A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 127 Back to the past

Ji Qingfeng does wear a watch on his left wrist, but it is not a mechanical watch. It looks like a smart watch.

And it was a style that Jiangcheng had never seen before.

Full of technology and high-end feel.

At this time, Ji Qingfeng also noticed Jiang Feng's gaze and said, "What? Are you attracted to my watch?"

"Is this a smart watch? What brand is it? I've never seen this kind of smart watch." Jiang Feng said.

"This is just an experimental product in the laboratory. It has not been put on the market. Of course you have never seen it." Ji Qingfeng said.

"Which manufacturer is it from? It looks very high-end."

"This is a smart watch with holographic projection technology. Of course it is advanced." Ji Qingfeng said.

"Holographic projection? Nothing rare now, right? Many stage performances use 3D projection technology."

Ji Qingfeng rolled his eyes: "Shit. The so-called holographic projection used now is just a quasi-holographic projection technology that uses Pepper's illusion, edge blanking and other methods to achieve 3D effects. It is not a true 3D holographic projection. The real Holograms contain amplitude and phase information in light waves. Got it?”

Jiang Feng shook his head violently.

"do not understand at all!"

Ji Qingfeng looked at Jiang Feng, with a hint of confusion in his eyes, and thought to himself: "This guy does seem to understand. Could it be that I guessed wrong?"

At this time, Jiang Feng looked expectant again: "Although I don't understand it, it seems to be very powerful. If this smart watch comes on the market, it will definitely be snapped up. By the way, Uncle Qingfeng, whose product is this? ah?"

"Blackstone Group."

Jiang Feng was extremely surprised in his heart, but said calmly: "I've never heard of it."

Blackstone Group is an investment group with nine publicly traded companies.

These publicly traded companies are well-known, but their parent company, Blackstone Group, is not well-known to the general public.

There are many such companies.

For example, the parent company of the well-known domestic skin care brand Chando, Jialan Group, is little known.

"Forget it if I don't know. I'm hungry." At this time, Ji Qingfeng said again.

"What do you want to eat? I'm treating you today." Jiang Feng said.

Ji Qingfeng ordered a beef ramen.

However, the downstairs is already full and there is no room left.

"Uncle, I'll take you upstairs." Jiang Feng said.

He knew that Ji Qingfeng came to him for something.

Ji Qingfeng didn't say anything, and then followed Jiang Feng upstairs to Jiang Feng's room.

"Uncle Qingfeng, can I see your smart watch?" Jiang Feng asked again.

"Look." Ji Qingfeng gave his smart watch to Jiang Feng.

After getting the smart watch, both the material and the built-in functions are obviously more advanced than the smart watches currently on the market.

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered.

The only electronic product company under the Blackstone Group is Kaiyuan Electronics.

This is an OEM factory that mainly manufactures mobile phones and tablet computers for some large manufacturers and does not develop self-developed products.

"A foundry can actually produce a smart watch with holographic projection function?"

Jiang Feng feels that the technology of the smart watch in his hand is at least four or five years more advanced than the smart watches currently on the market. "


At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly froze.

"Five years? Speaking of which, my future letters are also written to myself five years from now."

At this moment, Jiang Feng suddenly had a very crazy conjecture in his heart: Could it be that the person behind the Blackstone Group was reborn from the future or traveled through the future eighteen years ago? !

This guess shocked Jiang Feng.

Although Jiang Feng holds some information about the future, he is truly a native of this timeline. He can only receive letters written by his future self.

They are not the same as those 'outsiders' who have traveled through this timeline from the future.

After a brief shock, Jiang Feng quickly calmed down.

After all, this crazy conjecture might just be Jiang Feng's own conjecture.

There are black technologies in the laboratories of many large companies that have not yet been released. A smart watch with holographic projection does not mean that the other person is from the future.

Moreover, even if the other party is really a person reborn in the future, the future information he has is no longer accurate.

Because, through twenty-two consecutive letters from the future, he has changed many things in this world, and has caused the timeline of this world to shift and change.

For the reborn person who came to this world eighteen years ago, much of the information he has is no longer useful, but he can still receive information about the changed future.

One example is the acquisition of "Pak" before the Blackstone Group.

"Even if there are really reborn people, even if you are facing a reborn person, Future Letter can still be used as your trump card and cheat."

Although I also feel that my speculation is ridiculous, since I can receive letters from the future, even if there are really reborn people or time travellers, does it seem to be 'reasonable'?

Compared with this, Jiang Feng is more concerned about why Xuezhu keeps entering a death loop in this timeline?

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered.

"If there are really reborn people or time travellers, I don't know how they do it? Perhaps Xuezhu's entry into the death loop is related to this. If we can find the other party, we may be able to learn something about the situation."

However, the reborn person or the time traveler is just Jiang Feng's own hypothesis. It is not certain whether they exist or not, so how can he find the other person?

"Speaking of which, there are also the strange unsolved death cases in Jiangcheng over the years. With today's scientific and technological means, so many police elites have gathered together. Even after so many years of investigation, they still cannot be solved. Could it be related to those reborn people or time travellers?"

After a while, Jiang Feng smiled bitterly.

"I was so stunned that I actually took my fantasy seriously. I went crazy!"

Shake your head and don't think about it anymore.

After a while, Jiang Feng calmed down and looked at Ji Qingfeng.

He could feel that Ji Qingfeng had a secret.

"Uncle Qingfeng." At this time, Jiang Feng said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ji Qingfeng asked.

"What's your relationship with Blackstone Group? You can actually get products that haven't been launched yet." Jiang Feng said.

"I have nothing to do with them. If I have to say it, it should be the relationship between the merchant and the customer. I bought this smart watch with money." Ji Qingfeng said.

“Can I buy products that are not on the market?”

Ji Qingfeng paused for a moment, and then said calmly: "There are many good things on the black market."

Before Jiang Feng could continue asking, Ji Qingfeng said: "Okay, don't ask any more, I won't tell you the location of the black market transaction."


Jiang Feng paused, looked at Ji Qingfeng, and suddenly said: "By the way, Uncle Qingfeng, Sister Shuixian and I asked for your family photos."

Ji Qingfeng's pupils suddenly shrank, and murderous intent arose: "You are so brave. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"How can I protect Sister Narcissus and the others if I die?" Jiang Feng said with a smile on his face without any fear.

"You boy!"

Ji Qingfeng paused and then said calmly: "It doesn't matter. Since I told you my identity, I am naturally not afraid of you knowing my true appearance. I have something to do with you today."

"Uncle Qingfeng, tell me." Jiang Feng said.

"I don't have much time"

"Time is running out, what do you mean?" Jiang Feng asked.

"You don't need to know this." Ji Qingfeng paused and then said: "There is something I want you to return to Xu Wan for me."

After speaking, Ji Qingfeng took out a mechanical watch from his pocket.

It is exactly the same as the mechanical watch Ji Qingfeng is wearing in the Ji family portrait.

After all these years, this mechanical watch is still very new.

It seems that Ji Qingfeng really cherishes this watch.

Jiang Feng thought again of the corpse that occurred in the back hill of Sujiazhuang, Ye Mei's grandma's house.

There was also a mechanical watch on the wrist of the corpse, but it was already rusty because it had been buried underground for many years.

"So, I'm overthinking that the body is not Ji Qingfeng. In other words, this person is indeed the father of Dugu Shuixian and Ji Wuse?"

Jiang Feng calmed down and nodded: "I understand."

After a while, Jiang Feng put away his watch, and then suddenly said: "Uncle Qingfeng, I heard that you used to be a university physics teacher. I recently watched an old movie "Back to the Past" and I am very interested in this aspect. You Say, can you really go back to the past?"

Ji Qingfeng looked at Jiang Feng meaningfully.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze and said calmly: "Have you ever heard of Einstein's general theory of relativity?"

"I've heard of it, but I don't understand it," Jiang Feng said.

At this time, Ji Qingfeng added: "Based on different understandings of Einstein's general theory of relativity, the scientific community generally has two views on the timeline theory: one is called the quantum many worlds theory. Based on the uncertainty of quantum, our world Countless parallel worlds are splitting off every minute, and each possibility represents a theory. Under this theory, the timeline can be modified. Under this theory, you can go back to the past with the help of wormholes and change future."

Ji Qingfeng paused and then said: "There is also a theory that although you can use wormholes to go back to the past, you cannot change the future. What you change will be automatically repaired by the order of time and space. For example, if you go back to the past , saved a person, but it was useless. If her fate is to die, even if she is temporarily saved, the order of time and space will still obliterate her."

"These two theories are completely opposite. Which one is correct?" Jiang Feng said.

Ji Qingfeng shrugged: "I want to know too. If you can go back to the past, then back to the present, and see how the world has changed, you can prove which theory is correct. But no one can do these two steps at the same time, so, No one knows which of the two theories is correct."

"I watched the anime "Tokyo Road" where the male protagonist can go back in time. After changing the future, he returns to the present. He can continue to go back to the past and return to the present again. In order to save his girlfriend, he constantly jumps between the past and the present. Travel through time and space." Jiang Feng said.

"Cartoon, you're talking nonsense." Ji Qingfeng said angrily.

At this time, Xuezhu came up.

"Well, the ramen is ready, and there happens to be an empty seat underneath." Xuezhu said.

Ji Qingfeng said: "I'm going to eat noodles."

Afterwards, Ji Qingfeng went downstairs and left.

Xuezhu ran to Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng, who is that person?"

"The biological father of Ji Wuse and Sister Shuixian?"

"Why the uncertain tone?"

"Just not sure."

Jiang Feng paused and looked at Xuezhu, his mind filled with confusion.

According to the timeline theory mentioned by Ji Qingfeng, either the future can be changed, or it will be corrected by the order of time and space and cannot change the future.

But he has obviously changed the fate of many people, but why can't he change Xuezhu's fate?

"Is there anything special about Xuezhu?"

Jiang Feng became interested in Xuezhu's life experience for the first time.

"Look for a chance to go to Qingcheng."

Xuezhu's parents are in Qingcheng.

Dugu Shuixian had found the whereabouts of Xuezhu's parents a few years ago, but she didn't tell Xuezhu.

Jiang Feng thought to himself.

Suddenly there was a commotion below, accompanied by the sound of fighting.

Jiang Feng suddenly thought of something.

"not good!"

He rushed downstairs first.

At this time, downstairs, the restaurant on the first floor was in chaos, and Ji Qingfeng was pinned to the ground by Shen Moli's legs, unable to move.

"Moli, what are you doing?" Mother Shen panicked.

"This man is very dangerous. He almost killed Jiang Feng yesterday. He had a knife in his pocket and was wearing a mask."

After Shen Moli finished speaking, she directly tore off the 3D bionic mask on Ji Qingfeng's face.


Everyone took a breath.

Ji Qingfeng wanted to vomit blood now.

No, he had already been beaten to the point of vomiting blood by Shen Moli.

He was shocked.

Although he is a cultural person, he has been learning fighting skills over the years.

But I didn't expect that there was no resistance in front of Shen Moli.

"Is this girl a monster?!"

At this time, the sound of police cars sounded in the distance.

Ji Qingfeng became even more panicked.

He tried desperately to get up, but it was no use.

Shen Moli's power is amazing.

By the time Jiang Feng rushed down, it was already too late.

A patrol car happened to be passing by, and the diners in the restaurant called the police, who came right over.

Afterwards, the police took Ji Qingfeng and Shen Moli away directly.

Jiang Feng now also has an extremely headache.

There are still many secrets in Ji Qingfeng that have not been discovered.

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered.

"It's better to go to the police station."

After Jiang Feng went out, two policemen were escorting Ji Qingfeng into a police car.

But by chance, Dugu Narcissus came at this time.

At this time, Ji Qingfeng's 3D bionic mask had been torn off by Shen Moli, revealing his true appearance.

When he saw Ji Qingfeng, Dugu Narcissus was obviously stunned.


After reacting, Dugu Narcissus immediately rushed over: "Dad, is it you?"

"I'm not your father." Ji Qingfeng said calmly.

Then, he got into the police car.

After the police car left, Dugu Narcissus ran to Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng, what's going on?"

Jiang Feng explained the matter.

"By the way, this is the watch your father asked me to give to your mother." Jiang Feng took out the mechanical watch and said.

Dugu Narcissus looked at the mechanical watch in his hand and said calmly: "My mother gave it to him. At that time, my mother also engraved the first letter of her name xw on the inside of the watch."

She paused, put away the mechanical watch, and then said, "I'll go to the police station to have a look."

"I'm with you."

Afterwards, Jiang Feng took Dugu Shuixian's car and drove to the police station.

On the way, Jiang Feng turned on his mobile phone.

Maybe it was because Jiang Feng had searched for the corpses in the back mountain of Sujiazhuang before. As soon as he logged into a certain news app, big data showed Jiang Feng a piece of news about the bones in the back mountain of Sujiazhuang.

Then, after seeing the news content.

Jiang Feng's expression was extremely shocked.

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