A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (24)

As soon as the news that Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan were about to get engaged, it shocked the entire aristocratic circle of the imperial capital, and even major newspapers rushed to be published. In fact, this has something to do with the style of the kinsmen. Most kinsmen don’t like the yoke of marriage. They get used to them. It was tied together for the second half of a long life.

Because the blood family cannot divorce.

At the same time, Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan are both males. Although same-sex marriages are not prohibited in the kinship law, most of the kinship married are of the opposite sex.

Qiao Jiangyuan originally planned to skip the step of getting engaged, but Shen Jue did not agree, so they got engaged first, and the wedding day was set at the end of the year.

After all, it was the engagement of the two dukes, so nothing can be troublesome. As soon as the news of their engagement came out, the two families were going crazy, especially the Qiao family. Shen Jue did not have any immediate family members to help, and finally found a cousin who was too partial.

Cousin's family has been defeated, and all the travel expenses to get here are all provided by Shen Jue.

The cousin will be Shen Jue's relative to attend the engagement ceremony.

During the preparation for the engagement ceremony, Qiao Jiangyuan came to Shen Jue to find it more diligently. As a prospective fiance, he seemed to be another male host in the manor. The servants in the manor saw Qiao Jiangyuan and became more respectful.


"After watching for so long, why don't you go for a walk?" Qiao Jiangyuan walked to Shen Jue's side, saw that the other party was still at the desk, couldn't help but speak.

He had been sitting here for an hour, Ye Ye had come in for a cup of tea, but Shen Jue hadn't even raised his head.

After Qiao Jiangyuan saw that Shen Jue hadn’t moved yet, his eyes moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand and gently covered the document that the other party was looking at, “Okay, business is endless, my lord, you really don’t want to rest. A moment?"

Shen Jue looked at the hand that suddenly appeared in front of him, her eyes remained unchanged, "Take it away."

Qiao Jiangyuan: "..."

He pursed his lower lip, and withdrew his hand in compromise, "Well, keep watching, I'll wait for you."

After waiting for three hours, he sat on the sofa in the study, almost going to bed before hearing the sound of the chair moving.

Qiao Jiangyuan quickly raised his head and saw that Shen Jue had stood up.

He sorted out his clothes and was about to go out. Upon seeing this, Qiao Jiangyuan called Shen Jue, "Where are you going?"

Shen Jue seemed a little surprised when he heard Qiao Jiangyuan's voice, surprised that the other party was still here, "Sleeping, it's almost dawn."

Qiao Jiangyuan's eyes were a little bit resentful, "I have been waiting for you for five full hours. Are you sure you are going to sleep now?" He took out the pocket watch in his pocket, "Now there is at least half an hour before dawn, and What you said to me today is no more than five sentences. Shen Jue, we are about to get married."

For Shen Jue, Qiao Jiangyuan was just a tool he used. He hardly put his mind on the other party, but after listening to the other party, he felt that he might be a little too perfunctory.

Shen Jue thought for a while and changed directions. He walked to another sofa, sat down, and looked at Qiao Jiangyuan on the opposite side, "What did you say?"

Qiao Jiangyuan's expression was stiff for a moment, and it took him a long time before he smiled helplessly, as if discouraged.

He got up and sat next to Shen Jue, seeing the other person staring at him without blinking, pursing his lower lip, and reaching out tentatively. When he was about to touch the opponent's hand, Shen Jue "swish" his hand. Taken it back.

"What are you doing?" Shen Jue frowned.

Qiao Jiangyuan was silent for a while before saying: "Shen Jue, we are about to get married, do you know?"


"Then you don't think we should cultivate our feelings? Instead of just sitting here like we do now." Qiao Jiangyuan looked at such a cold Shen Jue and suddenly missed the former Shen Jue.

At that time, Shen Jue was domineering, except for a good family background and good looks, almost everywhere were shortcomings, but there was one thing, he was clingy. No matter where Qiao Jiangyuan goes, Shen Shen will go with him. If Qiao Jiangyuan meets a new friend, Shen Shen will find out the person privately, and then tell Qiao Jiangyuan about those things, so that Qiao Jiangyuan will not be fooled. tricked.

He was too clingy at the time, and even bored Qiao Jiangyuan a bit. He is tired of Shen Jue being in control of his whereabouts and managing his social circle at any time.

Now Shen Jue is no longer domineering, and calm in the face of things, except for being too indifferent to fault.

But Qiao Jiangyuan hopes that Shen Jue, who was clinging before, can come back again. No, it would be nice if the two can be neutralized.

This is how people want to be free, but also want to have love.


Qiao Jiangyuan looked at such indifferent Shen Jue, a little weak, but he wanted to be the one who melted the ice on Shen Jue.

What Yuqing can see, he also wants to see.

"Or, I won't go back today?" Qiao Jiangyuan said tentatively again when Shen Jue was silent.

He felt that they would get married soon. If this continues, it is not an option. Shen Jue will not take the initiative, so he can only take the initiative.

Shen Jue nodded without thinking, Qiao Jiangyuan's eyes showed a touch of joy, even if he found that he was sleeping only in the guest room, the joy did not fade.

Qiao Jiangyuan is an extremely patient person. He feels that only after taking the first step, it will become very sequential. He wants to occupy his place in Shen Jue's private space.

In the following days, Qiao Jiangyuan would always stay at Shen Jue, Shen Jue did not refuse, and when attending banquets outside, Qiao Jiangyuan would hold Shen Jue's waist intimately. But when he wanted to take a step closer, he was rejected.

Shen Jue took a step back, his eyes and movements showed his resistance.

Qiao Jiangyuan just smiled and withdrew his hand, "Okay, let's go in without kissing you."

Time passed quickly, and it was the day before Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan’s engagement. According to custom, they could not meet before the engagement. So Qiao Jiangyuan returned to his manor that day. He was a little awake all day long. For the upcoming engagement ceremony.

Almost as soon as it got dark, Qiao Jiangyuan got up. He didn't need a personal servant to serve, because he thought the other party was too slow. When Qiao Jiangyuan's father saw Qiao Jiangyuan coming down, he shook the newspaper in his hand, "Why do you get up so early today?"

Qiao Jiangyuan walked over, smiled and said, "Father, why are you pretending to be confused? Don't you know what day it is?"

"It's just an engagement." Father Qiao put away the newspaper in his hand and asked the housekeeper to elaborate on the process tonight.

Qiao Jiangyuan sat beside him and listened very seriously. At nine o'clock in the evening, they arranged everything and set off for the hotel. The engagement ceremony officially began at midnight.

When Qiao Jiangyuan and the others arrived, the people from Shen Jue hadn't arrived. It was eleven o'clock that Qiao Jiangyuan saw Shen Jue's cousin.

The cousin lived in a hotel in the city, and did not live in Shen Jue's manor, so they did not leave together.

By eleven thirty, Qiao Jiangyuan was a little anxious, and now his relatives and friends are taking their seats one after another, but the other protagonist has not yet arrived.

Father Qiao walked to Qiao Jiangyuan and asked in a low voice, "Isn't anyone here yet?"

Qiao Jiangyuan gave a hum.

Father Qiao twisted his eyebrows, "What's this?" He sighed, "Is he going to be late for such an important day? It's already ten o'clock, and it's 11:30."

"Father, don't be angry, I'll go find him." Qiao Jiangyuan said he was about to go out, Qiao's father grabbed him, "Shen Jue didn't come, and you left again. Who do you want these people to see is engaged? Don't go. , Let the servant go."

He called a servant to see what happened to Shen Jue.

But at half past twelve, the servant did not come back either. Qiao Jiangyuan couldn't sit still, and despite Qiao's father's objection, he left the hotel and drove to Shen Jue's manor by himself.

When he arrived at the manor, he saw his servant and the housekeeper. The servant was anxious to say something to the housekeeper, but the housekeeper looked very embarrassed and kept shaking his head.

Qiao Jiangyuan got out of the car, closed the door, and walked in with a sullen expression. The butler heard the noise and saw that it was Qiao Jiangyuan. A trace of panic flashed across his face.

"Where is Shen Jue?" Qiao Jiangyuan stood in front of the housekeeper.

The servant next to him immediately spoke, "Duke, they won't let me in, so I didn't see Duke Shen."

The butler looked at Qiao Jiangyuan embarrassedly, "Our Duke...he..."

"What's wrong with him? Is he sick? I'll go in and see him." Qiao Jiangyuan said he was about to go inside, but the housekeeper quickly stopped.

"No, it's not sick, it's him..."

Halfway through the conversation, but did not continue.

Qiao Jiangyuan turned his eyes to look at the housekeeper, "Since you are not sick, you should know what day is today? Didn't you remind your duke?"

The butler still stopped in front of Qiao Jiangyuan, "Sorry, it is not convenient for our duke to meet guests now."

Qiao Jiangyuan was even more angry when he heard that. He drove all the way and was already holding his breath. He thought that unless Shen Jue gave him a good reason, he could not simply forgive the other party for being late, but now Shen Jue's housekeeper is outside the manor. Stopped him.

"Am I still a guest? Today is my engagement to your duke."

Qiao Jiangyuan pushed the butler directly away, and walked inside. When the butler saw this, he did not dare to stop him. He could only follow Qiao Jiangyuan and persuade him: "Duke Qiao, we are really sorry for what happened today, but our Duke is indeed very sorry now. It’s not convenient to see guests."

Qiao Jiangyuan turned a deaf ear and walked directly upstairs. He went to the study first. He didn't see Shen Jue, so he went to Shen Jue's bedroom. When he was about to reach the bedroom door, a person suddenly rushed out.

It is Ye Ye.

Ye Ye hurriedly stood in front of Qiao Jiangyuan, "Duke Qiao, it is not convenient for our Duke to meet guests now, so please sit in the living room for a while."

The second person who told him that Shen Jue was not convenient to meet guests.

Whether it was the three words "inconvenient" or the word "ke", Qiao Jiangyuan was very annoyed when he heard it.

His prospective fiancé was late on the day of the engagement, and it could even be said that he missed the appointment. Now all relatives and friends are waiting for them in the hotel, but Shen Jue's servant has to stop him.

All this made Qiao Jiangyuan furious.

At this moment, he didn't care about any aristocratic demeanor, so he pushed Ye Ye away and strode forward.

Soon, he stood at Shen Jue's door.

Quietly behind the door, Qiao Jiangyuan calmed down before reaching out and knocking on the door.

"Shen Jue, did you get up?" Different from the previous voice, Qiao Jiangyuan's tone became gentle again.

No one answered.

Qiao Jiangyuan suddenly turned his head and found that the housekeeper and Ye Ye who had stopped him before were standing far away, and their expressions were very complicated. Qiao Jiangyuan couldn't help but frowned, and the next moment, he seemed to think of something, and stretched out his hand to unscrew the doorknob.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 cold type;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

32 bottles of lonely pine; 10 bottles of snacks at a time; 6 bottles of fish and bear's paw; 5 bottles of Zhuyu and his wife pretending to be dead; 2 bottles of Yan Gui who is sick and obediently reading; 1 bottle of dumplings;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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