A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 47 Opportunity to make a fortune!

Jiang Feng scratched his head and said awkwardly: "I reminded you not to forget to take birth control pills that day. It's not because I don't want to be responsible. I'm just afraid that if you are really pregnant, it will cause trouble and trouble to you."

"Are you willing to take responsibility? If I had known, I wouldn't have taken birth control pills." Mo Lan teased.

Jiang Feng's face turned red instantly.

"You're kidding." Mo Lan paused and then said, "I ran out to buy Yu Ting last night. I've already eaten it. She won't get pregnant."

Jiang Feng said nothing more.

As soon as the two of them finished eating, Mo Lan's cell phone rang.

It's from Xia He.

After answering the phone and chatting for a while, Mo Lan hung up the phone.

"Jiang Feng, Xia He asked me to go to the spa. Oh, don't worry, it's a regular service. There are no male technicians."

After saying that, Mo Lan felt that it was a bit strange to explain this to Jiang Feng.

At this time, Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Go ahead. I'll go back by myself later."

"Yeah." Mo Lan paused, then smiled and said: "Although you may be a foodie and want to find a woman, don't walk alone in a dark alley. Those women in the alley don't know whether they are sick or not. "

Jiang Feng looked embarrassed.

There is a saying that since he started having sex with Mo Lan, he has had a taste of it, and indeed he has always been restless in that regard.

"You know the taste when you eat the marrow, this word is so apt."

After gathering his emotions, Jiang Fengcai smiled and said, "I know."

Mo Lan didn't say anything more and then left.

Jiang Feng looked at the time, eight forty in the evening.

“The day is almost over, where is my opportunity to make a fortune?”

Jiang Feng walked out of the dumpling shop, and then his eyes suddenly fell on the lottery station across the road.

"It's now time, so we can only play lottery."

He came to the lottery station, but still had no clue.

What lottery to buy, how to buy it, what numbers to buy, I am completely confused.

"Computer random?"


The eighth letter from the future says that his future self once regretted not seizing the opportunity for wealth.

This sentence is also very simple to understand. First, an opportunity must appear before you can seize it.

And the computer randomly buys numbers, which is obviously not a chance.

"Little brother, what kind of lottery do you want to buy? Sports lottery, double color ball, Happy 8, I can buy them all here." The owner of the lottery station said.

"Uh, happy 8."

Because today happens to be the eighth letter from the future.

"What number should I buy?" the store owner asked again.

Jiang Feng struggled for a moment and was about to say 'computer random', then a man smelling of alcohol entered the lottery station.

"Boss, Happy 8, give me 50,000 to bet on this number." The man took out a piece of paper with a set of numbers written on it.

Seeing that he smelled of alcohol, the shop owner hesitated: "Are you sure you want to buy 50,000 bets? Are you drunk?"

"Don't care if I'm drunk or not, I'll give you money."

Afterwards, the man directly scanned the QR code and paid 100,000 yuan.

Happy 8, two yuan per bet.

After printing the lottery ticket, the man took it away directly.

After the man left, the lady boss looked at the male boss and said, "He will be sober tomorrow. He won't ask us for a refund, right?"

"We have surveillance, what are we afraid of?" the boss said.

Having said that, the boss's tone was not very confident.

At this time, Jiang Feng next to him was also a little confused.

If it were normal, if he encountered such an abnormal thing, he would be more or less willing to buy it.

But the man smelled of alcohol, so it was possible that he was drunk.

During the period of hesitation, the store owner said again: "The purchase time for Happy 8 is about to end, I must watch today's live lottery draw."

Jiang Feng checked the time and saw that the current sales deadline for Happy 8 was nine o'clock that evening.

Only a few minutes left.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, you can also bet 500 on the numbers that the person bought just now."

"Little brother, calm down. That person is obviously drunk." The store owner kindly reminded him.

"It doesn't matter!"

Later, Jiang Feng paid all of his remaining one thousand yuan deposit to the owner of the lottery station.

Without the reminder of the eighth future letter, he would most likely not dare to follow the investment.

But at the end of the day, he didn't find any wealth opportunities.

I can only take a gamble.

Jiang Feng paid the money, and the store owner said nothing more.

If you can collect an extra thousand in turnover, why not do it.

Moreover, he had already advised this young man based on his conscience.

"Doesn't it count me cheating him?"

Subsequently, the store owner printed out the 500 Happy 8 lottery tickets before the Happy 8 sales deadline.

Jiang Feng then took the lottery ticket and left.

He hurried back home.

The restaurant had just closed, and Father Jiang and Mother Shen were cleaning.

"Jiang Feng, you're back. Have you eaten?" Mother Shen asked.

"have eaten."

Jiang Feng responded, and then hurried upstairs.

The lottery result of Happy 8 is at 9:30 pm, there are still a few minutes.

He took out his mobile phone, clicked on the official website of Happy 8, and excitedly waited for the lottery results.

Time passed little by little, and Jiang Feng could even hear his own heartbeat, just like the nervous feeling he had when waiting for the first few letters from the future.

"No. I feel so nervous that I feel like having diarrhea and need to go to the toilet."

There are two bathrooms on the second floor of Jiang's house, one is in Jiang's father's room.

The other is a public bathroom with shower outside.

It's said to be public, so basically only Jiang Feng and Shen Moli will use this toilet.

Later, Jiang Feng came to the public bathroom on the second floor.

The door was closed. Jiang Feng pushed it but did not open it.

It's locked inside.

Apparently, there was someone in the bathroom.

At this moment, Father Jiang and Mother Shen were both downstairs.

They also rarely use the bathroom.

Obviously, the only person inside was Shen Moli.

When he was about to go back, the bathroom door opened.

A delicate but cold face came into Jiang Feng's eyes.

It was Shen Moli.

"I just got into the tub, and the smell inside hasn't dissipated yet. Why don't you come in again later?" Shen Moli said.

"It's okay, I don't mind."

"You are indeed a pervert."

"Whatever you say, my stomach hurts and I can't bear it anymore."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he entered the toilet.

Shen Moli left the bathroom without saying anything and closed the bathroom door for Jiang Feng.

Sitting on the toilet, although I wanted to have diarrhea, I couldn't.

However, he gradually calmed down.

"Moli Shen said there was a smell inside, but she didn't smell it at all."

Since Shen Moli moved here, this bathroom has not only been clean, but the items in it have also been neatly arranged, and it also smells of elegant perfume.

"This family really needs a woman."

Jiang Feng was a little emotional.

Although Shen Moli has a cold personality, her housework skills can be called a full-time housewife.

"I wonder which bastard will be able to marry her in the future?"

Jiang Feng was a little envious.

After a while, Jiang Feng still didn't pull it out.

However, after I calmed down, my stomach didn't seem to hurt so much anymore.

At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, the results of the Happy 8 lottery should be out by now!"

Jiang Feng quickly came out of the bathroom.

After returning to the bedroom, Jiang Feng immediately logged into the official website of Happy 8.

Then, I was confused!

He really hit the jackpot.

However, the winning result for each bet is only 5,000 yuan.

"It shouldn't be. I remember that the single bet bonus of Happy 8 was quite high in the past. Moreover, the prize pool of this period is 200 million. Why is the single bet bonus so small?"

Later, Jiang Feng discovered the reason. It turned out that someone won 50,000 bets in this period, and the prize pool was emptied directly.

According to relevant laws and regulations, single bet amounts below RMB 10,000 are tax-free.

In other words, that person won more than 200 million in this period and did not have to pay taxes.

No need to think about it, this person must be the drunk lottery player today.

Jiang Feng does not envy others.

After all, without him, Jiang Feng wouldn't have won the prize.

He bought 500 bets and received a bonus of 5,000 for a single bet. He won a total of 2.5 million and did not have to pay taxes.

This money is indeed a huge amount of money for a high school student.

But 2.5 million can only buy a house of about 120 square meters in Jiangcheng.

If it is used to treat children in orphanages, it will not save many children.

“You have to make money make money.”

But Jiang Feng had no idea how to invest the money.

This is a bit beyond his capabilities.

After all, he is not his future self. He is only 18 years old and does not know how to invest.

However, Jiang Feng has a "plug-in", and his future self can guide him to make money through letters.

Of course, because the future notebook has various restrictions, he doesn't know whether this information will be disclosed in future letters.

However, it will be twelve o'clock soon.

The ninth letter from the future is coming.

Today, the only thing he does that might change his future is winning the lottery.

As for what changes this money will bring to your future?

Jiang Feng doesn't know yet.

However, after more than an hour, something became clear.

Just wait.

I'm worried about waiting, so I'd better find something to do.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng climbed over the wall and emptied the closet and pulled out a small yellow book from the depths of the closet.

I bought this from a street stall before, costing five yuan a copy.

They are all short stories, and there are about a dozen stories included in them.

"What stories are there? I haven't read them for so long that I have forgotten them."

Jiang Feng looked through the small yellow book in his hand. The first story was called "Weekend".

The setting of the opening chapter is that of a brother and sister who are remarried, and their parents are not at home on weekends.


A while later, while Jiang Feng was watching with interest, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Jiang Feng was startled and quickly stuffed the small yellow book in his hand into the bed before getting out of bed and opening the door.

Shen Moli stood outside the door.

She had just taken a shower and was wearing pajamas.

Drops of dew were still hanging from the tips of Shen Moli's hair, which had just been bathed, exuding a faint fragrance of jasmine.

There is a faint layer of rouge under the creamy skin. I don't know whether it is light makeup or natural.

The eyelashes are slightly drooped, and the beauty is indescribable.

Jiang Feng had just read the book of "Weekend", and now facing Shen Moli, who had just taken a shower, his hormones were a little high.

But Jiang Feng could only calm down.

Because the seemingly weak woman in front of him is a Sanda master, Liu Dazhuang may not be her opponent.


Breathing lightly, Jiang Feng calmed down his emotions, then looked at Shen Moli and chuckled: "Moli, what's wrong?"

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