"Let's do it together and kill these undead creatures first."

Jiang Chen let out a low drink, and a dazzling sword beam in his hand slashed out at the undead creature that was the first to pounce on him.


The undead creature was slashed by Jiang Chen with a sword, directly like a kite with a broken line, smashing down a distance of tens of feet.


The undead creature that was hit by Jiang Chen's sword quickly jumped up from the ground, and then with a monstrous blood evil force, it roared at Jiang Chen again.

"The defense of this thing is more perverted than those guys outside."

Looking at this scene in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but frown slightly.

call out!

At this moment, Ning Yan on the side used her swordsmanship, and a thousand-zhang flame sword burst shot out, slashing on one of the undead creatures, causing it to suffer severe damage instantly.


Ning Yan's swordsmanship is extremely masculine and strong, and has a great restraint effect on these undead creatures in front of her.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, and directly displayed the three-fold fire principle and the three-fold lightning principle, condensing into a flash of thunder and lightning, and enveloping the undead creatures.

Under the burning of the flame, the undead creature only struggled a few times before it was completely reduced to ashes.

Although these undead creatures are not weak, those who can enter the ancient sacred dragon relics are all top geniuses from various realms, and naturally they are not weak.

Under Jiang Chen's joint attack, more than a dozen undead creatures were solved in an instant.

But at this moment.

Jiang Chen suddenly sensed that somewhere outside the medicine garden, there was a vaguely violent fluctuation.

"Someone else is here."

Feeling the energy fluctuations coming out of the medicine garden, Jiang Chen's complexion couldn't help but sink slightly.

"Great, Brother Luo Jun must be here."

Ning Yan was calm on the surface, but she was excited in her heart.

Just now she joined forces with Jiang Chen to deal with these undead creatures, she has not used all her strength, just to delay the time and wait for the arrival of Senior Brother Luo Jun.

Such a peerless treasure like Wushou Divine Fruit can be met but not sought. How can she let Jiang Chen easily obtain it?

And Senior Brother Luo Jun, who was ranked among the top five absolute arrogances in the door, had already comprehended the peak and superior true **** of martial arts origin.

As soon as Senior Brother Luo Jun arrives, they can easily kill Jiang Chen and these undead creatures and pack all the treasures here.

Ning Yan was still worried about whether Brother Luo Jun could arrive in time.

Now that he heard the movement from outside, the hanging heart finally relaxed slightly.

While dealing with the undead creatures in front of them, Jiang Chen and the two were paying attention to the situation outside.

Just less than a moment.

The gate of the medicine garden was suddenly blasted open with a bang.

Immediately afterwards.

The two figures also quickly walked in from outside the medicine garden.

The two are a man and a woman.

The man is burly in shape, his face is full of flesh, and he exudes an extremely fierce aura. The woman has a fiery figure and a seductive look.

"It's not Senior Brother Luo Jun, how could this be!"

Ning Yan looked at the two people in front of her, her mouth suddenly turned pale and exclaimed.

Brother Luo Jun?

Jiang Chen glanced at Ning Yan, vaguely understood something in his heart.

Just now when we took action to deal with these undead creatures, Jiang Chen felt that Ning Yan had been working hard.

It seems that this woman is the brother Luo Jun waiting for her.


"Blood soul flower, magic grass, purple electric magic bamboo... and the central area, is it the legendary unsullied fruit?"

"Brother, it seems we are lucky, we have a great opportunity."

The seductive woman's eyes swept slightly in the medicine garden, and she couldn't help but said with bright eyes.

"Yes, it is indeed the legendary unsullied fruit!"

The burly man stared at Wushou Divine Fruit with scorching gaze, ignoring the existence of the two Jiang Chen and strode towards the center of the medicine garden.


The undead creatures in this medicine garden seem to have weak consciousness.

They saw that the burly man wanted to break into the medicine garden, and directly abandoned Jiang Chen and rushed towards the burly man.

"act recklessly!"

The burly man yelled, and a giant claw flashing thunder pierced the void, like an eagle catching a chicken, and grabbed one of the undead creatures in his hand.


The undead creature instantly turned into a pile of bones, scattered from the hands of the burly man.

"Good... so strong!"

Ning Yan looked at the scene in front of her, and she was shocked.

Just now, the burly man grabbed the crushed undead creatures, and among these undead creatures, his strength was already one of the best, and it was comparable to the top true gods at the peak.

Even if she tried her best, it would take a lot of effort to kill her.

But the burly man in front of him was an understatement with one claw spike, and his combat power was really terrifying.

"Jiang Chen, these two are very strong, we are probably not opponents, what should we do?"

Ning Yan saw that the burly man crushed all the undead creatures in an instant, and then strode towards the center of the medicine garden, an anxious look appeared in her eyes.

The strength of this burly man is probably not much weaker than Senior Brother Luo Jun.

not to mention……

The seductive woman next to the burly man is probably not weaker than her.

She and Jiang Chen were obviously not enough in front of them.

"Wait and see."

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry, he could vaguely feel that there seemed to be some danger in this medicine garden.

It shouldn't be easy for the burly man to obtain the Immaculate Fruit and many treasures.

"Brother, be careful, I think this medicine garden is still weird."

At this moment, the seductive woman should have felt something, and could not help reminding the burly man.

"Don't worry, no matter what, I will get the godless fruit today. Who dares to stop me and kill without mercy!"

The burly man laughed proudly, and rushed out toward the Wushen Divine Land with a flash of figure!

It is too difficult for the true gods to break through the heavens.

Thousands of years ago, his cultivation base had reached the pinnacle of the superior true god. In the past thousand years, he has only realized the power of the origin of thunder road, and there is still some distance from the heavenly god.

This unsullied divine fruit is an extremely rare peerless divine fruit in God's Domain.

Not to mention anything else, just washing the soul and improving the aptitude is enough to make the burly man ecstatic.

His talent is not high, and he has always been weak in understanding the origin of martial arts.

If he could obtain the Immaculate God Fruit to improve his aptitude, he would surely increase his understanding of the origin of martial arts much faster, thus breaking through the heavenly **** realm faster!


Just as the burly man rushed out toward the center of the medicine garden, an astonishing ghost aura suddenly surged out from below the medicine garden.


Two Qianzhang ghost claws with monstrous evil spirits emerged directly from the bottom of the medicine garden, and blasted at the burly man frantically.

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