The Yuandan Realm pressure from Patriarch Lin Chong made Li Xun and all the powerful men from the Tianshui City family turn around and run away instantly.

They cursed in their hearts. They never thought that there was such a terrifying powerful man hidden in Lin City.

Patriarch Lin Chong snorted coldly, and his figure flashed, appearing like a ghost on the route of everyone's escape.

He waved his hand and shot out several spiritual power swords, and the sword light broke through the air. In an instant, screams came one after another, and those powerful men from the family fell one after another, leaving only Li Xun who was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Lin Zhentian and other elders quickly surrounded Li Xun and surrounded him tightly. Patriarch Lin Chong walked slowly and stood in front of Li Xun, his eyes were like torches and his voice was cold:

"Why did you from Tianshui City come to my Lin City to cause trouble?"

Li Xun's mouth was bleeding, and he looked aggrieved, and said with difficulty;

"Senior, I don't want to do that either. My Tianshui City is the closest to Lin City, and the spiritual energy within a hundred miles has gathered in Lin City, making it impossible for the practitioners in my Tianshui City to practice, so I came to check it out."

"Humph, checking Lin City is fake, and spying is real!"

Lin Zhentian on the side interrupted angrily.

A trace of panic flashed in Li Xun's eyes, and he quickly explained:

"Senior, I have absolutely no intention of spying, please give me a way out."

"Besides, I am an official of the Netherworld Dynasty. If you kill me, the Netherworld Dynasty will not give up!"

When Lin Chong heard this, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes;

"My Lincheng has declared independence, why should I be afraid of your Netherworld Dynasty?"

As he said, Lin Chong stopped talking nonsense, and a domineering spiritual power was shot out, directly piercing Li Xun's Dantian.

Li Xun's eyes dimmed instantly, and his figure slowly fell down.

Then, Lin Chong turned around and ordered Lin Zhentian;

"Collect their storage rings and put them in the family treasure pavilion."

Lin Zhentian respectfully accepted the order and led other elders to start dealing with the battlefield.

In Lincheng, many Lin family children witnessed this scene and were extremely shocked.

They knew that with a strong man like Lin Chong in charge, the rise of Lincheng was unstoppable.

After dealing with the battlefield, Lin Zhentian handed the storage ring he had collected to Lin Chong.

Lin Chong knew the items inside with a glance of his spiritual sense.

He nodded with satisfaction. These spoils were undoubtedly a huge fortune for Lincheng.

"Distribute these resources reasonably to the talented children in the family, so that they can improve their strength as soon as possible."

Lin Chong ordered.


Lin Zhentian and other elders responded in unison.

With the injection of resources, the overall strength of Lincheng will be greatly improved.

And Lin Chong's strong move also shocked the surrounding forces, making them dare not easily attack Lincheng again.

In Lincheng

City Lord Lin Nian stood on the top of the tower and witnessed the thundering methods of the ancestor Lin Chong, and couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

He knew that under his careful planning, Lincheng had the ability to protect itself, and even surpassed other surrounding forces in some aspects.

But Lin Nian knew that the strength of a force not only depends on strong cultivation and abundant resources, but also requires a constant flow of fresh blood and outstanding talents.

What worried Lin Nian at this time was that Lin Yi's whereabouts had become an unsolved mystery.

He was not only a member of the Lin family, but also a leader among the younger generation of Lincheng. His disappearance was undoubtedly a huge loss for Lincheng.

In order to find Lin Yi and for the long-term development of Lincheng, Lin Nian decided to go out in person.

Before the action, Lin Nian made careful arrangements.

He left the Wind and Thunder Holy Lion in the city. This monster with powerful lightning and wind abilities was enough to protect Lincheng and resist foreign enemies at critical moments.

At the same time, he summoned the Great Peng Golden Eagle, a flying monster with ancient blood. It could soar above the nine heavens with its wings spread, and its speed was astonishing.

After everything was ready, Lin Nian rode on the Golden Eagle and soared into the sky.

With a flash of golden light, like a meteor streaking across the sky, the Golden Eagle took Lin Nian away from Lincheng and flew towards the direction of Qingyun Sect.

In the blue sky and white clouds, Lin Nian looked down at the beautiful mountains and rivers under his feet, his heart full of longing for the future.

In the monster forest a hundred miles away, the dense trees and winding paths formed a primitive and blurred world.

At this time, two figures flew through the forest, a man and a woman, they were Lin Yi, the pride of the Lin family, and Ji Ling'er, the ninth princess of the Netherworld Dynasty.

"Lin Yi, run away by yourself, their target is me."

There was a hint of determination in Ji Ling'er's tone. She knew clearly that the people chasing them would not let her, an important figure in the Netherworld Dynasty, go.

Lin Yi frowned, and he responded firmly;

"Ling'er, what nonsense are you talking about? When I was in QingYun Zong was being hunted down and nearly died. You risked your life to save me from danger. "

"Now, how can I abandon you?"

Ji Ling'er's emotions fluctuated even more when she heard these words, but the situation was critical, so she could only suppress her emotions and said seriously;

"Lin Yi, I can't let you fall into danger because of me."

Just as the two were arguing, a sneer interrupted their conversation.

"What a pair of infatuated men and women, I didn't expect that Her Highness the Ninth Princess had such a temperament."

As the voice fell, several figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

The leader, a man in black, had a sarcastic look on his face, and was obviously the leader of the people chasing them.

"However, none of you can escape today! "

The man in black said coldly.

A cold light flashed in Ji Ling'er's eyes. How could she not guess that these people were sent by the King of Xiliang to capture her. Ever since the death of the old man of the Ji family's royal family, the King of Xiliang received the support of the Ziyang Dynasty and began to rebel.

Beijun City was the first to bear the brunt, and as a war envoy, she never thought that the King of Xiliang and the general of the Ziyang Dynasty led an army of 800,000 and broke through Beijun City in a few days. Beijun King Ji Lieming died in the battle.

Lin Yi saw this and knew that the situation was critical. He said to Ji Ling'er;

"Ling'er, no matter what happens, I will protect you, and we will fight our way out together. "

Ji Ling'er looked at Lin Yi's determined eyes, and her worries were slightly relieved. She knew that Lin Yi was not the kind of person who gave up easily.

Seeing this, the man in black raised a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth and signaled his men to surround him.

In the depths of the Monster Forest, Lin Yi and Ji Ling'er faced the leader of the men in black and his men side by side.

The leader of the men in black, a cultivator in the early Yuandan period, had a sarcastic look on his face, and his followers were all cultivators in the Transcendent Realm, forming an overwhelming advantage.

In comparison, Lin Yi was only at the peak of the Qi Hai Realm, while Ji Ling'er was even weaker, only at the late Qi Hai Realm.

Seeing the critical situation, Ji Ling'er was anxious, and she tried to tempt the other party with benefits;

"Whatever benefits the King of Xiliang gives you, as long as you let us go, my Netherworld Dynasty will give you ten times! "

The leader of the men in black laughed and mercilessly exposed her powerlessness;

"Ninth Princess, your Netherworld Dynasty's ancestor has fallen. It is still a question whether you can stop the Ziyang Dynasty and the Xiliang King's army, and I don't know how many forces are eyeing your Ji royal family."

These words made Ji Linger feel panic. She didn't expect that the other party understood the situation so well.

The leader of the men in black didn't waste time and ordered in a cold voice;

"Take them back!"

At this moment, a deafening eagle cry broke through the sky, and a golden eagle with a wingspan of 100 meters suddenly appeared above everyone's head.

A huge shadow covered the entire battlefield, and the pressure of the sixth-level monster made everyone feel suffocated.

"Sixth-level monster!"

The leader of the men in black screamed in shock, and he realized the seriousness of the situation.

And when someone found that there was someone on the back of the golden eagle, they were even more panicked;

"There is someone on the back of the monster! "

Then, a figure flew down from the back of the Golden Eagle and landed lightly beside Lin Yi and Ji Ling'er.

The person who came was Lin Nian!

The leader of the men in black, with his many years of experience as a killer, instantly judged that the strength of this middle-aged man was extraordinary and that he was definitely closely related to the target they were chasing.


The leader of the men in black made a prompt decision and issued an order to retreat.

But Lin Nian did not give them any chance. He said calmly to the Golden Eagle in the air;

"Xiaopeng, kill them all!"

"Yes, Master"

The Golden Eagle responded, and several wind blades quickly condensed and attacked the men in black who were trying to escape. In an instant, all the men in black were annihilated, and no one was spared.

The arrival of Lin Nian completely reversed the situation. His strength and the pressure of the Golden Eagle made the originally desperate situation easy to control.

"Master! "

Lin Yi did not expect that this terrifying monster was actually the mount of the patriarch.

"Well, it's okay, come back to the family with me"

Then a spiritual power was sent out, and Lin Yi and Ji Ling'er were dragged onto the back of the Golden Eagle and rushed towards the direction of Lincheng.

After all, Lin Nian was a modern person in his previous life, and he could tell at a glance that the relationship between this boy and Lin Yi was not ordinary.

Through questioning, it was learned that the girl was called Ji Ling'er, and she was the ninth princess of the Netherworld Dynasty.

However, at present, the ancestor of the Netherworld Dynasty has fallen, and the Ziyang Dynasty and the King of Xiliang are attacking the Netherworld Dynasty, and the first to bear the brunt is Beijun City.

Now that Beijun City has been broken, the King of Beijun has died in battle, and the Ziyang Army and the Xiliang Army are killing the Netherworld King.

However, they will also divide their troops to conquer or capture the surrounding affiliated citiesLord, and Lincheng is one of them.

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