A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 49 It’s over, the future letter will be exposed!

When she was about seventeen years old, a fortune teller told her that she would meet the important person in her life in ten years.

Xia He always thought that the fortune teller was talking nonsense, but now she kind of believes it.

There is still another part of the fortune telling.

Said that he would have an emotional entanglement with this savior.

This is a bit ridiculous.

Xia He looked at Jiang Feng.

Although she admired this boy with admiration, it was still unimaginable to have an emotional entanglement with a boy ten years younger than her.

At this time, the sounds of ambulances and police cars rang in the distance.

A cordon was put up in front of Jiang's house, and then forensic doctors took pictures. Finally, Huang Qi's body was covered with a white cloth, loaded into an ambulance, and taken away.

As for the criminal policeman leading the team, he was still the policeman who had interrogated Jiang Feng in the drowning case of Tianzhong Guang. His name was Lu Ming. Like Xia He, he was also a squadron leader, and they were even similar in age.

Xia He is twenty-seven years old and Lu Ming is twenty-eight.

The difference is that Xia He was airborne, while Lu Ming started from the Jiangcheng police system and was promoted step by step.

This person is also very perceptive. When Jiang Feng was interrogated in the case of Tanaka Hikaru's drowning, he raised sharp questions about Jiang Feng running out in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, Shen Moli lied for Jiang Feng at that time.

"Lijun Lu, that's probably what happened. Jiang Feng accidentally stabbed that man to death to save me. He should be considered a brave man." Xia He said.

"Captain Xia, I have written down your confession. However, I cannot listen to your side of the story. Judicial handling of cases relies on legal principles and evidence."

Lu Ming paused and then said: "By the way, Captain Xia, since you are a person involved in this case, you can no longer participate in this case."

"I know."

Xia He was a little depressed, but didn't say anything else.

After all, these are the rules for handling cases.

Lu Ming and other police officers then questioned the surrounding witnesses, and then Lu Ming took Jiang Feng away from Jiang's home.

After the police car left, Mother Shen looked worried: "Xia He, Jiang Feng won't be sentenced, right?"

"Don't be nervous. In the past, you might have been convicted of excessive defense. But in the past few years, after the Kuncheng Hu Brother case, the domestic definition of legitimate defense has been much looser. Many people might have been convicted of excessive defense in the past. All the cases we faced were now ruled as self-defense." Xia He said.

A few years ago, there was an incident in Kuncheng where a tattooed man nicknamed Brother Hu threatened a passerby with a knife. As a result, the knife dropped and was picked up by the passerby, who instead hacked Brother Hu to death.

If this case were to be judged as excessive defense according to previous standards, but after the media exposure, it attracted national attention and the case was eventually judged as legitimate defense, which would have a huge impact on subsequent similar cases.

Although he said this, Xia He felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, it was Lu Ming who interrogated Jiang Feng.

She had just arrived in Jiangcheng and didn't know much about Lu Ming, but according to her colleagues, he was a very strict policeman.

If Jiang Feng cannot withstand the pressure and says something nonsense, it may be used as evidence in court.

In the news before, a man and a woman were engaged, and the man was convicted of rape. One of the very important pieces of evidence was that when the man called the woman’s mother, he personally admitted that he had raped the woman. This also became a crime against him. Important evidence for conviction.

"Speaking of which, where did Jiang Feng get the fruit knife in his hand? Moreover, he reacted too quickly. He didn't know that Huang Qi was going to assassinate Aunt Shen in advance, right?"

Xia He's eyes flickered, and then he suddenly said: "I'd better go back to the bureau and take a look."

After saying that, Xia He left in a hurry.

At this moment, Jiang Feng had been taken to the interrogation room by Lu Ming.

Different from the last time he was questioned by Lu Ming in the hospital, this time it was a serious interrogation.

The location is no longer a hospital, and Shen Moli and the others are no longer around.

He was in a closed space, facing Lu Ming and his colleagues in police uniforms.

This invisible pressure made it difficult for Jiang Feng to breathe.

Lu Ming didn't ask any questions and just kept staring at Jiang Feng.

At this time, the light shone on Jiang Feng again.

The pressure from all aspects is even stronger.

"Tell me, what's going on?" After a long time, Lu Ming finally spoke.

"Today is the day when my father and my stepmother are getting married and having a wedding banquet. I was entertaining guests when I saw someone stabbing my stepmother with a knife, so I ran over. On the way, Officer Xia He tried to intercept the assailant. But the other party didn't care at all, and stabbed Officer Xia He with a fruit knife. I was already confused at the time, and I stabbed the other person with the fruit based on my physical instinct. As for what happened after that, I don't remember it at all. No, my mind is blank." Jiang Feng said.

"Where did the fruit knife come from?"

"Our family is having a wedding banquet today. There will be a fruit plate and various pastries, and a fruit knife will be needed."

"So you keep putting the fruit knife on you?"

"A folding fruit knife is not dangerous to put in your pocket. When hosting a banquet, you may use a fruit knife at any time. For example, if a child comes early and likes to eat cakes, I can cut a small piece of fruit for him at any time. It's convenient to carry the knife with you." Jiang Feng said calmly.

Lu Ming took out a notebook and added: "According to current witnesses, you stabbed the other person with a fruit knife and kept pressing the knife on the other person. You didn't let go until the other person died, right?"

"Yes. But my mind went blank at the time. I had no idea what I was doing." Jiang Feng said.

Lu Ming's notebook also recorded the testimonies of Xia He and other witnesses. Xia He shouted several times before Jiang Feng woke up from his daze.

Lu Ming closed the notebook, looked at Jiang Feng, and said, "According to witnesses at the scene, Huang Qi's assassination was very sudden, and most people didn't react at all. How did you do it?"

Jiang Feng also looked at Lu Ming and said calmly: "Officer, is it a mistake to react quickly? If I had reacted any slower, your colleague would have died today."

Lu Ming looked at Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng looked at Lu Ming.

The two looked at each other for about ten seconds, and Lu Ming took the lead in retracting his gaze.

"Do you know who you killed?" At this time, Lu Ming asked again.

"I know. His name is Huang Qi, and he once defrauded my stepmother. I only found out about this recently," Jiang Feng said.

"Have you had any contact with him before?" Lu Ming asked again.

"Direct contact, no. But I discovered him before when he was wandering near our house."

"Do you hate him?" Lu Ming asked again.

"He defrauded my stepmother before she married into our family. I hate him. I just hate him as a scumbag, but I can't say I hate him."

Jiang Feng paused and then said: "I killed Huang Qi today not out of courage, but out of a conditioned reflex. I didn't want to kill Huang Qi. I just wanted to save my family. "Jiang Feng said.

At this time, a policeman came in and Fu Er said something to Lu Ming.

"I see."

Then, Lu Ming stood up, looked at Jiang Feng, and said, "Xia He has arranged for you to be released on bail pending trial. You can go back."

Jiang Feng said nothing, and then left the interrogation room under the leadership of the policeman.

After Jiang Feng left.

"Lijun, are you going to let him go now?" asked a policeman who stayed in the interrogation room.

"if not?"

"In the previous case of Tanaka Hikaru and now the case of Huang Qi, this guy was a major suspect, but the evidence on the surface could not convict him. How can I put this feeling? It is very inconsistent."

"Your intuition is very accurate. Jiang Feng does have an unusual sense of violation, as if he knew something in advance." Lu Ming said lightly.

"However, we investigated the case of Tanaka Hikaru, and there is indeed no evidence that he and Dugu Shuixian conspired to kill Tanaka Hikaru. However, this time Huang Qi's case was completely unexpected. As a high school student, he reacted too quickly It's as if he knew Huang Qi would come to commit murder and had already prepared a counterattack. But how did he know?"

Another policeman said: "If we can find evidence that Jiang Feng knew about Huang Qi's murder in advance, then Jiang Feng was not in self-defense, but premeditated murder."

"Continue the investigation. Find evidence. Don't jump to conclusions without evidence." Lu Mingdao.



The other side.

After completing the bail procedures, Jiang Feng and Xia He left the Jiangcheng Police Station together.

After returning home, the cordon had been withdrawn and the blood stains had been cleaned up. However, all the relatives who had come had gone back and their lives had been lost. The wedding banquet was definitely not possible.

At this time, in front of Jiang's house, only neighbors from the village in the city were watching and pointing.

Ye Mei was also in the crowd.

She looked at Jiang Feng with a worried look on her face, wanting to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

He could only watch Jiang Feng and Xia He enter Jiang's house.

At this time, Father Jiang and the others were sitting in the restaurant on the first floor, and the atmosphere was relatively silent.

Seeing Jiang Feng coming back, everyone immediately stood up.

"Jiang Feng, what, how are you?" Shen's mother asked with a worried look on her face.

Jiang Feng smiled and said: "Anyway, being brave enough to do justice cannot be judged."

"Yes, will he be sentenced?" Shen's mother asked again.

"It's hard to say." Jiang Feng said.

When Mother Shen heard this, her eyes instantly turned red.

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault."

Jiang Feng hurriedly said: "It's okay. Sister Xia He told me on the way that if my situation were in the past, I might be judged as excessive defense, but now this kind of situation is usually judged as legitimate defense."

Mother Shen wiped her tears and breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still a little uneasy before the case was finalized.

However, there was nothing she could do but wait.

Just then, a siren suddenly sounded outside.

A while later, a police car stopped in front of Jiang's house.

Several people got out of the car, and the leader was none other than Lu Ming.

He showed the search warrant and then said: "We need to search Jiang Feng's bedroom."

Jiang Feng's heart skipped a beat.

In his room lies his greatest secret, the notebook containing letters from the future.

It clearly records Huang Qi's murder today.

He did not dispose of the notebook in advance and still kept it in the bedroom.

Jiang Feng began to sweat on his forehead.

After all, he is still just a high school student, and he is not so meticulous in doing things.

Moreover, he happened to meet an extremely keen criminal policeman with strong case handling abilities.

Also bad luck.

At this time, Lu Ming suddenly looked at Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng, is that okay?"

"Of course," Jiang Feng could only say.

"All of us must be at the scene." At this time, Mo Lan said lightly.

"Okay, but you can't touch anything in the house, otherwise it will be a crime of damaging the scene." Lu Mingdao.

"we know."

Afterwards, several police officers and people from the Jiang family, including Xia He, went upstairs together.

"Which one is Jiang Feng's room?" Lu Mingyou asked.

"This room." Jiang Feng pointed to his room.

He looked calm, but he was already panicking inside.

But he had to open the door. The other party had a search warrant and could forcefully enter the house and search.

After opening the door, Lu Ming stopped everyone at the door.

"Let's take photos and videos first. From now on, except for us, no one of you can touch the items in this room, including you, Jiang Feng." Lu Ming added.

"I know." Jiang Feng said calmly.

But his palms were starting to sweat.

"Start searching." Lu Ming said at this time.

Subsequently, Lu Ming and several of his subordinates began to search Jiang Feng's bedroom to collect evidence.

"What's this?"

At this time, a policeman took out a small notebook from under Jiang Feng's pillow.

"That's, that's"

Jiang Feng hesitated.

Lu Ming's expression became suspicious. He took the small book from the policeman's hand, opened it, then shook his head and threw the small book directly to Jiang Feng: "Give it back to you."

Before Jiang Feng could hide the little yellow book, Xia He quickly took it away.


first time.


"Tsk, tsk." Xia He looked at it briefly, half-smiling.

Shen Moli remained cold and unresponsive.

But Jiang Feng just wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

This is the death of the society.

But today, Jiang Feng has a more serious situation to face than social death.

At this moment, Lu Ming suddenly reached out and opened Jiang Feng's bedside table.

Jiang Feng locked it specially, but Lu Ming didn't open it.

He looked at Jiang Feng, and then said calmly: "What's in it?"

"Nothing, just some personal belongings." Jiang Feng said bravely.

"Open it." Lu Ming said calmly.

Jiang Feng's scalp was numb and his heart was in his throat.

His notebook containing future letters is on the bedside table!

But there was no way, if he didn't open it, Lu Ming would force it to open.

In full view of everyone, Jiang Feng unlocked the bedside table.

"Let's drive away." Lu Ming said again.

After Jiang Feng retreated, Lu Ming opened the drawer.

Jiang Feng's head was buzzing now.

He watched helplessly as Lu Ming took out the notebook from the bedside table and opened it.


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