A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1295: The strength soars, the sword domain is small!

Profound Spirit Sacred Spring, this was the spiritual object that Jiang Chen obtained from the ancient ruins, and it was mainly used for the repair and enhancement of the soul.


Xiao Duli was swallowing the Profound Spirit Holy Spring, and the wounded soul was also recovering at an extremely terrifying speed.

Jiang Chen could even clearly feel that Xiao Duli's extremely powerful soul, like a giant dragon about to awaken, began to exude a palpitation aura.

And when Xiao Duli recovered his soul, Jiang Chen naturally did not idle.

He directly took out the essence of the hunted soul, ready to continue to swallow the essence of the soul to improve his cultivation.

When he came to open the valley where Hong Jingyun was, Jiang Chen hunted down a lot of essence of the soul along the way.

The rush on this hill just now allowed Jiang Chen to obtain hundreds of Yuan Ling essence.

the most important is.

He also killed four divine fetal realm energy bodies just now, with four divine fetal realm essence essences.

These resources are completely enough to raise his strength to another level!

"Ding! You swallow the Sixth-Rank High-Level Essence Essence and gain 7000*100 cultivation experience!"

"Ding! You swallow the 7th-Rank Elementary Spirit Essence and gain 70000*100 cultivation experience!"

"Ding! You swallow the Seventh-Rank High-Level Essence Essence and gain 210000*100 cultivation experience!"


As Jiang Chen continuously swallowed the essence of the soul, the system reminders continued to sound in his mind.

And Jiang Chen's cultivation base has once again risen at a terrifying speed.

When Jiang Chen consumed all the sixth-rank and seventh-rank Yuan Ling essence, his cultivation level also directly reached the peak of the second stage of the divine fetus.

Next, there are only four pieces of the essence of the Divine Fetal Realm.

Jiang Chen first picked up the essence of the body cultivator and swallowed it.

"Ding! You swallow the eighth-rank first-order power essence essence and gain 2100000*100 experience in physical cultivation base!"

"Ding! Your physique cultivation base has reached the peak of the late seventh heaven!"

"Ding! Your physical cultivation is promoted to the early eighth heaven!"

The fact is just as Jiang Chen expected, that the essence of the body dao practitioner's essence is a strength attribute, which directly allows his body dao cultivation to gain a lot of experience points.

After returning from Hualongcheng, Jiang Chen's cultivation has improved very quickly, but his cultivation of physical dao has not improved much, he has been in the late stage of the seventh heaven of physical dao.

And the opponents he is facing now are almost all of the divine birth realm emperors whose cultivation base is only stronger than him.

Even if it is a powerful imperial martial arts with an immortal golden body, it is simply difficult to play.

Now this piece of the essence of the eighth rank strength, directly let him cross the peak of the seventh stage in one breath, and promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage in one fell swoop!

In the early stage of the eighth rank, his physical training, coupled with the martial arts of the gods, undoubtedly increased his physical strength countless times.

If he encounters Feng Wuying and other triple realm emperors again, Jiang Chen doesn't need to use any martial arts power at all, just a pair of fists can almost easily burst!


Jiang Chen began to swallow the essence of the other two divine fetal energy bodies.

After swallowing the essence of the eighth rank first-order lightning attribute, Jiang Chen's experience in the field of lightning and cultivation experience have increased by 2100000*100 respectively!

After swallowing the essence essence of the eighth rank first-order wind attribute, Jiang Chen's wind tunnel field experience and cultivation base experience increased by 2100000*100 respectively!

After swallowing these two 8-Rank energy bodies.

Jiang Chen's cultivation base broke through again, and he was successfully promoted to the third stage of the divine birth!


The increase in experience in the Thunder and Wind tunnel fields has greatly enhanced Jiang Chen's field strength, but it has not reached the realm of Xiaocheng Field.


A piece of the essence of the eighth rank and first rank is not enough to raise Jiang Chen's domain power to a level.

"There is the last piece left, I don't know if I can make the kendo field reach a small success..."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself before swallowing the last piece of essence essence.

"Ding! You swallow the eighth-rank third-order kendo essence essence and gain 630,000*100 cultivation experience!"

"Ding! You swallow the eighth-rank third-order kendo essence essence, burning the sky sword domain experience 630,000*100!"

"Ding! Your Burning Heaven Sword Realm has reached the level of Xiaocheng!"

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Jiang Chen's mouth couldn't help but raise a faint smile.

The Burning Heaven Sword Region, as he expected, reached the realm of Xiaocheng directly!

For a long time, Jiang Chen's understanding of kendo has been ahead of other martial arts powers.

And Luo Jun's eighth-rank third-tier essence essence also tripled his Burning Heaven Sword Domain experience, and finally succeeded in bringing his Burning Heaven Sword Domain into the Xiaocheng realm.

"This energy body in the ancient emperor's mausoleum is really good."

Jiang Chen felt deeply in his heart again.

Especially for these divine fetal realm energy bodies, the income of each higher level will almost increase exponentially.

If he could hunt down more energy bodies above the fourth stage of the Divine Fetus, and then use the system's hundredfold increase, Jiang Chen had no doubt that he would soon be invincible in the Shenwu Continent!


Just when Jiang Chen had absorbed all the energy essence, Xiao Duli, who was healing by the side, was obviously at the last moment.

He saw his closed eyes suddenly opened, and a monstrous soul storm also suddenly swept away from Xiao Duli.

"Congratulations, Master for breaking through the fifth stage of the womb!"

Feeling the breath of Xiao Duli's body, Jiang Chen couldn't help but congratulated with a smile.

Xiao Duli has accumulated in the fourth stage of the divine womb for a long time. This time after taking the sacred spring of the profound spirit, he not only repaired the wounded divine soul, but also accumulated thick and thin hair, stepping into the fifth stage of the divine womb in one fell swoop!

Today's Burning Heaven Sword Emperor Xiao Duli, whose combat power is only stronger than Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family, is already fully qualified to be on the list of supreme emperors on the Shenwu Continent.

Even the entire five holy cities, I am afraid no one can easily suppress them!


"Little guy, thanks to you this time."

"Now that you, my master and apprentice are working together, even if it is the five holy cities, we can't even think about it!"

Xiao Duli laughed, and the whole person was once again restored to the peerless style of the Burning Heaven Sword Emperor Xiao Duli.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen also showed a proud look on his face.

Now his strength is soaring, if he bursts out with all his strength, even if he faces a peerless emperor with the seventh womb or more, he may not have the power to fight!

The master Xiao Duli and the Lord of Nirvana, Ye Chengjun, are both supreme emperors on the list of the supreme emperors.

The three of them, coupled with the power of Nirvana City, even the strongest Kamikaze City in the five holy cities can easily roll over!

Even if the five holy cities join forces, they are fully qualified to compete directly!

If it is the people of the five holy cities, that's all.


If he angered him, he really didn't mind, letting Shenwu Continent have no more five holy cities!

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