However, how could the maid let them go? She clung to the mule cart and refused to let go, crying: "Girl, you can't leave. You are also a girl. If you encounter such a thing, ask for help..." …”

When Qin Sanlang saw that the maid dared to curse Gu Jinli, his eyes sharpened and he slashed the maid's hand that was holding on to the mule cart with the knife in his hand.

With a click, the knife hit the wooden frame of the mule cart. When the maid saw the knife coming, she was frightened and hurriedly retracted her hand and fell to the ground.

The maid looked at Qin Sanlang in disbelief, how could he do such a thing? !

The maid said in a tearful tone: "My lord, my lord, how could you do this?"

Qin Sanlang sneered: "You cursed my woman and you still want me to treat you well?"

Xiaoyu was the person he cared about the most. It was too late for him to feel pain, but he was cursed by this maid who suddenly ran out. Did he think he was dead? Or do you think that his little fish has no backer?

"You, your woman?" the maid said in shock: "How can the young master say such a thing when men and women cannot communicate clearly?"

Could it be that they arrived too late?

"Yun Qing, come here and help~" Zong Zhengya interrupted the maid in time and slowly moved over with a nun supporting a shadow guard who was covered in blood.

Then he shouted weakly at the mule cart: "My benefactor, please stay~"

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this. Even the master was dispatched. It seemed that the other party really wanted them to talk to her, so that's ok: "Okay, we'll wait for you."

When Qin Sanlang heard this, he looked at Gu Jinli and saw her nodding to him. He understood that she had other plans, so he did not let Er Qing drive away in the mule cart.

When the maid Yun Qing saw this, she breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ran over to replace Zong Zhengya and support the shadow guard.

Zong Zhengya ran away and said to Qin Sanlang: "Thank you so much for saving us. If our benefactor hadn't killed four dead soldiers, we would never have survived."

As he spoke, he looked at Qin Sanlang. Well, he looks good. He is a rare handsome man. He has a tall and thick body. He is more likeable than many weak scholars.

When Qin Sanlang heard Zong Zhengya's words, his eyebrows showed disgust and impatience. He lowered the curtain and sat back in the carriage without talking to Zong Zhengya at all.

Zong Zhengya was stunned. She didn't expect Qin Sanlang to have such an attitude towards her. She was the second young lady of Zong Zheng's family and one of the three jewels in the capital, but this man didn't even look at her and hid in the carriage.

Well, it was quite interesting. She had never seen such a man before.

Zong Zhengya didn't speak anymore, but waited for Gu Jinli to come out.

Not long after, Gu Jinli actually lifted the car curtain, stuck his head out, looked at her and smiled: "Girl, my man said that there are differences between men and women. If you need anything, just tell me."

Zong Zhengya was stunned. He looked through the lantern hanging on the mule cart and saw a face that was as good as his own, with a cheerful and wanton smile on it.

Such a smile was something I had never seen before.

She is one of the three jewels in the capital, a role model for girls from aristocratic families and noble ladies. She cannot smile with her teeth exposed like this.

Moreover, this daughter of the Gu family said that Qin Sanlang was her man. Could it be that they were engaged?

Impossible. According to what the gentleman said, it was impossible for them to get engaged so soon. At least until his birthday in June, the Gu family daughter would relent and agree to marry Qin Sanlang.

That gentleman has extraordinary powers, Zong Zhengya believes that he will not lie to himself.

"Girl, what are you looking at?" Gu Jinli smiled even more heartily. She knew how this girl was sizing her up, and she understood.

As a woman, when you see a woman, the first thing you will notice is her appearance. If the other person is uglier than you, you will feel better.

This girl must be feeling unhappy right now.

Zong Zhengya came back to his senses and smiled slightly at Gu Jinli. The smile was as if he was measuring it with a ruler. The standard was not bad at all, and it was beautiful, but it lacked a touch of agility.

However, Gu Jinli had to admit that this girl was indeed a rare beauty, comparable to her eldest sister.

"Thank you so much, Miss Ya, for saving Sister Ya in danger. Sister Ya is deeply touched." Zong Zhengya said, bowed to Gu Jinli, and then asked, "Miss, my shadow guards and a few of them are here." The servants are seriously injured, please help us again, let us stay for a few days, and then hire a doctor for us to save my servants, the little girl is very grateful."

Gu Jinli said: "I can help you, but who are you? What is your identity? Why are you being hunted?"

She pointed around and said: "Although this is a small road, it is still within the city. Who is so bold and dares to kill you in the city? If you don't make it clear, we won't dare to help."

Then he said: "Girl, please hurry up and tell the truth, otherwise your enemy's dead soldiers may not be killed again, and in half an hour, government soldiers will start patrolling. If they see those corpses, they must be traced." The girl asked us for help because she didn’t want this matter to become a big deal and wanted to cover up the past.”

After hearing this, Zong Zhengya was secretly shocked. The gentleman was indeed right. This Gu family girl was smart. If she wanted to achieve her goal, she would have to tell half-truths and half-falsehoods. She couldn't just find someone. Just make excuses.

However, Zong Zhengya came well-prepared and gave Gu Jinli a perfect reason: "I am the second daughter of Zhongzhou Zongzheng's family and the granddaughter of Shangguan's family in Jiangnan. I visited my grandmother at Shangguan's family in Jiangnan some time ago. I heard about my hometown in Zhongzhou. After my great-uncle became seriously ill, I planned to rush back to my hometown in Zhongzhou. After seeing my great-uncle, I didn't know that I would encounter a dead man chasing me on the road."

At this point, she paused and then said: "As for who is chasing me, forgive me for not telling the girl. As long as the girl knows, it is the man sent by the nobles in the palace."

Gu Jinli looked shocked: "What? It's the nobles in the palace who want to kill you. No wonder you dare to be so lawless. Then, if we help you, won't we be beheaded by the nobles in the palace?"

"Hey, no, no, we are just ordinary people and we don't dare to interfere with the affairs of the palace."

Gu Jinli acted like he was scared to death, and urged Erqing to leave quickly, which shocked Zong Zhengya, and said hurriedly: "Girl, don't be afraid, those people have been killed, and I, Zong Zhengya, have Follow the official family and support her from the front, the nobles in the palace will not cause trouble for the girl, don't worry."

Zong Zhengya was afraid that Gu Jinli was going to run away, so he hurriedly begged: "Girl, please help us. When I get out of danger, I will repay you."

After speaking, he bowed to Gu Jinli again.

But before she finished the ceremony, she heard Gu Jinli say: "How do you plan to repay me?"

Then he said: "Everyone is very busy. I don't know if we will meet again in the future. Let's do this. We will help you and you can give us fifty thousand taels of silver as a reward. The money and goods will be paid in full, which is good for everyone." good."

Zong Zhengya was a famous lady in the capital, but when she heard these words, she couldn't help but want to strangle Gu Jinli to death.

Has this peasant girl fallen in the eyes of money? She had already revealed her identity, and she was still talking to her about money. She was so short-sighted. No wonder that gentleman wanted to help Qin Sanlang replace her.

If Qin Sanlang is really as good as that gentleman said, he will have great fortune in the future, then marrying such a wife will be a shame and a drag.

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