In the shadow of Shura Palace, many demon saints left one after another, their steps were firm, and each of them had plans for the future in their hearts. A solemn atmosphere permeated the air, as if foreshadowing a storm was coming.

Shura Demon Saint stayed alone in the palace, his eyes were deep, staring at Yan Mo Cang's back as he walked away. He had both expectations and doubts in his heart, because Yan Mo Cang's power and identity always carried a mysterious veil.

"No matter where you come from, I hope you will not betray the Demon Realm and the Shura Clan in the future." Shura Demon Saint's voice was low and powerful, full of warnings and expectations. His figure gradually dissipated in the dim corner of the palace, as if blending into the darkness in the air.

At the same time, Yan Mo Cang, who had left Shura Palace, was secretly practicing the skills of Chaos Nine Bodies. His consciousness traveled through the void and communicated with Lin Nian, who was far away in the Nine Realms.

"My Lord, I have now become one of the eight great demon saints in the Demon Realm. The current situation is complicated. The demons plan to take advantage of the chaos of the Heavenly Demon Realm annexing the Nine Realms, and wait for the dragons in the Endless Sea to attack the Heavenly Demon Realm to reap the benefits. The demons' goal is to make both the Heavenly Demon Realm and the dragons lose, and then annex the weakest party." Yan Mo Cang's voice was transmitted through the mind. Although the distance was far, it was as clear as a face-to-face conversation.

Lin Nian's voice rang in Yan Mo Cang's mind: "This plan is indeed ingenious, but you must act carefully. As my clone, you must not only ensure the interests of the Demon Realm, but also ensure that our overall strategy is not disturbed. Remember, no matter what happens, stay loyal and don't expose our true purpose."

"I understand, my Lord, please rest assured that I will act cautiously and ensure that every step is in line with our plan." Yan Mo Cang responded, his tone was firm, but his heart was turbulent.

"By the way, I remember Lin Qi is in the Confucian and Taoist Realm. I'll ask him where he is now." Lin Nian's voice echoed in the empty space. He closed his eyes, formed seals with his hands, and began to operate the Nine Chaos Techniques, trying to establish contact with Lin Qi who was far away in the Confucian and Taoist Realm.

At the same time, in the Demon Realm, Yan Mo Cang received Lin Nian's order and responded respectfully: "Yes, this deity." His figure gradually disappeared in the dark passage, as if blending into the shadows around him, leaving only a series of low footsteps.

Lin Nian's consciousness and power passed through the void and finally touched Lin Qi's consciousness. Lin Qi, whose real name is Jun Moxiao, is a very influential figure in the Confucian and Taoist Realm. At this time, he was sitting in a quiet room, and felt Lin Nian's call and responded immediately.

"Lin Qi, I have met this deity. I wonder what this deity has to say?" Jun Moxiao's voice was clearly transmitted to Lin Nian's mind through the Nine Chaos Techniques.

"Yan Mo Cang is now the ancestor in the Demon Realm. They plan to wait for the demons of the Heavenly Demon Realm and the dragons of the Endless Sea Realm to go to war, and after both sides are defeated, they will take action to destroy the weaker party." Lin Nian's words were calm and powerful.

"How are you building your power in the Confucian Dao Realm now?" Jun Moxiao pondered for a moment, and then replied: "My Lord, I have initially established some power in the Confucian Dao Realm, but it still takes time to deepen it before I can compete with the Confucian Dao Academy, the ruling power in the Confucian Dao Realm."

"Very good, keep it up, don't expose our purpose, the Confucian Dao Realm will be the key to this big situation, you must act cautiously." Lin Nian's voice carried a trace of unquestionable majesty.

"Yes, my Lord, I will continue to make secret arrangements and wait for the opportunity." Jun Moxiao's answer was firm, and his eyes flashed with wisdom.

Lin Nian cut off the connection with Jun Moxiao, and his consciousness returned to the Nine Realms. He knew that in this game involving multiple domains, every chess piece was crucial. He must gradually advance his plan while maintaining a balance.

At this time, Jun Moxiao was in an ancient and mysterious building complex in the Confucian and Taoist domain. Jun Moxiao stood on a towering tower, overlooking the entire Xingchen Academy. This is the result of his careful planning for many years, and it is also the core of his growing influence in the Confucian and Taoist domain.

"Come here!" Jun Moxiao's voice suddenly sounded, echoing in the empty corridor. Then, ten old men walked out of the shadows. Their steps were steady and their breath was deep. They were obviously powerful people with extraordinary cultivation. They came to Jun Moxiao and bowed together: "We are here to meet the dean." Jun Moxiao nodded, his eyes were as bright as the stars, full of wisdom and foresight.

"From now on, my Xingchen Academy will recruit outer sect elders and deacon disciples. No matter how high or low the level of literary talent is, everyone is equal. Only the talent for cultivation, no matter how high or low, my Xingchen Academy will teach everyone." After hearing this, the ten old men's eyes flashed with excitement. Once this news spreads, it will surely shake the entire Confucian and Taoist domain and attract more geniuses to come.

"Yes!" Ten peopleThe elders responded in unison, their voices full of confidence and strength. Just as they turned around and prepared to leave, Jun Moxiao spoke again: "Wait, announce to the public that our Xingchen Academy has nine great literary saints." The ten elders were shocked when they heard this. They looked at Jun Moxiao deeply, their eyes full of respect. Nine great literary saints, what a powerful lineup, enough to make any force dare not underestimate Xingchen Academy.

"Yes, Dean!" The voices of the ten elders became more firm, and their figures gradually disappeared at the end of the corridor to convey Jun Moxiao's order. Jun Moxiao stood alone on the tower, his eyes passed through the clouds, and seemed to see the glory of Xingchen Academy in the future. He had a faint smile on his face, but he knew in his heart that this was just the beginning of his huge plan.

In the Confucian and Taoist domain, every decision may trigger a series of chain reactions. Jun Moxiao's move is not only to enhance the strength of Xingchen Academy, but also to add an important force to Lin Nian's layout in the Nine Domains in the upcoming war.

At the end of the Confucian and Taoist domain, the ancient and solemn Confucian and Taoist academy is located in the core area. Inside the academy, in a hall, ten old men sat in the dim light and shadow, their breath was harmonious and steady, and each of them had the unfathomable realm of the sage. The leader, Daoya Wensheng, had a serious face, his eyes were like a deep pool, calm but with a sharp light.

He asked lightly: "What do you think of this suddenly emerging Star Academy?" Opposite, Qingniu Shangzun frowned, his voice was low and powerful: "Dean, I think this Star Academy may pose a threat to our academy in the future. If it is allowed to develop, it may become a major concern for us."

"We should take action as soon as possible to eradicate this potential danger." Daoya Wensheng nodded slightly, his eyes turned to other old men, and asked for their opinions one by one.

"Everyone, what do you think?" An old man named Jingxu Wensheng said slowly: "What Qingniu Shangzun said is not without reason, but acting rashly may cause unnecessary disturbances."

"Our Confucian and Taoist Academy has always put education first. If we attack a new academy without reason, I am afraid it will damage our reputation accumulated over the years." Another old man named Liusha Wensheng also echoed: "Jingxu Wensheng is right. We should first send disciples to Xingchen Academy to investigate the situation and understand its true purpose and strength. Knowing ourselves and the enemy, we can fight a hundred battles without danger."

Daoya Wensheng was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then decided: "Okay, according to Liusha Wensheng's suggestion, we will investigate first. Qingniu Shangzun, you are responsible for arranging this matter, and you must be detailed and meticulous."

"Yes, Dean." Qingniu Shangzun accepted the order, and a glimmer of determination flashed in his eyes. After the meeting, the ten elders left one by one, and their figures gradually disappeared at the door of the hall, leaving only Daoya Wensheng sitting there quietly, his eyes looking through the window to the distant sky, as if thinking about the future situation.

The situation in the Confucian and Taoist domains is quietly gathering, and the emergence of Xingchen Academy is undoubtedly a chess piece that may break the balance.

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