A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1225: Divine birth state, breakthrough!

"Okay, take your people and disappear from me, just don't come to disturb me."

After learning about Meng Qingxue's whereabouts by accident, Jiang Chen was obviously in a good mood.

He didn't embarrass the Underworld Snake King too much, waved his hand and directly let the Underworld Snake King leave.

"Thank you, sir."

The Underworld Snake King was immediately pardoned and disappeared in front of Jiang Chen in a flash.

With the departure of the Underworld Snake King.

The many snake people below, like a tide, quickly retreated into the surrounding dense forests.

Jiang Chen ignored these snake people, but wandered around the island with the Black Fiend Profound Eagle, planning to find a place to retreat and break through.

After a while.

Jiang Chen found a towering fruit tree two to three meters in diameter on the island. On the fruit trees, there are still many fruits that are shaped like gourds and exude a demon atmosphere.

"It's no wonder that the underworld snake on this island will become half-human and half-snake. It turns out that there is a fruit tree of Scrophulariaceae demon fruit here."

Looking at the fruit in front of him, Jiang Chen almost understood.

Scrophulariaceae demon fruit, this is one of the main medicines for refining seven-grade Huaxing Pill.

Generally speaking.

Most monsters of the sixth rank have the ability to transform their spirits, while the seventh-rank king monsters have the ability to transform.

The seventh-rank transformation pill can enable monsters below the seventh rank to have the power of transformation in advance.

These dark snakes have swallowed the scrophulariaceae demon fruit, but the scrophulariaceae demon fruit is not enough to completely transform them, so they become half-human and half-snakes.

I received a few Scrophulariaceae demon fruit in the storage ring.

Jiang Chen looked for a cave nearby, simply laid a defensive formation, and ordered the Black Fiend Profound Eagle to guard the law outside, preparing to start breaking through the divine birth realm.

From the Divine Soul State to the Divine Fetal State, this is a very wonderful process.

Say it is difficult, it is really difficult.

Say it is simple, it can also be very simple.

There are only two conditions for breaking through the divine womb state from the divine soul state.

First, the cultivation base reaches the peak of the soul; second, the true meaning of martial arts reaches the state of triple perfection, which is the so-called realm of real meaning.

When these two conditions are met, it can be as high as possible and easily break through the divine womb.

But for the general Divine Soul Realm martial artist.

They may not be able to comprehend the true meaning of the triple perfect martial arts in their entire life. It is naturally difficult to break through the divine womb!

And some talented evildoers.

When their cultivation reached the peak of the soul, the true meaning of martial arts had already been fulfilled, and breaking through the womb state was as simple as drinking water.

Jiang Chen now has three kinds of martial arts true consummation, naturally there is no need to worry about this issue.

He now only needs to raise his cultivation base to the peak of the soul, and he can almost easily break through the womb realm!

Moreover, his three martial arts are true and consummate, and after breaking through, he can master the power of the three domains, and his combat power is far stronger than that of the Divine Emblem of the same realm.

By the time.

Even if he doesn't display any hole cards, he will probably be invincible at the realm!

In order to reach the peak of the soul as soon as possible.

This time.

Jiang Chen did not continue to use the Xuanming Pagoda's Yuan Ling veins, but took out the Shen Jing from the Storage Ring.

It was at the Thang Long Pagoda.

Jiang Chen went all the way from the fifth floor to only the seventh floor of the Shenglong Tower and won many rewards.

Coupled with the scraps from Zhuang Lige, Jiang Chen now has tens of thousands of crystals on his body, more than enough to break through.

"Ding! You absorb a piece of God Crystal for cultivation and gain 8000*20*100 experience!"

"Ding! You absorb a piece of God Crystal for cultivation and gain 8000*20*100 experience!"

"Ding! You absorb a piece of God Crystal for cultivation and gain 8000*20*100 experience!"


Three full days.

Jiang Chen consumed 5,000 crystals, and finally raised his cultivation experience to the limit of the ninth layer of the soul.

"It's finally here. Today, I, Jiang Chen, condense the womb and become the emperor!"

Jiang Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and a bright light burst out from his eyes.

In an instant...

The vitality of the heavens and the earth within a hundred li, all gathered from all directions, frantically towards the cave where Jiang Chen retreats.

Inside the cave.

Under the baptism of Heaven and Earth's vitality, Shenhai's body has undergone earth-shaking changes.


I saw the golden light in Jiang Chen's divine sea, and a golden phantom like a baby was also condensed in the divine sea.

The fetus condensed, and a terrifying aura that was several times stronger than before burst out from Jiang Chen in an instant.

In this horrible atmosphere.

Almost all the snakes on the island were crawling on the ground, shivering.

"This is... the power of the emperor!"

"That human youth actually broke through the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm!"

Feeling the terrifying aura from Jiang Chen, the Underworld Snake King who was healing in his lair, his heart trembled.

Fortunately, he chose to admit the face of the human youth, otherwise I am afraid that he would not even know how to die.

The cultivation base broke through the divine birth realm, and Jiang Chen's three kinds of consummate martial arts real meanings also began to sublimate and evolved into a realm!

The sword domain formed by the endless flames of sword aura, Jiang Chen named it Burning Heaven Sword Domain!

The domain of wind formed by the silver wind gang, Jiang Chen named Fengying Extreme Kill!

Jiang Chen named the Thunder Realm formed by the light of thousands of thunder and lightning!

The power of the three domains is enough to make him run wild in the same realm!

Coupled with a lot of hole card means, even facing the veteran divine birth realm of the five holy cities, he is fearless!

"Now that I have broken through the Divine Embryo Realm, maybe I can try to open the Human Emperor Seal."

With a slight hesitation in his heart, Jiang Chen flipped his palm, and the mysterious pamphlet appeared directly in his palm.

He bit his finger and once again forced a drop of blood to drip onto the mysterious pamphlet.


The essence and blood were instantly absorbed by the mysterious booklet, and a bright golden light burst out from the mysterious booklet.

After a while.

In the golden glory, three golden seal characters condensed directly on the surface of the mysterious booklet.

People Emperor Seal!

Looking at the three majestic golden fonts, Jiang Chen was suddenly ecstatic.

This man's seal, as expected, needs to reach a certain level to open it.

Now that he broke through the divine birth realm, he finally revealed the real human seal.

With excitement, Jiang Chen opened the Human Emperor Seal.

There are a total of three seals in the Human Emperor Seal, namely the Seal of Extinguishing Soul, the Seal of Zhu Shen, and the Seal of Opening Heaven!

Jiang Chen tried to comprehend the Immortal Emperor Seal, and found that it was only the weakest immortal soul seal, which was more than ten times more difficult to comprehend than the Immortal Golden Body.

Even if it is a systematic one hundredfold comprehension blessing, he can't comprehend it for one ten thousandth.

"It seems that if you want to comprehend the imperial seal of the martial arts scholar, it's a bit unrealistic, so let's go and comprehend while on the road."

Jiang Chen shook his head secretly, and directly gave up his plan to enlighten the Emperor's Seal on the spot.

He came out of the cave, his figure flickered on the back of the Black Fiend Xuanying, and once again galloped towards Zhongzhou.

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