A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 123 Mom, are you trying to steal a man from my bestie?

Jiang Feng searched the Internet.

Ruixing Coffee is now facing a crisis of broken capital chain after experiencing financial fraud, huge fines, and infighting among the company's top executives.

If things go wrong, bankruptcy is possible.

In the past two days, the new management of Ruixing Coffee has been in Jiangcheng and is visiting venture capital companies in Jiangcheng door to door.

But it seems that the situation is not optimistic.

According to a well-informed financial self-media in Jiangcheng, Jiangcheng's established venture capital firms closed their doors to refuse visits to Ruixing Coffee, and Ruixing's financing was in vain.

Jiang Feng thought for a while.

Although he is not optimistic about Ruixing's comeback, he will not lie to himself in the future.

"Forget it, let Mr. Zhuang have some contact with Ruixing Coffee tomorrow."

There is nothing particularly urgent about this twenty-second future letter.

Jiang Feng yawned.

"I can finally get a good night's sleep."

But as soon as he lay down, his cell phone rang.

It's from Xia He.

"Sister, you are so good at picking the time, I almost fell asleep." Jiang Feng said helplessly.

"When you called me yesterday, I was just about to fall asleep. I didn't complain that you were disturbing me." Xia He said.

"Okay." Jiang Feng yawned and said, "What's the matter?"

"Didn't you ask me to check the license plate? Now I have the result." Xia He paused and then said: "The license plate is a fake one. I suspect that he is the driver of the black car who robbed and killed the passengers at noon. You can see his face clearly. Yet?"

Jiang Feng thought for a while and then said: "Yes."

He actually didn't see it. The other person was wearing a mask at the time.

But now he has learned through future letters that that person is Dugu Shuixian and Ji Wuse's father Ji Qingfeng, which can confirm his identity.

But identifying him doesn't mean he will be caught.

If he didn't cooperate with the police, he wouldn't be able to catch Ji Qingfeng.

"Where are you now? I'm going to find you." At this time, Xia He said again.

"I'm at home."

"Then should I go to your house, or should I wait for me in front of your house?" Xia He asked again.

"My family is all asleep. I'd better wait for you at the door." Jiang Feng said.


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Feng tidied up and quietly went downstairs to the door of the restaurant on the first floor.

Standing at the door, Jiang Feng yawned.

He was really sleepy.

After a while, a police car arrived.

Xia He came down from the back row.

"Jiang Feng."

Xia He said hello.

Jiang Feng then walked over and sat in the back row with Xia He.

The driver was a young policewoman.

It seems to be Xia He's subordinate.

After sitting in the car, Xia He immediately said: "Jiang Feng, tell me about your encounter with the illegal car driver."

"I met him near the Blue Sky Building office building, but that's meaningless. The important thing is to track where he went after leaving our Xinghua Village."

Jiang Feng paused, then pointed to the north and said, "He went north. You can call the surveillance cameras along the street to see where he went."

"Do you still remember his appearance? Can you recognize that person when you see him?" Xia He asked again.

"Should." Jiang Feng said.

He was going to wait until dawn and ask Ji Wuse for a family photo of their family from before.

In this case, you will know what Ji Qingfeng looks like.

Jiang Feng paused, yawned, and then said, "Is there anything else? If not, I'll go back to sleep."

Xia He smiled: "We have to fight all night. The leaders above said that this black truck driver is extremely vicious. If he is not caught early, other innocent people may be killed in the short term. If you are sleepy"

She paused, patted her leg, and chuckled: "Sleep here."

Jiang Feng looked suspicious: "Isn't this fishing law enforcement? No, I just laid down on it, you are going to accuse me of molesting the policewoman, right?"

Xia He rolled his eyes: "In your eyes, I am this kind of person. You are my savior, how could I frame you?"

At this time, Jiang Feng yawned again.

"Ah, never mind."

Afterwards, Jiang Feng rested his head on Xia He's lap and fell asleep quickly.

He is too sleepy.

After Jiang Feng fell asleep, the policewoman driving the car laughed and said, "Wow, Captain, this is the legendary knee pillow. If the male bachelors in our team saw this, they would definitely be jealous."

"Don't make trouble."

Xia He paused, lowered his head slightly, and looked at Jiang Feng, who was sleeping soundly on her lap.

"Asleep, he still looks like an ordinary eighteen-year-old boy. He is eighteen years old, there is a difference of ten years."

Xia He was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Jiang Feng woke up again, it was already seven or eight in the morning.

Although he was still lying in the police car, Xia He was no longer in the car.

Jiang Feng then got out of the car.

This is the entrance of a police station affiliated with Jiangcheng Police Department.

Xia He happened to come out of the police station.

"Jiang Feng, you're awake," Xia He said.

Jiang Feng nodded, and then said, "Have you found the black driver?"

Xia He shook his head: "He left the city. There was a lack of surveillance outside the city and he was unable to be tracked. However, our police have set up a dragnet in Jiangcheng. As long as he dares to drive that set of cars into the city, we will definitely catch him. Take it."

"What if he changes his license plate again?" Jiang Feng said.

Xia He choked up for a moment.

"This" Xia He paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Jiang Feng said nothing.

He did have a note.

Ji Qingfeng most likely came to Jiangcheng after Ji Wuse came to Jiangcheng.

Yesterday, he had a conversation with Jiang Feng.

His accent doesn't sound like Jiangcheng accent.

If you live in Jiangcheng for a long time, you will definitely have the local accent of Jiangcheng.

In other words, if Ji Wuse, mother and daughter are followed, there is a high chance of catching him.

"Speaking of which, Ji Qingfeng has been invisible for so many years, why did he suddenly kill people in Jiangcheng?"

After gathering his emotions, Jiang Feng suddenly said: "Sister Xia He, who was the passenger who was robbed and killed by the driver of the black car yesterday?"


Xia He hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "The passengers are paparazzi, who specialize in following and secretly photographing celebrities to dig up scandals, and then blackmail them. They are not good people anyway. Of course, one code equals another, and the deceased is a scumbag, but he is not Justifiable reason for the murderer to rob and kill.”

Jiang Feng said nothing.

If the predictions are correct, the robbery was just to cover up the real motive of the murder.

"The paparazzi probably captured some secrets of Ji Wuse or Sister Shuixian. Huh?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

He had a hunch that Ji Qingfeng's murderous journey was not over.

"If he comes for revenge, then the next target of his revenge will be"

At this time, Xia He's cell phone suddenly rang.

She pressed the answer button, and then her expression changed drastically.

"What?! Okay, I understand, I'll be there right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Xia He looked at Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng, there is a new case. I have to go and take a look. I won't send you back. You can take a taxi back."

"What happened?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Well, Tanaka Hui from Huatian Hospital was found dead in a ditch on the side of the road." Xia He paused, with a solemn look on his face, and said, "He had his head cut off."

Jiang Feng's expression also changed drastically.

He had actually guessed that Tian Zhonghui might become Ji Qingfeng's revenge target, but he didn't expect Ji Qingfeng to act so quickly.

"Besides, this attack is too cruel. I'm afraid this guy has already killed him."

Jiang Feng was also frightened.

He didn't know what would have happened if he hadn't had an idea and Shen Moli's cooperation to get him home safely last night?

Suddenly I felt a chill in my neck.

"not good!"

At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed slightly.

"Han Yu is in danger!"

It was obvious that Ji Qingfeng wanted to kill all the bad guys who had bullied his two daughters.

"The twenty-second future letter in the early morning did not mention the murder of Tanaka Hui today. The future has been changed. What happened while I was asleep?"

By the time Jiang Feng came to his senses, Xia He had already driven away.

The river breeze made me sweat slightly.

"This woman is also a workaholic. She didn't sleep at night and she is still so energetic."

After a while, Jiang Feng calmed down and sent a message to Shen Moli, but did not receive a reply.

Didn't she bring her cell phone to school today?

Jiang Feng then sent another message to Mo Lan: "Sister Mo Lan, I have something to take off this morning."

"Jasmine asked for leave for you." Mo Lan replied quickly.

After that, Jiang Feng called Dongfang Ju again.

He told her about Tian Zhonghui's murder and asked her to hide her mother.

Later, Jiang Feng came to the roadside and prepared to hail a taxi to Jiangcheng Xinghai Middle School.

Xinghai Middle School includes junior high school and high school.

This is a private school in Jiangcheng, and the tuition is extremely expensive.

Currently, Zhuang Yao and Ye Banxia are studying in this school.

According to the twenty-second future letter, Zhuang Xuening’s ex-husband Wang Hui will go to Xinghai Middle School to take Zhuang Yao away at ten o’clock today.

Although there are still two hours until ten o'clock, the sudden death of Tian Zhonghui makes Jiang Feng worry that this butterfly effect will affect Wang Hui.

Of course, Wang Hui and Ji Qingfeng have no connection, and theoretically it will not have an impact on his actions, but it doesn't matter if he goes early just in case.

Just then, a taxi drove over.

Jiang Feng waved.

After the taxi stopped, Jiang Feng looked at the driver out of caution.

The driver was not wearing a mask and looked like a young man in his twenties or thirties.

Jiang Feng felt relieved, opened the rear door, and sat in the back seat.

"Master, go to Xinghai Middle School." Jiang Feng said.

The driver said nothing.

Started the car.

But soon, Jiang Feng discovered that something was wrong.

"Master, you are going the wrong way."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Feng suddenly became nervous.

Because, after sitting in the car and getting closer to the taxi driver, Jiang Feng noticed that something was wrong with his face.

It's like wearing a 3D human face bionic mask.

It's hard to tell from a distance, but if you look up close, you can still see some differences.

"Fuck, you can't do that?!"

Jiang Feng tried hard to control his emotions.

At an intersection, Jiang Feng took advantage of the moment the taxi stopped and immediately pulled the door to escape from the taxi.

But the door didn't open!

"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to kill you." At this time, the taxi driver spoke again.

But the voice has changed to that of the driver of the black car yesterday.

"It is indeed Ji Qingfeng!"

Cold sweat fell from Jiang Feng's forehead.

This guy is crazy.

He killed two people in a row in Jiangcheng, and instead of running away, he was still in the city, even lying in ambush at the door of the police station.

This is completely dark under the lamp!

"Well, you are yesterday's taxi master, right? Excuse me, what do you want me to do?" Jiang Feng said bravely.

"I am the biological father of Dugu Shuixian and Ji Wuse." Ji Qingfeng said directly and calmly.

Jiang Feng was stunned.

He didn't expect Ji Qingfeng to admit it so simply.

Jiang Feng smiled bitterly: "When was I followed by you? Yesterday?"

"You were under my surveillance a few days ago." Ji Qingfeng said calmly.

"Why are you spying on me?"

"What's your relationship with Dugu Narcissus?" Ji Qingfeng asked.

Jiang Feng gritted his teeth and said, "I saved Sister Narcissus once before, and we are friends now."

"Thank you." Ji Qingfeng said.

Jiang Feng didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, the green light turned on and Ji Qingfeng finally started the car.

But Jiang Feng gradually calmed down.

He looked at Ji Qingfeng and said: "I heard from Sister Narcissus that you abandoned her at the door of the orphanage. I thought you were an extremely irresponsible person. But you killed Tanaka Hui for Sister Narcissus. I I don’t understand.”

"Oh? Did you guess that I was the one who killed him?" Ji Qingfeng was a little surprised.


"Yes, he is quite smart. No wonder he can deceive my two daughters." Ji Qingfeng added.

Jiang Feng quickly said: "Uncle Qingfeng, you are wronged. I definitely did not play with your daughter's feelings."

"I know. Otherwise, you would be a corpse now." Ji Qingfeng said lightly.

Jiang Feng became silent.

At this time, Ji Qingfeng sighed and added: "It was me and not me who abandoned Narcissus at the door of the orphanage."


These words immediately stunned Jiang Feng.

"What's the meaning?"

Ji Qingfeng shook his head: "I'm sorry, there are some things I can't tell you. I'm looking for you today because I hope you will protect Narcissus and Five Colors for me."

"Are you going to abscond or surrender?" Jiang Feng said weakly.

"I can't be caught by the police, otherwise something big will happen." Ji Qingfeng added.

The river breeze made me sweat slightly.

"This guy talks mysteriously. Could it be that he also has a mental problem?"

However, Jiang Feng didn't dare to say that.

After all, this guy really kills people.

"Speaking of which." At this time, Ji Qingfeng glanced at Jiang Feng in the rearview mirror and smiled: "I have seen you before, but you really seem to be a different person now, especially in terms of temperament. Before, you looked lifeless, but now you are cheerful and confident."

Jiang Feng was surprised again: "Have you seen me before? When did you meet me?"

Ji Qingfeng's eyes flickered, and then he said: "Well, it was a long time ago."

"Where did you meet?" Jiang Feng asked again.

"Forgot." Ji Qingfeng said.

Clearly, he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

When Jiang Feng saw this, he did not continue to ask further.

Soon after, the taxi arrived at Xinghai Middle School.

"We're here." At this time, Ji Qingfeng said with a serious expression: "Jiang Feng, what I told you today must not be told to others."

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched and he thought to himself, "You don't seem to have said anything to me."

But he still nodded on the surface.

"Go down." Ji Qingfeng said again.

Jiang Feng then got out of the car.

At this time, Ji Qingfeng lowered the window and said calmly: "Don't think about cooperating with the police to arrest me. I don't want to hurt your family."

After saying that, Ji Qingfeng drove away directly.

Jiang Feng stared at Ji Qingfeng's car.

Jiang Feng didn't look back until the taxi disappeared from his sight.

"This guy actually threatened me."

Although he felt unhappy, Jiang Feng did not dare to ignore Ji Qingfeng's threat.

After a while, Jiang Feng sighed and said to himself: "Forget it, I have provided enough information to the police, which can be regarded as fulfilling my civic duty. Whether Ji Qingfeng can be caught later depends on the ability of the police."

While thinking secretly, a pink Audi A5 car slowly drove over.

But what surprised Jiang Feng was that the car owner turned out to be a man in his thirties.

"Tsk tsk, every man has a pink dream in his heart."

After the man parked his car, he started talking on the phone non-stop, and at one point he even wanted to rush into the school.

It seems that he is looking for someone.

Jiang Feng also saw the other party's identity.

"It should be the dealer's original son-in-law, Wang Hui."

In fact, Jiang Feng had no ill intentions towards his son-in-law.

After all, everyone has a way of choosing life.

But as a live-in son-in-law, when the woman provides food, clothing, housing and transportation, it is a bit too much to use the woman's money to raise a lover outside.

To put it another way, a man marries a wife and works hard to make money for his wife, but in the end, the wife uses her husband's money to raise a pretty boy outside.

Who wouldn't be angry at this?

After another good meeting, a girl came out of school.

It was Zhuang Yao.

Jiang Feng glanced at the time, it was exactly ten o'clock.

"It seems that the butterfly effect caused by Ji Qingfeng's sudden killing of Tian Zhonghui did not affect Wang Hui's robbery of the child."

After Zhuang Yao came out of school, Wang Hui coaxed and coaxed Zhuang Yao to his car.

"Zhuang Yao, please get in the car, your mother is still waiting for us." Wang Hui said.

"Really? My mother has despaired of you, how could she remarry you?" Zhuang Yao looked suspicious.

"Dad knew he was wrong. He knelt down and begged for mercy for a long time. Your mother relented and agreed to remarry me. I will take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau to witness your parents' remarriage now," Wang Hui said.

It sounds like it's true.

Zhuang Yao seemed to gradually believe it.

"Yao Yao, get in the car, we are in a hurry." Wang Hui urged again.


Just when Zhuang Yao was about to get in the car, Jiang Feng suddenly came out from the side.

"Zhuang Yao? What are you going to do?" Jiang Feng said.

Zhuang Yao was also very happy when she saw Jiang Feng.

"Brother Feng, why are you here?" Zhuang Yao said.

Jiang Feng sweated slightly and thought to himself: "Your mother asked me to call her sister, and you called me brother. I don't know how to differentiate between generations."

After gathering his emotions, Jiang Feng looked at Zhuang Yao and chuckled: "I came to deliver something to Banxia, ​​but I can't seem to get in and can't contact Banxia."

"I'll call her for you!"

Zhuang Yao is very enthusiastic.

Wang Hui said quickly: "Yao Yao, your mother is still waiting for us."

"Then I'll call her and ask her to wait for us for a while," Zhuang Yao said.

"I told you just now, I left in a hurry and didn't bring my mobile phone with me," Wang Hui said.

"Brother Feng has a mobile phone." Then Zhang Yao ran to Jiang Feng and said, "Brother Feng, can you use your mobile phone to call my mother?"

"Okay." Jiang Feng chuckled.

Then he took out his cell phone.

When Wang Hui saw it, he became anxious and rushed over, took away Jiang Feng's cell phone and smashed it on the ground.

"Your sister!"

Jiang Feng had a dark look on his face: "What are you doing!"

Wang Hui finally calmed down now.

His eyes flickered, and then he suddenly picked up Zhuang Yao and stuffed her into the car.

"What are you doing? Let go of Zhuang Yao!"

Jiang Feng rushed over and fought with Wang Hui.

Zhuang Yao took the opportunity to run out and shouted loudly: "Help, help."

The guards at the campus gate rushed over immediately and pushed Wang Hui to the ground together.

About twenty minutes later, the police car and Zhuang Xuening arrived here almost at the same time.

After the police questioned him, they put Wang Hui in a police car and took him away.

"Mom, dad broke Brother Feng's cell phone." Zhuang Yao said holding a cell phone with a broken screen.

Zhuang Xuening took the phone, then came to Jiang Feng, and looked at the injuries on Jiang Feng's face, full of guilt.


Jiang Feng smiled: "It's okay."

"I'll take you to the hospital and buy you a new mobile phone." Zhuang Xuening said.

“It’s really not necessary”

Before she finished speaking, Zhuang Xuening took Jiang Feng's hand and led him to her car.

"Yao Yao, you go back to class. Remember, no one can go with you except your mother," Zhuang Xuening said.

"What if Brother Jiang Feng comes to pick me up?" Zhuang Yao asked again.

Zhuang Xuening choked on her words.

She glared at Zhuang Yao first, and then said: "If your uncle Jiang Feng comes to pick you up, you can go with him."

"Why did you become uncle Jiang Feng? He is obviously the elder brother." Zhuang Yao said.

"Stop talking nonsense and go back to school quickly." Zhuang Xuening said again.

"Hmph, you must think I'm a light bulb. But, mom, what should I do if you compete with Banxia for Uncle Jiang Feng? Who should I support? I want to support Banxia, ​​but I also want Uncle Jiang Feng to be my dad."

Zhuang Yao looked very troubled.

Over there, Zhuang Xuening was about to collapse.

"Zhuang Yao! Go back to school quickly." Zhuang Xuening said with a dark look on her face.

"Oops, the tigress is going crazy."

After Zhuang Yao finished speaking, he ran away.

inside the car.

Zhuang Xuening brushed her bangs in front of her forehead, feeling a little embarrassed, and explained: "I'm not usually so fierce. I was only made angry by this child like Zhuang Yao."

Jiang Feng smiled: "You're cute when you're angry."

"Cute?" Zhuang Xuening sweated slightly: "I am a woman in her thirties, and you call me cute."

"You can't be cute in your thirties? Who made the rule?" Jiang Feng asked rhetorically.

Zhuang Xuening was choked up for a moment.

After a while, Zhuang Xuening calmed down instantly.

She smiled and said: "Let's go to the hospital first. It just so happens that the main hospital of Huatian Hospital is nearby."

When Zhuang Xuening drove Jiang Feng to the Jiangcheng Main Branch of Huatian Hospital, several police cars and many policemen were parked here.

Jiang Feng also saw two familiar people among them.

Xia He and Lu Ming.

They both came.

Tanaka Hui was a celebrity in Jiangcheng. He was killed, and the murderer's methods were particularly cruel, which naturally attracted the attention of the police.

This case is currently jointly handled by two criminal police squadrons, Xia He and Lu Ming.

"What's going on? Why are there so many police?" Zhuang Xuening looked confused.

Tian Zhonghui's body was only found in a ditch on the roadside at 8 a.m. Zhuang Xuening did not know that Tian Zhonghui was dead.

Jiang Feng also looked solemn.

For him, although Tian Zhonghui's death was very satisfying, it also had potential risks.

If Tanaka Hui's death had exposed Huatian Real Estate's financial crisis in advance.

This is what Jiang Feng is most worried about.

Because the financial storm of Huatian Real Estate will lead to Xuezhu's death.

Secretly, Xia He saw Jiang Feng in the car.

His expression was happy.

Came over quickly.

But then, she saw Zhuang Xuening in the car.

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