The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Following the company commander all the way to the regiment headquarters and walking into the head of the regiment, Lu Cheng met the head of the 702 regiment, Wang Qingrui.

The colonel looked a little old, not tall, slightly fat, and his hair was mostly white, but he looked very energetic.

When Lu Cheng and the company commander came in, the head of the regiment was sitting in his seat, his coat unbuttoned, and he was writing something with his head down.


Hearing the voices of the two, the head of the regiment, Wang Qingrui, put down his pen, looked up at the two, and smiled kindly. He spoke with a strong Jiangcheng accent, which easily reminded people of hot dry noodles.

"Lu Cheng, right? Although this is the first time we meet, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. You look quite energetic. There are not many college students in our 702 regiment. You are a key college student and I should have met you a long time ago."

Then the regiment leader shouted to the outside of the door: "Xiao Liu, move two chairs over."

Although there was a sofa opposite the regiment leader's desk, the sofa was far from the desk, making it inconvenient to talk.

After a while, the clerk brought two chairs, and the regiment leader motioned for the two to sit down, and asked the clerk to close the door.

"Lu Cheng, I've read your information. I see that you come from a family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and your grades at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine are quite good. Why do you want to join the army?"

Lu Cheng also told the truth: "I have been learning traditional Chinese medicine from my father since I was a child. The university courses are too basic for me. During my freshman year, I have already self-studied all the contents of my undergraduate and graduate studies. Continuing to study at school is somewhat of a waste of time.

I have been interested in military knowledge since I was a child. I know that the army is facing reform and needs some educated talents. I want to join the army and make good use of my talents in the barracks."

"Not bad, not bad. Our army does need talents like you. I heard that you have developed a recuperation plan in your company to treat hidden injuries and restore physical fitness for veterans. This is rare. How is it going now?"

"Everything is going well now. I chose the class of the third squad of the first platoon of our seventh company. The chief Shi Jin and the deputy squad leader Wu Liuyi were the experimental subjects, and their physical conditions were very representative.

After more than a month of anti-oxidation treatment, the physical fitness of the two has gradually recovered to the peak state. The training results also proved everything. "

"Gao Cheng, are these true?"

Gao Cheng also nodded immediately: "Of course, now Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi's physical fitness has basically recovered to the peak state, and the results of various subjects have made considerable progress."

The head of the group smiled more brightly after hearing this, and then asked: "Lu Cheng, can your method be widely promoted?"

"Of course. I have recorded the entire treatment process in detail, and have explained in detail the use of drugs, acupuncture techniques, and massage techniques. Here is a detailed report."

Lu Cheng said, and directly handed over the folder he carried with him.

This document was also compiled by Lu Cheng for more than half a month. It not only includes the entire detailed treatment process, but also some of Lu Cheng's experience summaries.

Acupuncture and massage techniques are accompanied by detailed graphic explanations.

As for the prescription, Lu Cheng only wrote a small part, mainly for treating hidden injuries.

But even so, the value of this report cannot be underestimated.

If there is a professional Chinese medicine practitioner who can treat some veterans with hidden injuries according to the above method, their hidden injuries can definitely be cured.

Of course, if you want to restore a veteran's physical fitness to its peak state, it is not something that ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners can do.

After reading the detailed report, the regiment commander could not help but nod his head repeatedly: "It seems that you are well prepared. This report is very detailed, even an outsider like me can understand it. Since you already have a successful case, the importance of this report cannot be ignored.

I will immediately ask someone to print a few copies of this report and report it to the division headquarters and the military region, so that the field hospital and the Chinese medicine hospital can verify it. If it can be promoted in the end, it will be a great achievement.

Lu Cheng, you have no objection, right?"

"Of course I have no objection. I compiled such a report and also want to promote my methods to cure more veterans."

"Very good, you are a great young man. By the way, do you want to change your position? Come to work in our regiment's medical team?"

Gao Cheng stood up immediately after hearing this: "Regiment Commander

, this Lu Cheng is the vanguard of our Steel 7th Company, you can't poach him. "

Lu Cheng also said: "Captain, I am the 4942nd soldier of the Steel 7th Company. I want to be a good soldier first, a qualified soldier!"

The commander was even more satisfied, nodded, and said to Gao Cheng with a smile: "Old Seven, you are very good. This Lu Cheng has only been in your Steel 7th Company for a few months, and he has the backbone of your Steel 7th Company."

Gao Cheng smiled: "That's the tradition of our Steel 7th Company."

The commander smiled, then restrained his smile and said seriously: "Gao Cheng, this is the treasure of our 702nd Regiment, you have to take good care of him for me."


Then, the commander put on a smile again, turned to Lu Cheng and said: "Young man, work hard, talents like you will have a bright future in the future. I believe that our 702nd Regiment will be the best starting point for your military career."

"Yes, commander. ”

After leaving the regiment and returning to the company, Lu Cheng had another job in addition to his daily training, which was to guide Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi to learn massage and aerobics.

Wu Liuyi was still a little confused: "Lu Cheng, we can just learn your aerobics, but what do we need to learn massage?"

"Deputy squad leader, my set of rehabilitation treatment methods will most likely be promoted in the future. At that time, you can't let me do it alone, right? You should also learn it well. When it is promoted in the future, it will be a great achievement."

Shi Jin heard this and thought: "Lu Cheng, do you want to let all the soldiers in the class learn it?"

"That's not necessary. Massage is also a job that requires carefulness and patience. Not everyone can learn it. I also think that the squad leader is more talented, so I specially taught you."

Shi Jin smiled when he heard this: "What talent do I have? "

Lu Cheng also laughed and said nothing. Shi Jin is indeed not talented, he is just more careful. But as long as he studies hard, he can still learn well.

After learning well, there will be opportunities to go out for promotion in the future. Not to mention being able to make meritorious service, at least he can perform well.

In the army, it is rare to have a major meritorious service.

As the saying goes, the first-class merit is taken while lying down, the second-class merit is taken while sitting, and the third-class merit is taken while standing.

Although this statement may not be accurate, it also reflects the difficulty of meritorious service.

Although the third-class merit is much easier than the second-class merit and the first-class merit, it also requires outstanding contributions in the army, or outstanding performance in the exercise assessment.

If you want Shi Jin to make meritorious service, the opportunity is not always available.

But let Shi Jin go out first. Lu Cheng still has a way to make Shi Jin famous, at least to show his face in front of the leaders.

When Lu Cheng was at the regiment, the report he handed to the regiment commander highlighted the role of Shi Jin, how to cooperate with his own experiments, how to describe the feelings of the experiments in detail, how to help himself improve the entire report, etc.

If that report can be taken seriously, Shi Jin's popularity among the superiors will also be improved to a certain extent.

Although Shi Jin is considered a training model of the Steel Seventh Company and a good squad leader, he does not have a very outstanding performance. Even in the personal subject assessment, he is not as good as the squad deputy Wu Liuyi.

Without mentioning his personal character and personality charm, Shi Jin is just an ordinary squad leader among thousands of soldiers.

Therefore, this unconventional move can be regarded as an experiment of Lu Cheng.

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