The training started, and all the trainees knew what pain and hell were.

As soon as they received their training uniforms, all the trainees were taken to the playground. Yuan Lang sat in the jeep in front, shouting slogans leisurely, and the trainees behind followed behind, desperately chasing.

Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi had no problem with their physical fitness, but Wu Zhe and Tuo Yonggang were a little weak, so they could only barely follow behind.

I don't know how many laps I ran, but I finally stopped. Qi Huang stood in front and announced the daily training subjects: "Morning, noon and evening, 10 kilometers of cross-country running once each, morning and evening push-ups, sit-ups, wall squats..."

After Qi Huang finished talking about all the training subjects, Yuan Lang glanced at everyone: "Look at you, what are you like now? The training has just started, and you can't even do a straddle stand? Deduct one point from everyone. Whoever has deducted 100 points, leave quickly!"

"Next is the second training subject..."

At night, after finally returning to the dormitory, several people in Lu Cheng's dormitory couldn't help but hold a small meeting.

Tuo Yonggang was the first to complain: "39, 41, 42, didn't you notice? They don't treat us as human beings at all."

Wu Zhe was very calm: "Just get used to it, keep a normal mind, this is just the beginning."

Since coming here, Tuo Yonggang has been complaining, and Wu Liuyi can't stand it anymore: "27, since we came here, we want to become the strongest soldiers. If you can't even bear this little bit of hardship, you might as well go back as soon as possible."

Tuo Yonggang snorted: "It's not that I can't bear hardships, but I can't stand their attitude. 42, you really enjoy it."

Lu Cheng said quickly: "27, if you want to win their respect, you must show your strength."

"Do you think they are right to do this?"

"This is Old A, a place to train the strongest soldiers. The strongest soldiers must also perform the most dangerous tasks, and they must have the strongest qualities, not only physical fitness, but also psychological qualities. If you can't even stand this little scolding, you are really not suitable to stay here."

Tuo Yonggang wanted to say something, but Wu Zhe said quickly: "Okay, okay, everyone, stop talking, and take a rest."

Tuo Yonggang said nothing more and turned over to lie down.

In fact, Tuo Yonggang has not put down his airs and adjusted his mentality. He still thinks he is a favored son of heaven like in his original unit.

But who of those who can come here has not been carefully selected?

After everyone quieted down, Wu Zhe smiled and took out 4 packs of biscuits from under his quilt: "I won't go to dinner tomorrow, I'll just eat biscuits in the dormitory."

When Tuo Yonggang heard about biscuits, he immediately poked his head out from the upper bunk: "39, show some style."

Wu Zhe moved the biscuits under his pillow: "I'm a major, and my heart rate reached 180 to buy these packs of biscuits. Is it easy for me?"

He said this, but Wu Zhe still contributed his biscuits, just one pack for each person.

In fact, from the fact that Wu Zhe just bought 4 packs of biscuits, we know that he didn't plan to eat them alone.

Tuo Yonggang and Wu Liuyi both thanked him and took the biscuits, while Lu Cheng reached under the quilt and took out a pack of ham sausages from the storage space. After tearing it open, he threw two to each person.

"It's boring to just eat biscuits, add this."

Tuo Yonggang chuckled: "You two are awesome!"

Although this guy is a bit foul-mouthed and likes to put on airs, he is not a bad person.

The few of them groped in the dark and finished their food. Lu Cheng reminded them again: "My intuition tells me that we may not sleep well tonight."

Wu Zhe was stunned when he heard this: "41, do you mean they will bother us again in the middle of the night?"

Wu Liuyi didn't say much when he heard this, but just put on the pants he had just taken off, and then covered himself with the quilt and lay down.

Tuo Yonggang still didn't believe it: "41, what you said is not true, right?"

Wu Zhe saw Wu Liuyi put on his pants, so he put on his pants too: "Just in case, 27, I think they can do this kind of thing."

Tuo Yonggang looked helpless: "Well, I was planning to sleep naked, so I'll just wear shorts. Anyway, I won't sleep in pants, it's too uncomfortable."

At 2:30 in the morning, the emergency assembly call sounded, and Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi put on their clothes and got ready.

Wu Zhe followed closely, and although Tuo Yonggang was slow

Some, but fortunately they can keep up.

In a panic, some people didn't have time to tie their belts, some left their hats in the dormitory, and some didn't even have time to button their shirts.

The result is predictable. Those who are slow will be deducted five points each.

Some people are not convinced and raise questions, of course they will continue to be deducted points.

"Okay, now I'll tell you a good news. I looked at the weather forecast before. Today's average temperature is 25°. It's a rare good weather in autumn. So, I decided to take everyone to greet the sun and have a 50-kilometer forced march. How about it?"

All the students were stunned. One student immediately reported: "Report, today is a rest day!"

"Whether it is a rest day or not is determined by the instructor, and the instructor has the right to change it at any time! Questioning the instructor will deduct 2 points."


"Speech on the 27th."

"Why Why don't you give me advance notice? "

"Or, I'll hire you a nanny. Deduct five points."


"Speech No. 39."

"Human physiology has its limits. Long-term lack of sleep, coupled with excessive exercise, will cause great damage to the human body."

Yuan Lang laughed: "Master of Optoelectronics, I think you chose the wrong major. The Master of Medicine didn't even speak, what did you say? Deduct two points. Also, don't speak in a sissy tone in the future."

Wu Zhe was about to stand up, but was pulled by Lu Cheng on the side.

Yuan Lang immediately noticed Lu Cheng's action: "What are you doing in the team? Deduct two points for No. 41!"

Although he was deducted points, Lu Cheng didn't say anything.

In this kind of assessment training, who can avoid being deducted points? No matter how well you perform, there will always be excuses to deduct your points, which will put you under psychological pressure.

"Okay, everyone, 50 kilometers of forced march, turn right, run..."

Run to the designated location, each person carries a log, and starts running with the instructor's jeep.

Fortunately, there are two handles on the log, which can be firmly grasped on both sides and carried on the shoulders.

From 2:30 in the morning, many people ran until dawn, and they couldn't hold on. Wu Zhe even vomited directly. Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi hurried forward to help him up.

The instructors on the side were still mocking: "With your ghost appearance, you still want to be a soldier king? The old lady selling popsicles outside can run faster than you. Aren't you ashamed?"

"Run faster!"

The further they ran, the heavier the logs on their shoulders were. Many people's necks were rubbed red, and some even had blood seeping out.

Sweat soaked their clothes, and fatigue and hunger squeezed everyone's physical strength.

But fortunately, everyone who can come here can also pass this first checkpoint, and no one is left behind.

After the 50-kilometer forced march, Yuan Lang asked the canteen to add two more dishes to supplement everyone's nutrition.

Back to the dormitory, everyone lay on the bed and didn't want to move. The next morning, before dawn, the trainees ushered in their first live-fire shooting.

"Within one minute, shoot all the bullets in the magazine! Ready, start!"

The soldiers in the first row, just when everyone saw the disassembled Type 95 rifle and the blurred target in the distance, couldn't help but complain: "Damn, the target is still unclear, and the gun is also disassembled!"

Although they were still complaining, everyone's actions did not stop at all, and they hurriedly assembled the guns and started shooting.

However, many people were touching the Type 95 rifle for the first time, and they were not familiar with the gun situation at all. In addition, the visibility was too low, and the effect of shooting can be imagined.

Lu Cheng was relatively better. He had also been trained in the disassembly and assembly of the Type 95 rifle in the military academy and was already quite skilled. He was the first to complete the assembly of the gun. He aimed at the target and pulled the trigger directly.

The 25 bullets in the magazine were fired one after another, and the sound of gunfire was heard.

Although Wu Liuyi, who was standing by, had never touched the Type 95 rifle, he also completed the assembly and shooting with his excellent skills.

Some people were a little flustered, and even found an extra part on the ground after assembling the gun.

"Report to the captain, target No. 1 has 3 shots on the target, No. 2 has 2 shots, No. 3 has 4 shots, No. 4 has 3 shots, No. 5 has 15 shots..."

Most people only hit two or three shots on the target, but Lu Cheng hit 15 shots on the target.

Yuan Lang glanced at Lu Cheng, then at the others: "9 people, 25 bullets each, a total of 36 bullets hit the target. I'm really ashamed of you. This shooting range has never seen such a bad result. Deduct 5 points from everyone."

A soldier in the team was a little unconvinced: "Report, the gun is disassembled, one minute is only enough for assembly."

"Emphasis on objective reasons. Deduct five points!"


Report, the gun is not calibrated. Instructor, how long does it take to calibrate a gun? "

"It's you again, No. 39, you can't shoot without sights? Talking to the instructor with this attitude, 5 points will be deducted."

"Report, I request to withdraw!"

The scene was quiet, and everyone looked at Tuo Yonggang standing at the end of the team.

Wu Liuyi, who was standing next to Tuo Yonggang, pulled him, but Tuo Yonggang still took a firm step forward and rejected Wu Liuyi's kindness.

Lu Cheng also knew that this would be the result. Tuo Yonggang's personality was not suitable for staying here...

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