A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 56 Shen Moli is jealous

However, Shen Moli ignored him, got on the electric bike and left.

Link was a little depressed.

At this time, Ye Mei also passed by on an electric bicycle. Link said again: "Ye Mei, stop riding the electric bicycle. I will drive you."

Ye Mei looked very tired, as if she hadn't slept well.

She also ignored Link, stepped on the gas, and caught up with Shen Moli.

"Jasmine, is Jiang Feng up?" Ye Mei said.

"I wandered off somewhere in the middle of the night and came back in the morning. I'm sleeping soundly now," Shen Moli said.

Ye Mei's expression was hesitant and seemed a little tangled, but she finally said: "Well, there is something I don't know whether I should say."

"Is it related to Jiang Feng?" Shen Moli asked.


"Say it." Shen Moli said calmly.


Ye Mei took a deep breath, and then said: "I slept late last night and didn't get ready to go to bed until after twelve o'clock. Then, I saw Jiang Feng going out on an electric bicycle. I was curious, so I also rode an electric bicycle. The car followed quietly. Then, I saw him...him."

"What's wrong?"

"I saw him going to Dugu Narcissus." Ye Mei said.

"Are you looking for Xuezhu?"

"No. Xuezhu stayed on campus last night," Ye Mei said.

Shen Moli's pupils narrowed: "He went to find Dugu Narcissus?"

"Yes. I stayed in front of Dugu Shuixian's house until after two o'clock. I couldn't bear the cold anymore and had to come back." Ye Mei paused and then asked: "What time did Jiang Feng come back?"

"It's past five o'clock." Shen Moli said calmly.

"Doesn't that mean he stayed at Dugu Shuixian's place all night?" Ye Mei said.

"That's right."

The corners of Ye Mei's mouth twitched, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Shen Moli's expression remained calm, not knowing what she was thinking.

When they arrived at the school, Link was already there.

Driving a car means running fast.

At this time, several girls in the class were talking and laughing around Link.

"Wow. It's great to have money. Link used to be the kind that no one cared about in the class, but now he is so popular." Ye Mei said.

"Nothing strange. The high school campus is also a small microcosm of society. Don't talk about classmates. Didn't you see Sun Ze's attitude towards Link yesterday? He was very enthusiastic. But Sun Ze definitely has no good intentions. Sun Ze He is also a gambler, but he doesn't gamble, but gambles on rough stones. I heard that he lost a lot. Now he probably wants to trick Link into gambling on stones. These two are both gamblers, and they have the same temperament." At this time, Xuezhu left. Come over and say.

She paused, looked at Shen Moli, and said, "Moli, how is our Jiang Feng? Are you still depressed?"

Ye Mei was a little embarrassed.

People in the village used to joke with her by saying, 'Where is your Jiang Feng? ’.

However, no one has spoken since her mother caused a scene in the village.

"Are you frustrated? I didn't see it. Rather, it's just what he wanted." Shen Moli said lightly.

Xuezhu blinked: "Sister Jasmine, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

"I'm happy every day."

After Shen Moli finished speaking, she returned to her seat.

Ye Mei asked curiously: "Monitor, doesn't Shen Moli's expression look like this every day? How did you tell that she was unhappy?"

"Intuition." Xuezhu paused and then said, "What's wrong with her?"

Ye Mei smiled awkwardly.

She didn't know that it had something to do with Jiang Feng going to Dugu Shuixian's place to spend the night.

But one thing was clear to her.

That is, you must not talk to Xuezhu about this matter.

"I don't know, maybe my aunt is here?" Ye Mei said.

"I see, I understand. I'm not in a good mood during those few days of the month," Xuezhu said.

Link's place.

Although there were several girls around him, Link's thoughts were still on Shen Moli.

Men are a species with a strong desire to conquer.

In the past, Link had nothing. Facing Shen Moli, he did not dare to have any delusions.

But it's different now, he has money.

In his opinion, how could a high school girl who had never experienced social polishing resist the temptation of money?

However, he miscalculated.

Shen Moli's attitude towards him was no different from before.


Even the attitude is worse than before.

"She must be reserved. Or maybe she wants to refuse but welcomes her!"

Thinking of this, Link suddenly felt that he could do it again.

He pushed aside the girl next to him and came to Shen Moli: "Moli, I will take you to the floating restaurant for lunch at noon."

Many girls in the class looked envious when they heard this.

Pick-ups and drop-offs in sports cars and dates by the river are the dreams of many adolescent girls.



Shen Moli suddenly stood up, her aura rising.

Link was frightened for a moment.

His psychological shadow on Shen Moli was much more serious than others.


After saying that, Link quickly left.

Xuezhu blinked.

"What's wrong with this woman Shen Moli? She's obviously very angry today."

After driving away Link, Shen Moli sat down again.

She herself felt that her emotions were a little too extreme.

"Is it because Jiang Feng went to Dugu Shuixian's place to spend the night? But why am I angry about this kind of thing? Can I still control other people's private lives? Jealous? Am I jealous? Impossible! What I hate most in my life is A philandering man.”

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it and his mood gradually calmed down.

More than ten minutes later, the morning self-study class began.

This time is usually the time of the class teacher. You can study independently or hold a class meeting.

Mo Lan came to the classroom on time.

She held a performance ranking in her hand.

"All the results of last week's mock joint examination have come out, and so have the class rankings," Mo Land said.

Some students in the class were excited, while others were wailing.

At this time, Mo Lan said again: "Our school is a pilot school for the new college entrance examination model. It is still exploring teaching and has not strictly divided classes according to subject selection. Because everyone has different choices of minor subjects, this ranking is for reference only. You can't help but care. , but don’t take it too seriously.”

Mo Lan paused and then said: "According to the total score. First place, Xuezhu. Second place, Zhang Shenbo, third place Ye Mei."

Xuezhu doesn't care too much about her own ranking, she cares more about Jiang Feng's ranking.

Because she and Jiang Feng made an agreement.

If Jiang Feng gets into the top thirty of the class in this exam, she will unconditionally promise Jiang Feng something.

She was particularly curious now about what Jiang Feng would ask her to do.

"No. 29, Liu Ziyan."

At this time, Xuezhu suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Where's Shen Moli? Her results have always been in the top ten. But she's already ranked 29th. It seems she hasn't heard her name yet?"

While thinking secretly, Mo Lan's voice sounded again: "The 30th place, Jiang Feng."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole class was in an uproar.

Although everyone chooses different minor subjects, the difference in scores is not big, and the total score is still very meaningful.

Otherwise, Jiang Feng would not have been able to stabilize beyond fifty.

But now, Jiang Feng has passed the exam and ranked 30th in the class?

A slight smile appeared on Xuezhu's lips.

"If that's the case, then I have to fulfill my promise. So the question is, what will that guy Jiang Feng ask me to do?"

Another moment passed.

"No. 50, Shen Moli." Mo Lan said again.

The whole class was in an uproar again.

You know, Shen Moli's grades are extremely stable and she has always been in the top ten in the class.

Why did it suddenly drop to fifty?

At this time, Mo Lan looked up at Shen Moli and said, "Shen Moli, your scores in English and geography are zero. What's going on?"

"I overslept and did not take these two exams." Shen Moli said calmly.

In fact, she went to kill Huang Qi.

However, he failed to kill him and fell into the pond.

If it weren't for the life jacket Jiang Feng forced her to wear, she would have been buried by now.

Mo Lan said nothing more and began to summarize the mock joint examination.

Shen Moli, Xuezhu and Ye Mei were all absent-minded, each of them had their own thoughts.

But basically it's all related to Jiang Feng.

At this time, the person involved was still sleeping soundly at home.

Jiang family.

Since Jiang Feng's accident, Jiang's Restaurant has not been open again.

Mother Shen stopped smiling, her face was always worried.

She felt very guilty about Jiang Feng.

She cherishes this marriage very much, and precisely because she cherishes it so much, she worries about gains and losses.

At this time, Jiang Feng woke up and was a little hungry, so he went downstairs to find something to eat.

Seeing Shen's mother sitting downstairs in a daze, her father was at a loss next to her.

Jiang Feng pondered for a moment, then walked over.

"Mom, what are you thinking about?" Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"It's nothing, I...huh?" At this time, Mother Shen suddenly reacted and said, "What did you call me just now?"

"Mom, stepmother is also a mother, can't I call you mom?" Jiang Feng said.

Mother Shen's tears burst out instantly.

"I've hurt you like this, are you still willing to call me mom?" Mother Shen choked.

Jiang Feng smiled: "If I hadn't been able to save you, I might have felt guilty for the rest of my life. You are still alive now. This is my reward, so I can laugh. So, thank you for living."

A stepmother who is willing to pay off her father's debts, who treats you as her own, and is even willing to marry her daughter to you, what else can you ask for from her?

For Jiang Feng, this is already the best mother.

Mother Shen also wiped away her tears, and then hugged Jiang Feng: "Thank you, son."

Jiang Feng smiled, then looked at Jiang's father and said, "Dad, take mom on a trip. Wedding and honeymoon trip."


"But what? Don't middle-aged women need romance? Or are you, a middle-aged man, already pedantic?" Jiang Feng said.

Father Jiang first glared at Jiang Feng, then looked at Mother Shen, and said shyly: "Well, Shen Meng, how about we go out for a walk?"

Mother Shen smiled: "Yeah."

An hour later, the two packed their bags.

"Jiang Feng, if anything happens at home, please call us. No matter where we are, we will rush back as soon as possible." Shen's mother said.


"Also, Jasmine, please take care of me." Mother Shen said again.

Jiang Feng smiled: "It should be."

Father Shen glared at Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng, don't take advantage of us to take advantage of Jasmine's ideas!"

Mother Shen glared at Father Shen and said, "Then what's the point of our traveling? Don't we just want Jiang Feng and Jasmine to be alone?"


"Ah what, let's go."

After saying that, Mother Shen took Father Jiang and left.

Looking at the two people leaving, Jiang Feng also said with emotion: "Hua Guo is such a good stepmother."

Then he smiled slightly.

"If it had been any other girl, I wouldn't have really succeeded, but the other girl is Shen Moli, an iceberg beauty who is aloof, suspicious, cautious, and very resistant to men."

Shake your head and don't think about it anymore.

Return to the room and start studying.

Making money is making money, and learning can’t be left behind.

"Speaking of which, all the results should be out today, right? I wonder if I can get into the top thirty (including the thirtieth) in the class?"

Half past five in the evening.

Before Shen Moli returned home, an 'uninvited guest' came to the house.

Dugu Narcissus.

"Sister Narcissus, why are you here?" Jiang Feng said.

"I have been studying US stocks all day and want to help you." Dugu Shuixian said.


"Then I'll just watch from the side and say nothing, okay?" Dugu Narcissus said again.

Jiang Feng sighed: "Okay."

He doesn't know the art of PUA, but he also knows that if he wants to completely conquer someone, he must show his ability to make her admire him.

When a person worships you from the soul, she may not hesitate even if you ask her to die.

Of course, Jiang Feng would not do such a thing.

But he must completely conquer Dugu Narcissus.

After that, he used Dugu Narcissus in many places.

If there is any dissent, it will pose a potential danger to Jiang Feng's future plan to acquire Huatian Group.

After a while, Shen Moli came back.

Someone is cooking in the kitchen on the first floor.

"Mom, I'm back." Shen Moli said casually.

Dugu Narcissus came out of the kitchen, and then said with a smile: "Moli, you are back, wait a moment, dinner will be ready soon."

Shen Moli:

"Why is this woman here?"

Just at this moment, Jiang Feng came downstairs.

"Jiang Feng, where are my mother and Uncle Jiang?"

"Oh, they went on their honeymoon trip." Jiang Feng said.

Shen Moli:

She didn't say anything, then pointed at Dugu Narcissus and said, "Why is this woman here?"

"Oh, haven't you stopped studying during this period? I just want to take this opportunity to learn some public relations knowledge from her. If I don't get into college by then, it will be useful for finding a job." Jiang Feng said.

"I see. Then go ahead and do your work. You don't have to cook for me. I'm not hungry."

Shen Moli then went upstairs.

"Does she hate me?" Dugu Shuixian asked.

"Maybe. She hates cowardly people. In her opinion, suicide is the most cowardly act. The last time you committed suicide by burning charcoal, she had a bad impression of you." Jiang Feng said.

"So that's it."

Dugu Narcissus said nothing more.

After the two had dinner, they went to Jiang Feng's room together.

Turn on the computer and log in to the relevant software.

The U.S. stock market opens at 10:30 p.m.

"What stocks are you going to buy?" Dugu Shuixian asked.

"Zhifu Financing." Jiang Feng said.

Dugu Shuixian searched the Internet and was so surprised that his jaw dropped.

"I said, Jiang Feng, have you made a mistake? What kind of tricks can a company with only nine people do? Although there have been examples of AMTD Digital being wildly hyped in the US stock market and the stock price skyrocketing, but that was because of the recent At the beginning, AMTD Digital had the aura of Li Ka-shing. Later, after Li Ka-shing’s fund was clarified, AMTD Digital began to plummet. But although the Zhifu Capital you mentioned is a small-cap stock and easy to copy, it is not There’s no hype gimmick.”

Dugu Shuixian once thought that Jiang Feng might be a potential investment genius.

"But looking at it now, I may have thought too much. This guy doesn't know anything about stock trading, and he is stubborn and doesn't listen to advice."

At 10:30 p.m., the U.S. stock market officially opened, and Zhifu Capital also officially opened.

Jiang Feng directly placed a bid of fifty US dollars in the collective bidding stage before the opening of Zhifu Financing.

Dugu Shuixian's blood pressure was about to rise.

"This guy is crazy. The issue price is 4 US dollars. It looks like a bad stock at first glance. He actually put up a bid of 50 US dollars. I am speechless."

But then, Dugu Shuixian was dumbfounded.

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