A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 54 Congratulations! 18 year old me

"Your adoptive father and mother's inheritance lawsuit hasn't gone to court yet, right?" Jiang Feng said.


"Why don't you give up your inheritance and cut it off with Tanaka Hikari and his wife? Neither you nor Sister Narcissus are the kind of people who love money, right?" Jiang Feng said.

If the Wada family were completely cut off, the two sisters might not become the targets of their creditors' anger.

"We don't love money, but we need money." Xuezhu paused and then said calmly: "There is no money. If Huatian Group abandons the orphanage in the future, what will happen to the children in the orphanage?"

Jiang Feng sighed inwardly.

According to the information he obtained from future letters, Huatian Hospital invested a large amount of the funds raised in real estate. However, as real estate suddenly cooled down in recent years, Huatian Hospital suffered huge investment losses.

Now, thanks to the good development of Huatian Medical, the core business of Huatian Group, there are still many people who do not know the truth and are willing to buy Huatian Group's financial products.

But once the scandal of human drug experimentation at Huatian Hospital breaks out, no one will invest money in it.

Once the capital chain is broken, what awaits investors is a thunderstorm.

By then, the entire group will be in crisis and the value of its assets will shrink significantly.

At that point, the adoptive parents may have more liabilities than assets.

In the case of insolvency, the so-called inheritance is completely a burden.

However, it seems that neither Dugu Shuixian nor Xuezhu knows much about the financial black hole of Huatian Group.

After all, this area has always been handled by Tanaka Hikaru himself.

After Tanaka Mitsuru's death, his younger brother Tanaka Teru was in charge of this business.

If the human drug experiment scandal at Huatian Hospital had not broken out, Huatian Group could have continued to give investors a thumbs up and continue to raise funds through illegal fund-raising. When several of Huatian Pharmaceutical's star drugs were approved for sale, Huatian Hospital's financial risks would have eliminated.

But unfortunately, God is not as good as man, and the exposure of the human drug experiment scandal detonated Huatian Hospital's financial resources in advance.

"However, for businessmen, this is a great opportunity to buy at a discount."

I just don’t know what Huatian Pharmaceutical’s unmarketed drugs are like?

This is the basis for Huatian Group to turn around.

As an outsider, it is difficult for Jiang Feng to know internal information.

It would be nice if the eleventh future letter tomorrow morning could reveal some inside information.

Oh, and information on how to make money quickly.

His current start-up capital is only 2.5 million.

Obviously, even if Huatian Group faces a bankruptcy crisis in the future, it is still impossible to buy Huatian Group with this money.

"My future self, it's time to find a way to help me make quick money. Even if you can't write it down clearly, you should at least find a way to remind me where there are opportunities to make money. Just like the time I won the lottery last time, give me a reminder. Find out for yourself.”

Jiang Feng is looking forward to it.

But he was not daydreaming, for he knew that his thoughts today could reach the future.

After regaining consciousness, Jiang Feng turned around and sweated.

I don't know when Xuezhu had taken off his clothes and got into his bed. He was not wearing pajamas, only underwear.

She was covered with a quilt, her head exposed, and then looked at Jiang Feng with a smile: "Da Lang, come here."

Jiang Feng walked over, lifted up the quilt, and picked up Xuezhu.

Then, he sent her to the next door and put her on Shen Moli's bed.

Xuezhu looked resentful: "Obviously we all have similar gaps, but you have completely different attitudes toward me and Jasmine."

"Don't talk nonsense, go to bed quickly, you can still sleep for two or three hours."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he went back to his room.

Xuezhu adjusted her mood quickly. She turned around and hugged Shen Moli.

"You can hug her, but if you touch her randomly, I'm going to beat you up." Shen Moli said calmly.

"As you command!"

Soon, Xuezhu fell asleep holding Shen Moli.

However, Shen Moli did not fall asleep.

She looked at the wall at the end of the bed. On the opposite side of the wall was Jiang Feng's room.

"Jiang Feng saved Dugu Shuixian twice in the middle of the night. Is it such a coincidence? What secret does that guy hide?"

Although she was very curious, Shen Moli would not explore it if Jiang Feng didn't tell her.

After all, everyone has their own secrets.

The next day.

Jiang Feng woke up early.

Xuezhu and Shen Moli also got up.

"I'll go to the police station to report in later. You guys go back to school first," Jiang Feng said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Xuezhu asked.

"Need not."

"All right."

After breakfast, Jiang Feng went to the police station to report.

As he was getting ready to go back to school, his phone rang.

The police specifically asked Jiang Feng to bring his mobile phone, saying that he wanted to keep in touch at all times.

It's an unknown number.

Jiang Feng pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Jiang Feng?" Sun Ze's voice sounded on the phone.

"Why do you have my phone number?"

"Asking." Sun Ze said.

"Is there anything wrong with your call?" Jiang Feng asked again.

"The school already knows about your murder. The leaders held a meeting this morning and decided to ban you from returning to school until the police determine your case. If you commit a crime, you will be expelled directly according to the school's rules. Of course, If the police finally decide that it was self-defense and you are not guilty, then you can still go back to school. Teacher Mo Lan doesn’t know how to tell you the school’s decision, so I will inform you.”

Sun Ze's tone sounded a little gloating.

This guy is a sanctimonious guy to begin with.

"I see."

After saying that, Jiang Feng hung up the phone.

He was not in a hurry to go home. He went to the small commodity supermarket first and bought a hood.

Then he went to the Welfare Lottery Center and collected the 2.5 million he won and deposited it in his bank card.

Then go home.

After returning home, Shen's mother was a little surprised.

"Jiang Feng, why are you back?"

"Oh, sleepy, I'm asking for leave today." Jiang Feng said.

"Okay, then you have a good rest at home." Mother Shen said.

Jiang Feng didn't say anything more, went upstairs, returned to his room, and started studying by himself.

The notebook only contains thirty-one pages and will be gone by the end of this month.

The college entrance examination is still six months away. By the time the college entrance examination is held, there may be no future letters.

Therefore, I still need to learn.

Two hours later, Jiang Feng started to feel sleepy.

After all, he worked hard most of the night yesterday and didn't get much sleep.

"It's better to squint for a while."

I lay down on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already dark.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

Jiang Feng opened the door.

Ye Mei stood outside the bedroom door.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised: "Your mother will let you come to my house?"

Ye Mei was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, I understand, you came here secretly." Jiang Feng paused, looked at Ye Mei and smiled again: "What's wrong?"

"The history test papers were handed out today and you passed."

After saying that, Ye Mei took out a history test paper.

Jiang Feng’s.

60 points.

no more, no less.

The mock joint examination is a relatively formal examination in Jiangcheng. The corrected papers are sealed and then marked by teachers from each school. The results are relatively real.

"It's a bit embarrassing. I even made a bet with Sun Ze that I could get a score of 93." Jiang Feng said with a bitter smile.

"But this is your first time passing, right?"

"If you say that, it seems true."

Ye Mei smiled: "This is progress. There are still half a year until the college entrance examination. If we follow this progress, we may not be able to score 93 points in the college entrance examination, or even more."

"I'd like to lend you some good words." Jiang Feng chuckled.

"And." At this time, Ye Mei took out another history test paper: "This is mine."

"It won't be a perfect score again, right?"

Although it is still difficult to get a perfect score in history, it is easy to lose points because of the subjective statement of the questions.

But Ye Mei often gets perfect scores.

Jiang Feng glanced at it and was stunned.

"80 points?"

He looked in disbelief: "Is this really your test paper?"

"It's absolutely true." Ye Mei said.

"No, you got 80 points on the test, why are you so happy? I remember you once got 89 points on the test, and your eyes were swollen from crying." Jiang Feng said.

Ye Mei still smiled and said nothing.

"I gave you the test paper, I'm going back."

After saying that, Ye Mei left.

Jiang Feng was confused.

"I don't understand."

At this time, Shen Moli came out of her room, holding bath supplies in her hands.

It seemed like he was going to take a shower.

"I heard that the representative of your history class will be the first placer in this mock joint exam. Everyone seems to think it is Ye Mei. Because she usually always ranks first in the exam. But I don't know what happened this time. She only took the exam It's eighty percent and it's causing quite a stir." Shen Moli said.

Shen Moli and Xuezhu chose physics.

She was not in the history class, but she actually heard about this.

Jiang Feng was stunned.

He finally understood that Ye Mei did not want to be Sun Ze's history class representative, and she deliberately scored 80% on the test.

"This girl"

At this time, Shen Moli said again: "Congratulations. With Xuezhu's stimulation, Ye Mei seems to have gradually realized that she likes you. Some women really need the stimulation of a love rival."

Jiang Feng smiled slightly.

"What's the use? Her mother didn't like me to begin with, and now that something happened to me, her mother won't let her be with me. Unlike her sister, Ye Mei has a softer personality, and she can't resist her Mother."

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

After gathering his emotions, Jiang Feng looked at Shen Moli and asked, "How is Liu Dazhuang's situation?"

"It's okay. He seems to have just heard about your murder and was shocked. Now he has been inquiring about your affairs and is not even in the mood to care about Wang Wei's affairs."

Shen Moli paused and then said: "Liu Dazhuang is a good person. He can make friends, better than Link."

"How did the classmates react?" Jiang Feng asked again.

Shen Moli said nothing.

Jiang Feng smiled: "You can guess that. Many people must not want me to go back to school. After all, who wants to be in the same class as a murderer."

"Not everyone is opposed to your return to school. At least me, Xuezhu, Ye Mei, and Liu Dazhuang all hope that you can return to school. As for the others, you have nothing to do with them, so you don't have to care about what they think." Shen Moli said.

Jiang Feng nodded.

"By the way, there's more." Shen Moli paused and then said, "Link has resumed school."

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

He looked at Shen Moli.

"What are you looking at me doing? I have never liked Link from the beginning to the end, nor have I considered him my boyfriend. I have never even let him touch my hand. Compared to Link, you and Xuezhu are the ones who often People who take advantage of me." Shen Moli said.

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched.

At this time, Shen Moli said lightly: "Link, this time he returned to school, his personality has changed a lot. He is bombastic and glib. In the past, although I didn't like this person, I didn't hate him either. But now, I quite hate him. .”

Jiang Feng said nothing.

From the time Link tried to borrow money from him for gambling, and if he didn't give it back, he would sever ties with him. From then on, Jiang Feng had no brotherly feelings for Link.

Shen Moli said nothing more and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

"Want to rub your back?" Jiang Feng joked.

"If you dare, come in. But you must be prepared to be a eunuch."

After Shen Moli finished speaking, she entered the bathroom with bath supplies.

Jiang Feng didn't dare to go in.

He doesn't want to become a divination.

At this time, there was a harsh braking sound downstairs.

Jiang Feng just came down from upstairs and frowned slightly.

"Who is driving so recklessly? This is a village in the city, driving so fast."

Came outside the hotel.

A red BMW M4 was parked at the door.

This car costs at least 800,000 yuan for a new car.

At this time, the car door opened, and a familiar figure stepped out of the car.


I guess I took the driver's license exam while dropping out of school.


Shen Moli was right, after not seeing him for a few days, this guy seemed to be a different person.

The clothes, grooming, and temperament are all extremely exaggerated.

However, strictly speaking, Link has changed since he became a gambler.

The last time he borrowed money, Jiang Feng felt that he was no longer the Link he knew.

"Jiang Feng, I heard that you killed someone? It's okay. Money can make all the difference. As long as you spend money, it's okay to kill one or two people." At this time, Link said while smoking a cigarette.

Jiang Feng:.

At this time, Link looked at Jiang Feng and said, "Do you want to borrow money? I am different from you. I am very willing to lend money to brothers."

The tone was mocking.

"The car you drive?" Jiang Feng pointed at the BMW M4.

"Yeah. I just bought it and it cost me more than a million."

Link paused, grinned, and then said: "A few days ago, I borrowed money from you. I told you, I have a hunch that my good luck is coming, and my fortune will turn around. As long as you are willing Lend me money. If I win money, I am even willing to give you half of it. However, you are aloof and ruthless, so you won’t lend it. Later, I went to find a car to touch porcelain. Although it was dangerous and injured, it was very painful. Fortunately, the other party was drunk and driving, so I got tens of thousands of dollars in private money. I relied on these tens of thousands of dollars to make 1.5 million in an underground casino in one night. Brother, I have seen 1.5 million people. Deposit?"

"Did you drive the car just now?" Jiang Feng said calmly.

"Of course it's me." Link paused, grinned, and said, "Are you envious? Do you want to drive my car?"

"What I want to say is that this is a village in the city. Children may run out at any time. If you drive so fast, you want to kill someone!"

Jiang Feng became angry.

Link curled his lips: "What's wrong with killing someone? There is insurance."

"Get out!" Jiang Feng said coldly.

"You want me to get out? Jiang Feng, who do you think you are?"

"If you don't get out, I'll kill you. Anyway, I've already killed one person." Jiang Feng said calmly.

Link finally gave up.

After all, he was just bragging about killing people.

But Jiang Feng has really killed people.

He didn't dare to say anything more, returned to his car, then lowered the window, looked at Jiang Feng and said: "Jiang Feng, tell Shen Moli that I am rich now and can play with any woman I want. Even if she is Even if she cries and begs for forgiveness, I won’t let her sit in my car.”

Jiang Feng didn't say anything, just picked up a brick from the door and walked towards Link.

Link was so frightened that he quickly closed the car window and drove away.

After Link left, Shen Moli just came out of the shower.

"What do you think?" Jiang Feng said.

Shen Moli said expressionlessly: "Extremely childish."

She paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and said: "However, he is right about one thing. Money can make all the difference. If you are rich, your classmates will probably not object to you. After you resume school, I might even find various angles to clear your name."

Jiang Feng said nothing.

Although it is ironic, this is reality.

At this time, a north wind blew.

Ah sneeze~

Shen Moli sneezed.

"You haven't even dried your hair yet. Don't freeze. Come inside and I'll blow dry your hair." Jiang Feng said.

Shen Moli did not refuse.

Her hair dryer is still broken.

After blowing Shen Moli's hair and having dinner, Jiang Feng went back to his room.

While studying, I waited for twelve o'clock to arrive.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Jiang Feng could no longer continue studying. His mind was focused on the eleventh future letter that was coming in an hour.

Today, his biggest expectation is the information about Huatian Hospital and how to make money quickly.

Of course, expectations are expectations. It is hard to say whether the future self can write the intelligence information he wants in future letters and deliver it.

The closer the time got to twelve o'clock, the more nervous Jiang Feng became.

The unknown future is always scary and exciting.

At twelve o'clock exactly, the future notebook emits a faint blue light on time.

Jiang Feng took a deep breath and opened his notebook.

New content appeared on the originally blank eleventh page.

To Jiang Feng's surprise, the beginning that had remained unchanged for thousands of years finally changed.

The eleventh future letter actually begins:

"Congratulations, 18-year-old me."

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