A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 90 Xuezhu’s confession

Although I was murmuring in my heart, the acquisition had been completed and there was no point in regretting it.

Jiang Feng calmed down and stopped thinking about it.

Continue to rush to the hospital.

When I arrived at the door of my mother's ward, I was about to knock on the door when I heard my mother's laughter coming from the room.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

In Jiang Feng's somewhat vague memory, when he was a child, his mother was actually a person who loved to laugh very much.

But after being forced to divorce, killing someone in anger, and being in jail for a long time, my mother's personality changed a lot.

Now she is cautious, hiding her worries and rarely laughs.

"Who makes mother so happy?"

Out of curiosity, Jiang Feng knocked on the door.

"Please come in." Mother Jiang's voice sounded.

Jiang Feng then pushed open the door of the ward and walked in, then was stunned for a moment.

Besides mother, there is indeed one other person in this ward.

"Xue Zhu, why are you here?" Jiang Feng asked in surprise.

"Can't I be here?" Xuezhu asked.

"Uh, no." Jiang Feng paused, then smiled and said, "Why do you make my mother so happy?"

"Keep it secret." Xuezhu paused and said in a joking tone: "This is my exclusive secret to coaxing my mother-in-law. Don't worry, there will be no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in our family in the future."

Jiang Feng fell silent instantly.

In all the previous timelines, there was no future where she would marry Xuezhu.

There was only one formal interaction.

And, a few hours later, she was dead.

Xuezhu also looked at Jiang Feng.

"Here we go again. Every time he mentions my future, Jiang Feng suddenly becomes very sad. Why? I'm not terminally ill."

At this time, Jiang's mother came over and said with a chuckle: "Xue Zhu is so interesting. If Jiang Feng can marry a daughter-in-law like you, it will be like smoke rising from the ancestral graves of the old Jiang family."

"It's not that exaggerated. I have many competitors." Xuezhu said.

Jiang's mother looked at Xuezhu and said, "I quite like you. It's just..."

She paused, then smiled and said: "At most, I am just your ex-mother-in-law, and Jasmine's mother is your future mother-in-law."

"No. Although it is rude to say this to Jasmine, you are my mother-in-law." Xuezhu said.

"This kid has such a sweet mouth." Jiang's mother looked happy.

At this time, Xuezhu's cell phone rang.

After she answered the phone, she looked at her again and said, "Auntie, I'm going to leave first. I'll see you when I'm free."

"Okay." Jiang's mother nodded.

Xuezhu looked at Jiang Feng again, then smiled and said: "Jiang Feng, if you are not in a hurry to fall in love, please wait for me for a while."

Then, before Jiang Feng could speak, Xuezhu waved and left with a smile.

After Xuezhu's figure disappeared from sight, Jiang Feng withdrew his gaze.

"Jiang Feng, what do you think?" Jiang Mu asked.


"Which one do you like? I feel that we are all good children. Xuezhu, Jasmine, and Ye Mei, choose one from the three, which one do you choose?" Jiang's mother asked again.

Jiang Feng sighed: "Oh my god, I'm still a high school student. Aren't you worried about my studies?"

"Speaking of studying." Jiang Mu paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and said, "Which school do you want to go to?"

"If possible, I would like to study at your and my dad's alma mater." Jiang Feng said.

"Jiangcheng University? I heard from Xuezhu that your current grades are a bit difficult to get into Jiangcheng University."

"So we have to work hard." Jiang Feng paused, looked at Jiang Mu, and said, "Mom, what about you? Do you have any plans?"

"After I am discharged from the hospital, I will find a job. I will pay back the medical bills I owe. I have never fulfilled my responsibility as a mother, and I will never leave you with such a big debt to drag you down again," Jiang's mother said.

She knew that she had been given a cancer drug worth 1.2 million.

The price of this drug can be found anywhere online.

But she didn't know that Qian Jiangfeng had already settled the bill.

What Jiang Feng told her was that he had used special channels through connections to be reimbursed, and it only cost 200,000 yuan.

He said too little, for fear she wouldn't believe him.

But from Jiang's mother's point of view, two hundred thousand is still a huge sum of money for her or Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng thought for a while.

Although his current financial strength can completely prevent his mother from working, as a divorced and highly educated woman, what can she do to pass the time if she is not working?

At this time, Jiang's mother sighed again and said, "I have been in prison, but I don't know if I can find a good job."

"Mom, give you a business card." Jiang Feng then gave Dugu Shuixian's business card to Jiang's mother and said, "I once rescued this person. If you can't find a suitable job, go find this person. She It will definitely help.”

"Okay." Jiang's mother nodded.

Just then Dugu Narcissus sent a WeChat message asking him if he was free now and if he had something important to report to him.

"Mom, I'm going back first." Jiang Feng looked at Dugu Shuixian's WeChat and then looked at Jiang Mu.

"Yeah. Go ahead." Jiang's mother smiled.

Jiang Feng said nothing more and left the hospital.

Arriving at a deserted place, Jiang Feng dialed Dugu Shuixian's number.

"Jiang Feng?" Dugu Shuixian's voice sounded on the phone.

"It's me." Jiang Feng asked, "What happened?"

"No, it should be a good thing." Dugu Shuixian paused and then said: "Just now, a senior executive from Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group found Li Donghai and wanted to repurchase the land we obtained from Wanhe Real Estate."

"Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group?" Jiang Feng was stunned: "Isn't that land originally theirs?"

"Yes. Ten years ago, because the equipment was old and difficult to replace, and Jiangcheng was carrying out the green ecological city project, many chemical plants in the city were relocated to the new industrial zone. Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group took the opportunity to sell their factory site It was given to the government. The government sold it to Wanhe Real Estate two years ago. Wanhe Real Estate sold it to us.”

Dugu Shuixian paused and then said: "What the person in charge of Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group means is that now the Jiangcheng Ecological Project has been stopped, and many chemical companies have moved back. Because the new industrial zone is too remote, it is difficult to recruit employees. It’s a big problem. So, they also want to move back. This was a decision they made at a high-level meeting yesterday.”

"What about the price?" Jiang Feng said.

"They are willing to pay 200 million. It seems that they already know the 180 million price we paid for the land from Wanhe Real Estate."

Dugu Shuixian paused and then said: "However, Li Donghai said that he saw that the person in charge of Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group was very anxious, and our asking price could be raised to 300 million."

Speaking of this, Dugu Narcissus was also very excited: "If they agree, then we will make 120 million in just two days. Jiang Feng, you are simply an investment wizard!"

Dugu Shuixian now admires Jiang Feng more and more.

"No." At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly said calmly: "The price is one billion."

Dugu Narcissus:.

"Jiang Feng, are you drifting? Two years ago, when the government sold it to Wanhe Real Estate, it was only 500 million." Dugu Shuixian couldn't help but said.

"But, ten years ago, when the government repurchased this land from Jianggang Group, it was worth one billion." Jiang Feng said.

"But don't forget, it's a cold winter for real estate right now."

"Jiangang Group will not suddenly move back. There must be some reason." Jiang Feng paused and then said: "Ask Li Donghai to bite the price of one billion and don't let go."

Although it's unclear how it happened, according to the fifteenth future letter, the land is indeed worth a billion.

I don’t know if it’s Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group, but someone must have paid the bill.

"Okay." Dugu Narcissus said.

When she told Li Donghai Jiang Feng's asking price, his first reaction was also: Our big boss is gone!

"Miss Dugu, the big boss really wants to price one billion?" Li Donghai couldn't believe it and asked again.

"Yes. He asked you to bite the price and don't let go." Dugu Shuixian said.


It was hard for Li Donghai to imagine that Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group would be willing to take this money.

Although, ten years ago, when they bought the land to the government, it was indeed one billion.

But the reason why the government was willing to buy back this land at a high price was because it planned to develop commercial housing.

However, if Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group buys it back to build a factory, the cost will be too high.

Industrial land is much cheaper than commercial land.

Although Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group also has real estate projects, this land is poisonous.

A previous soil and environmental survey report released by the non-profit environmental organization Green Home found that this land contained excessive amounts of benzene and naphthalene, which are harmful to the human body.

This is also the reason why other real estate developers are reluctant to take over.

"What is the big boss thinking? If the land is not developed in one month, it will be taken back by the government for free. We don't have the money to develop it now. It's hard to find someone willing to take it over. It shouldn't be Do you want to take advantage of the opportunity?"

In his opinion, a price tag of one billion is simply a big deal.

"Although Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group has strong assets, it is not a fool. How can it agree?"

However, he still made an offer of one billion to Jiangcheng Iron and Steel Group in accordance with Jiang Feng's request.

Although I don't agree with this approach, after all, I am just a worker. To put it nicely, I am a professional manager, but in fact, I am just a worker.

He has to listen to his boss.

Sure enough, it was just as Li Donghai guessed.

When Li Donghai made an offer of one billion, the other party got up and left angrily.

"Oh, it's true. It seems that our mysterious big boss is really drifting."


The other side.

Jiang Feng has returned to the village in the city from the hospital.

Li Zan called just now and invited Jiang Feng to his home.

Li's house is located in the middle of a village in the city. The house has been cleaned and air purified, and it is ready for move-in.

When Jiang Feng came here, Ye Mei and Shen Moli were already here.

"Jiang Feng, I'm sorry. I brought Jasmine here in advance. It's mainly because I'm alone." Ye Mei said.

Jiang Feng smiled and said: "When we were children, the three of us visited everywhere, but now that we have grown up, we are more reserved."

"I am a girl after all, so I have to be more reserved." Ye Mei said with a smile.

"It's better to be reserved. It's better for girls to be more reserved." Jiang Feng said.

"Liar. The squad leader is not reserved at all in private. Don't you like it too?" Ye Mei said.

The tone was a little bit resentful.

"I'm not reserved, but I'm big."

At this time, Xuezhu suddenly walked in from outside.

Ye Mei reflexively compared the busts of the two, and instantly a black line appeared on her face.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"I informed her." Shen Moli said.

The river breeze made me sweat slightly.

These two people obviously have completely opposite personalities, one is lively and the other is aloof, but they have actually gotten together recently.

At this time, Li Zan came out of the house.

"The monitor is here, welcome, welcome." Li Zan smiled.

"Li Zan looks very handsome today, but..." Xuezhu then hugged Jiang Feng's arm and said, "Our Jiang Feng is still more handsome."

Ye Mei had a dark look on her face: "Class monitor, you are the leader of the class after all. Don't distort the class atmosphere! As high school students, study is our first priority, not falling in love!"

"Oh, I am a negative example. You must not imitate me." Xuezhu said again.

Ye Mei went crazy.

She couldn't talk to Xuezhu.

"You shady guy, I always thought you were a good person!" Ye Mei said again.

Xuezhu said plausibly: "I am indeed a good person. Just because I stole your man doesn't mean I am a bad person."


Ye Mei is about to vomit blood.

"Okay, stop teasing Ye Mei." Jiang Feng said.

"By the way, monitor." At this time, Li Zan chuckled and said, "Many students in the class think that you and Jiang Feng are already dating. Is it true?"

"No." Xuezhu paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and chuckled: "Jiang Feng didn't confess his love to me."

"Jiang Feng, the squad leader made it very clear that he is waiting for you to confess your love." Li Zan added.

Naturally, he wanted to bring Jiang Feng and Xuezhu together.

Otherwise, Ye Mei would never give up, and he would never have a chance.

Jiang Feng was silent.

In so many timelines in the past, he only confessed once.

In the eighth timeline, Jiang Feng confessed to Xuezhu for the first and only time.

He succeeded.

But a few hours later, Xuezhu was beaten to death by debt collectors.

At this time, Xuezhu chuckled again and said, "If he confesses his love now, I will reject it."

"Why?" Li Zan asked in confusion: "Don't you like Jiang Feng?"

"I like it." Xuezhu chuckled.

She didn't want to hide her feelings.

"Then why can't we date? Is it because of school regulations?" Li Zan asked again.

Xuezhu smiled: "There are some personal reasons."

She looked at Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng, I hope you can wait for me until February 14th, my eighteenth birthday. On that day, I will confess to you."

Preview of confession in full view.

Ye Mei's expression was sad.

In fact, she knew in her heart that there was a huge gap between herself and Xuezhu.

It's not a difference in family background, nor a difference in stature, but a difference in personality.

Xuezhu is a passionate, fearless, and courageous girl, but she is like a little hedgehog hiding in a dark castle, afraid of the sun and even daring to stick her head out.

At this time, Xuezhu looked at Jiang Feng and smiled again: "Of course, if you had chosen another girl before this, I would also respect your choice. But, that day, I will still confess to you, even if I know You will be rejected."

Jiang Feng looked at Xuezhu blankly, with surging thoughts in his heart.

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

At this time, Xuezhu smiled again and said: "Of course, there is another prerequisite. That is, I can survive until that day."

After hearing this, Jiang Feng's emotions that he had been trying to control suddenly burst.

He reached out and took Xuezhu into his arms, hugging her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would disappear.

Xuezhu was lying in Jiang Feng's arms. She could sense the hot emotions in Jiang Feng's body at this moment and the panic and uneasiness of fear of losing herself.

"Jiang Feng, does he know something?" Xuezhu also reached out and hugged Jiang Feng gently, putting his face against Jiang Feng's heart, hesitating, and finally said: "Jiang Feng, will I die?"

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