot these days later and was indulged in sensual banquets. He is leaving now, and may never come back.

Before leaving, Yuqing made a cup of blood tea and put a candy on the plate. He didn't dare to see Shen Jue again, so he entrusted Ye Ye to send it to him. He knew that Xiang Wen would not help him.

"Thank you for giving this to the Duke." Yuqing's face was pale, the rose-like brightness faded away, and there was a huge sadness under her calm brows. He is saying goodbye to this manor, to his duke, of course, he hopes he can come back.

Ye Ye took it and said gently, "Okay, Mr. Yu."

Yuqing stared down at the toffee on the white porcelain plate. After a long time, she reluctantly looked away and turned away. He didn't walk from the main entrance of the manor because he was unworthy. He hopes to enter from the main entrance in a fair and honest manner in a few years.

After Ye Ye watched him leave, he poured the blood tea in his hand into the sink. As for the sugar on the plate, he threw it directly into the trash can.

After all this, he returned to the study.

Shen Jue sat behind the desk, saw him coming, raised his head, "Anyone gone?"

"Yeah." Ye Ye said with a smile, "Mr. Yu said it was too late, so he didn't say goodbye to the duke."

Shen Jue didn't respond when he heard that, just put down the pen in his hand.

In fact, Qiao Jiangyuan’s sudden marriage proposal surprised him. He didn’t know why Qiao Jiangyuan suddenly made such a request, but Shen Shen could not agree to it. He would not believe that Qiao Jiangyuan’s transference in just a few months, let alone. It was caused by the scene of the Erotic Palace.

In fact, Shen Jue was not so drunk that night in the farmer’s manor. He even knew that Qiao Jiangyuan had entered the room. He made a sound deliberately because he heard Qiao Jiangyuan and Yuqing’s each other. And what happened that night was also self-directed and acted by him. He deliberately wanted to stimulate Qiao Jiangyuan. He wanted to prevent Qiao Jiangyuan and Yuqing from being together.

He didn't believe that someone watched the scene of his sweetheart and others, and could continue to love as if nothing had happened.

In the following days, at every banquet that Yuqing attended, Shen Jue actually sent eyeliner to stare at each other. As expected, even if Qiao Jiangyuan saw Yuqing at the banquet, he almost never spoke to Yuqing.

Everything is under Shen Jue's control, except for Qiao Jiangyuan's marriage proposal. However, Shen Jue reacted quickly, he deliberately told Yuqing, and successfully stimulated the other party.

Now that Yuqing has gone to the army, Shen Jue knows that as the realm master of Yuqing, he can probably survive in the army.

But the surprise is that Yuqing signed a soul contract with him, maybe this can be used.

When Shen Jue was thinking about what to do next, Xiang Wen came in from outside and he told Shen Jue a piece of news.

"Duke, Duke Joe is here."

Although Shen Jue refused Qiao Jiangyuan's marriage proposal, the other party didn't seem to mind at all. He started to claim himself as a friend. A few days ago, Shen Jue had been invited to travel, but he was rejected.

Shen Jue thought about it, but got up and went downstairs.

Qiao Jiangyuan dressed more casually and elegantly today. When he saw Shen Jue, a charming smile appeared on the corners of his lips, "Good evening."

Shen Jue nodded, walked to the sofa, and motioned for the other person to sit, "Something?"

Qiao Jiangyuan sat down, "There will be an industrial machinery exhibition in the city recently. I know you are interested in this. I made two invitations. Will you come with me?"

Shen Jue glanced at Qiao Jiangyuan indifferently. Qiao Jiangyuan didn't dodge or hide from Shen Jue's eyes, still smiling at the corners of his lips.

"Okay." Shen Jue agreed.

Qiao Jiangyuan left soon, before leaving, he repeatedly confirmed with Shen Jue the time to meet in three days.

"Do you need me to pick you up?" he asked.

Shen Jue shook his head, "No, I will go by myself."

A trace of regret flashed in Qiao Jiangyuan's eyes, but he still said, "Okay."

After Shen Jue saw Qiao Jiangyuan in the car, he took a step up suddenly. Qiao Jiangyuan had already gotten out of the car. Seeing Shen Jue coming over, he quickly slid down the window, "What's wrong?"

His hand also touched the armrest, as if ready to get out of the car at any time.

Shen Jue glanced at him quietly before saying, "Yuqing has gone to the White Dragon Army."

Qiao Jiangyuan froze for a while, but only froze for a while, "Really? Bless him."

Shen Jue suddenly felt that the love the brother said could not love Er Er, because it turned out that a person's dislike came so quickly.

He lost the thought of talking with Qiao Jiangyuan again, so he waved his hand and turned and walked to the manor. Qiao Jiangyuan kept staring at Shen Jue's back, until he could no longer see him, and then told the driver to drive.


Yuqing's life in the army was not easy at all. The army was full of men, most of whom had personally killed people, and suffered more injuries than anyone Yuqing had ever seen. Yuqing is too beautiful and looks weak. He is too conspicuous among a group of old men, and he is often the tail of a crane during training.

The food here is based on individual scores. Yuqing received the cheapest quick-frozen blood bags in a few days. The blood components in that kind of blood bag are the blood of some chickens and ducks, not even a lot. This kind of blood bag can't even fill the stomach, it is no different from drinking water.

Someone looked at Yuqing.

"Sleep all night, give you a meal, do you not?"

There are a lot of people who say this to Yuqing. There are no women here. Some people treat men as women. Of course, some people like men by nature, but Yuqing is too beautiful, even if some men who firmly like women see He started to waver.

Yuqing rejected them all, but they couldn't stop the harassment. Someone would even whistle at him while he was taking a bath.

One of their teams is called Wang Shengfeng, who is very capable. He even has a special lover in the army. He owes a lot of money with his lover outside, so he can't hide into the White Dragon army, but he I don't want to die, and my ability is not strong, so I took the initiative to sell my ass.

The day after Yuqing came in, Wang Shengfeng was staring at him. Wang Shengfeng thought that his little lover looked good, but after seeing Yuqing, he felt that one was a fish eye and the other was a pearl. He tickles and wants to work on pearls. .

He is the most daring one, and even pinched Yuqing's fart directly in the public bathroom. After being pinched, Yuqing almost jumped up, which made all the men around him laugh.

Yuqing's heart was not calm, and his eyes were full of anger. He turned his head and stared at Wang Shengfeng, but he was too beautiful to be born, and his eyes filled with fire, as if he could burn people clean.

Wang Shengfeng was even more itchy when he was stared, and he said, "Don't look at me like this, look at me like this again, I should be hard."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone next to him laughed again.

Yuqing stood on the spot with a stiff face, his hands squeezed into fists, but he didn't have the strength to beat Wang Shengfeng severely. Training alone has almost exhausted his whole body's strength, not to mention, he clearly knew that he could not beat Wang Shengfeng.

Every time Wang Shengfeng shares the most abundant food.

Yuqing gritted her teeth and pressed her anger back, turned around and continued washing. He quickly went out after washing, unwilling to stay in this public bath for another second.

On the way back to the dormitory, Yuqing couldn't help but think of his Mingyue. What is his Mingyue doing at this time? I should have fallen asleep. Yuqing raised his hand to cover his face, and hid his fragile expression under his palm. He hadn't regressed now.

In the days that followed, Wang Shengfeng completely entangled Yuqing, he even announced to others that Yuqing was his person, so that others would not pay attention to Yuqing. The little lover that Wang Shengfeng raised before fell out of favor in an instant, was very angry, found Yuqing, and criticized Yuqing for being a shameless pornstar.

"If you want to sell, don't come here to sell, it's really shameless." The little lover was plausible and very angry.

He felt that Yuqing's appearance could find a good master outside, so why bother to rob him in the army.

Yuqing pursed her lips, her eyes dark, "I didn't sell it."

The little lover snorted, circled Yuqing twice, and said, "You are not sold like this? A lie? How can a half-blood like you live without a master outside, even the most common I can’t sustain my training."

Little Lover’s grades are actually better than Yuqing, but he doesn’t want to endure hardship, so he relies on Wang Shengfeng.

During the two months that Yuqing was here, the humiliation he had suffered was several times that of the first half of his life. Only then did he realize what life he was living in the manor and what life he was living here. In the manor, he can still be regarded as a person, here, his value seems to be only a butt. Even a skin or meat seller can run to the door to humiliate him, he hasn't even refuted it.

What is the difference between him and the other party? It's just that one sells cheaper, and one sells more expensive.

Since that day, Yuqing seems to have changed a person. He no longer resists Wang Shengfeng's approach, but still prevents him from touching him. He will take the initiative to ask Wang Shengfeng for advice. Wang Shengfeng was very happy to see the little beauty approaching him actively, and Jiao Yuqing was also very concerned, but he would still keep a hand. He always has to be able to control the opponent.

In addition to asking Wang Shengfeng for advice, Yuqing would also ask other people for advice. He should not hear the verbal molesting of others. Whether it was a normal training or a small class in private, he became more and more desperate, making everyone aware of it. When I arrived at Yuqing, it seemed that I really wanted to be a soldier.

Over time, some people also put away their prejudice against Yuqing, but Wang Shengfeng still did not put Yuqing in their eyes. They believed that little beauty like Yuqing should stay in bed instead of coming. On the dangerous battlefield.

In the army, there are actually visits, once every three months, and there is also an opportunity to send letters every month. Yuqing wrote six consecutive months of letters, but there was no response. He specifically wrote his visits in the letter. During the fake time, no one came to see him.

Every time he visits a fake visit, he will sit on the playground and wait for an intelligence agent to call him. He is afraid that it will be difficult for the other party to go to the dormitory, but the intelligence agent has never called him. He waited from dark to dawn, nor did he wait for the person he wanted to see. .

Maybe the other party has forgotten him.

Yuqing thought in her heart.

After Yuqing sent the twelfth letter, and there was still no reply, he stopped writing. He just trained harder. Recruits generally can participate in actual combat after a one-year training period. When Yuqing participated in actual combat for the first time, she vomited when she came back.

Wang Shengfeng stood beside him, smiled and patted him on the back, "You are still too weak, why are you so desperate?"

Yuqing avoided the opponent's hand, rinsed her mouth and face with clean water, then straightened up and walked in the other direction.

Wang Shengfeng looked at Yuqing's walking away and squinted his eyes displeasedly. He felt that he had given Yuqing enough time, but the other party didn't let him touch him at any time except when he was competing against him.

What a bitch. You have to establish a chastity archway.

He spit out phlegm on the ground, his eyes gradually faintly dark, he thought it was time for the little beauty to suffer a little bit. He was so kind to Little Beauty, and instead asked him to pick up Joe.

Wang Shengfeng is almost a leader among the ordinary soldiers of the White Dragon Army. What he said, others almost only agreed. When he asked to give Yuqing a little bit of color, some people were reluctant, but could only Nodded.

They trained with Yuqing for a year. Some people have long cast aside their prejudices against Yuqing and treat each other as real teammates, but they dare not fight against Wang Shengfeng.

Wang Shengfeng is too strong. Someone once offended Wang Shengfeng and killed him directly on the battlefield. He couldn't even find the corpse. He could only write a report saying that he died by human hands, but they all knew it. It was killed by Wang Shengfeng.

Because before Wang Shengfeng started his hands, he once said with a smile in the bathhouse.

"After two days, I'll kill that guy, huh, let him scream in front of me."

It is said that Wang Shengfeng still has a background. He came here because he had caused too much trouble in the imperial capital and was sent here by his family. His family seems to be preparing for Wang Shengfeng to make great contributions, and then take Wang Shengfeng's scenery back.

That's why Wang Shengfeng dared to kill and bully people righteously here, because even if he knew it, he would help him hide it.

Almost all the people who came to the White Dragon Army were poor people. They had no family background and strength to fight against Wang Shengfeng.


Wang Shengfeng plans to run Yuqing in the public bathhouse. Yuqing usually takes a bath at the latest. At that time, there was only cold water, but at this time there were the fewest people.

As usual, Yuqing came to the bathhouse with a basin and clothes. When he walked to the door of the bathhouse, he found that the lamp at the door of the bathhouse was pregnant. He glanced at the bulb and walked in.

As usual, there were only a sparse number of two or three people in the bathhouse. He found a corner, put down his clothes and basin, and began to undress. After he finished taking off his shirt, he heard footsteps coming from behind.

There is more than one.

Yuqing's reaction ability is no small thing now. He quickly turned around and put on the clothes he had just taken off.

There were four or five men standing in front of him, and the last one was Wang Shengfeng. Wang Shengfeng was holding a piece of grass and looking at Yuqing from a few people away. He gave a smirk and spit the grass on the ground. Yin and Yang said strangely: "Take a bath. What? Let's go together, it just happens that I haven't washed it today."

Yuqing looked at the people in front of him warily, and said after a long time, "Then I will go next to wash."

Before he moved, Wang Shengfeng said, "Don’t, just wash it here. Didn’t you take it off just now? Continue to take it off." He saw Yuqing's face ugly, and laughed again, "I don’t like to force People, so I give you two choices, either be obedient, then only serve me, or disobey, we will take turns together."


Xiao Jiao Nu is evolving.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Lean on Lone Pine, 25015719, Joy of Heart, and Sigh for being an ordinary one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

2501571920 bottles; another pit, 10 bottles of nickname changed; 9 bottles of Yan Yan; 5 bottles of Lost Dongyu; 4 bottles of Tu Fu; 326,693,643 bottles; 1 bottle of dumplings and lazy da;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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