The soul-killing seal is the nemesis of all soul power, and Jiang Chen naturally knows this very well.

But these fierce souls that were kept in the Black Mist Forest were blessed by the power of the God King’s Dao and possessed the ability to be immortal.

He was just holding a fluke in his heart, trying to create a soul-killing mark, but he didn't expect to actually kill the fierce soul in front of him.

It seems that this unique school of Human Emperor Palace is far more difficult than he imagined.

"Big Brother Jiang Chen, can you actually destroy these fierce souls in the Black Mist Forest?"

Ji Lingwei's eyes were also dull, and it was difficult for him to recover from this shocking scene for a long time.

Although Ji Lingwei's cultivation talent is not very good, she has read numerous books and countless ancient books.

It can be said.

Ji Lingwei has read almost all the books in the Ji Clan Library, and his knowledge is naturally far beyond ordinary people.

Although Ji Lingwei has not lived in the wasteland of a hundred races in the future, she also knows a lot about the wasteland of a hundred races.

As far as she knows.

The black mist forest in front of him should be related to the power of the **** king realm.

Unless the Divine King Realm is able to make a big move, even the average Tianzun powerhouse cannot destroy these immortal souls in the Black Mist Forest.

But Jiang Chen in front of him, with an understatement, broke the immortal body of the fierce soul here and completely killed it!

This... This is too incredible.

this moment.

Ji Lingwei even wondered if the one in front of him was a **** realm who was pretending to be a **** king realm.

Such power is simply not something a Heavenly God Realm can possess.

"Lingwei, let's go."

After killing the fierce soul, Jiang Chen directly greeted Ji Lingwei, and then strode towards the depths of the black mist forest.

Along the way, Jiang Chen and the others were also attacked by many evil spirits.

But no matter whether it was the Heavenly God Realm, the Venerable Realm, or the Fierce Soul of the Earth Realm Realm, almost none of them were killed by Jiang Chen's understatement.

Ji Lingwei silently followed Jiang Chen, watching Jiang Chen urging his handprints to kill one after another fierce soul, but there was already a storm in his heart.

at the very beginning.

Ji Lingwei was completely shocked by Jiang Chen's ability to kill the evil soul, and did not pay much attention to Jiang Chen's handprints.

But as Jiang Chen used it again and again, Ji Lingwei finally discovered that the handprint Jiang Chen used was extremely similar to a great congenital art she knew well!

This great congenital art is the ancient seal of the Emperor Jiang from the Royal Palace!

this moment.

Ji Lingwei finally understood why Jiang Chen could easily kill these fierce souls in the Black Mist Forest.

The formation of the Black Mist Forest is related to the power of the Divine King Realm.

But the congenital grand technique is an existence that completely surpasses the **** king!

Legend has it that there are three seals in the ancient seal of the emperor, and each seal has the ability to shock the world and cry ghosts.

And in the ancient seal of the emperor, one seal is the nemesis of all the soul power in the world!

Even though this Black Mist Forest is laid out by the power of the Divine King Realm behind it, so that the evil souls living here have the ability to immortality, but in the face of innate great arts, it can only be doomed to be destroyed.

"The ancient seal of the Emperor, Jiang Chen, the royal family of the Jiang family in the Palace of the Emperor..."

Ji Lingwei looked at Jiang Chen in front of him, and she couldn't help showing a pale look in her beautiful eyes.

It is impossible for the people of the Jiang family of the Royal Palace to appear in the wasteland of the hundred races for no reason.

In other words.

The Jiang Chen in front of him, in all likelihood, is directed at her!

"Brother Jiang Chen, the handprint you displayed should be the ancient seal of the Emperor of the Emperor, right?"

Ji Lingwei took a deep breath, then smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that Big Brother Jiang Chen would be a member of the Jiang family of the Royal Palace."

Jiang Chen was shocked, and he couldn't help but suddenly raised his head and looked at Ji Lingwei: "Do you also know the Jiang family of the Human Palace?"

"Presumably Big Brother Jiang Chen had already guessed that I should come from the Ji clan."

Ji Lingwei smiled miserably: "Since Jiang Chen is a member of the Jiang family, how can he not know the origin of the human palace and the Ji family? I don't know how Jiang Chen plans to deal with me?"

In order to avoid the Jiang clan, the Ji clan gave her this task to her mediocre little transparency.

She was already very careful when she came to the Wasteland of the Hundred Races this time, but she didn't expect to be spotted by the Jiang royal family.

It seems that the royal family of Jiang clan obviously does not intend to give them any chance of turning over from the Ji clan.

"Why should I deal with you?"

Jiang Chen glanced at Ji Lingwei in a bit of amazement, and then slightly pondered: "Lingwei, I may have a certain relationship with the Jiang family in the Royal Palace, but at least I am not from the Jiang Family in the Human Palace. royal."

When Jiang Chen was speaking, a look of doubt appeared in his heart.

According to the clues he now knows, it is very likely that his father Jiang Wuya came from the Jiang family of the Royal Palace, while his mother is most likely to be related to the Ji family where Ji Lingwei belongs.

In this way, shouldn't the relationship between the Jiang family and the Ji family in the Palace of Human Emperors be related by marriage?

How do you look at Ji Lingwei's reaction, there seems to be a deep hatred between the two clans?

"It's impossible! You are not a member of the Jiang family, how can you master the ancient seal of the congenital great skill?"

Ji Lingwei's beautiful eyes suddenly couldn't help showing an unbelievable look.

"This is a long story, I'll talk to you slowly later."

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "I have destroyed the fierce souls here. It is no longer suitable to stay here. I will leave here first."

Ji Lingwei was also slightly surprised when she heard this.

The Black Mist Forest is probably from the handwriting of the **** king realm. Jiang Chen's destruction of these fierce souls is equivalent to breaking the power of the **** king realm, and it will surely arouse the **** king-wrath.

Once the King of God descends, they will probably never want to leave.

The two of them didn't hesitate at the moment, and quickly shuttled through the black mist forest, heading into the wasteland of the hundred races.


And at the same time Jiang Chen and two of them passed through the black mist forest.

In the deepest part of the wasteland of a hundred races, in a huge mountain range surrounded by black mist and overcast, there is a dark palace standing here.

This is where the Soul Eater is one of the Eight Great Protoss in the Hundred Clan Wasteland.


A terrifying roar suddenly came from an ancient temple deep in the soul-eater, and then rippled over the entire soul-eater.

"No, the ancestor woke up unexpectedly, what caused him?"

At the center of the Soul Eater, an old man in black robes who was cultivating cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange black glow appeared in his old pupils.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a black robe rushed in and said with a flustered expression: "Patriarch, the big event is not good, the ancestor seems to be angry in the hall."

"What are you worried about, let me see."

The black-robed old man stood up and walked out in a stride.

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