The moment Jiang Chen entered the ninth-order starry sky ancient road.

A burst of terrifying pressure from the Great Emperor's Law in the starry sky came instantly, and the familiar system prompt sounded instantly in Jiang Chen's ears.

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the Great Emperor's Law, and the sword domain has gained 1600*100 experience!"

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the law of the Great, and you have gained 1600*100 experience in the Thunder Realm"

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the emperor's law, and you have gained 1600*100 experience in the air duct field!"

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the law of the Great, and you have gained 1600*100 experience in the time domain!"

no doubt.

The oppression of the Great Emperor's Law of this ninth-order ancient starry sky road is obviously much stronger than Jiang Chen expected.

In the previous eighth-order starry sky ancient road, the oppression of the laws of each emperor was only double that of the first-order starry sky ancient road.

And this ninth-order starry sky ancient road is almost double the eighth-order!

This level of pressure by the Great Emperor's Law, even if Jiang Chen could deal with it, was not so easy.

Jiang Chen finally understood why every time the ancient starry sky road opens, there are only a handful of people who can really enter the starry sky city.

The oppression of the Great Emperor's Law of the Ninth-Order Starry Sky Ancient Road is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

Even the six-layer realm emperor of the ordinary divine fetus could not last long in this place.

Not to mention other people, even geniuses at the level of Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque, wanting to pass this level is probably not an easy task.


Although the oppression of the ninth layer of the Great Emperor's Law was much stronger than Jiang Chen expected, it still did not pose much threat to Jiang Chen now.

He took a deep breath, and the five domain powers superimposed with all his strength, resisting all the pressure in the starry sky.

Because before entering the Xingkong Ancient Road, Jiang Chen's Xingyuan Stone had fifteen and a half stars, and could stay on the Xingkong Ancient Road for 150 days.

But now it has only been more than two months since the opening of the ancient starry sky road, only half of the star yuan in the Jiang Chen star yuan stone was consumed.

For Jiang Chen, time is undoubtedly very abundant.


Jiang Chen didn't intend to cross the ninth-tier ancient starry sky road so quickly and enter Starry Sky City.

after all.

This ninth-order ancient starry road is an excellent place to enhance the strength of the martial arts domain, and Jiang Chen naturally can't waste the star element in the star element stone.

He intends to use the rule of the Great Emperor of the 9th-order Starry Sky Ancient Road to suppress and continue to improve the martial arts domain.

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the Great Emperor's Law, and the sword domain has gained 1600*100 experience!"

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the law of the Great, and you have gained 1600*100 experience in the Thunder Realm"

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the emperor's law, and you have gained 1600*100 experience in the air duct field!"

"Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the law of the Great, and you have gained 1600*100 experience in the time domain!"


Under the pressure of the Great Emperor's Law of the Ninth-Order Starry Sky Ancient Road, Jiang Chen's four different domain powers and experience values ​​all began to rapidly increase.

More than a month later.

Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque also entered the ninth order of the ancient starry sky.

In this month's time, the strength of the two obviously has also increased significantly.

Although they were still a little embarrassed about the Great Emperor's Law of the Ninth-Order Starry Sky Ancient Road, they finally passed the last hurdle smoothly.

After Xia Yuanhao and the two passed the ninth-level ancient starry road, Jiang Chen still did not rush through the barrier, and continued to frantically improve the strength of the martial arts domain.

"Ding! Your time domain breaks through the Xiaocheng realm!"

After another month, Jiang Chen's space-time realm finally broke through the Xiaocheng realm smoothly.

And there were only less than two stars in Jiang Chen's Star Element Stone.

"The Time and Space Sword Realm is finally small. Unfortunately, the Sword Realm still hasn't reached the realm of great success."

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn't help but let out a low whisper.

After the power in the martial arts field reached the Xiaocheng realm, the required experience value reached an incredible level.

To know.

Jiang Chen's sword domain had already reached Xiaocheng realm before he entered the ancient starry sky road.

In more than four months on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Jiang Chen had no idea how many experience points his sword domain had gained.

But even so, Jiang Chen's sword domain still failed to advance to the Great Realm in one go.

Even with his existence with a system cheating device, it is not easy to increase his martial arts power.

This shows how difficult it will be to improve the martial arts field of ordinary martial artists.

Shook his head.

Jiang Chen didn't think too much, ready to start the ninth-order starry sky ancient road.

Now that there are not many stars in the Xingyuan Stone, Jiang Chen does not plan to continue to pass the Great Emperor's Law to increase his martial arts power.

If you accidentally deplete the star and then be expelled from the ancient starry sky road, it would be more than worthwhile.

Jiang Chen crossed the ancient starry sky road of thousands of meters, and then dashed into the final barrier of the ancient starry sky road.

Immediately afterwards.

The guards of the ninth pass of the Starry Sky Ancient Road also quickly condensed in front of Jiang Chen.

Seeing the gatekeeper in front of him, Jiang Chen was stunned.

Because he discovered that the guardian of this ninth-order starry sky ancient road is actually himself!

The guardian in front of him, except for his slightly illusory figure, was almost exactly the same as him, whether it was his appearance or body.

It seems that to pass the last level, he has to beat himself.

Seeing the identical self in front of him, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a little bitter in his heart.


Since this is the rule of the ancient starry sky, Jiang Chen didn't think much about it. He raised his hand and blasted out like lightning.

at the same time.

I saw that the opposite'Jiang Chen' hit him with a punch almost at the same time, and hit his fist fiercely.

Jiang Chen was shocked, and then he tried several times in a row.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen was horrified to find that the "Jiang Chen" on the opposite side almost did exactly the same every move.

"Fuck, this is amazing too."

Looking at the guy in front of him who was exactly like him, Jiang Chen suddenly looked speechless.

This guy seemed to be a copy of him. Whether it was martial arts strength or way of thinking, it was almost exactly the same as him.

"This ninth level is simply incomprehensible. Not only does this guy have the same strength as me, but he also has the same heart as me. Every time he makes the same moves with me, how can this Nima play?"

Jiang Chen felt a headache.

If he continues to fight like this, even if he hits the monkey year, he might not be able to defeat the guy in front of him.

His eyes flickered slightly, Jiang Chen did not choose to continue fighting with the opposite'Jiang Chen', but bowed his head and fell into thought...

I like the hundredfold training system to upgrade to 999 in an instant, please collect it: ( The hundredfold training system is upgraded to 999 in an instant, and the literature update is the fastest.

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