Three days later, Konoha Scientific Research Department.

Eight Swords calmly waited outside.

Itachi and Sasuke had already been pushed into the operating room.

The eye change surgery performed by Tsunade and Orochimaru is not too much to worry about.

Just wait for the result.

However, it is worth mentioning that because of the age.

Sasuke’s evolution from Sangoyu to Kaleidoscope was extremely difficult.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Eight Swords very simply stimulated with Indra Chakra.

The newborn kaleidoscope has the same abilities as in the original.

Add Tsuchimei and Amaterasu.

One is to release black flames, and the other is to control the flame form.

It’s not bad that the straight kaleidoscope has this ability.

As for Madara’s straight kaleidoscope ability, Hachiken asked once before.

Passive abilities similar to amplified ninjutsu and increased agility.


No wonder his fire can be called a forbidden technique, all for a reason.

After changing eyes and adding the pink eye transplant potion exchanged from the System Mall, Yaken was sure that when they came down from the operating table, Konoha Village would have two more Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingans.

However, with Sasuke’s current body, it is not enough to open a complete body.

This point is also clear in Eight Swords’ hearts.

The use of Susanoo takes time.

Sasuke is still young, so there is no need to pull out seedlings to help them.

Indra Chakra had been guided out by the Eight Swords and slowly merged with Sasuke’s own body.

It is certain that even if Sasuke and Naruto die in the future, Indra Chakra and Asura Chakra will not be reborn.

Because the people who control these two types of chakra have completely disappeared.

Indra and Asura will also come to an end, completely absorbed by Naruto Sasuke, and become their power forever.

As for how far it can grow, Eight Swords doesn’t take it seriously, just let it be.

All in all.

They gained powers that were easier to grasp than in the original.

In the future, their achievements are not too low.

As for the eternal kaleidoscope of the weasel, Eight Swords is still looking forward to it.

In the original book, he left his eyes to Sasuke.

I couldn’t see the crimson complete body mustache.

How strong will his strength be?

Eight swords are not clear.


The logo during the operation is accompanied by a pleasant tone, which becomes the word complete.

Two hospital beds were pushed out by medical ninjas.

It can be seen that although they are blindfolded, the state of the two is still very stable.

“It worked.”

The big snake pill nodded at the eight swords, faintly envious.

The procedure went smoothly.

After all, the two are blood relatives, and there will be no rejection of the transplanted eye.

He was envious of these two people having such powerful eyes.

The known end point of the Sharingan.

To have such eyes at such a young age is a terrifying pupil power!

“Hard work.”

Nodding to the big snake pill, Eight Swords was just about to say something.

But he was a little uncomfortable by the burning gaze of Tsunade next to him.

“What about me? Am I not hard? ”

Squinting his eyes, Tsunade leaned in front of the eight swords and spat out three words.

“Borrow? Understand? Come? ”

It’s getting bolder.

Before I came over with a red face and asked myself if I had time, said to treat guests to a meal, and tactfully expressed my inner thoughts.

But now three short words have basically summed up everything.

Shrugging his shoulders, Eight Swords was not afraid of this.

By borrowing Tsunade, he has forgotten his original intention.

Anyway, she and Eight Swords originally lived in the same courtyard, and they did not take advantage of the “death” of Yue Yue Xiyan to get in.

So, get used to it.

“Have a good rest.”

Speaking to Itachi and Sasuke, Yachiken pulled Tsunade and turned away.




This time makes you desperate all at once.


The days of relative calm began.

The classified ninja realm moved slowly, and under the drive of several major ninja villages, the good news was frequently transmitted to the Hokage’s office.

Eight Jian would appear in the office on time every day and leave with a little glance.

The rest is left to his own appointed assistant, that is, Watergate.

It’s not a lot of work.

But the cultivation is still ongoing.

The evil ghost is more wooden sword eight, the power of instinct is vain, and the great sword is hawk-eyed Mihawk.

The three major templates are steadily improving every day.

For Bajian, he went to the training ground every day to swing his sword and sweat wantonly, returned to his home at night to think about which maid’s room to enter, or went to discuss with Azuki how to revitalize the Mitarai clan, or enter the account of Hongdou’s girlfriend Sunset Red to conspire together.

Or take a bath with the Yue Yue Xiyan private bath.

Or check the development of Hinata or Ino .

This is the trouble in the ordinary.

He loves this kind of life.

Unpretentious, but not boring.

But for Konoha’s new generation, spending the day is relatively difficult.

At this moment, Konoha gathered all the outstanding juniors of the ninja world.

For example, the black soil of Iwahide Village, the three giants of Sand Shinobi in the Land of Wind, the country of thunder who surrendered to the eight swords both mentally and physically, Samui, who was originally an apprentice of the eight-tailed human pillar force, and Nagajuro of the Mist Hidden Village, and so on.

As for the more special, it is Kaguya-kunmaro and other ninjas of Otohide Village.

The Great Snake Pill has already surrendered.

Junmaro, who lost his goal, found Hachiken and talked in detail, and finally decided to stay in Konoha.

In the Konoha training camp, they do not distinguish each other, do not have to think about the value and meaning of existence, they have only one goal.

Just to complete the special training of the first person in the ninja world, Yoruhachi Sword.

It’s an honor for them.

Advanced training for the Chu Ninja Exam.

Although I don’t know where this power is used after the ninja world becomes an iron plate.

But the fifth-generation Hokage Night Eight Sword said that after a while, he would expand the Night Lord’s squad and the Dark Division.

At that time, the first Strongest Ninja Tournament will also begin.

In order to get a good ranking, give an explanation to the ninja village that used to be his own.

They are willing to put in the effort.

And one night at night.

Hinata Ninji, who worked extremely hard during the day, came to the door of the fifth generation Hokage Night Eight Swords, knelt heavily on the ground, slammed his head three times, and then turned away.

The reform of the Hyuga clan has been completed.

When there was chaos in the examination room during the Chūnin exam, the scene of Ning Jifen being desperate made Hinata Hinata extremely appreciative.

He also understood that the time had come for Naruto-sama to directly announce the abolition of the caged bird system.

On that day, the Hyuga family was brightly lit, and countless ninjas from divided families gathered outside the door of Hinata Hinata’s house to thank them with excitement and madness.

Hinata Hinata herself was a little shocked that this happened.

I vaguely remember what Naruto-sama said.

“You can try, after the restrictions are lifted, they will work harder to protect the Zong family instead of thinking about rebellion.”

“Gratitude is always easier to control than restraint.”

He was convinced of that.

And the eight swords also fulfilled their promise to Hinata Ninji and became Hinata Ninji’s biggest benefactor in this life, a figure he looked up to all his life.

The unification of the ninja world is not slow.

Especially when Uchiha joined the dark part, the speed was exaggerated to a certain extent.

And when Uchiha showed great combat power, the ninjas of the dark part knew what kind of people their Naruto-sama had defeated.

Maybe it’s because of the eye of reincarnation, or whatever.

Uchiha’s complete body is much larger than Uchiha’s complete body.

Even with a single knife, it can chop a large mountain range.

Strong excessive.

Under this combat power, the Konoha coalition army that pushed the ninja world has begun to restrain the resistance forces.

In just three months, the rebels had completely surrendered.

This is as it should be.

At this moment, Konoha represents the peak combat power!

A successive report came into Konoha.

Matching this, on the central square of Konoha Village, there are more and more names on the Glory Meritorious Wall.

There are heroic sacrifices.

There are also those who kill the enemy heroically.

But either way, it is destined to be remembered by the people of Konoha Village.

Finally, the number of good news slowly decreased.

But that’s not a bad thing.

This represents a signal.

A signal of complete unification in the ninja world!

The final moment has come.

What Ye Bajian said during the Zhongnin exam became a fact!

Lead Konoha to completely calm the war.

End millennia-old disputes!

He did it.

Really did!

At this moment, Konoha has entered the real peak!

First Shinobi Village?

No, from this moment on, there is only one name in the ninja world.


Zonal management, multi-party administrative departments, national border line changed to zoning boundary.

The land of water renamed the sea capital, vigorously developed tourism, and the establishment of the pier made full use of the rich materials in the sea.

The mountains of the Land of Thunder have been transformed into new lands by the Nightingale Squad, and the people are organizing their people to grow food.

The Land of Earth, the Land of the Wind, is embarking on a reforestation plan under Yamato’s leadership, and it is foreseeable that a more prosperous life awaits them in the future.

When the policy was implemented, countless people bowed deeply to Konoha in the center of the continent.

After unification, the imaginary tyranny and heavy taxation did not appear.

The expanded Konoha Dark Ninja merely supervised and monitored the fruits of their labor, and did not deliberately embarrass them.

And a better life than before, let them completely surrender to the rule of Konoha, to the wisdom of the Yoruhachi Sword.

This is true peace!

Jiraiya, who has traveled through the ninja world, has also resigned from the Nighthawk squad, and has recorded all the changes in the ninja world in his new book.

People like him are destined not to like to fight and kill.

But the name of the book, called The Legendary Life of That Man.

It tells the life history of the Eight Swords of the Night and tells the legend.

Jiraiya has also decided to release this book.

Not for money, but to let people know more about the legend of Konoha Village.

He vowed to use every corner of the remaining life world to tell people how difficult life is now, and to pass the places where there are still unstable factors back to Konoha in the way of psychic beasts, so that Hokage can choose how to deal with it.

As for the daimyo of those countries?

What is useful is kept, and the useless ones are abolished as the nobility is called.

Only by being proactive can we achieve a better life.

A good life is reserved only for those who have a goal in their hearts.

It just depends on whether you are willing to spend the rest of your life approaching your goals.

This is a copy of the Will of Fire.

In addition to guarding, there is a deeper meaning.

That is, Naruto’s Shinobu in the future.

Be straightforward and do what you say!


“I don’t know how to say it.”

Half a year after the reforms.

The range was again expanded on the Hokage Rock of Konoha.

Uchiha Shisui smiled and looked down, while next to him, the gentle man Uchiha Itachi raised his head and stared at the sky.


The ferret lowered his head to look at the water.

“I don’t know how to describe my love for Konoha.”

“Probably even if you die, you want to keep your blood and soul in a corner, and then silently guard this village.”

Shui Shui laughed, and he who was changed by the eight swords finally saw everything he wanted to see.

He was thankful.

He took the wine gourd that the man threw over and took a sip.

If you had sneered at this man’s idea, where would you be now?

Know the man.

Become a best friend.

Although he did not achieve a true heart-to-heart connection like Itachi, he became the shadow of the eight swords.

But stopping the water is already satisfied.

Leaving a trace of himself in that man’s life, the word friend is well deserved.

I suddenly thought about the Night Scourge Squad at the beginning.

At that time, there were only Uchiha Itachi, Kakashi Kiki, and Yoruhachiken.

He was ordered to snatch the sword of the eight swords.

After thinking about it, Shuishui suddenly smiled.

After all, the path of Lord Tuanzo is wrong.

But maybe the original intention is the same as the eight swords, right?

But that’s okay.

With Eight Swords, and Itachi, Kakashi’s days of traveling to the Land of Thunder will be remembered for the rest of his life.

Support each other, rely on each other, and give your back to someone you trust.

This is a ninja!

“You’re still so sentimental.”

Itachi hugged his shoulders and took two steps forward to look at Konoha, and Yan Yan, who looked at the eight swords on the wall, smiled.

“I don’t know what Jiansang is doing now.”

A certain express hotel.

Tsunade, who was already poor and could not afford to open a suite, struggled to stand up.

The bastard is gone.

Fail again!

Could it be because I’m old?

What to do with the bloodline of the Thousand Hands clan?

Tsunade sighed.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and she is afraid that she still has to work hard.


I’m used to it anyway.


Walking out of the hotel, Eight Swords sneezed.

I don’t know what’s going on lately, and I always feel like someone is nagging me.

“Lord Fujun, in fact, the concubine body feels… If you want to leave future generations… The concubine body and you are the best match…”

“Why waste seeds…”

Kaguya of the spirit space whispered.

“You don’t understand, this kind of challenge, like a shot in a football game, the more difficult the goal is more painful.”

Eight Swords said matter-of-factly.

The principle is the same, anyway, the big snake pill said that there is no problem with his body, that is, the probability is slightly lower, but as long as the frequency is frequent, this thing is not a problem.

“And I’m still young, and I don’t have the heart to take children.”

Finally, adding a sentence, Eight Swords jumped to the commanding heights of Konoha Village.

“Minecraft, do you understand now?”

Refreshed, he took a sip of the second pot, and Eight Swords said to Kaguya.

“Well, the concubine knows that the previous practice was a bit stupid.”

Got into the arms of the eight swords and sniffed, Kaguya said with emotion.

“It’s more than stupid.”

“The Datumu clan uses the fruit of planting the divine tree to refine it into a pill, and after eating it, it maintains immortality and gains power.”

“Relatively speaking, their strength with the eye of reincarnation can be blocked by relying on the white absolute of the infinite moon reading?”

Helplessly touching the horn on Kaguya’s head, Eight Swords said.

Can Bai Je beat the big tube wood trio to protect the earth?

Eight swords laughed.

What kind of brain circuit is this girl?

“But counting the time, it’s almost time.”

Looking into the distance, the planning area that was about to be completed, Bajian smiled.

Konoha was promoted to the core of the ninja world.

And he, the Hokage of Konoha, is naturally also going further and becoming the leader of the entire world.

Since he is about to be crowned king, he should also be improved in all aspects of treatment.

But to be honest, the construction of a luxurious mansion was really not his initiative.

Instead, after seeing the changes in the ninja world, those ordinary people wanted to do something for the eight swords, and spontaneously organized themselves to ask for construction.

It feels good to be trusted.

Probably this palace-like mansion was the biggest reward he had received for so long.


The ninja world is completely unified.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

And just as the calm days continue.

A message traveled from Konoha to the ninja world.

The fifth generation Hokage Night Eight Swords.

The leader of the ninja world.

Deserving of the strongest person.

The wedding will take place in a month’s time.

At that time

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