"You two, would you like to join my fleet and become a member of our big family?"

"Of course I would!"

Then, the 74th and 75th members of the fleet appeared. Admiral-class battlecruisers Anson and Howe joined the fleet.

Su Bai suddenly thought of something,"Wait, Anson, Howe, shouldn't you two be on the battleships?"

"Don't worry, there will be battleship versions of Anson and Howe in the future. The names are just code names, so don't worry too much. In the future, you will also meet our fourth sister, the battlecruiser version of Rodney."

At this time, the system broadcast sounded in all ports,"Attention all commanders! Just now, Commander No. 300 Su Bai, led his powerful fleet of Ship Qi Ba Ye, perfectly defeated all enemies in the hidden map EX-1 Roentgen Sea, and obtained the two ship girls Anson and Howe."

"The headquarters decided to award Commander Su Bai the title of Primary Pioneer! And reward him with 10,000 units of fuel, 10,000 units of supplies, 10 magic cubes, and 500 units of diamonds........"

Irene smiled happily,"Commander, this is great. We have just consumed a lot of resources. We have what we need. We can continue to explore the hidden sea area after a rest!"

Su Bai smiled and shook his head,"You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Our level is a bit difficult in the first area of the hidden sea area. There is no need to worry about the second sea area. Use this 10,000 fuel to level up." Irene was stunned. Difficult

? In your eyes, not crushing is very difficult, right? You are panicked when the sea area is not blown into green, right?

That's right, Su Bai is such a person, forbearing, cautious, and low-key. He likes to take risks in the game, but he will never take risks with his own life and the lives of the ship girls in reality. The obituary of the four commanders made this person even more cowardly.

After the news that Su Bai cleared EX-1 was released, many commanders began to get restless. If he can do it, why can't I?

So, on March 8, there were two more names on the obituary.

It turns out that the hidden map is really so difficult!

Many commanders were furious and asked Su Bai to share his strategy in the chat room.

Su Bai thought again and again and decided to publish his own strategy and intelligence. However, each piece of intelligence was priced at 800 units of fuel and supplies. These intelligence can only be used by himself and must not be leaked, otherwise you will never want to trade with him in the future.

This price is not expensive. This is the intelligence that Su Bai and the ship girls have exchanged for life and death. Why should I give it to you for free?

I am not your father!

The commanders of the blood clan and the demon clan expressed their understanding. Valuable things can naturally be traded.

But the commanders of other races were furious. You are so greedy! Do you have to sharpen your knife on a stone when it passes by your door?

Without you, Su the Butcher, do we have to eat pork with hair? I don’t believe this!

A Minotaur commander rushed into the hidden sea with his fleet with an average level of 72. He fled in a panic under the siege of aircraft carriers and battleships, and lost a lot of ship girls.

A human commander's voice came from the logbook,"Hello, Commander Su Bai. I am Rand, and like you, I am a human commander."

Su Bai knew that Rand was full of morality, but in fact, all the ship girls in the port area were like him. Ahem, forget it, this is someone else's private life. What does it have to do with him whether he wants to be Lan Buqun or Lan Xiaobao?

"Hello, Rand, I'm Su Bai, how can I help you?"

"Ahem, the thing is, there aren't many of us human commanders in this world, so we should unite, don't you think?"

"That's right, do you have any good ideas?"

"I suggest that you take this event as an opportunity to share it. If I have a strategy in the future, I will share it with everyone, and we humans will form a mutual aid alliance."

Su Bai sneered, you can talk about freeloading so high-soundingly, you are really my fellow human being!

"What a good idea. There are only 41 human commanders left. Why don't you pay off their intelligence fees in one go? I'll give you a discount, like 20,000 fuel."

"You! How can you be so greedy, are you still human?"

"Greed? You want to take the information that I and my fleet exchanged for with blood for nothing, and you have the nerve to call me greedy, human, haha!"

"Get out of here right now!"

Su Bai cut off the logbook.

At this moment, Irene rushed to the commander's mansion,"Su Bai, a strange visitor is coming by helicopter."

"What strange visitor?"

"It's the commander of the blood clan, Lachar."

Su Bai was a little surprised, but this was the first commander to visit the port, so he couldn't neglect him.

"Go and bring him in. No, I will go to greet him in person and notify the cafeteria to prepare a welcome banquet in the small banquet hall!"

Su Bai brought Hood to the apron and saw the tall, slender, white-faced vampire.

He was wearing a bright red coat, white gloves, and a long sword on his waist, which made him look very elegant.

"Welcome to my port, Commodore Lachar!"

"Hello, Major General Su Bai. I came to your port without an appointment. Please forgive my intrusion."

""Okay, we are all comrades who have fought together under the Governor. Let's go. This is not the place to talk. Follow me to the mansion."

The helicopter was carrying the hidden reward for clearing EX-1 of this event. Logistics Officer Lily was handing over the visitor. This time, the annoying Elanis finally didn't come.

Su Bai took Lachar into the mansion. Adjutant Milan served them black tea and then left.

"Mr. Rachel, please have a taste, this is authentic Darjeeling black tea"

"Thank you, but we vampires don't really need this."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were coming. I don't have any plasma prepared."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small matter."

Lachar took out a bottle of bright red whiskey from his arms and took a gulp.

"I came to you to buy a copy of your information."

"For such a small matter, you can just tell me in the letter. I trust your credibility. Why would you make a special trip?"

"No, what I want to buy is not a piece of intelligence, but a chance to go on an expedition with your fleet. You name your price."

Su Bai looked at Lachar to make sure he was not joking.

"Mr. Lachar, although we are friends, it is still too dangerous for you to go out to sea with me under such circumstances."

Lachar laughed,"Su Bai! You are being too polite. I can guarantee that I will never leak any information about your fleet. In this world, swearing to the two gods is a must. You should know this." Su Bai really couldn't think of how to refuse him, so he could only grit his teeth and say,"3,000 units of fuel and supplies, you can go out with my fleet and watch the whole process of my hunting EX-1 and opening up EX-2. This information can only be enjoyed by you!"

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