The matter of Konoha’s White Fang, if you think about it, you can know that something is wrong.

Will a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse commit suicide directly because of the rumors in Konoha Village?


People whose strength can reach that level will basically not have a fragile mentality.

That’s how much autism you have to be sprayed to commit suicide.

According to Kenhachi’s analysis, this death has a strong hint.

Just like.

The king let the subjects die.

The situation in which the minister had to die.

Perhaps this kind of thing is incomprehensible in the second dimension.

But that’s the truth.

In the Second Shinobi World War, the name of Konoha White Fang was well known to the Ninja World.

The credit for Kiki Shuo Shigeru is not only the assassination of Chiyo’s son and daughter-in-law, and then calmly leaving in the siege.

In addition, he played a commanding role in many battles in the Land of Rain.

Excellent performance.

Konoha deserves to be a hero.

Minister of Konoha’s assassination unit!

But sometimes it’s not good to give too much credit.

His presence made the high-level of Konoha instinctively feel threatened.

Even if Kiki Shuo Shigeru couldn’t do anything to betray Konoha, a potential threat had already formed.

And his strength also makes it impossible for the top management to fully control.

Konoha needs the strong as dogs.

But this dog must be completely in his own control and obedient.

So Bofeng Shuimen is alive, but Qimu Shuomao is dead.

In fact, he doesn’t need suicide to solve the problem, and it’s no big deal that a hero becomes a sinner.

He didn’t want to die, and no one could judge him with integrity.

But he wanted to prove his heart with his own death.

Or rather.

Subordinate to the attitude of Konoha’s high-level.

Being in the bureau, Qimu Shuomao saw things more thoroughly.

Why did the companions who depended on him and were saved suddenly defect, why did countless statements against him suddenly spread out in the village, and why no one at the top stood up for him.

All this adds up to the end of Kiki Shuomao’s suicide.

But these, Kakashi did not see.

The root cause of his father’s death Kakashi was also not found.

I just understood my father’s approach in my heart.

Having abandoned the task for the sake of his companion, he chose the same as his father.

There was a big problem that he didn’t expect at all.

That is, his father died because his companion gave up the mission, but he is still alive.

Why not think about it?

Instead of telling Kakashi the truth directly from the perspective of some conspiracy, Kenhachi gave Kakashi a hint and let him find the answer on his own.

This method works well for people like Kakashi.

Of course, Kenhachi didn’t expect Kakashi to start disgusting Konoha because of a few words of his own.

That’s impractical.

Kakashi’s will wasn’t that fragile, either.

But lay the foreshadowing and watch things change.

That’s the fun thing to do.

Especially now, the Nine-Tails Rebellion is approaching.

When Kakashi’s last spiritual sustenance, his teacher also died.

That was his darkest hour.


Night sleep.

Konoha is brightly lit.

Crying could be faintly heard in the memorial forest where the memorial monument was buried.

There are a few more names on the memorial monument.

Even the corpse is not intact.

Inside the Hokage’s office, the atmosphere was particularly depressed under the deathly silence.

The three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper’s face was livid.

The wave feng shui gate next to him can only smile bitterly.

Below, Kakashi knelt on one knee and expressionlessly recounted what happened.

Sixteen people.

With the most elite pursuing force that Konoha was able to dispatch now, only Kakashi himself returned alive, and the others were all killed!

This result is too heavy, too heavy to accept!


The three generations finally extinguished the big tobacco bag and let out a long sigh.

“Kakashi is your man, you can handle this matter yourself.”

Shaking his head, Sarutobi left the Hokage’s office.

My people?

Watergate laughed.

Konoha has never had a personal ninja, they are all ninjas of the village.

This should be clear to three generations of adults.

But he actually spoke to himself in this tone.

Is it blaming Kakashi for doing things badly?

It’s clearly a ninja you chased without permission, right?

I also blocked it, it’s a pity that you didn’t follow my advice.

But with so many people dead, there must be an explanation.

This pot…

Looking at Kakashi, who looked calm, Watergate rubbed his temples with a headache.

Never mind.

Carry it yourself.

Kakashi is innocent.

The death of his companion again may have brought a heavy psychological shadow to Kakashi.

But if you think about it, is that child’s growth rate a little too fast.

Fast is worrying, even scary!

Watergate asked himself that with such an intensity of pursuing a ninja, he could kill a few whole bodies and retreat, but if he wanted to kill them all neatly and quickly, he was estimated to be injured.

According to what Kakashi said, Night Sword Hachi did not blush and his heart did not beat after killing Konoha’s elite squad, and even had a lot of spare strength, obviously not bursting out with full strength!

What does this mean?

In the future, all the pursuing ninjas in Konoha, he will not put it in his eyes.

Come as much as you want, kill as much as you want!

What a terrifying growth rate.

From the intelligence, it can also be sure that a little bit ago he needed to break out some kind of means to forcibly increase his combat effectiveness, but the combat effectiveness of Night Sword Eight at this moment is higher than the outbreak at that time!

Double knife rebellion!

No doubt, this was a terrifying disaster for Konoha.

In the future, the ninjas they are on missions outside must always be careful of the existence of the Night Eight Swords, and even have to tolerate each other’s activities in the territory of the Fire Country.

Is it a righteous rebellion?

Watergate smiled wryly.

“Pass the news down, and you can choose to abandon the mission after seeing the Night Eight Sword in the future, and you will not be punished.”

“Also, the area around the village should be guarded, and the ninjas in charge of patrolling the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan should be told to increase the garrison level.”

“You… Go down and have a good rest. ”

Now for sure.

To deal with Night Sword Eight, it is necessary to dispatch shadow-level ninjas, otherwise it is completely an act of sending death.

But now the Konoha Shadow-level ninja only has himself and Sarutobi Hinata.

So here’s the problem.

As a Hokage himself, he personally pursues the enemy, if the village is attacked if something goes wrong, who will resist this pot?

And he has fought with the other party, just his own words must not be able to take it, and he may even be injured.

Conservatively, he should leave Konoha with the third-generation Naruto Sarutobi to pursue the Yachi Sword, and also take the elite ninja of the Dark Division.

But this is completely impractical.


He doesn’t have any power to command three generations of adults to fight!

Decadent raised his head, what made Watergate wonder was that he had clearly let Kakashi go down, but he was still standing here.

“Anything else?”

Frowning, Watergate asked.

“Watergate teacher.”

As soon as he spoke, Watergate was stunned.

This is the Hokage Office.

According to the system of superiors and subordinates, Kakashi should call himself Hokage-sama.

In fact, he hadn’t heard this Watergate teacher for a long time.

I miss it.

Once the days when the Watergate class fought side by side.

“What’s wrong.”

The voice has softened a lot, and after so many years, maybe other things have changed a little, but the relationship between teachers and students has not changed.

“I want to know about my father.”

After a long silence, Kakashi suddenly spoke.

“White Fang-senpai?”

Watergate was stunned, completely unaware of what Kakashi was thinking.

Qimu Shuomao’s death is a pity.

But if you think about it, he may have understood the White Fang’s approach.

Entrust to one’s own son what can be entrusted with his own death.

Believe in your own son.

This kind of father is great, but also cruel.

If Kakashi couldn’t figure out the reason, he would probably fall into darkness for the rest of his life.

“I don’t know much about the words of Senior White Fang, but I can only say that he is not as fragile as you seem.”

Standing up and walking over to Kakashi, he patted him on the shoulder and Watergate comforted.

In his opinion, perhaps Kakashi saw his companion fall powerless in front of him again and began to think cranky.

“Have a good rest and rest, I don’t blame you for the matter of the Night Eight Swords, his strength is beyond our expectations, I am already very glad that you came back alive.”

Although he also wondered why Yoruhachi Ken hadn’t killed Kakashi alone, it didn’t matter.

Kakashi is still alive.

He was his only remaining disciple.


This time Watergate did not understand the meaning of Kakashi’s words.

Even his comfort was counterproductive!

“Father… Not so fragile? ”

Turning and walking out of Hokage’s office, Kakashi took a deep breath.

That’s what he wanted to hear.

If you are not so fragile, why do you want to commit suicide?

This is simply inconsistent!

Recalling the man’s words, Kakashi finally caught something.

Of course, he did not realize that he had fallen into Jianba’s calculations, and just investigated the truth of his father’s death from the perspective of a son.

In the past, he did not be a filial son.

When his father was most frustrated, he did not even understand his father’s abandonment of the task for the sake of his companions.

But when he chose to do the same thing as Kiki Shuomao, he understood his father.


Do his filial piety and make up for the regrets in his heart, this is the only thing he can do.

Night has fallen completely.

As dark as Kakassi’s changed path.


“Sa, I heard that Jian Bajun has been very diligent lately.”

Yu no Kuni.

Inside a certain hot spring.

Kenhachi is enjoying the comfort of washing away blood and dust after the killing.

Red beans are next door.

It was the big snake pill that soaked with him.

“Not only is cultivation diligent, but killing people is even more frightening.”

Leaning against the stone next to him, Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, as if to indicate that he was hungry for someone’s body… And his knife.

His eyes were on the two giant blades next to him.

To be honest, he was eager to see what was special about those two knives.

I didn’t find that ordinary knife could change its form before!

This really shocked him.

Knew earlier.

You should take a good look while Jianba is in a coma.

“Don’t hit their ideas, or you’ll regret it.”

Calmly wiping his body, Jianba reminded.

The slashing knife is not an ordinary sword.

With a knife with its own spiritual power, except for the sword eight can be held, the others can’t move at all.

Orochimaru didn’t speak.

But you can see it from the eyes.

He was gluttonous.

Would love to study.

Just as he was about to say something, the ground next to the hot spring squirmed, and a figure slowly appeared.

“I seem to have told you, don’t look for me after work.”

Tilting his head, Jian Ba, the only civil servant in Xiao’s organization, looked at Jue.

It’s his own way of life.

Even if he joined the Xiao Organization, in fact, no one could restrict him.

In addition to the regular meeting that must be attended, Kenba is still very free.

This is also because his cutting efficiency is extremely high and he has earned a lot of wealth for the Xiao Organization, so Payne does not have much opinion on this and turns a blind eye.


Hei Jue was a little crying and laughing.

There are really people who regard cutting people as work and Xiao Organization as a real organizational structure.

However, after cooperating for so long, he also understood that what Kenba called off work “is” the free time to do whatever he wants after completing each month’s target.

“That’s right.”

“There’s a private job.”

“I think Jian Bajun will be interested, so I came and asked.”

Jee explained.

Private work?

It’s really the first time I’ve heard of it.

The big snake pill next to him also showed a curious gaze.

Today’s coming to take a bath with Jianba was purely an accident.

Yu no Country also has his base, and he happened to come to get the information when he met Kenhachi, who came to have fun, so he stopped by and relaxed together.

By the way, tell Kenhachi about red beans.

Red Bean, who is obsessed with medical ninjutsu, has completely changed.

In order to be able to help Kenba, she studied those things all day, and even asked Orochimaru to get some information about strange powers and hundred heroes.


If Tsunade is here, a second ninja who has mastered the Muji Healing is about to appear.

“There is about to be a change in Konoha, and the man wants you to do a favor and go to Konoha to cause some chaos.”

“It’s up to you to what extent.”

Aroused the interest of the two, and continued.

Is Konoha about to change?

Jian Ba’s eyebrows suddenly realized.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion is approaching.

Obito is probably already aware of the day when the nine-tailed man Zhuli Uzumaki Jiu Shinna gave birth.

As for the source, it doesn’t matter if it was leaked by Kakashi who ran towards the memorial monument or if it was leaked by Danzo.

It is important.

Because of his own existence, he actually wants to bring himself while doing things with him.

Kind of interesting.

Squinting his eyes, Jian Ba fell into thought.

During his time in joining the Xiao Organization, Obito did not appear directly in front of him, because in a previous confrontation with Obito, Kenhachi had bluntly said that he was not Uchiha.

This alone is enough to make Obito cautious.

Including this transmission, it is also Obito to inform the so-called private work.

“Why do you think I’m interested?”

Turning his head, Kenba stood up from the hot spring, as if he had just been born, and he walked up to Jue without an inch and asked.

If I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with you.

What a horrible capital.

With a cough, he pointed to the Konoha brace scattered beside him.

The scratch on it is obvious.

“You should be interested in destroying Konoha.”


Jianba shook his head.

“Go back and tell him I’ll go to Konoha.”

“But it has nothing to do with his so-called private work.”

“Red Bean said.”

“She’s hungry for Konoha’s three-color balls.”

“That’s it.”


There is something going on today, and I have to go to the hospital in the afternoon.

I guess I have to run tomorrow.

Let’s change it for now. Come back and continue the codeword if you have time. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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