Early the next morning, the sound of the military bugle in the port area woke up the busy day.

Adjutant Milan arranged the expedition list, and most of the ship girls would undertake several expedition missions.

Of course, there are privileged classes everywhere.

Irene, Hood, Liaoning, and Shandong do not have to participate in any expeditions, they are the main force in the battle.

From today on, reputation is also included in the main lineup.

Irene came over,"Commander, there is something I must remind you, we don't have a strong front-line ship girl, and we have accumulated a lot of mind cubes, why don't you consider building a few times, Commander?"

"Maybe Miss Eugen will appear in our port area."

"There is no need to build now, just trust my arrangement!"

Irene looked at Su Bai helplessly. The resources were about to overflow. If the Rubik's Cube was not used, would it be kept for reproduction?

Su Bai knew that there were some things that he couldn't explain clearly to these ship girls. No shipbuilding before activities, no large-scale construction in the early stage, this was the lesson he learned from playing the ship girl development game for so many years!

In the original world, you can make up for the loss by means of krypton gold, but here? Everyone's basic resources are the same, and you don't have krypton gold.

Therefore, every resource needs to be coordinated by yourself. Large-scale construction is fun for a while, but resources are a crematorium.

Without resources, you can't level up. Without training, when the event comes, you will be taught to be a human being in minutes!

"Irene, lead Santiago to continue leveling up"

"Reputation, you team up with Leander and go to the Eastern Sea to level up"

"Hood, you take Laffite to Pearl Harbor. I will go with you."

"Yes!" All the ship girls stood at attention and saluted, accepting their own tasks.

Su Bai is usually approachable, but military orders must not be compromised.

Lax military discipline will sooner or later kill these lovely ship girls.

The reason why Su Bai wanted to go to the Pearl Harbor area was because the mission report submitted by the ship girls who went on the expedition last time did not encounter the Sakura Fleet's air raid on Pearl Harbor. All they saw were a small number of ghost ships. It seems that the cutscenes will only appear when the commander is present, and they will not appear when only the ship girls are present.

That's right, the commander is a human being, and it is meaningless to play cutscenes for the ship girls.

Su Bai and Hood were enjoying the scenery on the bridge, and Laffey was scouting the situation ahead.

The beautiful waters of Honolulu, the beautiful port city, looking at the bustling crowd on the shore, Su Bai felt sad. Soon, this place will become a Shura hell.

That's Arizona!

Su Bai saw the battleship Arizona, The ship girl on the bridge was still waving at her.

Arizona, with her purple hair, had a sweet smile. She was wearing a neat navy uniform and looked so sunny.

Su Bai saluted Arizona in return. His heart was heavy because he knew that Arizona was about to sink.

The air raid sirens were shrill and long. One Zero fighter and one bomber after another were wreaking havoc in the Pearl Harbor area.

The crazy attack of the Sakura Empire and the hasty resistance of the White Eagles turned the entire port area into a sea of fire.

A bomb accurately hit Arizona's ammunition depot, and Arizona broke in two.

This is how history is, it repeats itself again and again, and Arizona will be whipped three hundred times, just like Hood. Both

Su Bai and Hood looked very ugly. Hood remembered the three hundred times he fell into the water, and Su Bai felt sad for the unfortunate girl.

The ship girl Arizona was blown away by the huge shock wave of the explosion, and fell into the sea with a look of astonishment on her face.

""Quick! Go get her out!"

Su Bai roared and ordered. Hood jumped directly into the water and dived down.

Arizona, you have to hold on!

Su Bai didn't know whether it was legal to rescue people from the cutscene, but he couldn't watch Arizona die in front of him.

Hood went into the water very quickly, and she quickly pulled Arizona out. Su Bai threw the lifebuoy and rope down.

Arizona was laid flat on the deck, unconscious and covered in blood.

Hood bandaged Arizona skillfully to stop the bleeding.

Su Bai opened the logbook and gave Rafi an order to return.

Arizona, you have to hold on. When you return to the port, I will find the best doctor for you.

On the way back, Su Bai opened the logbook and started to make an appointment with the doctor. It seemed that he was lucky enough to get an appointment with an expert.

And he was the director of the trauma department.

In the port, the commander's mansion.

Arizona lay quietly on a soft big bed. The doctor with a slightly bald head quickly gave a diagnosis.

"Although this lady was injured in the explosion, she was rescued in time and is not in danger of death. However, it is certain that she will have to lie in a wheelchair for a while."

"How long will it take?"

The bald doctor shook his head,"Sorry, I can't be sure, maybe one or two days, maybe one or two years, maybe a lifetime. She has damaged her nerves."

Su Bai's heart sank. For such a beautiful and optimistic girl, it was too cruel to spend her whole life in a wheelchair.

Arizona finally woke up and she finally accepted the fact.

"California, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Nevada, are they all right?"

Su Bai's heart ached. These shipgirls were all salvaged in history, except Arizona, who lay forever on the cold seabed.

"Don't worry about them, they are all fine."

Arizona sat in a wheelchair with the help of everyone. The port area funded and hired two retired ship girls to take care of Arizona.

Su Bai smiled and bowed to Arizona,"Miss Arizona, welcome to the port area, are you willing to join my fleet?"

Arizona looked at the commander for a long time without speaking, she shook her head,"No, I don't want to join."

Su Bai, Hood, and Irene were all dumbfounded, no way, according to the rules���The ship girl will not refuse!

Arizona smiled, her smile full of sadness,"Commander, I like your kindness very much, but I really can't join the fleet. Because I can't stand up anymore, my lumbar spine is seriously injured, and I may have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life."

"I can't go to sea to fight."

"Moreover, once a ship girl that appears in the cutscene joins your fleet, you will no longer get this ship girl."

"If I join the fleet, you will only get an illustration, but lose the position of a ship girl. The commander is so good to me, I don't want to hurt you."

Arizona smiled bitterly,"Commander, if possible, please let me retire and work as a clerk in the port area. I can write well."

Su Bai shook his head firmly,"No, Arizona, you must join my fleet. I will invite the best doctors and buy the best medicine to treat you. I can wait until the moment you stand up."

Su Bai stretched out his hand,"Welcome to join, Miss Arizona!"

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