"Today I will let you know what the sword law is!"

"Sword Law Domain"

While Ji Daolin was speaking, holding the Emperor's Sky Sword, he summoned thousands of sword law domains formed by swords to attack the Supreme Saint.

"Today I will see what you, a proud man, are capable of!"

The Supreme Saint immediately mobilized his own origin law.

"The Tao gave birth to one, and one gave birth to all things!"

"Silent Tao"

Suddenly, the void around the Supreme Saint began to twist, and a stream of mysterious power appeared in the void around the Supreme Saint.

"This kid from the Lin family can force my elder brother to use his own origin law. Even if he dies, he is arrogant."

The Xuan Dao Saint not far away was amazed at the strength of the Supreme Saint, and at the same time, it seemed that the death of the Supreme Elder of the Lin family was doomed.

When the Silence Dao Law and the Sword Dao Law were confronted.


The power generated almost destroyed the Tianyu Holy Land.

If the five great saints of Tianyu Holy Land had not tried their best to protect the Tianyu Holy Land, the Tianyu Holy Land would have been destroyed in an instant.

"Old man, I have to admit that your strength is not weak among the peak of the holy realm"

"But unfortunately, your opponent is me! Ji Daolin!"

"Sword World!"

Then Ji Daolin's sword domain began to change constantly, and in an instant, the Supreme Saint was dragged into Ji Daolin's sword world.

And in the depths of the sword world, the Supreme Saint felt unprecedented despair.

Because he found that his law power could not be mobilized, and his holy power was also imprisoned, like a beast trapped in a trap, unable to struggle.

"Alas, after all, I was careless"

The Supreme Saint was full of reluctance, he never thought that he would fall into such a situation.

And in Tianyu Holy Land, several saints were doing their best to maintain the barrier to prevent it from breaking.

When they saw the Supreme Saint trapped, they all felt bad.

"You stay here, I'll go save my brother! If I can get out, you crush this jade slip, and the ancestor will surely come!"

Sage Xuan Dao, as one of the six great saints, is second only to Saint Tai Zun in strength and has reached the peak of the saint realm.

After handing the jade slip to Saint Tian Suan, who is known for his perfect plan, he held a ninth-grade holy weapon similar to the soul-calling flag and prepared to rescue Saint Tai Zun who was trapped in Ji Daolin's sword world.

However, just as he was about to act, a voice sounded:

"Where do you want to go!"

Jun Moxiao held the Confucian and Taoist Heavenly Scripture, one of the nine holy weapons, and blocked the way of Saint Xuan Dao.

"If you block me, you will die!"

A cold light flashed in Saint Xuan Dao's eyes. He used his holy power to activate the soul-calling flag in his hand, and directly summoned twelve strange ghosts in the early stage of the saint, killing Jun Moxiao who was blocking him.

However, Jun Moxiao just smiled lightly:

"It's just a trifle. Don't you know that the Confucianism and Taoism's great literary energy is specially used to suppress evil things like you!"

While speaking, Jun Moxiao waved out the great literary energy and directly dispelled the strange ghosts on the opposite side.

With Jun Moxiao's order, the golden Confucianism and Taoism's luck surged out like a raging wave, instantly swallowing up the Xuandao Saint. In front of this powerful force of justice, the resistance of the Xuandao Saint seemed so pale and powerless.

"No! I am the Xuandao Saint, I have supreme power!"

The Xuandao Saint roared, his voice full of unwillingness and despair.

However, no matter how he struggled, he could not escape the shackles of Confucianism and Taoism's luck.

Jun Moxiao's eyes were firm, and the Confucianism and Taoism Heavenly Scripture in his hand emitted a more dazzling light. He knew that this battle was not only about his personal honor, but also about the safety of the entire Tianyu Holy Land. He could not relax at all.

"Xuan Dao Saint, today, let me use the power of Confucianism to completely suppress you!" Jun Moxiao's voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the Tianyu Holy Land.

As his words fell, the golden Confucianism luck instantly shrank, tightly binding the body of Xuan Dao Saint.

Xuan Dao Saint let out a shrill scream, and his body was completely suppressed by the Confucianism luck, turning into dust and dissipating in the air.

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