A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1009 There is another person

The captain of the shadow guard was happy to see this happen. If the two girls stayed here any longer, he was really afraid that even those of them who survived would die.

After what happened last night and this morning, the captain of the shadow guard knew very well that Qin Sanlang and the Gu family were not easy to mess with, and the Gu family was not what they imagined, just a bunch of nouveau riche with mud-legged legs. On the contrary, the Gu family is very smart, and Gu Jinan threatened the second girl for life with just a few words.

The second girl smashed everything in the house after Gu Jinan left, but when the maid named Daqing came back, she asked her to pay a hundred taels of silver, saying she couldn't leave without paying.

The second girl was so angry that she asked Yun Qing to hit someone, but Daqing knew how to punch and kick, so he slapped Yun Qing twice, which swollen Yun Qing's beautiful face.

But he felt very comfortable listening outside... Brothers who died in vain, you can rest in peace, the second girl has already suffered the consequences.

Although the Shadow Guard couldn't have any feelings, the second girl really didn't take their lives seriously, which made him very angry.

Zong Zhengya also felt that she had lost miserably. She was not convinced and wanted to win back, but she thought all the way in the mule cart, and none of her ideas worked.

That Gu Jinan was so powerful, he could kill her with just one move. If she dared to act rashly, Gu Jinan would make her pay the price of annihilating all nine clans!

The Zongzheng family had worked hard for thousands of years, but they couldn't let it be ruined because of the Gu family. What made her even more depressed was that she didn't dare to tell her family about it and ask them to help deal with the Gu family or steal back the bronze medal.

Just because she came out secretly this time, if her family knew that she had done such a stupid thing, they would most likely kill her in order to save the whole family.

Don't think that your family won't do this. The most indispensable thing among aristocratic families is for their daughters to die due to illness and get into trouble.

Moreover, she is still the second daughter. There is an eldest sister above her who has brought honor to the Zongzheng family, and there is a younger sister below her. If she dies, it will not be a pity if she really dies. The younger sister below will come up and take her place.

In addition to not being able to let his family help get rid of the Gu family, there is also the obstacle of Qin Sanlang.

If he is really a real dragon, if he offends the Gu family who is kind to him, her future fate will not be much better than that of a human pig.

Zongzheng Yasi thought about it and finally came to a conclusion that made her vomit blood: she was really restrained and could not do anything to the Gu family and their daughters.

Seeing that Zong Zhengya was extremely angry, Grandma Zong advised her, "Second girl, don't think about it anymore. This matter is over."

Then, he took the risk and boldly said: "The more you think about it, the more dissatisfied you will be, and the more stupid you will do. You have already made a mistake once, but you cannot make a mistake a second time."

The Gu family didn't dare to do anything about it. It would be of no benefit to the Gu family, so the elder of the Gu family didn't tell the Shangguan family about it.

But if the girl is stupid again and hurts the Gu family, then the head of the Gu family will definitely not let the girl and the Zongzheng family go. Then all nine clans will be killed.

"Whether the dragon is real or not, that will all happen more than ten years later. Who knows whether what he said is true or false? Second girl, please don't harm yourself for such illusory words."

Aunt Zong persuaded her earnestly, and Zong Zhengya also regained her senses and said: "Don't worry, Auntie, I will gain wisdom after eating a little. I won't be so angry that I will do something bad to myself again."

Grandma Zong breathed a sigh of relief and said happily: "It's good that the girl has figured it out."

Another reminder: "Please stay away from that gentleman in the future."

This kind of man who confuses the public with his monstrous words is still a foreigner, and it will be no good for a girl to associate with him too much.

But Zong Zhengya didn't want to give up on Ning Ji, a person who could predict the future: "He is too rare, and only one of the four things was wrong. It is too early to give up now."

However, she would give up Qin Sanlang just because Ning Ji mentioned a person who would also become a Dabao in the future, but he was violent, unpopular, and short-lived.

But as long as she assists him wholeheartedly, wins his people's hearts, and keeps his throne, even if he dies shortly, her son can succeed and ascend to the throne, then she will be the empress dowager!

I have to say that Zong Zhengya is very realistic and not stupid. This is indeed a good way for her to achieve success in one step.

Looking at Zong Zhengya's face, Grandma Zong thought she was still not convinced, so she hurriedly said: "Girl..."

As soon as he shouted, he was interrupted by Zong Zhengya: "Mom, stop talking, I know what you are going to say. Don't worry, I don't want Qin Sanlang anymore. Since he has fallen in love with a peasant girl, let him marry Farm girl, maybe.”

She wanted to see, without the help of his powerful wife family, how could he soar to the sky?

In a time of great strife, heroes will emerge in large numbers. Without the support of the wife clan, even if you are a true dragon, you will be torn apart by other heroes.

After hearing this, Grandma Zong stopped talking, waited on Zong Zhengya, and walked all the way to Zhongzhou.

Daqing soon told Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang about Zong Zhengya's departure.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli said: "It's quite smart and he didn't do anything that would cause the enemy to die."

Qin Sanlang said: "She doesn't know how. These girls from aristocratic families are very smart. They only do things that are beneficial to themselves. If they see something wrong, they will stop in time and clean up the mess."

You won't let yourself fall into a situation of eternal disaster because of the small things.

Gu Jinli looked at Qin Sanlang, tugged on his lapel and said, "You know a lot about this, have you met many ladies?"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "I haven't heard of it, but I heard something from my mother, saying that when girls from aristocratic families and nobles' daughters are young, their husbands will teach them tactics and let them understand the word "interest". As long as they are not really fools, they will learn it. After more than ten years, you will understand the principle of stopping in time to protect yourself."

Qin Sanlang didn't want to talk about Zong Zhengya. He was already in a bad mood because of her yesterday, and he couldn't let it get worse today. He pointed at the window and said, "Now that we're talking about something wonderful, hurry up and listen."

"The boss of the Ge family is crazy. In order to inherit the Ge family as soon as possible, he did not hesitate to drug his sick father. He wanted Mr. Ge to die early so that he could inherit the Ge family after his death. He also wrote a fake suicide note. That fake suicide note He actually lied that Mr. Ge left 70% of the family's property to him, and the other brothers shared 30% equally."

"Old Master Ge has four legitimate sons and six bastards, which accounts for 30% of the family property. How are the brothers below to divide it?"

"But the boss of the Ge family didn't care. He just wanted to poison Mr. Ge and write a fake suicide note. But he never thought that his brothers were not vegetarians and they also drugged Mr. Ge. Too much of the drug became very toxic. When he came out, everyone in the house became aware of the commotion, and now he is making a commotion at home."

Ke Yuli was right. The Ge family was so noisy that the roof was almost lifted off. But what they were causing trouble was not who drugged Mr. Ge, but who exposed it? !

The whole family gathered together, scolding the grandson who brought the Ge family's affairs to Shenghe Building.

He scolded Ke Yuli again: "The bastard named Ke dares to use our family's affairs to make money. If I don't kill him, my surname will not be Ge!"

However, Ke Yuli was better than them. When he first bought the story of the Ge family, he sent people to Linhe Mansion to report to the Ge family's aunt, saying that your brother was killed by your nephew and grandnephew.

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