A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 3 The second letter from the future

"To the 18-year-old me:

Hello, Jiang Feng, I am you in the future. My life is in a mess now and I deeply regret my past life choices. In order to prevent me from making the same mistakes in the past, I write this letter to you with great regret.

On December 2, my father will die. "

Seeing this, Jiang Feng's hand holding the diary shook violently.

"Father will die today?"

At this moment, Jiang Feng was struck by various emotions.

After a while, Jiang Feng came back to his senses.

I haven’t finished reading this letter from the future, there is more content below.

"I used to hate my father very much, and I even had thoughts like 'it would be better not to have such a father'. After my father died, I didn't cry. Because I felt that a man who didn't care about his family or his children only knew how to gamble and drink. The decadent middle-aged man is not worthy of my tears for him.

However, I was wrong.

It is true that my father became decadent because of his mother's departure. It is also true that he gambled, drank, and neglected his family. However, I never thought about it. Although my father was often short of money and even borrowed a lot of loan sharks, he himself lived in a very embarrassing situation many times. But he never cut off my living expenses and tuition fees. Much later, I found out that he had saved an education fund for me, which was under the bed in his room. No matter how desperate he was, even if the creditor wanted to chop off his fingers to force him to pay back the money, he never touched the money in it.

There are also houses in the village. Someone once offered a high price to buy it, but my father refused because he felt that if the house was sold, I would be homeless.

Much later, when I learned about these things, I felt painful and regretful.

Okay, let’s get down to business.

At nine o'clock this morning, someone will call you and say that your father is drunk and ask you to take him home.

In the past, I ignored it out of anger.

The father came home alone when he was drunk. As a result, he accidentally entered the motorway and was hit and killed by a car.

As an 18-year-old me, please don’t make the same mistake again. Please bring me, no, our father, back. Although he is not a qualified father, he loves us. Come on, 18-year-old me. "

After reading this letter from the future, Jiang Feng felt his eyes were a little blurry and tears welled up in his eyes.

He put down his diary and came to the door of his father's room.

Standing at the door of his father's room, Jiang Feng suddenly felt a feeling similar to "fear of being close to home".

He couldn't even remember how many years he hadn't been to his father's room.

Take a deep breath.

Jiang Feng opened the door. There was no peculiar smell inside and the room was clean.

Jiang Feng knew that his father smoked, but there was no smell of cigarette smoke in the room.

At this time, Jiang Feng realized that his father, a smoker, never smoked at home.

After gathering his emotions, Jiang Feng came to his father's bed and pulled out a password box from under the bed.

Later, Jiang Feng tried using his father's birthday and his mother's birthday, but he didn't open it.

Finally, Jiang Feng entered his birthday.

The lockbox was opened.

There was a pile of red RMB stacked inside, almost more than 100,000, which was enough for me to finish college.

"Has my father prepared all the money for my college education? He doesn't even know my current grades."

Jiang Feng choked.

After a long time, Jiang Feng calmed down.

He replaced the lockbox and returned to his room.

He looked at the time, it was past two in the morning.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Feng dialed his father's cell phone.

He didn't want to wait until someone was notified in the morning to pick up his father. He was worried that he still wouldn't be able to save his father's life.

He wants to take his father back now.

But no one answered the phone.

Jiang Feng called several more times in succession, but no one answered.

He didn't know where his father was now, so he had to give up.

"We can only wait for the phone call at 9 o'clock in the morning."


Time passed quickly, and a few hours passed quickly.

Eight in the morning.

A girl wearing a cap and dress came to Jiangkou Village, the urban village where Jiang Feng and Ye Mei lived.

Several men, young and old, who got up early to exercise at the entrance of the village, their eyes lit up when they saw this girl.

"What a beautiful girl!"

A young man even came up to chat with her and said, "Beauty, who are you looking for?"

Before the girl could speak, another slim beauty came out of the village.

It was Ye Mei.

"Hey, Pang Chong, guys who have girlfriends, please don't talk to our beautiful squad leader." Ye Mei said.

The beautiful girl wearing a peaked cap is Xuezhu.

"Ye Mei, she is your monitor. So beautiful." Someone else said.

"Nonsense, the most recognized beauty in our school is of course beautiful. But don't worry about it, our squad leader will definitely marry into a wealthy family in the future." Ye Mei said.

"What about you? Are you going to marry Jiang Feng as your wife?" Someone else teased.


Ye Mei choked directly.

Before she could speak, a middle-aged woman came over from the village and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't talk nonsense. Ye Mei and Jiang Feng are just childhood sweethearts, not in love!"

Ye Mei's mother.

Someone murmured: "Looking at the decline of the Jiang family, I don't want to suffer along with it, so I want to be a high stick."

Ye Mu was furious: "What did you say?"

"Just kidding, just kidding." The other party said and left quickly.

At this time, Ye Mei also calmed down.

"Squad leader, I'm telling you a joke." Ye Mei said.

"It's okay. There are people like this who like to talk nonsense everywhere." Xuezhu said with a smile.

Her image outside is the same as in school, gentle, cheerful, full of sunshine, and an angel-like existence.

This is just disguise.

Her true character is actually quite bad, but very few people know about her sinister nature.

At this time, Ye Mu also came over.

"Well, Ye Mei is right, the squad leader is indeed a beautiful woman." Ye Mu said.

Although she doesn't think her daughter's appearance is inferior to hers, the difference in bust size is obvious at a glance.

Mother Ye glanced at Ye Mei again and complained: "This child drinks too much milk. Where did all the nutrients go? Are they all on his buttocks?"

Ye Mei went crazy: "Mom!"

Ye Mu ignored Ye Mei's protest and said, "You go home and play, I'll buy groceries and have lunch at my house."

"Auntie, no need, we will go to Jiang Feng's house later." Xuezhu said.

Mother Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Going to Jiang Feng's house? Doing a home visit?"

"Well, that's right." Xuezhu said with a smile.

"Jiang Feng's father is an alcoholic, so the house must be a mess."


Ye Mei was a little angry.

"I'm going to buy groceries."

Ye Mu said nothing more and then left.

Ye Mei collected her emotions, then pointed to a house not far away and said, "Jiang's house is not far from the entrance of the village. Did you see it? That Jiang's style restaurant is Jiang Feng's."

"Jiang Feng and his family own a restaurant."

"Yeah. It's just not very open." Ye Mu said.

"Why? Is business not good?" Xuezhu asked curiously.

Ye Mei didn't speak.

"Well, if it's not convenient to say it, forget it." Xuezhu chuckled again.

Ye Mei hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Jiang Feng's family is a bit special. His mother divorced and left when he was six years old, and then his father degenerated himself and became a gambler and an alcoholic. Jiang Feng and his father's The relationship is not good, even very tense. In short, you should not mention his parents in front of Jiang Feng. Even though he looks like he has seen through the world in school, he is actually very sensitive inside. "

Xuezhu smiled: "As expected, we are childhood sweethearts who grew up together. There is probably no one in the world who understands Jiang Feng better than you."

Ye Mei did not deny it.

After a while.

Ye Mei and Xuezhu came to the downstairs of Jiang's house.

"Ye Mei, knock on the door." Xuezhu said.


Ye Mei was a little confused.

She and Jiang Feng are still in a 'cold war' and haven't spoken to each other for many days.

"Ye Mei, come on, isn't the purpose of our visit today just to reconcile you two?" Xuezhu said again.


Ye Mei took a deep breath and then came to the door of the hotel on the first floor.

When I was about to knock on the door, the door of the hotel on the first floor opened from the inside.

Jiang Feng's figure was revealed.

"I woke up so early today!"

Ye Mei was a little surprised.

According to her understanding of Jiang Feng, he would sleep until at least ten in the morning on weekends.

It's only eight o'clock.

Jiang Feng wanted to sleep until ten o'clock, but he didn't dare to sleep.

According to the letter from the future, around nine o'clock this morning, someone will call and ask him to bring his drunken father back.

If missed, my father would be killed in a car accident.

His future self regretted not saving his father, and Jiang Feng didn't want to make the same mistake again.

"I'm too excited to play games all night and can't sleep. Huh?"

At this time, Jiang Feng noticed that Xuezhu had also arrived.

Pupils shrink.

My future self's life seems terrible and full of regrets.

In addition to the death of his father, it seems that his future self does not want to have a human relationship with Xuezhu.

"Will this woman make herself miserable in the future? What happened between us?"

Jiang Feng didn't know.

The future self reveals too little information to itself. Each letter from the future only discloses the events of the day.

“If I had made different choices, would the future have been changed?”

he does not know.

At this time, Xuezhu came over, and then suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Are you so excited to play games? Did you watch some good videos all night? I will send Ye Mei away later, and we will watch together. Good things must be shared together. Well."

Jiang Feng:.

Yes, this is the true face of his angel monitor.

Dark-bellied, lustful, and even a little bit nasty.

After Xuezhu finished whispering, he returned to Ye Mei.

"What did you just say to Jiang Feng?" Ye Mei couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I told him that you want to eat the food he cooked." Xuezhu said with a smile.

"I didn't say it, but you want to eat it, right?!"

"Yeah. I'm hungry." Xuezhu smiled.

Ye Mei didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this time, Xuezhu came to Jiang Feng again and said, "Jiang Feng, what do you know how to cook?"

"As long as I have ingredients, I can do anything." Jiang Feng said.

"I want to eat Xiao Long Bao." Xuezhu said again.

Hearing the word "Xiao Long Bao", Ye Mei subconsciously lowered her head and glanced at her chest.

In fact, she wasn't that sensitive to begin with.

But when she was with Ye Mei, her pair of big D's were dangling in front of her eyes, making it difficult not to care.

"Sit wherever you want, I'm going to make the stuffing for the buns now." At this time, Jiang Feng said.

After saying that, Jiang Feng left and went to the kitchen.

Xuezhu came to Ye Mei and said, "Why are you still standing? Go help in the kitchen. This is your chance to make peace."

Ye Mei was a little confused, but finally went to the kitchen.

"I, I'm here to help." Ye Mei said.

Jiang Feng nodded: "Yes."

Then, the two fell into silence again.

After a while, Ye Mei said again: "Well, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, I am too self-righteous." Jiang Feng said.

Ye Mei's mouth twitched, and finally she said, "Can we still be friends?"

"Of course." Jiang Feng paused, then smiled and said, "We have a close friendship, and we won't let it go away."

Ye Mei sweated slightly.

"Isn't it? We were born in the same delivery room. When we first met, everyone was embarrassed to get dressed." Jiang Feng added.

"Stop it. Stop talking."

Jiang Feng smiled and said nothing more.

Ye Mei, on the other hand, secretly glanced at Jiang Feng.

"This guy seems to be in a good mood now? He was still so depressed yesterday. Is it because Xuezhu is here?"

Thinking of this, Ye Mei felt an indescribable twist in her heart.

At this moment, Xuezhu also came to the kitchen.

"Jiang Feng, can I go to your room and have a look?" Xuezhu said with a smile.

"Okay." Jiang Feng said.

There was nothing shameful in his room.

"You don't know which room it is? I'll take you there." At this time, Ye Mei suddenly said.

Xuezhu put his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "Yeah."

Afterwards, Ye Mei and Xuezhu went upstairs together.

"This room is Jiang Feng's room." Ye Mei pointed to the room on the left side of the stairs on the second floor.

Xuezhu then opened the door.

"Well, the house is quite clean." Xuezhu said.

"Although Jiang Feng is a homebody, he is not lazy." Ye Mei said.

"Huh? This is it?"

At this time, Xuezhu noticed two photos covered on the bedside table.

After straightening the photo, the group photo of Jiang Feng's family of three and the group photo of Jiang Feng and Ye Mei caught the eyes of Xuezhu and Ye Mei.

Xuezhu first picked up a group photo of Jiang Feng's family of three, with a slight smile on his lips: "Jiang Feng can actually smile so heartily."

Then, she took a photo of Jiang Feng and Ye Mei.

"He really likes you." Xuezhu said.

Ye Mei was silent and did not speak.

At this time, Xuezhu chuckled again and said: "You don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. Everyone has the right to like and reject. I once refused the pursuit of a childhood sweetheart."

"Jiang Feng is a sensitive person who easily falls into self-denial. I'm worried that he will give up on himself," Ye Mei said.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." Xuezhu smiled and said, "I will guide Jiang Feng out of the shadow of broken love."

"How to guide?" Ye Mei asked again.

Xuezhu smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Ye Mei's cell phone rang.

It was Ye Mu calling.

She didn't want her daughter to go to Jiang's house to avoid causing more rumors.

The people in the village were right about one thing.

She really didn't want Ye Mei to marry into the Jiang family.

In her opinion, Jiang Feng's life has been sealed and he will not have any future.

She felt her daughter deserved a better marriage.

After Ye Mei left, Xuezhu also went downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Jiang Feng." Xuezhu looked at Jiang Feng and said.

Jiang Feng put the wrapped steamed buns into the steamer and said, "What's wrong?"

"Ye Mei is gone, there are only two of us at home."

"Then what?"

Xuezhu smiled slightly, and then suddenly approached Jiang Feng.

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