A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 109 I like watching women fight the most

"Ah, by the way, Xuezhu, I forgot to tell you something."

After saying that, Jiang Feng quickly pulled Xuezhu upstairs.

"Why are you still competing with a little girl who is twelve or thirteen years old? Do you really think she will like me when she grows up? Little girls' feelings change quickly." Jiang Feng said again.

Xuezhu chuckled: "That's right, I made a fuss out of a molehill."

However, Xuezhu didn't feel so in his heart.

Although most little girls' favorite things will change as they grow older. For example, when they were young, most girls liked princess dolls, but when they grow up, few people like them.

But Ye Banxia is different.

Although she is still only thirteen years old, she may be more mature than most female high school students, and can even be said to have an adult worldview.

Her three views and preferences have stabilized. Even if she grows to eighteen years old, the person she likes will probably still be Jiang Feng.

Of course, no one can say what will happen in the future.

From Xuezhu's point of view, she naturally hopes that Ye Banxia can "transfer love".

She was confident to deal with most of the women around Jiang Feng, but she was not so confident when it came to Ye Banxia.

At this time, the door to the bathroom on the second floor opened, and Shen Moli came out of the bathroom.

"What's your hobby? Standing in front of the bathroom and making love?" Shen Moli said lightly.

Shen Moli remained aloof.

Xuezhu ran directly over, hugged Shen Moli's arm, and said, "Moli, Jiang Feng wants to cuckold us."

Jiang Feng:.

He rubbed his head and said, "I'll cook for you."

Afterwards, Jiang Feng went downstairs to the kitchen.

Xuezhu and Shen Moli did not follow down, they were still on the second floor.

The Ye sisters are on the first floor.

After Jiang Feng entered the kitchen, Ye Banxia kicked Ye Mei's leg.

"What for?" Ye Mei asked.

Ye Banxia rolled her eyes: "Sister, it's not just men who can exploit every opportunity, women must also learn this trick."


"I told you to go to the kitchen and help Brother Feng cook!" Ye Banxia said with a dark face: "You are still sitting there like a crowd, looking stupid."

Ye Mei burst into tears.

She was scolded by her junior high school sister.

However, after she reacted, she had to admit that now was indeed a good opportunity.


Taking a deep breath, Ye Mei stepped into the kitchen.

"Jiang Feng, I. Let me help you cook." Ye Mei said.

"Okay. You help me cut that piece of tenderloin, and I'll make sweet and sour tenderloin for you." Jiang Feng said with a smile.


After a while, Jiang Feng suddenly said again: "Does Aunt Yu know that you and Banxia are eating at my house?"

Su Yu, the mother of the Ye sisters.

"Yeah." Ye Mei nodded.

Jiang Feng was surprised: "She's not angry?"

"I'm not angry, just a little unhappy." Ye Mei paused, then smiled and said: "But she is much stronger than before. If she had been before, she would have gone crazy a long time ago."

She paused and then added: "Since I visited your mother in the hospital last time, her mood seems to have become more stable."

Jiang Feng shrugged: "My mother also resorts to some unreasonable disasters. She obviously loves my father from the beginning to the end, but she is always regarded as a love rival for no reason."

Ye Mei smiled and said: "This matter is mainly caused by my father. In the past, he always praised Aunt Ying in front of my mother for being gentle and considerate. How can my mother tolerate her fiery personality?"

She paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and suddenly said: "Jiang Feng, don't praise one woman in front of another woman. You must learn from my father's lesson."

“It is indeed a valuable experience!”

The two of them just chatted without saying a word.

Ye Banxia stood at the door of the kitchen and sighed softly: "My good-for-nothing sister finally has a chance to be alone to talk about her parents?"

After a while, Ye Banxia suddenly entered the kitchen.

"I asked why I couldn't find my sister. It turned out that she was helping my brother-in-law cook." Ye Banxia said.


Ye Mei choked directly.

She blushed and said, "Don't talk nonsense, what kind of brother-in-law you are."

Ye Banxia glared at Ye Mei angrily.

Only then did Ye Mei react and became silent.

Ye Banxia came to Jiang Feng and said: "My sister is arrogant and duplicitous. She rejected your confession, but now she listens to the song "Later" every day. Have you heard of it? It was very popular before. I will give it to you. You hum a few lines: Later, I finally learned how to love, but unfortunately you had already disappeared into the sea of ​​people. Later, I finally understood through tears that some people will never be seen again once they are missed."

Ye Mei couldn't bear it anymore.

He directly dragged Ye Banxia out of the kitchen.

"Hey, Ye Banxia, ​​are you mocking me on purpose?" Ye Mei said with a dark face.

"Alas." Ye Banxia sighed: "Sister, although you and Brother Feng were born on the same day and grew up together, you still don't understand him. Brother Feng is a very soft-hearted person. I'm not mocking you for being miserable, this is a person. A strategy. For you."

Her eyes stayed on Ye Mei's plain chest for a second.

Ye Mei's face turned darker.

"In short, you need to change your strategy. Your primary goal now is to ensure that you don't get thrown off the bus, so that you have a chance to make a comeback." Ye Banxia added.

"But, isn't this kind of behavior a bit bitchy?" Ye Mei struggled.

"Do you think your competitors are aboveboard?? Xuezhu won't be a bitch if she uses her big D to seduce Brother Feng? Love is a war of intrigues. If you can't understand this, you'd better give up as soon as possible. I'm watching Just tired." Ye Banxia said again.


Ye Mei paused and looked at Ye Banxia, ​​slightly moved.

She originally thought that Ye Banxia just liked to read gossip, but as expected, the sisterly love was still deep, and she was still on her side.

At this time, Ye Banxia patted Ye Mei on the shoulder again and said earnestly: "Sister, come on. I like to watch women fight the most. If you leave early, you will lose a lot of fun."

Ye Mei:.

"You guy!"

Ye Mei had a dark look on her face.

"Help, brother-in-law, help."

Ye Banxia slipped into the kitchen, hid behind Jiang Feng, and said: "Brother-in-law, your wife obviously has no breasts, but she is so fierce. Where does she get the courage? Is her little sister cuter? ?”

Ye Mei stumbled after chasing her into the kitchen.

"Ye Banxia!" Ye Mei was really going crazy.

"The little sister I'm talking about is me, don't get it wrong." Ye Banxia said again.


Ye Mei is about to vomit blood.

Jiang Feng was also sweating slightly.

He knocked Ye Banxia on the head and said angrily: "Don't bully your sister."

"Tch, it seems that my sister-in-law does not have a wife to kiss her. But forget it, my sister-in-law's heart is as big as the sea, and I won't care about you."

After saying that, Ye Banxia hummed a little tune and left the kitchen.

Jiang Feng and Ye Mei were the only ones left in the kitchen.

Ye Mei felt embarrassed and wanted to escape from the kitchen, but Ye Banxia had quick eyesight and quickly closed the kitchen door.

"Hey, Ye Banxia, ​​open the door, hurry up!" Ye Mei said in the kitchen.

However, Ye Banxia ignored Ye Mei.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Let's continue cooking."

Ye Mei hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded: "Yes."

Outside the door, Ye Banxia also let go of the door handle.

She leaned against the door, silent, not knowing what she was thinking.


About half an hour later, Jiang Feng and Ye Mei prepared dinner.

Shen Moli and Xuezhu also came down from upstairs.

"Wow, my dear, dinner is so rich." Xuezhu said.

"My sister helped make it." Ye Banxia said.

"Well, Ye Mei can also cook." Xuezhu said.

"That's necessary. If you want to capture a man's heart, you must capture his stomach. My sister knew this when she was a child." Ye Banxia said.

"When you were a kid?"

"Yes. My sister fed Brother Feng milk when she was a child." Ye Banxia added.


Jiang Feng and Ye Mei were both choked now.

"Milk powder, she said milk powder." Ye Mei said quickly.

Ye Banxia added: "I heard that Brother Feng didn't like drinking his own milk powder when he was a child, so he liked to steal my sister's milk to drink."

Ye Mei's face almost turned into a red apple.

"Ye Banxia!"

Then, Ye Mei directly pulled Ye Banxia and left the Jiang family.

Xuezhu looked at Jiang Feng with a half-smile: "Jiang Feng, I didn't expect that you like to steal other people's things. This is Cao's potential as a thief."

Jiang Feng held his forehead with one hand: "Let's not talk about this, okay?"

Xuezhu smiled and said nothing more.

Shen Moli maintained a cold attitude throughout the audience and did not speak.

When they were about to eat, Jiang Feng looked at Xuezhu again and said, "By the way, Xuezhu, are you staying here for the night, or are you going back?"

Xuezhu glanced at Shen Moli, chuckled and said, "Go back."

She didn't want to dominate Jiang Feng all the time, she needed to make time for Shen Moli.

This is the 'silent agreement' between her and Shen Moli.

As for why this happened, it mainly stemmed from Xuezhu's inner uneasiness.

As mentioned earlier, Xuezhu has always had an indescribable and ominous premonition that lingers around him.

"If something happens to me one day, at least Jasmine will be with Jiang Feng."

That's what she thought.

"Then I'll see you off later." At this time, Jiang Feng said again.

Xuezhu nodded: "Okay."

After a while, Jiang Feng rode a two-wheeled electric bicycle and left Jiang's house with Xuezhu.

Xuezhu hugged Jiang Feng's waist.

This is not the first time Xuezhu has ridden on Jiang Feng's electric car, nor is it the first time Xuezhu has hugged Jiang Feng's waist.

But what's different from the past is that Xuezhu's hug seems to be stronger and tighter today.

Xuezhu's face was pressed against Jiang Feng's back and he suddenly said: "Jiang Feng."


"If I'm gone, will you miss me?" Xuezhu asked.

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know why, but I always have an unknown premonition." Xuezhu said.

Jiang Feng remained silent and did not speak.

After a moment, he said calmly: "I won't let you die."

"No one can escape death." Xuezhu said.

"At least, I won't let you die in front of me." Jiang Feng said calmly.

This time, it was Xuezhu's turn to be silent.

She is actually a very perceptive person.

Jiang Feng's feelings for her were very strong, even incomprehensible.

Based on the brief contact between her and Jiang Fengze, theoretically there should not be such strong feelings.

She also often felt that Jiang Feng looked sad when he looked at her.

It's just weird.

Then think of the ominous premonitions that I often have.

The combination of these things makes Xuezhu feel very ridiculous, but sometimes she also wonders: "Is Jiang Feng a reborn person?"

If this is true, then my future doesn't seem very optimistic.

Otherwise it would be difficult to explain Jiang Feng's strong and sad emotions.

She had asked Jiang Feng before, would she die?

But Jiang Feng did not answer directly, but said that everyone will die.

She asked Jiang Feng again if he had done a lot of things for her behind her back?

Jiang Feng didn't deny it, he admitted it.

He also said that there were some things that he couldn't tell her clearly now, but he hoped that one day, he could tell him everything.

"Reborn. So, what is my future?"

Xuezhu wanted to know, but she didn't dare to ask.

She struggled for a long time, and finally said: "Jiang Feng, I won't ask you anything else. Just tell me, will I die?"

Jiang Feng was silent for a long time before saying, "Yes."

Xuezhu's fingers trembled slightly.

"Can you live until my eighteenth birthday?" Xuezhu asked again.

That day was the day Xuezhu was going to confess his love to Jiang Feng.

"I don't know." Jiang Feng paused, clasped his hands, and said, "I won't let you die."

Xuezhu smiled.

She pressed her face against Jiang Feng's back again, smiled and said, "Thank you."

She didn't ask anything else.

Like how she died.

But they all say that secrets cannot be revealed.

The more information Jiang Feng reveals to her, the more detrimental it may be to Jiang Feng.

Xuezhu is not superstitious, but this matter concerns Jiang Feng's safety, so she is very cautious.

"But, rebirth, it's so awesome."

After knowing that Jiang Feng was a 'reborn person', many of Xuezhu's inner confusions were resolved.

For example, winning the lottery, or saving Dugu Narcissus.

"Ah, speaking of which, Jiang Feng even shouted before that he should not commit suicide. So, will I commit suicide in the future? Why?"

Xuezhu pondered: "If it were in the past, I might have killed the beast adoptive father, the accomplice adoptive mother, and others, and then committed suicide. But now I can no longer kill, but will I still commit suicide? Why?"

Xuezhu racked his brains, and all he could think of was that Jiang Feng was with other girls.

This is what Xuezhu cares about most now.

"Did I fail? Who did Jiang Feng choose?"

Xuezhu doesn't know.

The more I think about it, the more doubts arise in my mind.

A wry smile appeared on her lips.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have asked."

Jiang Feng seemed to sense Xuezhu's troubles, and then said: "I can't reveal too much to you. I'm afraid that the future timeline will deviate too much beyond my control. I will find a way to save you. So, don't be afraid. "

Xuezhu was silent.

At this moment, she figured out a lot of things.

Originally, she was in an abyss. Her life was swallowed up by the darkness around her, and she could not see the light.

But now she is sunny and cheerful, as if the dark years never existed.


Those depressing dark years were real, only because I was redeemed now.

And the person who redeemed himself was Jiang Feng.

Thinking about it carefully, ever since Jiang Feng caught him singing live in the classroom, his fate has been intertwined with Jiang Feng's.

Not long after, his hated adoptive father and adoptive mother died one after another, and Jiang Feng was once listed as a suspect by the police.

Xuezhu didn't think too much at first, only thinking that the death of his adoptive father and adoptive mother was the retribution they deserved, but looking at it now

"I'm afraid Jiang Feng was involved. He killed someone for me."

Thinking of this, Xuezhu hugged Jiang Feng tightly again and murmured: "What should I use to repay you?"

"It doesn't matter, you saved me. If it weren't for you, I would still be the decadent, inconspicuous, self-pitying guy. It's you who changed me." Jiang Feng said lightly.

In fact, strictly speaking, it was the letters from the future that changed him.

But the reason why there were letters from the future was mainly to save Xuezhu at the beginning.

It is not wrong to say that Xuezhu changed him.

Moreover, Xuezhu's sunny and cheerful personality really infected him.

Not only him, but also the people around him were infected and influenced by Xuezhu.

Xuezhu said nothing more.

About twenty minutes later, Jiang Feng took Xuezhu into Jiang University's campus by bicycle.

Xuezhu and Dugu Narcissus now live in the courtyard of the teachers' family in Jiang's courtyard.

After arriving at the downstairs of the family courtyard, Jiang Feng stopped the car.

"Okay, let's go home." Jiang Feng said.

"Aren't you going up?" Xuezhu paused for a moment, then put his ear next to Jiang Feng and whispered, "Sister Shuixian went to have dinner with her friends. You can do anything to me."

This time, she was not teasing Jiang Feng.

She means it.

She was mentally and physically prepared for Jiang Feng to come in.

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand, gently scratched Xuezhu's nose, and chuckled: "You can do these things only after you become an adult."

"Then what if I don't live to see my eighteenth birthday?" Xuezhu asked again.

Jiang Feng's fingers suddenly froze.

He fell silent.

To be honest, he didn't know whether Xuezhu, who was in a death loop, could survive until he reached the age of eighteen.

At this time, Xuezhu also lightly glanced at Jiang Feng's nose, and chuckled: "Just now, I lost my mind a little bit. But, I have calmed down now. I won't go to bed with you now. Because..."

She paused, then smiled and said: "If you want me now, there is a high probability that you will become a single-minded good man, but I don't want to be like this. This is unfair to other girls. If I die again unfortunately, they will I feel like they are my replacement. I don’t want that.”

She paused again, looked at Jiang Feng, her expression was calm and serious, and said: "Jiang Feng, if my death is unavoidable, if I can't grow old with you, then please be a scumbag."


Before Jiang Feng could react, Xuezhu ran upstairs.

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched.

"If Xuezhu was the heroine of the novel, she would be very popular. After all, it is rare to see a heroine who encourages the male protagonist to be a scumbag. Xuezhu is really different."

After a while, Jiang Feng gathered his emotions and left the family home.

The Jiangnan University campus at night is full of love atmosphere, and from time to time there are couples holding hands and 'swaggering' through the campus.

"As expected of a university, the atmosphere is completely different from that of a high school campus. Any high school couple who dares to show off and hold hands should just wait to invite their parents."

While thinking secretly, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Jiang Feng?"

Jiang Feng turned around and saw Dongfang Ju standing a few meters behind him.

Dongfangju is now a fifth-year student at Jiangnan University School of Medicine. Although she has found an internship unit, she has not officially graduated yet.

It's not surprising that she appears in Jiangda.

"It's really you." Dongfang Ju then walked over and said, "Why are you here? Are high school girls no longer interested and starting to hunt female college students?"

"What kind of hunting? It sounds so ugly." Jiang Feng paused, then smiled and said: "I just sent Xuezhu back."

"All right."

Dongfang Ju paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and said, "Has there been any progress regarding Zhao Fang?"

Jiang Feng shook his head.

In the morning, he originally thought that since he had already skipped class, he might as well go find Cheng Guo.

It was the young woman who jumped into the river.

She was also the intern who performed abortion on Zhao Fang.

But at noon, Dugu Narcissus called and told him about the popularity of "Parker".

Then, he spent the entire afternoon staring at the sales figures in the backstage of "Pak the Phantom", completely forgetting about looking for Cheng Guo.

However, this matter is not particularly urgent.

Because even if Cheng Guo is found, there may not be anything gained.

Han Yu said that Zhao Fang’s case involved a big shot.

From what she said, even Tian Zhonghui couldn't afford to offend her.

Cheng Guo was even more untouchable.

Jiang Feng calmed down, looked at Dongfang Ju, and said, "Where is your mother? Still missing Tian Zhonghui?"

Dongfang Ju shook her head: "My mother was completely angered by the fact that Tian Zhonghui put a camera in the bathroom. Although Tian Zhonghui denied it, my mother no longer trusts him."

"That person is so shameless!" Jiang Feng also had a arrogant look: "He secretly put a camera in your bathroom, what a pervert!"

Dongfang Ju rolled her eyes: "Keep acting."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you frame the camera to frame Tian Zhonghui?" Dongfang Ju asked again.

Jiang Feng's scalp was numb: "How...how could it be?"

Dongfangju just smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Feng wiped his cold sweat and finally said: "Well, Sister Ju, when did you find out?"

Dongfang Ju smiled: "At that time, I thought it was Tanaka Hui who blew it, which made me very angry. However, later, when I thought about it carefully, I found a lot of doubts. You suddenly asked my mother if she had ever brought Tanaka Hui home? It’s very abrupt.”

"I also want to help my aunt make up her mind to break up with Tian Zhonghui. Although my methods are disgraceful, my starting point is good." Jiang Feng said.

"I know, I don't blame you. It's just..."

Dongfang Ju paused, then said with a half-smile: "Jiang Feng, what do you mean by carrying a pinhole camera with you when you meet me? Did you secretly take pictures of my skirt while eating?"


Jiang Feng choked.

"Absolutely not! Besides, although you are wearing a skirt, you are wearing thick stockings. Even if you were secretly photographed, you won't be able to see anything." Jiang Feng said.

Dongfang Ju smiled slightly: "You want to see it?"

She also deliberately lifted the hem of her skirt.

"No." Jiang Feng swallowed and said bravely.

His tone was not very firm.

After all, this female school doctor intern is a stunner with a stunning figure.

Who in adolescence has not had sexual fantasies?

At this time, Dongfang Ju suddenly approached Jiang Feng and said, "Do me a favor, I can show you."

"Look at what I'm saying. It's right for me to help you. It's not just to satisfy my voyeuristic desire." Jiang Feng paused and then asked, "What's the favor?"

Dongfang Ju then whispered something to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's expression gradually became serious.


He was obviously hesitant.

After a while, Jiang Fengcai said again: "Let me think about it."


"Then I'll go back first." Jiang Feng said again.

Dongfang Ju waved her hand: "Bye."


Half an hour later, Jiang Feng returned to Jiang's house.

Shen Moli has already returned to her room.

"Jasmine hasn't been in a good mood lately. Are you jealous?"

Jiang Feng wasn't too sure about this either.

After staring at Shen Moli's room for a moment, Jiang Feng looked back.

He then took a shower and returned to his room.

It was ten o'clock in the evening, two hours before the twentieth future letter.

But Jiang Feng had already taken out his notebook from the bedside table.

He was nervous.

I haven't been this nervous for a long time.

Because he did something today that may have a great impact on the future.

That means telling Xuezhu that she will die.

Although he did not reveal other things, the information of death was enough to change many things.

Jiang Feng doesn't know what kind of future this information will lead to.

He was nervous.

He doesn't know what the new future will look like?

In fact, telling Xuezhu about her death was not because Jiang Feng was hot-headed.

Xuezhu has obviously entered a death loop now, so Jiang Feng must find a breakthrough.

Telling Xuezhu that she was going to die was Jiang Feng's exploratory strategy.

This bold attempt may usher in a better future, or it may make the future worse.

At this moment, the fear of the unknown engulfed Jiang Feng's emotions.

Make him restless.

"By the way, Dongfang Ju asked me to help. I don't know if my future self has helped her."

Jiang Feng fell into deep thought.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.


Jiang Feng then stood up and opened the door.

But it wasn't Shen Moli who knocked on the door.

"Why are you at my house??"

Jiang Feng looked at the other party with a surprised expression.

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