As the last enemy stepped into the encirclement, Yuan Lang said: "Hit." Almost at the same time, all the special forces who were in ambush opened fire, and the enemies at the head and the end all fell under the muzzle of the gun. Perhaps because they were still one or two hundred meters away from the enemy, they could only see one enemy after another falling down in the sight, just like targets hit in training. Lu Cheng hit three people, Wu Liuyi hit two people, and the old soldier Tieguo killed the last leader. After the first wave of attacks, this group of bandits suffered heavy casualties, and the rest of the bandits immediately found cover, or lay down on the spot, and fired back. Some bandits hid behind horses, holding their rifles high and shooting aimlessly. Some of the bandits also seemed to be very combat-literate, able to find the approximate location where the special forces were hiding and quickly fight back.

But fortunately, Team A hid well and reacted well, and no one was injured.

After a few more bandits died, the remaining bandits became more cautious and began to crawl on the ground, carefully avoiding shooting.

But the positions chosen by the veterans of Team A were perfect, and they could monitor the bandits below from multiple angles. As long as a bandit appeared in the field of vision, a few gunshots would be heard immediately, making those bandits lie down forever.

"11 enemies have lost their combat effectiveness, over."

"Two enemies tried to escape and were killed. Over!"

"Currently ten people have lost their combat effectiveness and one person was injured. Over!"

The results of the battle were accurately reported at various locations, and no suspicious enemy was spared.

The gunshots stopped temporarily, and some enemies were hiding behind the bunkers and were not discovered.

Next, it was time to compete for patience.

Special forces never lack patience, quietly waiting for any suspicious enemy to emerge within the field of vision.

This was a precise strike, and both veterans and recruits performed very well.

Two or three times the number of armed bandits were eliminated in a short period of time.

Lu Cheng kept observing the situation at the scene through the scope. Through the leaves, he soon saw two bandits in the distance setting up mortars and about to pick up shells to shoot.

Lu Cheng pulled the trigger almost without hesitation, and the two bandits fell to the ground on the spot, and the shell in the hand of one of the bandits fell to the ground.

"Two bandits, trying to operate the mortar, have been killed."

"Well done, doctor."

After that, the entire battlefield fell into a long silence.

The people of Team A knew that there must be bandits hiding in the dark who had not been killed.

The bandits also knew that they were still in danger, so they hid well and dared not show their heads.

After waiting for two or three hours, the other side suddenly started shouting.

Yuan Lang called Wu Zhe to his side and asked Wu Zhe to act as an interpreter: "Wu Zhe, what did those guys say?"

"They said that if we let them go, they would give half of the goods."

"Now they say that all the goods will be given to us, and we just want a way to survive. Do you want me to reply to them?"

Yuan Lang shook his head: "No, those who reply on the battlefield will be regarded as the primary target of attack. Don't expose our position."


In the communication channel, everyone remembered this battlefield rule.

Soon, the other side shouted again, but this time it was Mandarin, which everyone could understand.

"Captain, they want to surrender."

"Don't believe the enemy's surrender easily."

Soon, the other side raised a stick with a white T-shirt hanging on it as a white flag.

Then, two guys came out one after another, and everyone's guns were aimed at these two guys.

The guy in front walked not far away, and suddenly unzipped his shirt, revealing the bomb tied to his body. He pulled it open and tried to rush over here.

Several guns sounded almost at the same time, and the man exploded on the spot, blowing up a large cloud of blood mist, and the guy behind him was also directly killed.

Another guy jumped out of the bushes, and before he could lift the rocket launcher from his hand to his shoulder, he was shot by Lu Cheng decisively. The rocket launcher was still triggered, but the rocket deviated to a tree in the distance and exploded.

After such a long time, the bandits began to collapse, and they rushed out from their hiding places and ran towards the border.

After another round of gunfire, all the bandits who tried to escape were killed.

Fall down.

After waiting for a while, Yuan Lang ordered again: "Group 7 and Group 8 stay on guard. The rest of the groups search forward."

Then, each three-person group searched forward in battle formation.

The old soldier Tieguo walked in front, and Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi followed closely behind, observing the surrounding situation.

Whenever he found a bandit lying on the ground, whether the other party was dead or not, the old soldier Tieguo could make up a shot first, and told Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi: "After seeing the enemy, whether alive or dead, you must make up a shot first."


Lu Cheng directly explained everything with his actions. A short burst of fire directly hit the head of a corpse in front of the left.

On the battlefield, it is better to waste more bullets to ensure absolute safety.

He raised his foot and stepped over a corpse with a smashed head, and continued to search forward.

Observing the fragmented corpses at close range is indeed very impactful.

Lu Cheng also felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't vomit or feel dizzy. He just tried to pay attention to his feet as much as possible to avoid stepping on something he shouldn't step on.

Wu Liuyi also felt a little uncomfortable and asked, "Iron Pot, these guys have killed a lot of people, right?"

"Of course, hundreds and thousands, and they are extremely evil."

"Damn it!"

"Bang bang" two shots, Wu Liuyi also completed a supplementary shot, walked to a corpse, and kicked the weapon next to him to the side.

On the other side, Wu Zhe followed Yuan Lang, squatted down, and checked a corpse on the ground.

The corpse was shot several times in the chest, the heart had been broken, and blood was all over the floor.

Yuan Lang said without looking back: "Do you still think this is an exercise? This is just a battle of the lowest intensity."

Wu Zhe shook his head, and his stomach churned.

Yuan Lang laughed: "You don't want to vomit, do you?"

"I didn't...vomit..."

Wu Zhe vomited. He didn't feel anything when he killed people, after all, the distance was relatively far, but observing the fragmented bodies at close range was indeed not something that everyone could bear.

After vomiting, Wu Zhe asked: "How many people can the powder of more than a dozen horses harm?"

"A lot, an astronomical number."

"Then I should have saved a lot of people, right?"

"I thank you on behalf of those people."

"No, I feel much better."

Just then, Lu Cheng suddenly saw a branch dozens of meters away move, and immediately raised his alert: "Something's going on!"

Old Soldier Tieguo and Wu Liuyi stopped immediately.

Lu Cheng observed carefully: "There are two enemies at five o'clock."

Then, Lu Cheng made a gesture, and the three of them quickly separated and dispersed to encircle.

Yuan Lang heard the voice in the communicator and immediately ordered: "Group three, group four, support group five."

In the jungle, any situation is worth paying attention to, and those who can be surrounded will never act alone.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the opposite side: "Don't come over, I'm Chinese, I have hostages."

Several people didn't speak, and approached cautiously.

Then, Lu Cheng was the first to see two gangsters, a man and a woman, on the opposite side. The male gangster controlled the female gangster with his left arm, holding a grenade in his right hand, and shouted: "Don't come over."

Lu Cheng took two steps back, suddenly squatted down, and fired a few shots. The bullets accurately passed through the gangster's shoulders, and the grenade in his hand, which had not been pulled out of the safety, fell to the ground.

The female gangster controlled by him tried to pull out a gun to fight back, but Lu Cheng would not give the other party any chance. He just turned the muzzle and fired five or six bullets, directly destroying the shoulders of the female gangster.

The veteran Tieguo on the side was a little surprised at Lu Cheng's reaction speed when he saw this situation.

The other people arrived quickly, and the two gangsters had completely lost their ability to resist and were surrounded.

If two people could be caught alive and some information could be interrogated, it would still be very useful.

"Two bandits, one male and one female, are incapable of resistance, but still alive. Over!"

"Control them, don't let them die."

"Doctor, it's up to you. You have to save the ones you injured. Wow, so accurate."

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