Machine guns and cannons began to fire wildly, and the company piloted the fighter plane to shuttle, pull up, dive, and perform various difficult maneuvers in the air.

"Bang!"An enemy bomber was blown up instantly!

"The second one!"

"Da da da da!"

Under the machine gun fire, a fighter plane with thin skin and crispy filling was hit and exploded in the air by Enterprise, who snapped his fingers.

"How about it, Commander, isn't it exciting?"

It's so exciting, Su Bai's heart almost jumped out of his mouth. Just now, the head-on collision with the enemy fighter planes and the machine gun exchange was a complete contest of courage. At the last moment, the enemy planes were still scared and chose to avoid, and were taken down by Enterprise's salvo.

Enterprise was already blood-thirsty, and it was not enough for her to just harvest over the fleet. She called on the VF-10 squadron on her aircraft carrier. 36 F4F fighters and Enterprise's reconnaissance plane formed a powerful fleet and rushed directly into the enemy's fleet.

The machine guns roared continuously and the machine guns fired crazily in the air.

Several bullets flew past the reconnaissance plane and shot down several accessories on the outside of the plane. Su Bai's face was pale, and his crotch was surging with the urge to urinate. He had a mild fear of heights, and it was such a fierce air battle. In fact, Su Bai couldn't stand it a long time ago. But which man is willing to show his weakness in front of a beautiful woman.

Enterprise was in the mood to kill, and she shot down three enemy planes in a row,"Commander, I'm already an ace pilot! I should be the first aircraft carrier in all the ports to get this title!"

She saw Su Bai's face and panicked,"Su Bai, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't notice you."

"It's okay, I'm fine!"

Su Bai said with all his might,"You continue, I'll take a look at the situation below."

The Chuanqi Baiye fleet was well prepared, and they had two anti-aircraft masters, Santiago and Juno, and the Enterprise's fleet dispersed the enemy's large forces, making it impossible for them to organize an effective attack.

In this situation, although a few unlucky warships of the Chuanqi Baiye fleet were hit, it was not a big problem.

Lachar watched the battle on the Prince Eugen. The power of the Ghost Fleet's fleet made him dumbfounded, and he began to secretly weigh the possibility of clearing this event map.

This is EX-2, so how difficult will the EX-3 at the bottom of the box be? Moreover, how many enemy troops are there behind this fleet attack?

Su Bai observed the battle situation and kept issuing orders, but he only reminded the ship girls what they needed to pay attention to, and he would not interfere with the specific command.

Stupid behavior like commanding the second company commander to move a machine gun ten meters, He would not do it.

Ship girls have independent thinking and consciousness. There is no need to interfere with their specific actions. You only need to do a good job of dispatching the fleet. Just treat the ship girl as a captain, and those tools are the soldiers and sailors under her.

Of course, there has never been such an outlier as Enterprise, whether in human history or in the history of ship girls.

Enterprise continued to charge the battle array in his fighter plane until the ammunition was almost exhausted, and then he returned reluctantly.

When the plane returned to the Enterprise, Su Bai looked like he had been fished out of the water.

Flying on the battlefield is indeed exciting, but this is playing with life. Su Bai also enjoys the feeling of soaring with Enterprise. If someone else were to fly the plane, he would definitely refuse.

After returning to the ship island, Enterprise said a little embarrassedly,"I'm sorry to make you crazy with me."

"It's okay, I like this feeling too."

"Commander, do you also like the feeling of flying?"

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. I like the feeling of fighting side by side with Enterprise."

Enterprise's pretty face turned slightly red."Su Bai, your skills in picking up girls are getting better and better."

"Haha, this is a true expression of feelings, how can it be called flirting. The enemy's fleet has retreated, we can give chase"

"The fighter planes returned and set off after completing the preparations again. The reconnaissance planes and bombers set off first to pursue the enemy!"

Su Bai took off again. He liked commanding operations in the air more and more. Moreover, it was indescribable that he had the old driver, Qiye, to fly with him.

The fleet was adjusted to a double-column formation, with cruisers in the front, battleships and aircraft carriers in the middle, and destroyers in the rear. The 18 warships of the entire fleet chased in the direction of the ghost fleet.

In the air, the fighter group caught up with the bomber and torpedo squadrons.

"All aircraft carriers, please note that the command of all aircraft groups is authorized to the enterprise. The battle on the front line will be commanded by the enterprise."

"Wait a minute, Commander, where are you now?"Irene's anxious voice sounded

"I'm at the front line. The surface fleet is under your command and Hood. Please maintain formation."

"Commander, are you crazy? Are you and Enterprise commanding the battle on the reconnaissance plane again?"

"Irene, please watch your words. I must be on the front line to understand the battle situation accurately!"

"Commander, you! If you die, our entire port area will be gone. I beg you not to go crazy."

"Don't worry, I know what's in my control. Just do your own job."

Su Bai was somewhat touched by Irene's concern, but he was already addicted to the feeling of catching shrimp farmers with Enterprise. He didn't care about whether it was dangerous or not.

The battle started, and the large force of the Ghost Fleet soon appeared in front of the fleet, including more than a dozen battleships and a large number of cruisers, destroyers, supply ships, and so on.

Enterprise issued an order for a general attack. Under the cover of fighter planes, bombers and torpedo planes dived and dropped bombs frantically.

Columns of water shot up into the sky.

Most of the bombs and torpedoes exploded in the sea, but the bombs and torpedoes that hit were enough to cause a devastating blow to the Ghost Fleet.

Because the training level of the Ship Qi Hegemony Fleet was extremely high, it was no less than that of the Ghost Fleet, so under this round of indiscriminate bombing, the Ghost Fleet began to collapse.

EX-2This map is actually a test of the fleet's hard power. If the training level is not enough and the equipment is not fully strengthened, the first round of air strikes will take it away, and there will be no subsequent battles. Only when the fleet is strong enough can it reach the end of EX-2.

With the arrival of Hood and others, the battle entered the final stage. Hood, who was serious, was invincible. He used full-strength loading equipment and equipped with 381 main guns to launch barrages continuously.

After Hood fired barrages ten times in a row, the ghost fleet could no longer support it and began to disintegrate.

The boss of the ghost fleet also appeared.

The flagship of the ghost fleet, a huge battleship, has an estimated displacement of about 90,000 tons, which is far beyond all existing battleships.

The gorgeous barrage of the flagship interweaves a large net of death, covering the entire fleet. The front row of ship girls fell into the water one after another. Ajax, Leander, and Little Swan were damaged in battle, but the ship girls all escaped and swam to the command ship Irene.

Renown was approaching the Ghost flagship, which had cruised for more than a hundred nautical miles. The battle had lasted from the morning until now, and Renown's attributes were already maxed out.

Last Glory and the 29-knot Nelson were launched at the same time. The Renown, equipped with a triple-mounted 406mm MK6 main gun, was like a god of war, and every shell caused huge damage to the Ghost flagship.

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