"Yes." Link said again.

He still didn't notice that the call was still on the phone.

Probably because I was scared and panicked when I saw the woman coming, I didn't notice that the phone was not hung up.

Jiang Feng silently hung up the phone.

At this time, Shen Moli walked out of the classroom.

"What did he say?" Shen Moli asked.

"Well, Link is a little busy and can't come over." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"Does he have a new girlfriend?" Shen Moli asked again.

Jiang Feng said nothing.

Although Link said that she was his girlfriend.

But that counts as a girlfriend?

Isn’t she just a psychopathic middle-aged rich woman?

Seeing Jiang Feng's silence, Shen Moli said again: "I understand."

After saying that, Shen Moli turned around and returned to the classroom.

Jiang Feng's eyes pondered.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what will happen to Shen Moli and Link in the future? It was not mentioned in the previous letters from the future. Will they get back together?"

Suddenly, a whistle sounded from the direction of the playground.

Today, not only Class 3 and 6, but the entire senior class will go out to do charity activities.

It’s just that the projects each class is responsible for are different.

Xuezhu stood on the podium and said with a smile: "Everyone, Link has something to do and can't come. Let's go to the playground to gather."

Jiang Feng has returned to the classroom and is sitting in the wheelchair again.

Eyes twinkling.

Although he was very concerned about Link's current situation, his most important task today was to prevent Xuezhu and Mo Lan from meeting.

Secretly, the wheelchair moved, and someone was pushing it from behind.

Jiang Feng raised his head slightly and was stunned for a moment.

The person pushing the wheelchair was not Xuezhu or Yemei, but actually

Shen Moli.

This is someone Jiang Feng would never have thought of.

Shen Moli is simply the female version of Jiang Feng in the class, and she is also someone with very little presence.

I like to read and seldom talk.

Apart from Link, she was rarely seen talking to other men.

I heard Ye Mei say before that she didn't have many female friends among girls.

After Link dropped out of school, Shen Moli became a loner and rarely spoke.

Like Jiang Feng, she never does anything eye-catching.

but now.

The whole class was looking at her.

"Huh? What's going on? When did Shen Moli get together with Jiang Feng?"

"Wow, what is this? It feels a little exciting for no reason. Now I suddenly have two novel ideas. One is called "My Boyfriend's Brother" and the other is called "My Brother's Girlfriend."

Ye Mei was also messy in the wind.

In the past two days, she had been stimulated by Xuezhu to the point of losing her mind.

But today, I borrowed a wheelchair, so I can take care of Jiang Feng.

From Ye Mei's point of view, this was a win back for her.

But he never expected that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway, and Shen Moli would be the first to 'control' the wheelchair.

Now that things have happened, it is impossible for Ye Mei to compete with Shen Moli for a wheelchair. This kind of quarrel will only make herself a joke for others.

As for Shen Moli herself.

She didn't say a word and had no expression on her face.

Xuezhu was also watching coldly.

As the male protagonist of this unexpected incident, Jiang Feng's scalp is numb now.

"What's going on with Shen Moli? Has she turned evil? Hey, please! There are enough darkened characters around me, so don't come here to steal the show!" Jiang Feng complained in his heart.

After a while, Jiang Feng gradually calmed down.

After gathering on the playground, the school leaders delivered some speeches, and each class began to conduct their own activities under the leadership of the organizers of each class.

Today, Grade 3 and Grade 6 are going to the orphanage on Yongping Road, which is not too far from Jiangcheng No. 1 High School, about three kilometers, and it takes about half an hour to walk.

Shen Moli pushed Jiang Feng, her steps were slow and unhurried.

In less than ten minutes, the two of them had already fallen behind.

Jiang Feng was a little anxious.

He was worried that Mo Lan was already waiting for Xuezhu at the orphanage.

Jiang Feng was about to speak and urge Shen Moli.

"What kind of woman?" Shen Moli suddenly asked.


"Link's new girlfriend."

"Well, actually I don't know too much." Jiang Feng said.

He didn't tell the truth.

He can't tell Shen Moli that your ex-boyfriend was kept by a perverted rich woman, right?

At this time, Shen Moli suddenly said: "Jiang Feng, do you want a girlfriend? Although I am not as beautiful as Ye Mei, I will be very obedient. I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Jiang Feng wiped his cold sweat.

"This woman's mental state is indeed not right. Huh? Come on,"

At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly remembered something.

"In the past, Link seemed to have mentioned that Shen Moli had been bullied on campus when she was in junior high school. He also said that Shen Moli was the goddess in their junior high school, and he helped her when she was bullied by other girls. Therefore, there was a chance. Dating with Shen Moli."

Regarding the description of 'goddess', to be honest, Jiang Feng didn't feel it in Shen Moli.

Maybe because he grew up with Ye Mei, his horizons were broadened.

In Jiang Feng's view, Shen Moli was just an unremarkable literary girl.


At this moment, Jiang Feng suddenly realized something, then reached out his hand, brushed aside Shen Moli's long bangs from her forehead with his left hand, and took off Shen Moli's glasses with his right hand.

Then, he was stunned.

This is a plane mirror.

The lenses, which are obviously so thick, are actually flat.

This is not the point.

The point is,

Behind the wide, ugly spectacle lenses are a pair of deep and beautiful eyes.

Like lake water, with crystal clear waves.

Deep as the night, as bright as the stars.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if a gentle wind was blowing her eyes.


"Yeah, I understand. It's indeed beautiful."

After calming down, Jiang Feng continued: "She is so beautiful, why do she have to cover her up with such a messy hairstyle and such ugly flat glasses?"

"When I was in junior high school, a boy pursued me. I refused, but I was still resented by a girl who liked that boy. She gathered a few friends and bullied me all the time. I am not as good at fighting as Ye Mei, nor is I as powerful as the monitor. Popularity, I'm very weak and I don't have any friends to help me. I don't dare to resist them. All I can do is disguise myself. This way, others won't call me a bitch." Shen Moli said lightly.

She paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and said, "Do you think I am indeed a bitch?"


"Then are you willing to date me?" Shen Moli asked again.


Shen Moli said no more.

She continued to push Jiang Feng forward.

When passing a bridge, a girl was standing on the bridge, with river water at least four to five meters deep below.

Snow bamboo.

Jiang Feng was shocked when he saw this scene.

He got up from the wheelchair, ran over and pulled Xuezhu off the bridge pier.

"What are you doing? You are crazy! You can't commit suicide!" Jiang Feng shouted.

Xuezhu blinked, and then said: "I'm sorry. But, I am not committing suicide. I am practicing my sense of balance, and I was the swimming champion of Jiangcheng Youth Group in middle school. Even if I really fall into the water, I will not drown." "

"is that so?"

"That's it." Xuezhu paused and then said, "Why do you think I will commit suicide?"


At this time, Xuezhu smiled again and said, "Don't worry. I may die of illness or accident in the future, but I will never commit suicide."

Jiang Feng said nothing.

In the letter from the future early this morning, it was clearly written that Xuezhu committed suicide in front of him.

However, Jiang Feng also believed that at this moment, Xuezhu did not have any thoughts of suicide or murder.


Jiang Feng suddenly clenched his fists.

"The culprit of everything is Mo Lan!"

At this time, Shen Moli came over.

"Squad leader, why are you here?" Shen Moli asked.

"Waiting for you." Xuezhu paused, looked at Shen Moli who took off her flat glasses, and smiled slightly: "Moli is indeed a beauty."

Only then did Shen Moli realize that she was not wearing glasses.

He quickly put on his glasses again.

She was used to disguising herself, but after someone discovered her true appearance, it brought back some unbearable shadows in her memory, and Shen Moli was a little flustered.

"What a pity, she is so beautiful." Xuezhu said again.

"Um, squad leader, I'll leave Jiang Feng in your care. I'll leave first."

After saying that, Shen Moli left in a hurry.

After Shen Moli left, Xuezhu knelt down and lifted up Jiang Feng's trousers.

The knee that had been clotted with blood split open again, and blood began to ooze out again.

At this time, Jiang Feng ran wildly to 'save' Xuezhu.

Xuezhu caressed Jiang Feng's injured knee and remained silent.

"Xue Zhu, it's okay. A real man, it's nothing to shed a little blood. Besides, you girls bleed a lot of blood every month, we can't just let you girls bleed!" Jiang Feng said.

Xuezhu raised his head with a smirk on his lips: "Then, do you want me to put a sanitary napkin on for you too?"


Jiang Feng choked.

"No thanks."

Xuezhu said nothing more.

Let Jiang Feng sit in the wheelchair again, and she pushed the wheelchair behind.

Today, the sun is just right.

Although the sunshine in winter is not as bright as in midsummer, it is still enough to make people feel warm.

The sun shone on them, and every sunny place was filled with warmth. Those details were so tender that they were indescribable.

At this moment, it seemed that they were the only ones left in the whole world.

"Hey, Jiang Feng." At this time, Xuezhu suddenly said.

"What's wrong?"

"You said before that light and darkness follow each other, and wherever there is darkness, there must be light. What about the night shrouded in darkness? Where is the light?" Xuezhu asked again.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "My beautiful squad leader, please enlarge the pattern, just like your proud chest that stands out from the crowd."

He paused and then said: "Standing on the ground, the night is indeed shrouded in darkness; but if you stand in space, half of the earth will always be in the light area. Those dark places, as time goes by, It will definitely be shrouded in light.”

"Yeah. I understand. The situation is open and tolerance is great!"

Xuezhu then raised his head and looked at Nuanyang.


This smile was as brilliant as smoke, and it captivated the country.

Jiang Feng also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good! Xuezhu has slowly accepted his enlightenment. As long as she does not meet Mo Lan. According to this trend, Xuezhu will definitely resolve the darkness in her heart. Then, future tragedies can be avoided!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng was also a little excited.

There is nothing happier than saving someone.

But at this moment, Jiang Feng's pupils suddenly shrank.

At this moment, directly in front of them, there were two women standing there.

One is Shen Moli.

And the other one.

She is twenty-six or seventeen years old and has the standard temperament of a royal sister.

The rich black hair hangs gently on her shoulders, and her sexy and mature aura exudes like the morning dew.

She smiled, attracting men's attention like magic.

The delicate collarbone exposed by the slightly low-cut cardigan seems to penetrate the heart.

Tight jeans outline a faint triangular outline, giving people endless reverie.

Exactly, Mo Lan.

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched.

Someone once said that the more dangerous a man is, the more charming he is.

This sentence applies equally to women.

The more dangerous a woman is, the more charming she is.


At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly realized something.

"Why was Shen Moli with Mo Lan just now?? Isn't she also being targeted by Mo Lan?"

Jiang Feng's scalp felt numb.

In future letters, Mo Lan is described as an extremely dangerous figure.

Not only does she have the ability to commit crimes perfectly, but what's even more dangerous is that she is extremely good at inducing negative emotions deep within others.

This is how Xuezhu was targeted by her.

And Shen Moli also has an unbearable past deep in her heart.

The experience of being bullied in junior high school has always been buried deep in her heart.

And now she has been 'betrayed' by her boyfriend, and her mood is already unstable.

If Mo Lan fanned the flames at this time, Shen Moli didn't know what extreme things she would do.

Secretly thinking, Mo Lan had already taken the initiative to walk to Jiang Feng and Xuezhu.

"Xue Zhu, we meet again." Mo Lan looked at Xuezhu with a smile.

"Hello." Xuezhu paused and then said, "My father seemed to have said some very rude words that day. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I don't take it to heart. By the way, are you okay now? I want to talk to you." Mo Lan said again.


At this time, Jiang Feng became excited and stood up from the wheelchair.

Xuezhu and Mo Lan both looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng sat down again and then said bravely: "Xue Zhu wants to push me to the orphanage."

Mo Lan looked at Shen Moli, who was still standing in front, and waved.

"Moli, can you send Jiang Feng to an orphanage?"

Shen Moli nodded and walked over.

Jiang Feng scratched his head anxiously.

There was no way to refuse.

It would be rude to refuse forcefully.

Shen Moli's mood is already unstable today. If she is stimulated again,

Secretly, Shen Moli had already arrived behind the wheelchair.

"Then we'll leave first."

After Shen Moli finished speaking, she pushed Jiang Feng and prepared to leave.

Mo Lan also looked at Xuezhu and chuckled: "Then, let's go too."

Xuezhu nodded.

Just when the two were about to leave.


In front of him, Jiang Feng rolled out of his wheelchair, covering his stomach with his hands, his expression looking very painful.

Xuezhu didn't hesitate and ran over immediately.

"Jiang Feng, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know either. I just felt a sharp pain in my stomach suddenly. Isn't it possible that I was poisoned?" Jiang Feng said.

"I'll take you to the hospital."

After saying that, Xuezhu looked at Mo Lan again and said, "Sister Mo Lan, I'm sorry. Let's talk another day."

"Then add WeChat." Mo Lan smiled.


After adding Xuezhu's WeChat message, Mo Lan left.

"Moli, you go to the orphanage, you have to check in there. I'll just take Jiang Feng to the hospital." At this time, Xuezhu said again.

Shen Moli didn't say anything and then left.

After Shen Moli left, Xuezhu smiled and said, "Jiang Feng, does your stomach still hurt?"


Xuezhu walked around to the front of the wheelchair, stretched out his hand to rub Jiang Feng's face, and said with a smile: "Okay, stop pretending. In front of a drama queen like me, your acting skills are a bit poor."

Jiang Feng smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Xuezhu looked at Jiang Feng again and said, "Jiang Feng, you have never been so clingy before. What happened today? Why do you have to be with me? Is there any special reason?"

"Is it wrong to like someone and want to be with her?" Jiang Feng said bravely.

He paused, his eyes flickered, and finally there was a touch of determination in his eyes.

He looked at Xuezhu again, and then said slowly: "Xuezhu, I like you, can you be my girlfriend?"

A sudden confession.

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