Bright seven-colored flames shot out from the inside of the profound ice space, and the terrifying hot energy caused the entire profound ice space to melt rapidly.

To the end.

The entire Xuanbing space was unable to withstand the ever-increasingly terrifying power of the burning sky, and it exploded directly in the void.

this moment.

Colorful flames and white ice swept away, and the space for hundreds of miles collapsed instantly into nothingness.

Mo Zihan couldn't evade at all, he was already hit hard, and the next bite of blood spurted out wildly, and his body fell from the sky like a broken kite.


Mo Zihan, covered in blood, slammed down on the plain below under the gaze of countless eyes in Yanwu Square, and then smashed a huge pit on the ground.

And his figure is annihilated in the huge pit of thousands of feet, and he does not know whether he lives or die!

at the same time.

In the void space swept by the devastating storm, a figure shrouded in colorful divine light also slowly emerged in the sight of everyone.

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was standing proudly with his hands in the world and completely unharmed, then looked at Mo Zihan who was submerged in the Qianzhang giant pit, and the huge Yanwu Square fell into a dead silence.

It has been a long time for everyone to recover from the shock.

"Hi... I didn't expect Jiang Chen's strength to be so terrifying."

"Yes, even Mo Zihan's strength was defeated."

"With Jiang Chen's strength, he must be able to shine at this Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting."


The many disciples of the Cold Moon Palace came back to their senses, and their faces also showed unconcealed exclamation.

No one can think of it.

Mo Zihan, whose cultivation base reached the sixth rank of the Heavenly God, was still defeated by Jiang Chen despite the manifestation of the Ice Dao Divine Body Vision.

And the defeat was so miserable!

Junior Brother Jiang won!

Xiang Hong and Xu Qingming saw the scene before them, and their expressions were all excited.

Facing Mo Zihan's horrible Ice Dao divine body vision, they thought that Jiang Chen might not be easy to resist.

I didn't expect it.

Jiang Chen would have completely defeated Mo Zihan in such a straightforward manner.

The two looked at each other in mid-air, and both saw a wry smile in each other's eyes.

Their junior is indeed a monster that cannot be treated with common sense.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Seeing that Mo Zihan's blow with the Bingdao divine body vision was so easily broken by Jiang Chen, Venerable Tianhe's gaze was dull, and he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

To know.

Mo Zihan was almost a personal disciple he had cultivated.

Venerable Tianhe knew Mo Zihan's ability better than anyone else.

With his background, coupled with the inexhaustible Ice Dao divine body, he is definitely a great majority of geniuses who can stand up to the same realm.

Even though Jiang Chen also had the cultivation base of the sixth-order Heavenly God, he would not be able to defeat Mo Zihan so easily.

Could it be...

This Hanyue Palace's newly promoted first arrogant, still has a more terrifying physique and background than Mo Zihan?

"Haha... nothing is impossible."

Venerable Haoyue laughed loudly: "Tianhe, I said long ago, you will lose this battle!"

"Huh! The battle is not over yet, it is still unknown who wins and who loses until the last moment!"

Venerable Tianhe snorted coldly, his eyes locked tightly on the battlefield between Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen.

Mo Zihan is one of the few peerless talents in the history of the Glacier Sect.

these years.

Venerable Tianhe hardly left any spare energy for Mo Zihan's cultivation.

Although Jiang Chen defeated Mo Zihan's Bingdao divine body vision, it did not mean that Mo Zihan would be defeated in this way.

Because in addition to the Bingdao divine body vision.

Mo Zihan also had a more powerful hole card on him, which was the Jie Xin Shen Jing.

Ever since Mo Zihan entered the Glacier Sect and became his personal disciple, Venerable Tianhe passed on to Mo Zihan a realm of mind crystal he had obtained by luck.

Mo Zihan, who has mastered the Jie Xin Shen Jing, can provoke the Jie Xin Shen Jing at a critical moment and explode with a blow comparable to the realm god.

No matter how strong Jiang Chen's strength is, how can he block the blow of the Realm God?


Just as Venerable Tianhe sneered in his heart, he heard a crisp sound, and a figure wrapped in white light rose into the sky from the thousand-meter-long giant pit. It was Mo Zihan.

I saw his face pale, his body was covered with blood, and his white robe was turned into tattered strands, dyed a strange red with blood.

"Jiang Chen, you deserve to be a peerless Tianjiao who can defeat the palace. I didn't expect that my Ice Dao divine body vision would be easily defeated by you."

Mo Zihan wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen became more fierce.

"What Bingdao divine body vision is nothing more than that in my eyes."

Jiang Chen flicked his fingers, and looked at Mo Zihan with a look of surprise: "Looking at what you look like, do you have any plans to admit defeat?"

This guy has the Ice Dao Divine Body, and the condensed Ice Dao Divine Body vision should be his strongest blow.

Jiang Chen was a little curious, what kind of methods does this guy have?

"Give up?"

"In my world of Mo Zihan, I have never given up these two words."

The ink word stared at Jiang Chen with a cold and indifferent gaze, an inexplicable world god's coercion also slowly filled his body.

"This is... the breath of Jiexin Shenjing!"

Feeling the breath emanating from Mo Zihan's body, Jiang Chen couldn't help but condensed in vain: "You have a world mind crystal?"

"You have good eyesight, you can see it so quickly."

"Originally... I planned to use this trick at the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting, but I didn't expect you to push me to this point."

"Today's battle, even if I am Mo Zihan at all costs, I will never lose to you!"

Mo Zi Han's voice fell, and a fist-sized ice crystal also flew out of his body.

Mo Zihan held the Realm Heart Crystal in his hand, and the power of the world with a radius of thousands of miles gathered towards Mo Zihan madly at this moment.

The world in just a moment.

The immense power of heaven and earth was turned into a huge ice dragon under the influence of Jie Xin Shen Jing.

The ice dragon lay above the void, and a terrifying cold ice pressure also spread from the ice dragon in an instant.

On Yanwu Square.

Rao was the many disciples of the Cold Moon Palace outside that world, and seemed to have a feeling of soul trembling.

And just when everyone was shocked.

Mo Zihan's sharp laughter also resounded across the world in an instant.


"Jiang Chen, this blow that I provoke the Condensation of Jie Xin Shen Jing is not inferior to the blow of Venerable Jie Shen, I have to see how you can resist it!"

I like the hundredfold training system to upgrade to 999 in an instant, please collect it: ( The hundredfold training system to upgrade to 999 in an instant is the fastest literature update.

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